
求一篇500字左右的英文短篇小说 关于生命与死亡主题的已经有 Indian camp和A sunrise on the veld 了_作业帮
求一篇500字左右的英文短篇小说 关于生命与死亡主题的已经有 Indian camp和A sunrise on the veld 了
求一篇500字左右的英文短篇小说 关于生命与死亡主题的已经有 Indian camp和A sunrise on the veld 了
My Brother’s Suicide Is Helping Save Lives
  住在美国阿肯色州的妮基18岁,之前从没有听别人谈论过自杀这回事.但当这事发生在自己家人身上时,她觉得不能再沉默了.  My little brother, Tyler, and I were extremely close growing up. We’d make up top-secret handshakes after watching our favorite show. We spent hours talking about music: I play the clarinet[单簧管], and Ty was a true band geek[怪胎] whose trumpet[小号] was never far out of his reach. Sure, we bickered[斗嘴] over stupid stuff—it drove me crazy when he’d leave up the toilet seat in the bathroom! But we told each other everything. Or so I’d thought.  我和弟弟泰勒自幼就非常亲近.我们会在看完最喜欢的节目后来个秘密握手;我们会花很长时间讨论音乐:我吹奏单簧管,泰则是一个不折不扣的乐队怪胎,小号从不离手.当然,我们也会为一些无聊小事争吵——每次他在浴室上完厕所却没有把厕所板放下我就抓狂!然而我们无话不说——或者我原以为是这样吧.  Dazed [茫然的] and Confused  茫然与困惑  There was nothing particularly memorable about the cold midwinter Arkansas day when Ty killed himself. Ty, 14, got home from band practice and did the usual: cheerfully greeted everyone, then went straight to his room to practice his trumpet. Once dinner was ready, he joined my mom, my dad, and me to eat barbecued[烤肉] chicken while watching TV. I noticed then that Ty wasn’t talking much—typically[通常] he and my dad joked around the whole time. But it didn’t seem like anything was wrong, and after taking out the trash, Ty went back to his room. I had no idea it would be the last time I’d see him.  泰自杀的那个仲冬天,寒冷的阿肯色一切如常,没有发生什么印象特别深刻的事情.14岁的泰参加完乐队训练后回到家,像平常那样高兴地向各人问好,然后径直走回自己房间练习小号.晚餐准备好后,他跟爸爸妈妈和我一边吃烤鸡,一边看电视.我发现泰没怎么说话——通常他和爸爸会不停地开玩笑.但没什么不对劲儿的.倒完垃圾后,泰回到自己的房间.我没想到这是我最后一次见他.  It was nearly 8 o’ clock when I heard what sounded like glass breaking coming from Ty’s room. My dad went to find out what happened, then my mom checked too before dragging[拖,拉] me into their bedroom. “What’s going on?” I asked. She was crying so hard, she couldn’t answer. Then my dad showed up with all of our shoes and coats and screamed, “He’s still got a pulse[脉搏]. We’re going to the emergency room[急救室]!”  差不多8点的时候,我听见泰的房间里传出类似玻璃破碎的声音.爸爸过去看看发生什么事.妈妈也去查看了,之后她把我拉到他们房间.“发生什么事了?”我问.她哭得很厉害,根本无法作答.爸爸随后拿着我们的鞋子和外套出现了,他叫道:“他还有脉搏.我们要去急救室!”  “Oh, my God, I don’t get it! What happened?” I yelled. But no one answered me. All of a sudden, an ambulance[救护车] was at my house, and we got into the car and sped off behind it. When we arrived at the hospital, Mom and I were put in a private room while my dad checked on Ty. “What’s going on?!” I asked again. Mom was hyperventilating[强力呼吸], but she was able to catch her breath enough to say, “Ty tried to kill himself.”  “噢,我的天啊,我不明白!发生什么事了?”我叫道.但没有人回答我.突然,一辆救护车来到我家.我们也上了车,驱车紧跟其后.到达医院后,妈妈和我被安排在一个单间,爸爸则去查看泰的情况.“到底怎么回事?!”我再次问到.妈妈竭力地呼吸,但终于能够缓过气说话:“泰试图自杀.”  I was in total denial[否认]. “That’s not funny!” I yelled. Then my dad returned, looked at my mom, and shook his head as if to say, “Ty didn’t make it.” My mom passed out[昏倒]. I didn’t have any emotion. I wasn’t even crying. NOTHING made sense[有意义].  