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美国音乐学院面试问题汇总 八大常见问题一览
  MA是Master of Arts 的简称,主要是一个研究性的学位,学习重点是在创作和研究技能上,所以申请这个专业的话对英语的运用能力要求非常高。MA研究方向可任选其一:创作或者音乐教育方向.
  MM是Master of Music的简称,和MA的学习重点不同,MA更强调专业能力,例如在申请中,MM的声乐、器乐是要试音的,MA则不需要。所以,申请者在选择MM还是MA时,要看个人背景和自己的职业目标。
  音乐学院总体来说申请截止日期比较早,一般从9月-11月份申请。University of Michigan早一些,截止日为11月1日,其它的如Juilliard School是12月1日,Curtis Institute是12月15日,San Francisco是12月15日,Manhattan School of Music同样也是12月1日。申请工作的准备一定要提前做,尤其是申请奖学金,因此最好在5-7月份的时候制订一份明确的申请Schedule。
  一般费用在10000美元-50000美元/年。比如Juilliard School费用如下:学费:$32180 住宿费$12280(双人间)书本和个人花费$4500 合计:$48960/年。总体来说,专门的音乐学院学费比较贵,综合大学的下属音乐学院相对学费便宜。
  实并非如此。今年为例:欧柏林音乐学院奖学金给的最多的前三名学生都是在中国大陆考试的。其他学校比如Eastman, Peabody, BU, Ithaca,情况也基本如此,除必须去美国面试专业外,在中国考试对很多学生来说第一节省时间和费用,第二学生有更多的方便,比如语言,时差等等。所以,在中国大陆考试和去美国现场考试在本质上是没有区别。另外在中国考试还有一个优势:由于在中国考试的时间比较早,如果同学们能在11月底把所需要的材料提交,可以被作为early decision. 能在2月份就拿到通知书和奖学金,比一般录取提早2个月。
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1.& & & & Introduce yourself?自我介绍
My name is XXX. I’m a candidate applying for visiting scholarship to America. I Graduated from XXX University in XXX to attain my Ph.D degree, major in Computer ence and Technology. After graduation, I became a assistant researcher in XXX. In March 2009, I transferred to XXX University to be an associate professor. As a major member, I’ve participated in more than ten projects, including National Science Foundation Projects, State 863 projects, projects of national science and technology support program, international projects collaborated with famous companies, those of which were completed and some of them won the prize of provincial science and technology awards.
Now I’m taking charge of four projects related to my research fields, including a National Science Foundation project, a key science and technology project of XXX province, a project of XXX Natural Science Foundation Research Program, and a high-quality talents funding project of XXX.
Now my research interests focus on XXX. I am a member of Technical Committee of XXX. I’m also a senior member of XXX, which are the two distinguished international organizations in computer science fields. I’ve published more than twenty papers in the international and domestic conferences and journals which are mostly indexed by SCI/EI/ISTP etc.
2.& & & & Why do you study abroad? What is the purpose to study abroad? 留学目的
As an academic, science research is one of the job duties and doing better research can promote the teaching as well. Firstly, studying abroad is good to improve the research abilities, by working with the excellent colleagues and mature team, learning from the accomplished professor, and doing research in a laboratory with advanced equipments, participating in the frontier projects etc. Secondly, studying abroad is beneficial to expand the worldview. Ideas and methods on how to discover a valued problem and solve it can be learned, thus the way of thinking can be expanded to do more creative research job. Thirdly, studying abroad affords more opportunities to strengthen the cooperation and collaboration with experts and specialists. Various types of cooperation can be launched actively, such as taking part in the seminars regularly, joining the international conferences and workshops with presentations, and putting forward proposals together with foreign researchers.
3.& & & & Why do you choose the university of XXX? 选择该校的原因
I’m going to study in XXX University. It’s because of Prof. XXX. He is the Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the XXX University.
Firstly, I have the same research interest with Prof. XXX in the field of XXX. His research interests cover a wide spectrum in the areas of XXX.
Secondly, Prof. XXX is an accomplished professor in the world. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has supervised over 50 graduate students (both MS and Ph.D), post-docs, and visiting scholars. And some of his students have already become professors in America, too. He is a very good teacher.
