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出门在外也不愁第一百十八回二士争功……且说太仆蒋显到剑阁,入见姜维,传后主敕命,言归降之事。维大惊失语。帐下众将听知,一齐怨恨,咬牙怒目,须发倒竖,拔刀砍石大呼曰:"吾等死战,何故先降耶!"号哭之声,闻数十里。维见人心思汉,乃以善言抚之曰:"众将勿忧。吾有一计,可复汉室。"众皆求问。姜维与诸将附耳低言,说了计策。Court Steward Jiang Xian reached Saber Gateway and delivered the Second Emperor’s command to Jiang Wei and described the situation, Jiang Wei was dumbfounded and speechless. The news made Jiang Wei’s commanders indignant and ill-affected, gnashing their teeth and glaring, beards and hairs standing on end, they drew their swords and hacked stones, shouting, “Let us fight to the death. Why giving up so easy?” The wails traveled for scores of li. Seeing his men were still loyal and true to the Han, Jiang Wei consoled them, “Don’t worry,” he said, “I have a plan to restore the house of Han.” At the request of the present commanders, Jiang Wei confided his plot to them.即于剑阁关遍竖降旗,先令人报入钟会寨中,说姜维引张翼、廖化、董厥等来降。会大喜,令人迎接维入帐。会曰:"伯约来何迟也?"维正色流涕曰:"国家全军在吾,今日至此,犹为速也。"会甚奇之,下座相拜。待为上宾。Immediately flags of surrender went up at Saber Gateway, and a courier was sent ahead to Zhong Hui’s camp to announce that Jiang Wei would be leading Zhang Yi, Liao Hua, Dong Jue, and other commanders to offer their surrender. Zhong Hui, well pleased, welcomed Jiang Wei into his command tent. “Why has it taken you so long to get here?” Zhong Hui asked. With a formal expression, a tearful Jiang Wei responded, “The whole army of my kingdom is under my command. My arrival today has already earlier than expected.” Impressed by the remark, Zhong Hui stepped down from his seat and bowed. He treated Jiang Wei like an honored guest.维说会曰:"闻将军自淮南以来。算无遗策;司马氏之盛,皆将军之力,维故甘心俯首。如邓士载,当与决一死战,安肯降之乎?"会遂折箭为誓,与维结为兄弟,情爱甚密,仍令照旧领兵。维暗喜,遂令蒋显回成都去了。Jiang Wei drew on his silver tongue to stir Zhong Hui up, “General, they say that from the time of your Huainan campaigns until the present, every one of your stratagems has worked. The rise of the house of Sima is your doing. That is why I am content to submit to you. Had it been Deng Ai, I would have fought to the finish. Surrender? Not a chance!” Touched, Zhong Hui broke an arrow, swearing brotherhood with Jiang Wei. The 2 men became confidants, and Zhong Hui let Jiang Wei command the Shu troops as before. Jiang Wei, secretly delighted, sent Jiang Xian back to Chengdu.却说邓艾封师纂为益州刺史,牵弘、王颀等各领州郡;又于绵竹筑台以彰战功,大会蜀中诸官饮宴。艾酒至半酣,乃指众官曰:"汝等幸遇我,故有今日耳。若遇他将,必皆殄灭矣。"多官起身拜谢。忽蒋显至,说姜维自降钟镇西了。艾因此痛恨钟会。Meanwhile, Deng Ai had appointed Shi Zuan Imperial Inspector of Yizhou. Various district governorships also went to Qian Hong, Wang Qi, and other leading commanders. Next, to celebrate the victory, Deng Ai erected a grand dais, where he hosted a general meeting of Riverlands officials at a banquet. When the assembly became mellow with wine, Deng Ai pointed to them and said, “You were lucky to have me to deal with and survived. Another general would have put you all to death.” The officials rose and prostrated themselves in gratitude. Suddenly Jiang Xian arrived and reported Jiang Wei’s surrender to Zhong Hui. The news made Deng Ai bitterly resentful of Zhong Hui. ……司马昭看毕大惊,忙与贾充计议曰:"邓艾恃功而骄,任意行事,反形露矣。如之奈何?"贾充曰:"主公何不封钟会以制之?"昭从其议,遣使赍诏封会为司徒,就令卫瓘监督两路军马,以手书付瓘,使与会伺察邓艾,以防其变。Shocked by this letter, Sima Zhao hurried to confer with Jia Chong, “Deng Ai presumes upon his services and becomes haughty and imperious. He acts as he pleases, and I believe a revolt is in the making. What are we to do?” Jia Chong replied, “My lord, why not promote Zhong Hui and use him to control Deng Ai?” Sima Zhao adopted this suggestion and sent an edict honoring Zhong Hui as minister of the interior. Immediately after this Sima Zhao ordered Wei Guan to supervise the 2 field armies, he also sent a personal letter to him, demanding Wei Guan and Zhong Hui to keep Deng Ai on a short leash and forestall any possible uprising.会接读诏书。诏曰:"镇西将军钟会所向无敌,前无强梁,节制众城,网罗进逸;蜀之豪帅,面缚归命;谋无遗策,举无废功。其以会为司徒,进封县侯,增邑万户,封子二人亭侯,邑各千户。"