
原标题:朝鲜2020年可能拥有79枚核武器 据americanthinker网站日报道:由美国科学与国际安保机构主席David Albright领导的知名专家团队发布的一份关于朝鲜
原标题:朝鲜2020年可能拥有79枚核武器 据americanthinker网站日报道:由美国科学与国际安保机构主席David Albright领导的知名专家团队发布的一份关于朝鲜核计划新的分析报告指出,朝鲜到2020年可能拥有足够制造79枚核武器的核材料。& 该分析报告是约翰霍普金斯大学前沿国际研究学院的美-韩联合机构开展的&朝鲜未来核能力&项目的一部分,此前该报告从未对外发布过。& Albright称,朝鲜政府正在提升钚和高浓铀产量,加速实现制造足以与核大国如印度、巴基斯坦和以色列相媲美的核武器数量。& Albright在一次采访上说道,&朝鲜正处在将其核武器计划升级至与其他核大国同一水平的边缘,突破这一关口尤其重要&。& 朝鲜目前有四处正在生产或准备生产核材料的设施。Albright接着说道,&朝鲜正努力建造更加令人&惊骇&的核武库,并将其视作国防的一个重要组成部分,希望以此来震慑他人,实现不被侵犯的目的&。 (核信息院:胡健勇)
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核心提示:[据军事与航空航天电子学网站日报道] 美国海军研究人员正在与工业界接触,寻找有哪些公司能够建造称为混合储能模块(HESM)的高功率能量存储技术样机模型, 专家说,这种技术具有提高燃油效率的潜力,对于未来的高功率武器和传感器系统很有好处,可应用到现役和
&[据军事与航空航天电子学网站日报道] 美国海军研究人员正在与工业界接触,寻找有哪些公司能够建造称为混合储能模块(HESM)的高功率能量存储技术样机模型, 专家说,这种技术具有提高燃油效率的潜力,对于未来的高功率武器和传感器系统很有好处,可应用到现役和未来的汽车,飞机,船舶和潜艇上。
&&& 海军研究局(ONR)上周发出请求的信息,帮助工业界的研究人员更好地了解HESM在军事环境中的操作,以及如何评估这项技术的演示。
&&& HESM技术涉及能量存储, 具有高能量密度、高的可变电荷和高的放电速率,以及它的模块化可重构包可用于未来的军用功率微电网和车辆上。
&&& 海军研究人员对HESM技术特别有兴趣,因为它可适用于飞机和大型电力系统。科学家们说,他们相信HESM技术应用在飞机上具有缓冲高瞬态工况,这通常能减轻对平台发电机电动执行机构的冲击。在大型电力系统,HESM可以提高连续使用的武器系统和传感器的性能和效率,改善它们的脉冲负载或高瞬态工况。
&&& 海军研究人员希望从相关公司中得到以下的有关信息:
&1千伏直流的基于高功率和能源的能源存储子系统,包括高速率充电电池,电容器,飞轮,和超导磁能存储(SMES) ;
&能源存储接口,连接1千伏直流到包括450伏交流电、4160伏交流电 、6千伏直流电在内的架构;
10 Incredible Weapons That Only America Has
10种难以置信的武器——只有美国拥有 MQ9 Reaper Drone
“MQ9 收割者”无人侦察机
Manufactured by: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI)
制造商:通用电力航空系统公司(GA-ASI) Release date: 2001
发行时间:2001年 &
“收割者”无人侦察机的历史已经有10年之久,但最近才被广泛应用于情报勘查。 Today, squadrons of F-16's are being transitioned into fully unmanned drone fleets.
如今,F-16海军中队正在逐渐转型成完全无人操纵的舰队。 The Reaper is the largest of the UAV's in the U.S. arsenal with a wingspan of 84 feet, a takeoff weight of 7,000 pounds, a payload capacity of 3,000 pounds and a flight time of 36 hours.
“收割者”是美国无人侦察机中规模最大的,翼展达84英寸(20多米),最大起飞重达7000磅,有效载荷量达3000磅,可持续飞行36小时。 The drone climbs up to 52,000 feet, and reads a license plate from over . Capable of carrying 500 pound bombs, air-to-ground, and air-to-air missiles the UAV fleet is poised to perform the lion's share of American air support.
它可以升到52000英尺,2英里外就能探测到其他飞行机牌照。能够携带500磅炸弹、空对地、空对空导弹。这种无人侦察机升级为美国空军支援中份额最大的侦察机。 As of March 2011 the Air Force has
to operate its burgeoning drone fleet than for any other weapon system in its arsenal.