我一点也不相信.“开什么玩笑!”我叫道.爸爸回来了.他看着妈妈摇了摇头,仿佛在说:“泰没活过来.”妈妈晕倒了.我一点感觉也没有,甚至没有哭.一切都显得毫无意义.  Feeling Lost  怅然若失  After Ty shot himself, my family alternated[交替,轮流] between tears and silence, barely leaving the house. I didn’t go to school for more than four months. I just couldn’t understand why he’d done it—he’d never said that anything was wrong, and it wasn’t until after Ty died that his friend told us that my brother had confessed[承认,坦白] to having thoughts of suicide[自杀]. I went to therapy[治疗], but I didn’t like talking to a stranger. Thankfully my best friend was always there for me, but she never pushed me to share my feelings.  泰开枪自杀后,我们一家总是在眼泪和沉默之间徘徊,几乎没有离开过房子.我有四个多月没去上学.我实在不明白他为什么要这样做——他从未说过有什么问题.泰死后,他的朋友才告诉我们泰曾经承认有自杀的念头.我接受过治疗,但始终不喜欢跟陌生人说话.幸好我最好的朋友一直在我左右,不过她从来不会强迫我说出自己的感觉.  When I returned to school, I was surprised that most people treated me normally. That helped because I wanted to act as if it hadn’t happened. But just because nobody mentioned the word suicide didn’t make it disappear. I felt so alone with my feelings, and I didn’t really have anyone I could turn to who had real experience with suicide.  重返学校后,我很惊讶地发现大多数人像平常那样对我.那很有用,因为我希望一切如常,好像那件事没有发生过.虽然没有人提“自杀”这个词,但并不代表它就消失了.我感到很孤独,也找不到谁有过涉及自杀的真实经历可以帮我.  The following spring, I had to do a project for a community-service class, and I realized my topic should be suicide awareness[意识]. I thought if more people talked about it, maybe it wouldn’t happen to another teen. I called the Arkansas Crisis Center, the group who’d spoken to kids at my brother’s school right after his death. I told them I wanted to raise awareness and keep my brother’s memory alive, and when I asked if I could help organize a walkathon注, they said yes! I was so comforted when I saw hundreds of people show up to support my family and other survivors who’d lost loved ones to suicide—I knew then that I wasn’t alone.  第二年春天,我要为社会服务课做一个方案,我意识到应该以“自杀意识”为主题.我想如果多些人讨论它,也许自杀就不会发生在其他青少年身上.我打电话给阿肯色危机中心,也就是在我弟弟死后到他学校跟孩子们交谈的团体.我对他们说我希望提高人们对自杀的关注,并希望大家记住我弟弟.当我问能否帮忙组织一场步行马拉松时,他们说可以!看到数以百计的人到来支持我们家,看到那些因自杀而失去至爱的人,我倍感欣慰——我知道自己并不是孤身作战.  Shedding Some Light  一点希望  Being open about suicide rather than treating it like a secret felt so incredible that I started to speak at school assemblies[集会]. Sharing Ty’s story is helping me heal, and so far I’ve had two people confess that they had thoughts of suicide. I directed them to help right away. It is so amazing to know that another family wouldn’t have to go through what mine did. If Ty were here, I think he’d be really proud of me and happy to know his life is having such a positive[积极的] effect on others.  坦然面对自杀,而不是将它当作一个秘密,这感觉真好.所以我开始在学校的集会上发言.分享泰的故事帮助我治愈(创伤).至今已经有两个人向我坦白说他们想过自杀.我马上指引他们接受帮助.知道另一个家庭不用经历我们所经历的一切,真是太好了.如果泰还在,我想他会为我感到十分自豪,也一定会为自己的生命给别人带来积极的影响而高兴.  伸出援手  如果你认识的人想不开,你可以试试以下方法:  发现自杀信号.留意情绪是否有变化——你的朋友已经有两个星期表现得很沮丧;平时喜欢做的事情现在都不做了;情绪起伏不定;或者突然离群独居.  告诉其他人.不要把自杀当成秘密.如果你的朋友承认曾经伤害自己,你要告诉家长或老师——即使他/她要你发誓保密.你或许可以挽救一个生命!  听取意见.你可以咨询当地的防止自杀组织,听取他们的意见.  注:尤指在美国和加拿大为特定事业筹款而进行的步行马拉松.
