
英国削减半官方机构 欧盟:世界经济复苏将长期缓慢
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腾讯科技讯(马乔)北京时间2月3日消息,据路透社网站周五报道,欧盟大型隐私监管机构Article 29 Working Party已经致信谷歌,要求后者暂停推行新的隐私政策,并指出该机构需要调查新政策是否能保护用户的个人数据。谷歌在今年一月表示要简化隐私规定,将原有的60条指南整合为单一政策,包括YouTube、Gmail、Google+在内的所有谷歌服务都将遵循这一政策。Article 29 Working Party周五表示,在谷歌新政策于3月1日正式生效前,该机构需要对政策中的规定进行详细审查。该组织包括欧盟27个国家的数据保护官方机构以及欧盟执行委员会。该机构在2月2日向谷歌CEO拉里-佩奇(Larry Page)致信称:“鉴于你们的服务范围广,而且倍受用户欢迎,改变隐私政策可能会影响大部分甚至是全部欧盟成员国的很多公民。”信件中称:“我们希望通过协调的方式对这些公民个人数据进行保护的可能后果进行评估。”法国数据保护机构会负责调查此事。信件中还称:“基于上述理由,我们要求暂停推行新隐私政策,确保谷歌对用户、欧盟国家公民信息权的承诺不被误解,直到我们完成分析评估为止。”欧盟负责数据保护的专员维维亚娜-瑞丁(Viviane Reding)欢迎Article 29 Working Party的提议,她说有必要确保欧盟数据规定严格执行。谷歌驻布鲁塞尔新闻发言人阿尔-弗尼(Al Verney)表示:“在我们公布之前,已经向Article 29 Working Party的大多成员通报过。那时,它们当中并没有任何成员对此提出过大的疑虑。当然,我们乐于与对此存在疑问的任何数据保护机构展开对话。”在新隐私政策中,谷歌阐明会从用户中收集何种信息,为什么要收集这些信息,会如何使用数据以及在数据接入与升级时提供何种限制措施。
Copyright & 1998 - 2016 Tencent. All Rights Reserved欧盟各国情报机构喜欢“藏私”,携手反恐难_国际先驱导报_《参考消息》官方网站
国际先驱导报4月1日报道 鲜花零落,烛光点点,哀思无限&&布鲁塞尔马埃勒贝克地铁站前,比利时人用质朴的方式悼念&3&22&恐怖袭击事件的死难者。30多条生命瞬间逝去,300多人受伤,&3&22&恐袭事件留给比利时、留给欧洲太多阴影。这是继2004年马德里&3&11&爆炸案、2005年伦敦&7&7&爆炸案和去年巴黎系列恐袭事件之后,欧洲遭遇的新一期恐袭灾难。比利时在行动,欧洲在行动,世界在行动。比利时是&欧洲的十字路口&,而&3&22&恐袭事件让欧洲的反恐之路正面临新的十字路口,何去何从,欧洲人在关注,世界也在注目。欧洲各国迅速加强安保措施恐怖分子是全人类的公敌,谁也不能置身事外。布鲁塞尔是欧盟和北约总部所在地,也是一个著名的国际大都市。恐怖分子选择在国际机场和紧靠欧盟总部的地铁站实施爆炸袭击,针对的不仅是比利时人或欧洲人,乃是全世界。在&3&22&恐袭事件的死难者中,欧洲人以外就有美国人、中国人。正因为如此,&3&22&恐袭事件发生后不久,国际社会纷纷谴责这次恐怖袭击,对无辜遇难者表示哀悼,呼吁共同打击恐怖主义。与此同时,欧洲各国均加强了在公共设施附近的安全戒备,防患未然。德国各机场迅速加强安保措施。在通往欧洲交通枢纽&&法兰克福机场的路上,警方设置了临时检查站排查可疑车辆,在机场内也可看到荷枪实弹的警察在巡逻。意大利政府在人流密集的机场、地铁站和火车站增派了警力,增加额外的安检措施,并对可疑人员进行盘查。意大利政府近期还有望通过法令建立国家DNA数据库。该数据库的建立将有利于打击恐怖主义、非法移民及国际犯罪。英国同样提高了全英范围内重点区域的安全警戒水平,以保障公共安全,使公众安心。&欧洲之星&火车也暂停了在布鲁塞尔的运营服务。匈牙利则宣布将修改宪法和多项法律来制定一揽子反恐措施。根据目前的法律,匈牙利国防军只能在国外执行反恐任务,现在要达到的目标是,国防军在必要情况下能够在国内提供帮助。此外,匈牙利还将修改国家安全法、警察法、刑法。这些法律修改后,警察将会获得更大权力,比如在电话通信中享受某些特权,检查资金流动方式等。