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12月14日的托福考试小站命中全部口语,其中super 66机经命中口语S2~S5(带答案);12月13日的托福考试小站命中全部写作和口语S1235,其中super 66机经命中口语S135和全部写作(带答案);12月21日考试小站命中口语S12346和全部写作题目,其中super 66命中口语S12346和综合写作(带答案)。收藏慢慢看,最宝贵的备考时间用在最好的资料上!!!分享到朋友圈,考前攒人品,帮助更多考生同学!!! 因此针对12/27&12/28的Super 66(12月12日更新)中需要删减的部分如下(全部给出题目和答案链接)独立口语版:130517 NAHot!S1 Some schools require students totake part in community service activities after school. Which of the followingdo you think is the best activity for students? 1. Planting flowers in thecommunity 2.doing clean-ups in the garden 3.recycling waste.小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j101204 CNHot!S2 Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? We are more informed of the world events than our parentswhen they were young.小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j130202 NA Hot!
S1 In your opinion,which of the following activities can bring the most benefits to children and teenagers:reading books, talking with elderly members of the community or travelling toother countries?小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j121130 CN Hot!S2 Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? When students hand in their assignments later than thedeadline, teachers should reduce their scores.小站机经原创思路+答案: /thread-.html?tf66j 综合版:口语130622 NA Hot!S3 Reading: Students in theuniversity orchestra will perform in local school. They will have more chancesto perform and inspire the kids to learn musical instruments. 学校要把concert举办到校外去,一来给学生多一些机会锻炼,二来可以提高学校的reputation,引起schoolchild学音乐的兴趣。Listening: The man likes this idea. He gives two reasons. The firstone is that students in the university orchestra only can perform once at theend of the semester. They practice and rehearse a lot. So it is a shame toperform once and the policy will give them more chances to perform.
Secondly, they perform the concerts in localschools which will inspire the kids to learn musical instruments. It getsharder to learn when older. The man did not learn violin very young. He hadspent quite some time to catch up with others. He thought if he startedlearning violin at a younger age, it would be easier for him. 男的支持,因为一来现在每年只有一次的concert,二来可以帮助孩子提高音乐兴趣。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j130517 NA Hot!S4 Reading: Close communication bias 是讲你跟你很熟悉的人反而交流有障碍,因为你对熟悉的人不会再去可以解释你的习惯和习性。Listening: 教授说了一个例子。一个学生和以前的教授很熟悉,他们经常去意大利餐馆吃饭。他决定和新来的教授和以前的教授一起去吃个饭。跟新来的教授讲餐馆的信息很清楚,位置、时间都很详细,跟以前的教授直说去经常去的餐馆的老位置。新来的教授准时出现在餐馆,但是以前的教授却去了另外一家餐馆。请你根据例子解释一下。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j120908 CN Hot!S3 Reading: 学生propose学校应该新生在第一年开学之前, 给他们future roommate的contact info:email地址和电话:好处1、可以让新生们早点互相认识,省的到时候开学没人认识。好处2、还可以Plan到时候带去的东西,省下空间以免浪费。Listening:woman很赞成:第一点是能让学生在进学校之前就和自己的future roommate联系这样进学校就不会太生疏谁都不认识能感觉舒服点儿(减轻压力,适应环境)。第二点是能让学生提前和自己的future roommate商量因为学校的宿舍很小如果带了很多行李 stuff 就放不下能提前商量以便于整理自己的行李(还可以商量带什么东西,避免带重复的东西)。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j120224 CN S5 Problem:男生有问题,打印机坏了,哲学课的论文的最后几页褶皱了。Solutions:1. 另外打一份,弊端是浪费了经济课的讨论的时间;2. 去和教授说明情况,弊端是会让教授觉得不够重视。请发表自己的观点。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j071208 CNHot!
