
速求3篇英语小文章3篇英语小文章,要求100-200词之间,为初中水平,至少10个生词,内容为童话.故事 速求!_百度作业帮
速求3篇英语小文章3篇英语小文章,要求100-200词之间,为初中水平,至少10个生词,内容为童话.故事 速求!
速求3篇英语小文章3篇英语小文章,要求100-200词之间,为初中水平,至少10个生词,内容为童话.故事 速求!
《郑人买履》的故事 Buying shoes A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes.He measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair.When he set out for the market he forgot to bring it along.It was after he had found the pair he wanted that this occurred to him.I forgot the measurement,said he.He went home to get it but when he returned the market had broken up and he did not get his shoes after all.Why didn't you try on the shoes with your feet?He was asked.I 'd rather trust the measurement than trust myself.(《Hanfeizi》) 郑人买履 从前,郑国有个人想买双鞋.他量好了自己脚的尺码,把它放在了椅子上.可当他赶往市集时,却忘了带量好的尺码.他要买鞋时,才想了起来.他说:"我忘带尺码了." 他回家去取量好的尺码.等他赶回来时,市集已经关了,他还是没能买到鞋.有人问:"为什么不用你自己的脚去量鞋子呢?" 他说:"我宁愿相信尺码也不相信我自己的脚." (《韩非子》) 《三个懒汉》的故事Three lazy Ones When the time came for him to die he called them to his bed and said,“Dear children,I have thought of something that I will reveal to you.The one of you is the laziest shall become king after me.” The oldest one said,“Father,then the kingdom belongs to me,for I am so lazy that whenever I lie down to sleep,and a drop falls into my eyes,I will not even close them so that I can fall asleep.” The second one said,“Father,the kingdom belongs to me,for I am so lazy that when I am sitting by the fire warming myself,I would rather let my heels burn up than to pull my legs back.” The third one said,“Father,the kingdom is mine,for I am so lazy that if I were going to be hanged and already had the rope around my neck,and someone put into my hand a sharp knife with which to cut the rope,I would let myself be hanged rather than to lift my hand up to the rope.” When the father heard this he said,“You have taken it the farthest and shall be king.” 在一个遥远的地方,有一个国王,他有三个儿子,对每一个儿子他都非常喜爱,他不知道自己死后应该把王位传给他们三个中的哪一个.所以,当他快要死的时候,就把他们叫到身边说:“亲爱的孩子们,在我死后,你们三个中谁最懒,谁就继承我的王位.”老大说:“既然这样,这王位就是我的,因为我是最懒的儿子,当我躺下睡觉时,有任何东西落到我的眼睛里,我也懒得去擦掉,即使不能把眼睛闭上,我仍然会继续睡觉.”二儿子说:“爸爸,王位应该传给我,因为我是最懒的儿子.当我坐在火边取暖的时候,就是火燃到我的脚趾,我也懒得把腿收回来.”第三个儿子说:“爸爸,这王位是我的,因为我是你最懒的儿子,如果我就要被吊起来,绳子已经套在了脖子上,有人把一把锋利的小刀塞在我手里,要我切断绳子,我宁愿被吊起来也懒得抬起手把绳子割断.”父亲听到这里说道:“你是最合适的人选,你应该继承王位.” 《兔子和乌龟》的故事The Rabbit And The Turtle One day,a turtle is climbing.A rabbit sees the turtle.It asks the turtle:“Hi,turtle.What are you doing?” “I’m running.” The turtle says.“Haha,you are running?How slowly!Let’s play a game.Let’s see who runs fast.” The rabbit laughs.“OK.” The turtle says.The next day is a sunny day.The turtle and the rabbit are ready for a game.Many animals are watching.“Three !Two!One!Start!” monkey says.The rabbit and the turtle runs to the end.The rabbit runs very fast.The turtle is climbing so slowly.It’s behind the rabbit.The rabbit runs to a tree.It sees the turtle is behind.It thinks:“The turtle is very slow.I can sleep under the tree.” So the rabbit is sleeping.The turtle climbs to the tree.It sees the rabbit is dleeping and doesn’t stop.In the end it gets to the end and is very happy!Now the rabbit wakes up.It thinks the turtle is still behind.The rabbit runs to the end.It sees the turtle there.“Haha,I win!” the turtle says.The rabbit is very sad.It is crying.This story tells us:we can’t be pride.以前有一只兔子,他对他能跑很快感到很自豪,一天他遇到了一只乌龟,他嘲笑乌龟跑的太慢.乌龟反驳说要不然来场赛跑.赛跑开始了,兔子能够跑的很快,把乌龟甩在了后边,时间过了一半,兔子感到继续跑下去很无聊,就休息了,睡得很香.这时乌龟一直在跑,最后超过了兔子睡觉的地方.最终乌龟赢得了这次赛跑.兔子醒后发现乌龟在他前边,赶紧跑起来想追上乌龟,但是太晚了.这个故事告诉我们“稳扎稳打才能赢得比赛”或者“不要对你的能力评价太高.”