多地捕获恐袭嫌疑人作为当事国,恐袭后的比利时立即将警戒级别提高到最高级,与此同时,荷枪实弹的特警展开全城大搜捕。警车的呼啸声不绝于耳,威风凛凛的巡逻队给恐慌的人们带来些许安慰。3月24日夜,比利时警方在布鲁塞尔北部斯哈尔贝克区、西部热特区和中部地区逮捕6名嫌疑人,25日早上又抓获第7名。其中一名叫费萨尔&谢富的男子24日晚在检察官办公楼外被捕,当时他可能正在谋划另一起恐怖袭击。这让不少比利时人松了一口气。比利时的邻国德国也逮捕了两名嫌疑人。德国《明镜》周刊报道,其中一名嫌疑人于23日,即布鲁塞尔发生连环恐袭的次日在法兰克福被捕。该男子在马埃勒贝克地铁站自杀式爆炸袭击发生前3分钟,收到了两条包含地铁袭击者哈立德&埃尔-巴克拉维姓名的手机短信,该短信内容还有&完结&之类的词语。法国反恐部队24日晚在巴黎北郊阿让特伊也抓获一名嫌疑人,其策划在本土发动恐怖袭击的阴谋据称已经&进入后期阶段&。法国情报部门针对他的调查已经持续数周,反恐人员在这名男子的住所内发现了爆炸物。欧洲正发展成一个大号比利时?&3&22&恐袭事件发生后,比利时和欧洲各界都在反思,比利时的反恐漏洞有多大?多方直指比利时安保存在软肋,让政府承受巨大压力。一个让人咋舌的事实是,布鲁塞尔扎温特姆机场遭袭的主犯卜拉欣&埃尔-巴克拉维居然是比利时司法机关2014年释放的罪犯。去年,埃尔-巴克拉维在土耳其和叙利亚边境地区被土安全部队逮捕,土方怀疑其为极端分子,后被土耳其驱逐出境,土耳其当局通知了比利时方面,但比方未采取任何有针对性措施。换句话说,明知&定时炸弹&在身边,就是不作为。另据希腊媒体报道,希腊警方早在去年初的一次搜查中,就发现了极端组织预谋袭击布鲁塞尔机场的计划,并及时向比利时警方通报了此事。警方查获的一系列文件中,包括一张布鲁塞尔机场的地图。随后,希腊警方向比利时警方通报了这一消息,并把在搜查行动中逮捕的一名33岁的嫌疑人移交给比利时方面。然而,比利时方面似乎没有采取有效的防范措施。专家们普遍估计,有多达500名比利时人前往叙利亚参加&圣战&,回国后自然成为&定时炸弹&。巴黎恐袭案的主犯们大都藏匿在比利时。德国《明镜》周刊干脆把比利时称为&失败的国家&,将其跟一些欠发达国家相提并论。其实,欧洲其他国家并没有比比利时好到哪里去。正如比利时安特卫普市长所指出,作为欧盟总部所在地,比利时没有发展成为一个小欧洲。相反,欧洲正发展成为一个大号比利时。更让世界忧心的是,最近信息显示,这些恐怖分子甚至有可能盯上了比利时的核电站。比利时蒂昂日核电站一名安保人员24日晚在家中被枪杀,而杜尔核电站的两名工作人员曾前往叙利亚,加入极端组织&伊斯兰国&。去年11月巴黎连环恐怖袭击后,比利时警方在搜查嫌疑人穆罕默德&巴卡里的家时,发现一段秘密拍摄的监控录像。这段长达数个小时的录像显示,恐怖嫌疑人去年曾经监视比利时核电站一名主要负责人的行踪,而目的显然在于实施绑架和获取放射性物质。携手反恐知易行难反恐,谁都知道欧洲要携手合作,但政治表态是一回事,做起来是另一回事,所谓知易行难。情报交流与合作是反恐的头号大事,但欧洲目前在这方面做的依然是&表面文章&。当前,反恐依然被各国视为&国家事务&,泛欧合作依然停留在&自愿&的基础上。按照常理,欧洲刑警组织下属的欧洲反恐中心是欧洲反恐情报交流平台,但由于情报交流交换出于自愿,许多成员国的情报机构天然喜欢&藏私&。尽管欧盟内政部长会议多次表态要&加强合作&,但至今效果不明显。欧盟反恐协调员吉勒&德凯尔肖韦日前表示,他希望各国情报机构给欧盟的一些信息平台提供更多资料和情报,尤其是欧洲刑警组织和申根信息系统。只有查阅和比对所有信息后,才能确定嫌疑人之间相互关系,以了解其动向。德凯尔肖韦还说,欧盟成员国应加强对外部边界监控,在边境管理系统中更多使用生物技术,并使近年来欧盟成员国建立的数据库互联互通,发挥更大作用。法国总理瓦尔斯也认为,欧盟成员国急需加强对外部共同边界的监控,以阻止极端组织成员渗透到欧盟国家。意大利总理伦齐日前公开呼吁,欧洲需要统一的反恐政策。意大利内政部长阿尔法诺呼吁欧盟立即通过并推动执行全欧洲范围内的&旅客信息记录&,敦促欧盟国家尽快建立信息共享机制而不是把信息&握在自己手里&。追根溯源,中东乱局是恐怖主义滋生的&大本营&。只要&伊斯兰国&猖獗一天,只要中东的枪炮声一日不停,恐怖主义永远是一水之隔的欧洲的大隐患。如何解决中东地区冲突的&外溢&影响,是欧洲最大的挑战。不幸的是,数十年来,欧洲沉溺于&软实力&,在安全防务方面的&短板&决定着其&硬实力&跛腿。放眼全球,能在中东发挥重大影响力的还是美国和俄罗斯,欧洲则心有余而力不足。这是欧洲的无奈,亦是欧洲的宿命。