S3 Reading: The Announcement: The Universityhave decision about saving energy.:1. Turn off the original lights instead of
2.Switch off the air-conditioner in library. Listening: Students&#39; discussion:Disagree:1. The university should turn off the lightsthat the classrooms are not using. The efficient light bulb is too dark andthey have to bring their reading lamps;2. If theuniversity turn off the air-conditioner, in a hot day, the library will beuncomfortable. In that case, no one are going to study at there. They only canstudy in the dorm, however, the dorm is too noisy, very hard to concentrate.小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j131220 NA Hot!S5 Problem: The man has a hiking campon next weekdays and he doesn&#39;t know whether he should cancel it or prepareenough (medicine and warm cloth) to participate in it. Solutions: Cancel: 1. hehad a cold last week and now he isn&#39;t recover completely and the top of themountain if so chill for a patient. 2. He has lots of exams in next weeks.小站机经原创答案:j/thread-.html?tf66j130713 NA Hot! S5 Problem: 男生要打印东西,但是他要去学校和不方便。Solutions: 1. 从同学那买个二手的打印机,但是比较容易坏,并且打印效果不好;2. 买新的,贵,但是男生还有两年毕业,可以买个新的也比较值。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j综合版:写作120715 CNReading: limitation of menhaden,政府建议应该限制捕鱼公司,因为影响了menhaden,不同意给出了三个理由:<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. menhaden的natural predator ,sprite bass 被忽视了;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. agriculture方面,这个是很多动物的protein来源;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. jobs and economy,很多渔业公司有成千上百的职员会因为政府的建议而失去工作。Listening: 逐条驳斥阅读的三个观点:<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. sprite bass会吃很多fish,而不仅仅只有menhaden一种;再者,有eco-balance,捕食和被捕食是正常的;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 有其他protein的来源,比如soybeans,富含protein,而且比menhaden更<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 如果不好好保护menhaden,如果这些渔业公司继续pollute,那么这些以渔业为主的公司和人员都终将collapse.小站机经原创答案: /thread-.html?tf66j130308 NAReading: lionfish 从Indo 洋扩展到太平洋了,阅读中有三种方法来解决:<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 人工捕捉它们来protect coral reef 生物系统;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 引入fish market,这样可以减少对 local fish 的需要,让他们能有时间<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 人们可以把它们用于日常饮食,因为它们高蛋白,低脂肪。Listening: 教授全部反对:<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 人工捕捉无法区分lionfish 和其他鱼,很多 rare的鱼也都在这,会牵连其他鱼种;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 引进市场会导致有人人工养殖。 Lionfish 如果从 fish farm escape ,这就造成了更严重的 invasive 问题;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#. 有些lionfish 是有毒的,吃了以后会造成 vomiting numbnessarching,我们无法检验每一条鱼,所以不吃他们。小站机经原创答案: /thread-.html?tf66j 120205 CN Reading:Narwhal, a species of whale. It has tusk, which may have threefunctions.<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#, tusk is used to pierce through theice sheet. So narwhal can breathe.<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#, tusks are used as weapon,attacking other whales.<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#, tusk is used to sense the oceanproperties such as pressure, temperature.Listening:Disagree. Each argument has itsweakness.<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#, tusk will bend under pressure. Itis too flexible to break the ice. Ice sheets break by themselves.<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#, tusking is a unique for them tocommunicate with other narwhal. Closer observers found that narwhal use theirtusks to gently rub other narwhals.<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#, all of male narwhals have husks,but only a few of females have tusks. But females live longer than males. 独立写作版120920 CNHot!
Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? Students are more interested in politics today than theywere in the past.小站机经原创思路+答案: /thread-.html?tf66j 根据12月13日、12月14日和12月21日3次考试的考情来看,口语方面之前的旧线索仍然非常有效,但同时又增加了一些新的口语线索,所以针对12/27&12/28的预测机经请优先看除上面考题外所有标为橙色 部分,尤其是标有Hot!
