phyllis sues92岁生日的简介

结过,1953年嫁给了喜剧演员Alan Sues,两人1958年离婚。
热心网友&5-18 18:36
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FROM Phyllis Sues
Phyllis Sues was
born in New York City on April 4th, 1923. At the age of 14, Phyllis
had her first ballet lesson and from that day on, she knew dance
was for her. In 1941, Phyllis performed as a Spanish dancer in a
USO tour for the Air Corps. From 1942 to 1948 she performed in five
long-run Broadway shows and also danced with the Ballet Russe de
Monte Carlo. In 1948, Phyllis met performer and dancer, Donald
Weissmuller. They were a successful dance duo and toured the world.
In 1953, Phyllis married comic actor, Alan Sues and they performed
together in comedy sketches in New York and Los Angeles. Phyllis
continued to dance on TV until 1968. After moving to LA, with
former late husband, Alan Sues, Phyllis started designing her own
line of women’s high fashion sportswear. Her company ran for 22
years, under her own label.
In 2003, the passion of her life gave birth to music. Her
instrument, the piano. Her genres, Jazz and Tango. Not only did
Phyllis learn to dance the Tango at 83, she also composed and
produced her own music. Phyllis brought together an extraordinary
group of musicians including, Pablo Motta, Coco Trivisonno, Ronnie
Manaog, Marcello Caceras and Chris Trujillo, and at 87, produced
six beautiful Tangos and debuted her CD “Tango Insomnia.” Phyllis
also produced a Jazz CD entitled, "Scenes of Passion” which she
also performs on piano and sings vocals with Scarlet Rouge.
Now, at 89, Phyllis dances with her teach
performing in shows and competing. She is inspiring audiences and
dancers nationwide. Phyllis practices Yoga everyday, which she
started at age 85. Yoga helps her maintain the balance, core
strength and elasticity, she needs to continue dancing. Phyllis is
currently working on her new CD. Her music is available on iTunes,
CD Baby and Amazon.
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15:44:01 &&&&来源: 湖北招考网
二三十岁的你,是不是总觉得自己正慢慢老去?微微运动就遭到全身抗议?我们来读一个可能会让人深受刺激的故事。出生于日的Phyllis Sues,可谓有着纪录片(本文来自:湖北www.网)+故事片般的人生。她于1986年至1992年在美国空军服役,海湾战争期间,曾是C-141运输机机务长。
与此(本文来源:湖北网/)同时,Phyllis Sues开始挑战秋千,并在一次荡秋千时获得灵感,作词作曲写下自己的第一首歌《Free Fall》。请看好了,人家可是这样子荡秋千的,真是拿着绳命在荡啊&&
而一(本文来自:湖北网次受伤之后,她在朋友的介绍下,第一次走进瑜伽课堂。那年,她85岁。此后,Phyllis Sues深深爱上这项运动(本文来自:湖北信息网)。在她看来,练习瑜伽是与自己的身体对话,并发现身体的巨大潜能。至今,Phyllis Sues极为感激自己跟瑜伽的相遇。
对于这样一位活力四射的老顽童,人们往往会有一个永恒的问题:她是怎么做到的?老顽童的答案是:运动、学习和倾听。此外,懂得感恩并珍惜现有的生活,也是Phyllis Sues永葆青春的秘诀所在。
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