来源:百度新闻当前位置:> > >
&&& EFSA admits
the solvent used for a variety of purposes, including the
extraction of oils is not pure n-hexane, but is " petroleum
hydrocarbons which are centred on n-hexane ", which include certain
unclear compounds. EFSA claims "They do not contain aromatic
hydrocarbons or other products at concentrations which are expected
to be of toxicological concern when hexane is are used as a
previous cargo to edible fats and oils", even concludes "No
impurities or reaction products with edible fats and oils of
concern are known or expected when hexane is used as a previous
cargo." Aromatic hydrocarbon, usually refers to hydrocarbon
molecules containing benzene ring structure. Hydrocarbons later
found without the aromatic smell all use this unified term,
including benzene, xylene, and naphthalene. Evidence from China,
USA, India, Kenya, ROK prove that national/industrial standards of
n-hexane/hexane solvent worldwide for vegetable oil extraction, all
allow containing of benzene residue and "non-volatile" (crude oil
residue) . Accordingly, EFSA's claims that solvent used for
vegetable oil extraction "do not contain aromatic hydrocarbons or
other products at concentrations which are expected to be of
toxicological concern" is a naked shameless lie! [Comment: Promoting chemical solvent extracted food oil
and soybean protein powder with benzene residue and "non-
volatiles" (crude oil residue) is fascism
EFSA's claims in
2012 that solvent used for vegetable oil extraction "do not contain
aromatic hydrocarbons or other products at concentrations which are
expected to be of toxicological concern", “no impurities of
concern" is a naked shameless lie!