,然后这边稍微再做一些补充。这里附上Super 66下载链接:/thread-.html?tf66j
综合版 本次口语方面补充如下题目:独立口语: 100613 CN S1 Describe your favourite area inyour city. Please offer your explanation and details.小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS2 When you have questions, do youprefer to ask advisor for help or search it through internet or library? Why?小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j121130 CN (super 66 里回忆有误,以此为准)S1 Your friend wants to drop out ofuniversity or college. Do you agree or disagree with his decision? Pleaseexplain your opinion with details.小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j121013 CN S2 Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? A good school must have many textbooks. Please includespecific reasons and examples to support your answer.小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j131116 NA S1 Which of the following activitieswould you do with friends rather than alone? A. taking a walk B. watching amovie C. traveling.小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS2 When going on vacations, somepeople prefer to go camping in tents, others prefer to stay in hotels. Which doyou think is better?小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j131122 NA S1 Talk about what you like to doduring your spare time. Give specific reasons and details in your explanation.小站机经原创思路+答案:/thread-.html?tf66j
综合口语:131122 NAS3 Reading: 有人建议把宿舍的lounge的一间改成study room,这样大家可以去学习。并且在study room里配上电脑。Listening: 男生认为这个proposal很好,是what students need。因为:1)每次大家在lounge里看电视什么的都很吵,而且宿舍也吵,比如室友一天到晚打电话听音乐。而且他们没有地方学习。2)如果有电脑就方便多了。不是每个人都有电脑的,有时候大家必须去图书馆用电脑。可是有时太晚了图书馆都关门了。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS4 Reading: 一个概念:latent demand---现在不存在,但可以被商家identify出来,从而有针对性的生产商品来满足潜在客户的需求。一旦有产品了,会很成功,因为这时候没有竞争对手。Listening: 在最开始的时候,人们在家里用large stereo来听音乐,后来出现了小点的stereo,人们就把便携式的stereo带到户外听音乐。有商家sense到了这个latent demand,想如果大家可以在public场合听音乐,但是不是这种out loud的,而是可以privately地听,别人听不到的那种,那不是很好吗?于是他们制造了很小的stereo,而且有耳机,所以别人听不到,只有自己听到。果然产品一出来就热卖,商家赚翻,因为还没有竞争对手。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS5 Problem:The man was supposed to go to the seaside with friends,but Mary asked him to go help her to move on a short notice because she has tomove out by tomorrow.Solutions:Solution 1: Find someone to replace him. But it might notwork at this last minute.Solution 2: Cancel his appointmentwith his friends. But he has been planning to go for long, and later theweather will turn cold, and they can&#39;t go to the beach any more.小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS6 Lecture: 如果predator能够预知prey会做出什么样的行为,那就便于他们捕食了。可是有的动物可以有一些mechanism,让predator无法预知猎物下一步的行为。比如squid. 1)squid并不走直线,速度也不很定。它会变速,走zigzag那种pattern,于是predator无法anticipate它的行为,就不好抓到它; 2)squid可以变色。比如pink-blue-white这种。比如predator一直在盯着一个pink的东西跑,结果bang,pink的东西不见了,来了个blue的,那么predator就会confuse,于是squid就有机会escape.小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j120609 CNS3 Reading: 一个学生写信建议更改学校graduate ceremony的地址,觉得去lawn比在室内好,因为室内的椅子有限,而室外很大,而且在室外很宽敞游客都可以看到,有气氛。Listening: 男生反驳,理由是(1)室内有椅子可以坐,比站着好;(2)室内有摄像,家长可以在电视里面看直播。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS5 Problem:女生所在的radio club要招新,负责招聘的同学病了,不能去明天的club affair.Solutions:女生自己给了两个建议:方案1、自己去,但是有group meeting,如果不去会对她印象不好。 方案2、她室友愿意帮她,但是她室友不是radio club member.问女学生有什么问题?对这两种solution你更赞成哪一个?为什么?小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j121013 CNS3 Reading: 学校为了帮助学生解决电脑问题,准备雇用一些paid studenttechnician这些technician要住在宿舍,为了给大家提供24小时的服务。 作为回报,住宿的费用减低一半。Listening: 女的觉得这是个好主意,第一点. 她有一次做作业做到很晚, 电脑freeze了, 修不好,她只能抱着一大堆书去图书馆用电脑。 但是第二天她一个朋友说这是个很简单的问题,一下子就解决了,如果有student technician能帮她解决这个问题,就太好了。第二点,降低一半的住宿费很不错,因为住宿费太贵了, 她也想去竞选这个职位。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS4 Reading:contrast effect. 