在Synopsys (上海中心大厦门票)工作是一种怎样的体验

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有需要的兄弟联系我 dota_ 有想去武汉的兄弟(应届生也可以考虑)一可以联系我,武汉的招的比较急!  Job Descriptions  · This position is responsible for IP FPGA prototype work including IP core RTL integration, test bench creation for simulation with Verification IP, FPGA synthesis to achieve clean time result, hardware testing and debugging through hardware instruments.
Will be working with the IP core and PHY Design Engineering teams to understand the IP protocols and PHY application, to define and implement the integration architecture.   o
Perform FPGA synthesis, define correct timing constraints, IO constraints to achieve time clean synthesis result   o
Will involve all states of the prototype development process from the specification, design implementation, simulation, FPGA synthesis, and hardware system verification.  Position Requirements  · BSEE or MSEE (is preferable) with 5+ yrs of experiences in FPGA design and IC validation.  · Must be proficient with Unix OS, Verilog HDL, Perl scripting.  · Hardware validation and debugging experiences are highly desirable.  · Knowledge of EDA tools in the areas of Synthesis, FPGA prototyping flow, Simulation and Verification is plus.  · Knowledge one of the PCI Express/SATA/USB/HDMI/AMBA Protocol with relevant experience (specifications, compliance and interoperability testing, design/verification experience etc.) will be a definite plus.  Has strong desires to learn new technologies and demonstrates good analysis and problem-solving skills
楼主发言:3次 发图:0张 | 更多
  补充一下  上海的职位也有不少,涉及software、verification等等 都可以  有意的话 我在发具体jd  联系方式 dota_
  武汉找的比较急 software engineer 招人  有意 email我 dota_
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