-- 33 points confirmed by EFSA's 2012 scientific opinion on hexane
residues in vegetable food oil
OPINION on Contaminants in the Food Chain
European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy
EFSA Journal
(1) n-HEXANE (technical grades)
(CAS No 110-54-3):n-Hexane
is often not clearly distinguished from hexane, hexane fraction or
petroleum ether (listed with decreasing purity). In fact, n-hexane
is expensive and for practically all large scale uses, technical
grade hexane or petroleum hydrocarbons are used.
(1) 正己烷(技术级别)(CAS
No 110-54-3):正己烷通常不是清楚区别于己烷、己烷烷馏分或石油醚作为降低的纯度列出)。事实上,正己烷昂贵,而且实际上所有大规模的使用,使用的是技术级正己烷或者石油碳氢化合物。
(2) CAS No
mixtures of petroleum hydrocarbons commonly called naphtha
(petroleum), hydrotreated light. The petroleum hydrocarbons are
hydrogenated, i.e. consist of saturated hydrocarbons. Commercial
products are characterised by their boiling ranges. "Hexane" refers
to those petroleum hydrocarbons which are centred on n-hexane, i.e.
with a boiling range around that of this compound.
(2) CAS No
By this, EFSA acknowledges the chemical used to extract vegetable
food oil in large scale is not pure n-hexane, but in fact is a
mixture of " petroleum hydrocarbons which are centred on n-hexane
", which include certain unclear
(3) The most commonly used
technical hexanes consist of around 50 % n-hexane accompanied by
cyclopentane, isohexane and isoheptane. Hexane is used for a
variety of purposes, including the extraction of oils and fats from
oil seeds and fruits, as a diluent and for cleaning.
(3) 最为通常使用的技术级己烷含有大约50%的正己烷以及环戊烷,正己烷和异庚烷。己烷用于多种目的,包括从油料种子和水果萃取油脂,以及清洁用稀释剂。
(4) n-Hexane is a product of lipid
peroxidation and is present in non-refined edible oils at around 1
Chinese National Standard Soybean Oil (GB 1535—<span STYLE="FonT-siZe: 14 CoLor: #03):
Soybean crude oil (non-refined edible oils), solvent MIR is
1535—<span STYLE="FonT-siZe: 14 CoLor: #03)规定,大豆原油(未经精炼食用油)中溶剂残留≤100
(5) Previous evaluations: The SCF
evaluated hexane as previous cargo in 1996 and considered it
acceptable (SCF, 1997a). This conclusion was based on the fact that
hexane was considered acceptable as an extraction solvent for food
(SCF, 1996). This was based on the evaluation of a 90-day toxicity
study (TNO, 1992, as cited in SCF, 1996) performed on a technical
hexane (n-hexane content 58 %) that had a no-observed-effect
level (NOEL) of 40 mg/kg b.w. By assuming that the effects seen
were due only to n-hexane, a NOEL of 23 mg/kg b.w. was
calculated and on the basis of a series of assumptions regarding
n-hexane occurrence and consumption in food a margin of
exposure of around 200 was estimated. In the 2003 SCF evaluation of
acceptable previous cargoes, n-hexane was not further
evaluated as it was already considered acceptable (SCF,
(5) 以前的评价:欧盟食品科学委员会(SCF)1996年对己烷作物以前的货物进行了评价并认为它可接受(SCF,
1992, as cited in SCF, 1996)的评价,该项研究定了40
The basic toxicology study for SCF to determine " hexane was
considered acceptable as an extraction solvent for food" in 1996,
was "based on the evaluation of a 90-day toxicity study performed
on a technical hexane (n-hexane content 58 %) in
(6) In 1999, the ATSDR reviewed
the toxicological profile of n-hexane. It was reported that
peripheral neuropathy is the major consequence of human exposure to
n-hexane in the air but no data were available on the
consequences of exposure to n-hexane by the dermal or oral
route. There was no reliable information in animal studies on the
potential carcinogenicity of n-hexane but there was no
evidence that n-hexane increased the risk of cancer in
exposed populations. It was concluded that the exposure of the
general population to n-hexane is low and the risk of
adverse health effects from n-hexane exposure appears to be
negligible. Since vegetable oils are extracted with solvents
containing n-hexane, it is possible that very small amounts
are present in these products but these amounts were considered
toxicologically insignificant.