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阅读更多: AA12 Atchisson Assault Shotgun
AA12 艾奇逊突击霰弹枪
Image: defense review
Manufactured by: Maxwell Atchisson
制造商:麦斯威尔 艾奇逊 Release date: 2005
发行年份:2005年 The AA12 can fire five 12-gauge shells per second and because the recoil is engineered at just 10 percent a normal shotgun, it can be fired from the hip with only one hand.
AA12每秒可射出12颗子弹。由于后座只有普通霰弹枪的10%,所以单手射击也没有问题。 The Atchisson also fires a high explosive or fragmentation grenade called a FRAG-12 round to 175 meters with equal efficiency.
它还可以射击FRAG-12 高炮弹族,包括高爆弹、破片杀伤弹,射程可达175米。 Designed for long-term combat use, tests have shown the AA12 can fire up to 9,000 rounds without being cleaned or jamming.
专为长期作战设计,已有研究表明AA12可以连续射击9000发子弹。 All the user needs to do is hold the trigger down for four seconds to empty the 20 round drum at a target.
所有使用者需要做的是将扳机压低4秒,将20发容量的弹鼓清空。 Read more:
阅读更多: PHASR Rifle
Manufactured by: the Department of Defense (DOD)
制造商:防御部门(DOD) Release date: 2007
发行年份:2007年 The Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response (PHASR) rifle is a handheld laser array, called a dazzler, capable of blinding and disorienting anyone caught in its sights.
人员暂停和刺激响应来福枪采用手持式激光阵列,可以在射击范围内的任何人盲目,失去方向。 While weapons to cause blindness were sagely restricted by the 1995 United Nations Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons (a ruling the U.S. didn't ) the PHASR causes only temporary blindness, thus escaping the ban.
尽管致盲武器受到了1995年美国国家激光致盲武器协议的限制(此协议直至2009年才得到通过),但由于相位枪只是造成暂时的致盲,所以没有被禁止。 Dazzlers were originally mounted devices to U.S. soldiers rifles as a non-lethal way to halt Iraqis who failed to stop at checkpoints.
起初这被美国士兵用来阻止未能乖乖接受检查的伊拉克人,且被广泛使用的非致死性武器。 The PHASR uses a green laser array to calculate its targets distance and ensure its non-blinding intensity.
相位枪使用一个绿色激光阵列来计算它与目标的距离,以保证一定强度而不致盲。 The Taser Shockwave
Manufactured by: TASER
制造商:泰瑟 Release date: 2008
发行年份:2008年 The Taser model will electrocute a crowd of people at the touch of a button.
泰瑟模型将只需按一个按钮就可以电死一群人。 Creating an "" the Taser can be stacked up and strung together almost indefinitely. It will also mount to any vehicle.
在制造区域封锁时,可以将泰瑟重叠并且几乎可以无限地串起来。这样将等同于任一交通工具。 The Shockwave has an effective distance of 25 feet and can be seen in action on this company video at .
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阅读更多: & The Black Knight
Manufactured by: BAE Systems (BA.L)
制造商:BAE系统(BA.L) Release date: 2008
生产日期:2008年 The Black Knight is a combination remote controlled tank and forward scouting vehicle, designed for situations too risky for manned vehicles.
黑骑士是一种综合性远程控制坦克,可以进行前方侦察。当人为驾驶太冒险时,可以采用它。 To keep costs low, the Black Knight shares a weapons systems and engine parts with the manned Bradley Fighting vehicle. Including a 30mm cannon, machine gun and 300 horsepower engine.
为了使成本较低,黑骑士采用的系统和发动机均与人为驾驶的布莱德雷战车相似。它有30mm口径的加农,机关枪和300马力的发动机。 The vehicle is also fitted with autonomous navigation software and can design and follow
without input from an outside source.
可安装自动导航软件,无需外来资源即可自主导航。 Read more:
& The Active Denial System
Manufactured by: Raytheon (RTN)
制造商:雷声(RTN) Release date: 2008
发行年份:2008年 Dubbed America's Ray Gun, by , the Active Denial System is really more a combination radar array and microwave.
被称为美国的射线枪,主动拒止系统更是一个雷达阵和微电波相结合的典型范例。 The ADS shoots a stream of electromagnetic waves, shorter than microwaves, which are instantly absorbed by the top layer of skin.
它可以产生比微波更短的电磁波,此波可立即被皮肤表层吸收。 The pain is so intense, the reaction to run from the beams so overpowering, the military calls it the "."
但疼痛相当剧烈。由于对疼痛的自然反射,人们会暂时失去战斗力,所以被称为“再见武器”。 The ADS has been used domestically, both on test subjects and prison inmates. It was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010, only to be recalled, inexplicably, months later.