谁能帮我写一篇短篇的英文的爱情小说 大概 500-1000字左右..(可以的话加上中文解释 没有缉胆光感叱啡癸拾含浆也无所谓!)文章中的人物分&反派&和&正派& 也就是一男一女要在一起有些人故意阻挠只类的....我会把积分追加到100的!!
In the autumn of my last year at college,I got into the habit of studying at the Radcliffe library .I didn't do it just to admire the girls,though I agree I liked that too.The place was quiet,nobody knew me,and there was less demand for the books I needed for my studies.The day before one of my midterm history exams,I still hadn't found time to read the first book on the reading list.(That,of course,is a very common disease at Harvard.) I walked over to the reservations desk to get one of the books which would save me from failing me exam the next day.There were two girls working there.One was a tall,sporty type.The other was the quie...
佩鲁吉亚一直带者那幅画首在巴黎的一间小屋里。事实上;s what she&#39。中午11时博物馆馆方意识到这幅名画已经被盗了. 实际上. Early the next morning Perrugia removed the painting from the wall while the others kept watch. Then they went out a back exit, the painting had been looted from the Italian nation by Napoleon(拿破仑),尔后他们再将文物贩子带到陈列室. 这一天是日《蒙娜丽莎》风波On Tuesday August 11th,整个事件的真相才大白于天下。他用400年前古意大利老家具做油画板。他们先制作名画的赝品. 果真如此吗,看来这个世纪奇案好像是解决了,条件是只有等到他死后才能将此事公之于众,那里储存着六幅《蒙娜丽莎》的赝品。或许当初达·芬奇创作了几个不同版本的《蒙娜丽莎》。令路易斯感到吃惊的是。 Actually the Leonardo had been gone for more than twenty-four hours before anyone noticed it was missing,000美元的价格陆续将这六幅《蒙娜丽莎》赝品出售,有三个人进入了博物馆并藏在贮藏室里,卢浮宫的画廊名),卢浮宫的这幅画是被拿破仑从意大利抢劫来的, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci(列奥那多·达·芬奇),三个盗贼之一佩鲁吉亚从墙上取下《蒙娜丽莎》。原来瓦尔菲尔诺和肖德龙早已跑到了纽约?收藏专家们宣称佩鲁吉亚还回的《蒙娜丽莎》或许是赝品, so there had been no problems with US Customs. It seemed that the crime of the century had been solved. Valfierno told the story to a journalist in 1914, with the help of bribed gallery attendants(服务员). If the dealer were to see the painting still in the gallery,其余两个为他望风, Louis Beraud. Perrugia was imprisoned for seven months, who went unpunished for their crime。在那个时代. The actual theft was quick and simple,仍有着诸多的争议;s pupils. Perrugia waited in vain in a tiny room in Pars most famous painting。他们在原作被盗前就已将赝品运到了美国;s smiling about, Valfierno and Chaudron. The museum was always closed on Mondays for maintenance(维修). They would then make a copy of the picture and。佩鲁吉亚于日被捕。就在星期天, complete with secret marking,另两个家伙一直逍遥法外, maybe that&#39。瓦尔菲尔诺和肖德龙经常从陈列馆偷窃名画提供给奸诈的商人或肆无忌惮的私人收藏家? Collectors have claimed that Perrugia returned a copy. The next day headlines all over the world announced the theft. At 11 o&#39,这就是蒙娜丽莎微笑的原因吧,直到达·芬奇的这幅画被盗24小时后才有人发现此事;或许这些《蒙娜丽莎》皆为达·芬奇的学生们制作的复制品, arrived at the Louvre(卢浮宫) in Paris to complete a painting of the Salon Carre(卡雷沙龙. To his surprise there was an empty space where the painting should have been, or they might be copies made by Leonardo'300. 肖德龙不仅伪造了一幅。在这个案件中,然后向博物馆的工作人员行贿, but heard nothing from his partners in crime. Perrugia claimed he had stolen it as an act of patriotism(爱国主义). Valfierno would later produce forged(伪造) newspaper cuttings announcing the theft of the original。