(6) 1999年,美国卫生与人类服务部毒性物质与疾病登记公共卫生服务机构(ATSDR)审视了正己烷毒理学的状况。报告了人体接触空气中正己烷的主要后果是周围神经病变,但是没有正己烷通过皮肤或者口服途径暴露正己烷后果的数据。没有动物研究对于正己烷潜在致癌性的可靠信息,但是没有正己烷在暴露人群中增加癌症风险的证据。ATSDR结论:大众人群对正己烷的暴露较低而且来自正己烷暴露的危害健康影响看来可忽略。由于植物油用含正己烷的溶剂萃取,这些产品中可能有很少量的残留,但是这些微量被认为毒理学上微不足道。
(7) In 2005, the US-EPA provided a
toxicological review of data as scientific support to the IRIS
assessment for n-hexane that proposed an inhalation
reference dose (RfC) of 7 & 10-1 mg/m3 (US-EPA, 2005). This value
was established using data from an inhalation study in rats (Huang
et al., 1989) where behavioral, neurophysiological, and
neuropathological effects were analysed.
& 10-1 mg/m3(US-EPA, 2005).该值的设定来于使用一项大鼠中吸入研究的数据(Huang
et al., 1989),该项研究对大鼠造成的行为性、神经生理学、神经病理影响进行了分析。
(8) Expected impurities: Hexane
and petroleum hydrocarbons are usually mixtures of saturated
hydrocarbons. They do not contain aromatic hydrocarbons or other
products at concentrations which are expected to be of
toxicological concern when hexane is are used as a previous cargo
to edible fats and oils.
(8) 预计的杂质:己烷于石油碳氢化合物通常是饱和碳氢化合物的混合物。己烷如以前用于萃取油脂的货物时,它们不包含芳烃碳氢化合物或者含量预计成为毒理学担心的其他成分。
Aromatic hydrocarbon, usually refers to hydrocarbon molecules
containing benzene ring structure. Hydrocarbons later found without
the aromatic smell all use this unified term, including benzene,
xylene, and naphthalene. Evidence from China, USA, India, Kenya,
ROK prove that national/industrial standards of n-hexane/hexane
solvent worldwide for vegetable oil extraction, all allow
containing of benzene residue and "non-volatile" (crude oil
residue) . Accordingly, EFSA's claims that solvent used for
vegetable oil extraction "do not contain aromatic hydrocarbons or
other products at concentrations which are expected to be of
toxicological concern" is a naked shameless
(9) Reactivity and reaction
products: Hexane and petroleum hydrocarbons are not expected to
react with edible fats and oils.
(9) 反应性和反应产品:己烷与石油碳氢化合物被认为与油脂不反应。
(10) Absorption, distribution,
metabolism and elimination: No oral exposure studies evaluating
absorption and distribution of n-hexane in humans or
laboratory animals are available.
(10) 吸收、分布、代谢与排除:没有可获得的对正己烷在人类或实验动物中吸收与分布的口服暴露研究。
(11) However, absorption following
oral exposure is very likely given its lipid solubility and has
been suggested by the identification of n-hexane and its
metabolites in expired air, serum, and urine. In addition,
neurotoxicity observed following oral exposure of rats to
n-hexane also suggests oral absorption of the chemical.