《郑人买履》的故事 Buying shoes A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his foot and put the measurement on a chair. When he set out for the market he forgot to bring i...对不起,该主题存在非法关键字!已被系统屏蔽我们需要5篇英语的对话型小故事,将其改写成记叙文的形式然后背下来.我们马上上初二.谁能帮忙提供那种有原稿也有改好的,方便背诵的5篇小短文?_百度作业帮
  ( A )  A:Hello!Could I speak to the headmaster,please?  B:Hold on for a moment,please.I'm sorry he isn't here by now.may I help you?  A:That's very kind of you,but I want to speak to him about my son,Jim Green.I would like to meet him as soon as possible,please.  B:Are you free later today,Mr.Green?  A:Sorry.I'm free every day except today.  B:Are you able to come here tomorrow?  A:I think so.What time?  B:Between 8:30 and 9:00.  A:I think so.Yes,I think that would be fine.  B:I'll leave a message on his desk.  A:Thank you very much.Goodbye!  B:Goodbye!  ( B )  A:What would you like playing,volleyball or basketball?  B:Neither.I like football.  A:I like playing football,too.Let's go to play football sometime,shall we?  B:OK.I'm very glad to.  A:When shall we go,this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon?  B:I'm going to waitch a football match of World Cup on TV.  A:I hear you are going to see your grandmother.  B:Yes.But the match is so important that I can't miss it.  ( C)  A:Can Ihelp you?Would you like something to it?What about some cakes?  B:No,thanks.I think I'd like some bread.  A:Would you like something to drink?  B:A cup of coffee,please.  A:With sugar?  B:Yes,please.  A:Some bore bread?  B:No.the bread is delicious,but I can't eat any more.Thank you.  ( D )  A:Excuse me,please.Could you tell me how to get to the East Street Hospital?  B:Go up this street till you see the second traffic lights.Turn right and you'll see the hospital at the eng of the road.  A:How far is it?  B:About three kilometers.It'll take you about half an hour.But you'd better catch a bus.  A:Which bus shall I take?  B:The Number 2 bus will take you there.  A:Thanks a lot.  B:You're welcome.  ( E )  A:Good afternoon!Sit down,please.What's wrong with you?  B:Good afternoon ,Doctor.I have got a headache.  A:Have you taken your temperature?  B:Yes,I have.It's a bit higher.  A:Jack,open your mouth and say “Ahh”.  B:Ahh…A.It's nothing serious .You just have a cold.  A:I've got a fever,too.  B:How long have you been like this?  A:Since this morning.Do I have to lie in bed?  B:No,take this medicine and you'll be all right soon.  A:Thank you very much,Doctor.Good-bye.  额、累屎了、我可是从我书上给你找的啊!高中英语必修2第一单元reading翻译!急急~~~谢谢!_百度知道
从那以后。所以、叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外避暑的宫殿中?,纳粹德国的军队逼近了圣彼得堡。在纳粹分子能够到达夏宫之前. 还满意吗,它已经完工了寻找琥珀屋
高中英语必修2第三·四·五单元reading翻译!急急~~~谢谢! 1150年到Reading 伊莱亚斯的故事 我的名字 你提的问题不具体,必修2有很多版本
Please supply the Chinese content, so that I can help you.Thanks!
出门在外也不愁请英语大神帮忙指教下怎么把下面这篇文章改成演讲稿的形式呢,英语结课要用,感激不尽 The sto请英语大神帮忙指教下怎么把下面这篇文章改成演讲稿的形式呢,英语结课要用,感激不尽 The story_百度作业帮
请英语大神帮忙指教下怎么把下面这篇文章改成演讲稿的形式呢,英语结课要用,感激不尽 The sto请英语大神帮忙指教下怎么把下面这篇文章改成演讲稿的形式呢,英语结课要用,感激不尽 The story
请英语大神帮忙指教下怎么把下面这篇文章改成演讲稿的形式呢,英语结课要用,感激不尽 The sto请英语大神帮忙指教下怎么把下面这篇文章改成演讲稿的形式呢,英语结课要用,感激不尽 The story goes that two friends were walking through the desert.During some point of the journey they had an argument,and one friend slapped the other one in the face.The one who got slapped felt hurt,but without saying anything,wrote in the sand:Today my best friend slapped me in the face.They kept on walking until they found an oasis,where they decided to take a bath.The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning,but the friend saved him.After he recovered from the near drowning,he wrote on a stone:Today my best friend saved my life.The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him,"After I hurt you,you wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone.Why?" The other friend replied,"When someone hurts us,we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it.But when someone does something good for us,we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."


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