人们在看一件东西的时候,往往会拿它和另外一个类似的东西比较,而不是基于这个东西本身的价值。在人评价人的时候,往往会拿一个认识的人和他比较。Listening: 教授举了自己的例子, 自己年轻的时候去找房子,一开始看了很多烂房子smalland crap,很受不了。 突然看到了一个还可以的 bigger and seems nicer. 就定下来了。因为和前面的房子比较。 但是等他搬进去,发现还是太小,他的家具什么的都放不下,而且现在看起来也没有那么nice. 他还是应该更耐心一点去找更多的。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS5 Problem:男生需要在寒假的时候去帮历史教授写新书,不能回家。但他同时是篮球队员,需要每天去gym锻炼。不过学校的gym冬天不开门。Solutions:1. 去town里面的gym. 有one-month-membership 刚好可以cover整个寒假。里面有他需要的所有器材。但是 75一个月太贵了。2. 去户外跑步。 但是会很冷。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS6 Lecture: fast current 的河里面的鱼遇到challenge, 第一,水流太快,无法停留在一个地方,会被水流冲下去。 catfish,有着big和muscular的fin(鱼鳍) 可以swim against水流,第二,水流太快,携带的食物无法吃到。另一种鱼trout有一种behaviour可以解决这个问题。 一般来说河流中间的水最快,但是岸边的水慢,trout就一直在岸边附近,这样就能吃到。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j131116 NAS3 Reading: The student suggests theuniversity to allow students to have classes outside. Reason 1: Fresh air,students can better concentrate in a new environment. Reason 2: They can put abench or something on the lawn for the students to sit on.Listening: The man disagrees. Reason1: There are too many distractions, for instance a friend who passes by maywant to say hi or even a bird that flies by can distract the students. Whenthey&#39;re in the classroom, they can simply close the door to make sure everybodyconcentrates. Reason 2: The space is limited, students usually bring theirlaptops with them to take notes, this means some people have to sit on theground which is very uncomfortable and may affect their note-taking as well.小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j S4 Reading: Definition: Compromisingeffect means people usually avoid extreme options and choose to make mediumchoices when they shop. The companies sometimes develop more expensive productswith better quality to stimulate people to purchase the existed product.Listening: Example: A coffee makercompany produced a kind of coffee maker with low end quality and another withaverage quality, and most of the customers choose to buy the cheaper kind. Thenthe company came up with the third kind of fancy coffee maker with a highquality that is more expensive, and after that, more customers have startedshifting to buying the average kind of coffee maker.小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS5 Problem:The man has to choose a farther route with more trafficjam because his old route is being reconstructed, and he has been late for thehistory classes for several times.Solutions:1. Wake up earlier than usual. Pro: He can arrive atschool on time. Con: Sometimes he has to work until late at night, and he won&#39;tbe able to wake up early the next morning. 2. He can take this class the nextsemester. Pro: It won&#39;t be a problem because it&#39;s only been 2 weeks since theystarted this semester. 小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j100613 CNS3 Reading: In the letter the studentsuggests the school to remove the big-screen TV in the cafeteria because it istoo noisy. Some students usually study there. And also students usually discusswith each other there. But now nobody discuss questions there.Listening: The man disagrees with thesuggestion in the letter for two reasons. First, the TV is for students torelax. If students want to study, they should go to library. Second, studentsare big enough to make decision for themselves and no need discuss with others.小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS4 Reading: Echolocation: detectobjects or position through the refection of sound. 许多动物看不到,但是可以躲避障碍物,捕捉食物。Listening: the professor use bat asan example. First, it can detect location through echolocation to avoid crashon a tree. Second, it can detect the mouse to prey it. 