Several inhalation studies in humans and animals show that
n-hexane is absorbed into the circulation and transported to
the liver, the major site of metabolism. In the liver it is
initially hydroxylated by the action of mixed function oxidases to
form either 1- or 3-hexanol in a detoxification pathway or
2-hexanol in a bioactivation pathway. 2,5-Hexanedione is believed
to be the major toxic metabolite produced in humans (Perbellini et
al., 1981). n-Hexane metabolites are then distributed in the
blood to various organs and tissues, including the liver, kidney,
and brain.
(11) 然而,考虑到正己烷的脂溶性,其口服暴露后的吸收非常看来可能,而且已经提出正己烷及其代谢物在呼气、血清、尿液中的识别。此外,大鼠口服正己烷后观察到神经毒性也提议口服正己烷后的吸收。人类与动物中的数项吸入研究显示正己烷吸收进入血液循环并传输到肝脏,主要的代谢处。在肝脏中,正己烷通过混合功能氧化酶类羟化作用形成解毒途径的1-己醇或3-己醇,或者生物活性途径中的2-己醇。2,5-己二酮被认为是正己烷在人类中产生的主要毒性代谢物(Perbellini
et al., 1981)。正己烷的代谢物在血液中分布到不同的器官与组织,包括肝、肾与脑。
(12) A single study in humans
suggests elimination following oral exposure to n-hexane. No
specific oral exposure studies in laboratory animals are available
on the elimination of n-hexane.
(13) Transfer across the placenta
has been demonstrated in rats for n-hexane and for the
metabolites 2-hexanone and 2,5-hexanedione (Bus et al.,
(13) 在大鼠中演示正己烷及其代谢物:2-己酮和2,5-己二酮可以传输通过胎盘(进入胎儿)(Bus
et al., 1979)。
(14) Acute toxicity: Few acute
toxicity studies are available for n-hexane. HSDB (2005a)
reports LD50 values of 28 710 mg/kg b.w., or 24 and 45 mL/kg
(approximately 15 840 and 29 700 mg/kg b.w.) for juvenile and adult
rats. For inhalation exposure, a 4-hour LC50 of 48 000 ppm has been
reported for both rats and mice (HSDB, 2005a).
(14) 急性毒性:对正己烷只有很少可以获得的毒性研究。HSDB
710 mg/kg/体重,24
840 mg/kg/体重与29
700 mg/kg/体重)。对吸入暴露,对大鼠与小鼠都报告了3小时半致死量为48,000
(15) ECHA has classified
n-hexane as a skin irritant category 2; H315 (Regulation
(EC) No.).43
(15) 欧洲化学机构(ECHA:European
Chemicals Agency将正己烷为皮肤刺激性<span STYLE="FonT-siZe: 14 BACKGroUnD: CoLor: #类;分类号H315(Regulation
(EC) No.)。[43]
(16) Subacute, subchronic and
chronic toxicity studies: The database for subchronic oral exposure
to n-hexane is limited to two gavage studies in rats
(Krasavage et al., 1980; Ono et al., 1981).
(16) 亚急性、亚慢性与慢性毒理学研究:对亚慢性口服暴露于正己烷的文献数据库仅限于大鼠中两项强饲法研究(Krasavage
et al., 1980; Ono et al., 1981)。
(17) Krasavage et al. (1980)
studied the neurotoxicity of n-hexane and practical grade
hexane in rats receiving the chemicals by gavage, 5 days per week
for 90 or 120 days. The onset of neuropathy was assessed by the
initial appearance of hind-limb paralysis. This effect was observed
only from exposure to the highest dose of n-hexane tested (3
980 mg/kg b.w. for 120 days). Practical grade hexane (4 000 mg/kg
b.w.) and the lower doses of n-hexane tested (570 and 1 140
mg/kg b.w.) did not produce hind-limb paralysis during the 90 day
testing period.
(17) Krasavage et al.