在国内,它已经作为了考试科目之一,并且用在了在押犯人的身上 。美国本打算在2010年时在阿富汗使用,但是几个月后就被取消了。 The military claims there are no lingering effects from exposure.
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& The Laser Avenger
Image: Boeing
Manufactured by: Boeing (BA)
制造者:波音 Release date: 2009
发行年份:2009年 Only a few centimeters in diameter and invisible to the naked eye, the Avenger's laser is 20 times hotter than an electric stove top and will cut through artillery shells with ease.
直径只有几厘米,甚至连肉眼都难以观测到。其热量比电炉高20倍,能轻易地穿透弹壳。 The Avenger was designed with the hope of effectively detonating the Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) that inflict more damage on American forces than any other weapon.
设计制造复仇者是为了有效地引爆临时爆炸装置,这些装置对美国军队的杀伤力最大。 Current disposal methods involve a version of the MAARS robot that insurgents will bomb to take out of action.
现今采用的是一种MAARS机器人操控,如果发现敌军采取行动,那么将爆炸。 The Avenger is also
to take down aerial vehicles.
此外,研究者还对其进行了能力测试:击落无人飞行机。 Read more:
MAARS Robot (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System)
Image: QinetiQ
Manufactured by:&QinetiQ - QQ
制造商:QinetiQ-QQ Release date: 2009
发布日期:2009年 The MAARS Robot is a modified remote control, bomb disposal robot.
MAARS机器人是一个可改造的远程控制型的拆弹专家。 Customizable to various needs, the MAARS can be configured with either an MB240 machine gun and 40mm grenade launcher, or a loudspeaker and eye dazzling laser, or bean bag guns, smoke, and pepper spray.
它能够适应于各种环境,既能安装上杀伤力巨大的MB240机枪和40mm口径的手榴弹发射器,也能装上一个扩音器和可致人失明的激光,还能配置发射烟雾弹、催泪弹的装置和电击枪。 To date, no shots have been fired in combat by a remote device like the MAARS.
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& XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle
Manufactured by: Remington
制造商:雷明顿 Release date:
日期:2010年-2011年 The product of a long string of modifications to the 22 year-old M24 sniper rifle, the XM2010 is designed specifically to be effective in the high altitude long distance fighting in Afghanistan.
XM2010的前身是已有22年历史的M24狙击枪,其主要用于阿富汗战场上高纬度远距离作战中。 To provide quiet, pinpoint accuracy at up to 1200 meters the XM2010 carries more gun powder in the bullets it fires, has a flash suppressor, sound suppressor, and a thermal sleeve to hide the warm barrel from FLIR.
为了在1200米范围内达到轻声和高精准度,XM2010使用的子弹中炮粉更多,配有环火抑制器,消音器和隔热套管来包住前视红外发热枪管。 When U.S. Snipers graduate from the five-week school at Fort Benning, Ga. they are capable of hitting a man-sized target nine out of ten times at 600 meters — over a third of a mile away.
当美国狙击手从学习为期5周的学校毕业后,他们可以具备在600米处射击人像靶子10发9中的能力。 & XM25 Individual Airburst Weapon System (IAWS)
Manufactured by: Heckler & Koch
制造者:Keckler&Koch Release date: 2014
时期:2014年 Dubbed "The Punisher" by American forces in Afghanistan, the XM25 accurately shoots a next-generation, 25mm, grenade up to 500 meters.
在阿富汗作战的美国士兵取名为“惩罚者”——XM25可以精确的射出新一代口径25mm的榴弹、射程达500米远。 But, the distance isn't what impressed soldiers involved in the live trial of the weapon — it wa the grenade programming.
但是,这还不是最吸引人的,而是榴弹程序。 A targets distance is transmitted by a rangefinder in the XM25 to the grenade in the firing chamber. When the grenade leaves the barrel it is spiraling, like a football, and measures the distance it's traveled by the number of spirals it completes.
通过测距仪测定与目标物的距离,然后将其传送给即将出膛的榴弹。当榴弹离开炮管时,它像足球一样在旋转,然后通过统计它完成的旋转数来计算路程。 The detonation can be manually programmed within 10 meters to hit enemy in bunkers or behind barriers.
引爆装置可以被人为地设置成10米内击中沙坑内或壁垒后的敌军。 A platoon leader commented in an
article: "Engagements that typically take 15 to 20 minutes were over in a matter of minutes.”
在陆军时代周刊的一篇文章中,一位排长评论道:“一般需要15到20分钟的交战如今只需几分钟”。 Read more:
& And now take a look at what's being developed now
我们可以看一看更新的武器 Read more:
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