教授以蝙蝠举例,蝙蝠吃老鼠,老鼠只有在晚上出来活动,但是蝙蝠依然捕捉得到.因为它靠发射回来的回音,辨别障碍物,比如树.而且它可以分辨障碍物是树还是老鼠。小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66jS6 Lecture: The professor is mainlydiscussing Suspense in the film to hold audience&#39;s attention. First is theresult is unknown. For example, two men are searching gold with differentmethods. But who can finally find the gold first is unknown. Second is theprocess has suspense. For example, a man and a woman in the movie will fall inlove with each other is known to audience. But they also care about theprocess.小站机经原创答案:/thread-.html?tf66j
写作方面补充如下题目(优先看super 66标有Hot! 的部分):独立写作:140117 NA Do you think classmates or colleaguesshould work on projects in person or by emails? Why?140111 NA Some people think that athletes andentertainers should become politicians, while other people think that athletesand entertainers should not be involved in politics. Which do you prefer andwhy?140125 NA Do you agree or disagree that parentsshould make suggestion to the teacher if parents find the teaching method isnot right?130630 CN Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? People today would feel happier if they have fewerpossessions.140608 NA Some students prefer to have theirfinal grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer tohave their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do youprefer and why?130726 NA If your teacher says somethingincorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt you 2.K 3. Correct your teacher after class.131005 NA Some people think field trip (e.g. atrip to museum) is important for a child&#39;s education. Other think it&#39;simportant for children to spend time studying in the classroom. Which do youthink is more important and why?131206 NA Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? The most important investment that can be made to theeducation of children aged four to seven is giving them a computer.131207 NA Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? If people are onvocation (holiday), they should leave their mobile phones at home.131214 NA Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? The more money people have the more they should give awayto charity.131220 NA If the city has given money toinvestment, which options you prefer: 1. build a public garden to provide quiteenviro 2. built a sports field for students in high schoolwhich doesn’t have its own.综合写作:131025 NA Reading:有一个叫asteroids的星球, 适合人类居住,有些人建议可以把一些peoplesending到上面去,有几个理由: <span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)外星球重力小,这样就不会发生像月球和火星那样,飞船可以更安全的降落。而且因为重力小还可以带更多器材上去开发;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)外星球稀有金属多,比如金子和白金,这样那些开发者采完金子回去卖能发笔财;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)有的小星球离地球很近,往返时间就短,有的甚至比月亮还进,月亮往返还要两年。Listening:教授反驳:<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)低重力下肌肉怎么办,骨骼怎么办?航天员穿航天服尚且还肌肉萎缩,要是长时间待在那儿会很危险;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)虽然有稀有金属矿,但是成本高。一来一回得很多钱,这样到地球之后卖不出价;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)看上去它离地球近,那是因为它正好走到离地球近的一点,不知道远的那一点得多远,估计是月球的好几倍。上去一趟很可能要很久。130615 CN Reading:推行新型灯泡(CFL)替换老灯泡的政策不好.给了3点理由: <span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)太贵;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)有污染;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)光对眼睛不好。Listening:教授反驳:<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)虽然贵,但是耐用,算总成本还是CFL灯便宜;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)用旧灯泡发电需要用煤和水银,会造成更多污染;<span style="font-size:14font-family:微软雅黑,sans-color:#)老的CFL灯有这个问题,但是新的CFL灯已经phosphor混合了.所以光不单调了,对眼睛好了。 点击“阅读原文”,获取14年12月27、28日托福预测机经【黄金完整版super66】。 
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