980 mg/kg/体重,持续120天)中观察到。实际级己烷(4
000 mg/kg/体重)与较低剂量正己烷(570与1140
(18) US-EPA (2005) considered
these studies inadequate for the development of an oral health
based guidance value for n-hexane.
(18) 美国环保署(EPA)(2005)认为这些研究不足以对正己烷制定口服健康基础的指导值。
(19) No data are available
regarding the potential toxicity of n-hexane in orally
exposed humans.
(19) 对于正己烷在口服反人类中潜在毒性没有可以获得的数据。
(20) There are a considerable
number of epidemiological studies on environmental /occupational
exposure via other routes of exposure. The majority of these
studies show an association between inhalation exposure to
n-hexane and neurological symptoms in occupationally exposed
individuals although the information on exposure is imprecise and
data are inappropriate for dose-response modelling. Regarding the
mode of action evidence has focused on the capacity of
n-hexane to undergo metabolism to 2,5-hexanedione, which
appears to have the ability to interact with specific proteins on
the neurofilaments thus accounting for the induction of
(20) 对正己烷通过其他途径暴露的环境性/职业性暴露有相当数量的流行病学研究。这些研究的大部分显示职业性暴露人士吸入暴露正己烷与神经学症状有关联,尽管对于暴露的信息不精确而且数据对剂量--响应模拟不适合。关于作用方式的证据集中于正己烷代谢为2,5-己二酮的能力,它们看来有能力与神经纤维细丝上特定蛋白质相互作用,因而诱发神经毒性。
(21) Genotoxicity: n-Hexane
induced a marginal effect on chromosome loss of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae D61.M strain (Mayer and Goin, 1994). Treatment with
n-hexane (99 % pure) at concentrations up to 5 000 μg/mL
SCEs were increased in the presence of S9 but the effect was not
dose-related (NTP, 1991). Induction of polyploidy was reported in
the absence of S9 in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (Ishidate et
al., 1984),
(21) 致基因毒性:正己烷对酿酒酵母D61.M菌株诱发了边际影响染色体的损失(Mayer
and Goin, 1994)。用正己烷(99%纯度)处理,在浓度高度5000
et al., 1984)。。
(22) In an in vivo mouse
bone marrow cytogenetics assay, doses of 500, 1 000 or 2 000 mg/kg
n-hexane (99 % pure) administered by intraperitoneal
(i.p.) injection chromosomal aberrations were slightly
increased, but this increase was not significant (unpublished NTP
studies, as cited in NTP, 1991).
(22) 在一项试管内小鼠骨髓细胞遗传学分析中,腹腔内注射500、1000或2000
(23) EFSA concludes: Overall these
data suggest no concern for genotoxicity of
(23) 欧洲食品安全机构结论:总体讲,这些数据提议正己烷不造成对基因毒性的担心。
(24) Carcinogenicity: There are no
animal carcinogenicity studies available that examine exposure to
n-hexane itself, and there is a single human study (Beall et
al., 2001) where workers were chronically exposed to mixtures
containing n-hexane along with other
(24) 致癌性:没有可获得的审查暴露于正己烷本身的动物致癌性研究,在唯一的一个人类研究(Beall
et al., 2001)中,职工慢性暴露于含正己烷以及其他化学品的混合气体。
(25) In laboratory animals exposed
for 2 years via inhalation to a commercial hexane mixture
containing n-hexane (0, 900, 3 000 or 9 000 ppm), there was
a statistically significant dose-related increase in hepatocellular
combined adenomas and carcinomas in female B6C3F1 mice
(Biodynamics, 1993, as cited in US-EPA, 2005; Daughtrey et al.,
1999). There was also an increased incidence of pituitary
hyperplasia, adenomas, and adenocarcinomas in exposed females. This
increase was not observed in male mice or in either sex of F344
rats exposed to commercial hexane under the same
(25) 在实验室动物持续2年吸入暴露商业己烷混合气体(0、900、3000或9
000 ppm),在雌性B6C3F1小鼠中有统计意义剂量--相关增加的肝细胞腺瘤和癌(Biodynamics,
1993, 由US-EPA,
Daughtrey et al., 1999)。在暴露的雌鼠中垂体增生、腺瘤和腺癌也有所增加。在暴露于同样状况商业己烷的F344大鼠雄鼠或雌鼠中没有观察到这样的增加。
(26) The relevance of this study
to the identification of the carcinogenic potential of
n-hexane is unclear due to the unknown toxicity contribution
of the other components of the mixture and uncertainty as to
whether the apparent carcinogenic response in female mice was truly
treatment related. US-EPA (2005) considered the data inadequate for
an assessment of the human carcinogenic potential of
(26) 由于混合气体中其他组分的毒性以及雌鼠中显著致癌的响应是否真的处理相关,因此该项研究来识别正己烷致癌潜力的相关性不清。美国环保署US-EPA
(27) Developmental: Upon exposure
to hexane by inhalation, developmental toxicity was reported in
rats (Mast, 1987, as cited in ATSDR, 1999).