1914年瓦尔菲尔诺将事件真相透露给了一位记者,偷盗者将说服他相信展出的画是赝品. Valfierno commissioned Perrugia to steal the original. The forgeries(赝品) were carefully aged. They would offer to steal a famous painting from a gallery for a crooked(不诚实的) dealer or an unscrupulous(肆无忌惮的)clock the museum authorities realized that the painting had been stolen, he said. It is also possible that Leonardo may have painted several versions of the Mona Lisa,并要他在要买的那幅画的背面做上秘密的记号,因此复制品可以毫不费力地通过美国海关. Of course the dealer would actually be marking the copy。也许,星期二. They had gone to New York,而卖给他的才是真正的原作, because. At that time it was quite common for artists to copy old masters,一位年轻的艺术家路易斯·贝劳德来到了巴黎卢浮宫的卡雷沙龙画廊完成一幅油画。第二天全球各大报刊的头条新闻都报道了《蒙娜丽莎》被盗的消息。 Chaudron then painted not one, and that he possessed the genuine(真正的) one,以便在博物馆工作人员的协助下将伪造品粘在原作的背后。在美国瓦尔菲尔诺以每幅300. This was the room where the world &#39, which would be sold quite honestly(合法的) as imitations(仿造品)。佩鲁吉亚为此被判了7个月的监禁,以使油画表面产生裂缝显得不干净,本该挂着油画的地方却是空空荡荡的,而且复制品还能够合法地在市场上进行交易,人们才重新见到它,瓦尔菲尔诺就伪造一些剪报宣称原作被盗,所有赝品均经过了细心的老化处理,艺术家们复制已故大师的作品是司空见惯的事情,OOO each。每逢星期一卢浮宫都要闭馆例行保养文物。他说, was on display,可是他却一直未见同伙们的踪迹。在此之后。因此迄今为止人们对于这幅有着450年左右历史的名画. The dealer would then be taken to the gallery and would be invited to make a secret mark on the back of the painting. Valfierno went on to sell all six copies for &#39? Perrugia was keen to claim all responsibility for the theft, where the six copies were already in store, he would be persuaded that it was a copy, a young artist,而是六幅《蒙娜丽莎》。他们的盗窃行动迅速而简单. 《蒙娜丽莎》在被盗后的两年间一直杳无音迅?佩鲁吉亚试图把这次盗窃案的全部责任都揽到自己身上。 Nothing was seen or heard of the painting for two years when Perrugia tried to sell it to a dealer for half a million lire(里拉). There has been a lot of controversy and argument about a 450-year-old painting. They had sent them there before the original was stolen, and then produce the copy。如果买画的贩子看见画仍然在展出, and told him to hide it until Valfierno contacted him,第二天一大早, so that the varnish(光泽) was cracked and dirty,直到有一天佩鲁吉亚想以50万里拉卖给一个文物贩子时. Just before closing time on Sunday three men had entered the museum. Perrugia was arrested on December 13th。 Does the story end there, but six copies of the Mona Lisa. 事情就此了解了吗,事实上文物贩子只是在赝品的背面作记号, would then tape the copy to the back of the original(原始的) painting, and it was twenty years before the whole story came out。当然,他宣称偷《蒙娜丽莎》之举完全是出于爱国心。 But had it,佩鲁吉亚一直在为两个犯罪头目瓦尔菲尔诺和肖德龙工作. In fact Perrugia had been working for two master criminals。直到二十年后,然后他们从后门溜走逃得无影无踪了。瓦尔菲尔诺指派佩鲁吉亚盗走《蒙娜丽莎》的真品并叫他躲藏起来直到与他取得联系, using 400-year-old wood panels from antique Italian furniture, 1911,在这条画廊里陈列着世界上最著名的油画——列奥纳多·达·芬奇创作的《蒙娜丽莎》, on condition that it would not be published until his death,然后拿出带有秘密记号的赝品, where they had hidden themselves in a storeroom, but after all
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