Zhong Hui received the public edict, which said:To General Zhong Hui, Queller of the West, whom none dares oppose, who prevails over all, master of a multitude of cities and captor of fugitives, and overawed the Riverlands’ mighty leaders, who reckons accurately, and whose actions never fail. You shall be minister of the interior and lord of a country with an increase in revenue of 10,000 households. Your 2 sons shall be precinct lords with revenues of 1,000 households each.钟会既受封,即请姜维计议曰:"邓艾功在吾之上,又封太尉之职;今司马公疑艾有反志,故令卫瓘为监军,诏吾制之。伯约有何高见?"维曰:"愚闻邓艾出身微贱,幼为农家养犊,今侥幸自阴平斜径,攀木悬崖,成此大功;非出良谋,实赖国家洪福耳。若非将军与维相拒于剑阁,艾安能成此功耶?今欲封蜀主为扶风王,乃大结蜀人之心,其反情不言可见矣。晋公疑之是也。"Upon receiving this reward, Zhong Hui immediately called on Jiang Wei and conferred with him, “Deng Ai’s merit is rated above mine, and he has been confered with the office of grand commandant. But Lord Sima now suspects the motives of Deng Ai and therefore has ordered Wei Guan to supervise the army and authorized me to control Ai. What is your view on this?” Jiang Wei answered, “I have heard that Deng Ai is a man of humble origins. As a boy, he tended calves for farmers. Now by mere luck he snuck through Yinping Pass, climbing tall trees and scaling sheer cliffs, resulting in a great achievement not from any superior strategy of his own but simply by depending on the great good fortune of the Wei. Had not you and I, General, keeping each other at bay at Saber Gateway, could Deng Ai have achieved his ‘merit’? But now he wants to enfeoff Shu’s former ruler as prince of Fufeng in order to win the hearts of the Riverlanders. His intention to rebel is self-evident. Lord of Jin’s suspicion makes sense.”会深喜其言。维又曰:"请退左右,维有一事密告。"会令左右尽退。维袖中取一图与会,曰:"昔日武侯出草庐时,以此图献先帝,且曰:益州之地,沃野千里,民殷国富,可为霸业。先帝因此遂创成都。今邓艾至此,安得不狂?"会大喜,指问山川形势。维一一言之。Zhong Hui was satisfied about the comment. Jiang Wei then continued, “Would you excuse your attendants? I wanna tell you something privately.” Zhong Hui dismissed his retinue, Jiang Wei took a map from his sleeve and handed it to Zhong Hui, saying, “Long ago, when the Martial Lord left his thatched cottage, he presented this map to the late Emperor and said, ‘With thousands of acres of fertile land, Yizhou is a prosperous region with abundant inhabitants, an ideal place to establish hegemony.’ Hence, based on this land, the late Emperor founded his dynasty. Now Deng Ai got hold it, he had to have the thought of keeping it.” Well pleased, Zhong Hui asked Jiang Wei to explain the geography of the kingdom in detail, and Jiang Wei elaborated on it.会又问曰:"当以何策除艾?"维曰:"乘晋公疑忌之际,当急上表,言艾反状;晋公必令将军讨之。一举而可擒矣。"会依言,即遣人赍表进赴洛阳,言邓艾专权恣肆,结好蜀人,早晚必反矣。于是朝中文武皆惊。会又今人于中途截了邓艾表文,按艾笔法,改写傲慢之辞,以实己之语。Next, Zhong Hui asked, “How can we eliminate Deng Ai?” Jiang Wei answered, “Now the lord of Jin suspects him, we shall take this opportunity and swiftly submit a memorial detailing Deng Ai’s rebellious conducts. The lord of Jin will sent you, General, to destroy him. One stroke should be enough to capture him.” Zhong Hui agreed and sent a memorial to Luoyang claiming that Deng Ai would stage a revolt sooner or later, for he had been acting at his own will in order to win favor with the Riverlanders. The memorial caused shock among the civil and military officials at court. In order to make his accusation more convincing, Zhong Hui intercepted Deng Ai’s memorial, to which he added a few presumptuous phrases in an expert imitation of Deng Ai’s handwriting.司马昭见了邓艾表章,大怒,即遣人到钟会军前,令会收艾;又遣贾充引三万兵入斜谷,昭乃同魏主曹奂御驾亲征。As a result, the memorial enraged Sima Zhao, and he ordered Zhong Hui to arrest Ai. Sima Zhao also sent Jia Chong into Ye Gorge at the head of 30,000 men, and Zhao himself along with the Wei ruler, Cao Huan, personally joined in the expedition.……姜维在本章中的投降到底是真是假?先说诈降,个人觉得可能性不大,因为既然降了就失去了主动权,到时是死是活也未知,怎能预料将来能否复国呢?不过,基于姜维的“胆子”,还是有少许可能的。再说迫降,姜维之军受钟会之军牵制,后主又被邓艾所擒,基本上蜀国只剩下他这支军队了。而且后主下令他投降,他也没有后勤支持。在这众多原因的压逼下,迫降显然比诈降更有说服性。最后说真降,姜维之军与钟会的兵力相差不大。但当听说成都沦陷,后主投降之后,也许他真得会在一气之下投降了也不一定,因为刘蝉真是很急人的主子。不过,这存在一个问题,姜维拼搏了多年是为了继承孔明的遗志,按说不会这么冲动地放弃了。所以,个人倾向于迫降。——以上纯属个人观点
(C) 2016 今日头条 违法和不良信息举报电话:010-公司名称:北京字节跳动科技有限公司三国演义第八十四回,孔明巧布八阵图两百字梗概_百度知道


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