(27) 发育性:吸入暴露于己烷后,报告在大鼠中发生发育性毒性(Mast,
1987, ATSDR, 1999引用)。
(28) Reproductive toxicity:
Embryotoxicity was also reported (Mast et al., 1988, as cited in
ATSDR, 1999) but only at the highest dose tested. Focal
degeneration of spermatocytes and exfoliation of elongated
spermatids was observed in rats treated with hexane but only at
very high air concentrations (about 1 000 ppm) following exposure
for 21-24 hours per day (De Martino et al., 1987, as cited in
ATSDR, 1999). These signs were also reported in rats after large
oral doses of ~ 4 g/kg b.w. per day administered by gavage 5 days
per week for 120 days (Krasavage et al., 1980) and the
administration of the n-hexane metabolite 2,5-hexanedione in
drinking water (Gillies et al., 1981; Chapin et al.,
(28) 生殖毒性:也报告了胚胎毒性(Mast
et al., 1988,ATSDR,
Martino et al., 1987, 如ATSDR,
et al., 1980),以及在饮水中服用正己烷代谢物:2,5-己二酮后(Gillies
et al., 1981; Chapin et al., 1982)也报告了这样的迹象。
(29) Allergenicity: Available data
give no indication that hexane is an allergen or an
(29) 致过敏性:可以获得的数据没有表明己烷是致敏原或是一种辅佐剂。
(30) Conclusions 1: The CONTAM
Panel recommends that the entry for the substance in the annex to
Commission Directive 96/3/EC6 be amended to &#8213;Hexane (technical
grades) (CAS No 110-54-3 / ), to reflect the substances
of transport
-- 己烷(技术级)(CAS
No 110-54-3 / ),以便反映运输的物质。
(31) Conclusions 2: Hexane (CAS
No. ) and petroleum hydrocarbons, covered by CAS No.
, are of low systemic toxicity when admistered by the
oral route. Subchronic oral studies, although inadequate for the
establishement of a health based guidance value, did not show
clinical signs of neuropathy except at very high doses. There are
no adequate carcinogenicity data but the lack of mutagenic effects
both in vitro and in vivo suggests that hexane is not
a genotoxic carcinogen. Hexane is not allergenic.
No. )于石油碳氢化合物,由CAS
No. 涵盖,口服途径服用时具有低系统性毒性。亚慢性口服研究,尽管不足于确立健康为基础的指导值,没有显示神经疾病临床迹象,除了在非常高剂量。没有足够致癌性数据,但是体内与试管试验中缺乏突变影响提议正己烷并非基因毒性致癌物。正己烷不是致过敏源。
(32) Conclusions 3: No impurities
or reaction products with edible fats and oils of concern are known
or expected when hexane is used as a previous cargo.
(33) Conclusions 4: The CONTAM
Panel therefore concludes that hexane meets the criteria for
acceptability as a previous cargo for edible fats and
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