Thirdly, graduate students, postdocs and visiting scholars can conduct extensive studies in the XXX Laboratory which has the world class research facilities and equipments. Several technical innovations and research results from his team have been widely adopted in XXX with direct contributions to the advancement of the XXX systems.
4.& & & & how do you cooperate with Prof. XXX? When will you get invitation letter?与国外导师的联系情况
In 2003, when I was a doctor candidate, I met Prof. XXX in a class of XXX. He gave us a five-day lecture and taught us valuable and frontier knowledge and technologies about XXX. Since then, I moved my research interest into the area of XXX and my thesis for doctor degree was finally titled as “XXX”.
When I went to XXX, we have cooperation on the National 863 project to research and develop XXX system to build the XXX. After that, I communicate with Prof. XXX occasionally though emails to seek some advices of research. He gave me a lot of valuable suggestions and guidance.
I’ll contact Prof. XXX for invitation letter after I pass through the examination of CSC(China Scholarship Council).
5.& & & & Research experience? What are your research interests? 研究方向及进展
Last few years, I’ve been doing research on XXX.&&
I’ve proposed a XXX.&&
My research interests now focus on the XXX.
6.& & & & What are your future research plans? How are you going to bring about the plan? How to evaluate your research? 留学拟研究课题与自身研究方向的关系?为什么做这个课题?有什么意义?如何评价将来的研究工作?
I’m going to do research on XXX. The subject is titled as “XXX”.
I’m going to study abroad for one year. My planning research comes down in the same continuous line with the former research. Those problems are mostly XXX, so the research is of great importance and significance.
Future research contents contain four aspects: Firstly, XXX. Secondly, XXX. Thirdly, XXX. Fourthly, XXX.
I’m going to publish XXX high-level papers in the international journals and conferences and implement a prototype of XXX, and guide XXX graduate students in the XXX project.
7.& & & & what are your strengths? What is your greatest weakness? 优点及其缺点
I’m a good learner and a team player. I can communicate and work with others well. Also, I’m good at organizing the team to fulfill a task and overcome difficulties with all efforts. About my weakness, I think my desire to be an extraordinary scientist is not that much strong, so that will reduce the motive forces to explore the unknown world.
8.& & & & what’s your plan after you coming back?回国后打算
I’ll come back to XXX after one year’s visiting. I’ll bring the advanced ideas, technologies and methods to the XXX Laboratory and introduce them to my colleagues. I’ll continue to do more research on XXX and make some achievements.
北京学而思教育科技有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区北三环甲18号中鼎大厦A座1层102室 电话:010-美国留学面试常见形式及问题有哪些?
  ◆ 缺乏面试经验,答案没有针对性
  ◆ 对美国金融学硕士没有足够的了解
  ◆ 英文口语沟通能力比较差
  ◆ 心情紧张,面试糟糕
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&&&&  出国留学电话面试是留学美国研究生的最后一关,同学们离踏上美国的土地只有一步之遥,但这一步非常重要,通常决定了你是否能被录取。下面,新东方网为大家汇总了留学面试常见的十余道题,希望大家好好准备,顺利通过最后的面试关,成功到踏上美国留学之路。&&&&& &&&&  1) What will you study in the United States?&&&&  I will study Materials Science and Engineering in the university of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign.&&&&  2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?&&&&  My current major is Chemistry, and my present specific field of study is Material Chemistry, which is also a branch of Materials Science. Material chemistry focuses on finding some new chemical synthesis methods and the relationship between the methods and the property of the materials.&&&&  what is your future specific major?&&&&  Well, materials science has a lot of branches, I&m very interested in my current research area, and will probably continue with it after I go to UIUC.&&&&  3) What will you do in USA?&&&&  I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. It may take me 5 to 7 years, then I will come back to china.&&&&  why will you finished you degree in five years?&&&&  Usually, for Ph.D. of engineering in UIUC, it will take us 7 years to finish our study. But a schoolmate of mine who is now studying in UIUC told me that if we work hard enough, we can finished our courses and research project in five years.&&&&  I hope I can finished my graduates study and get the degree in five years since I want to come back earlier to assist my father . he is not young and does need me to help him with his business as soon as possible.&&&&  why will you want to finish you degree in five years?&&&&  If I can finish my graduate study in five years, I will come back at a earlier time to carry on my father&s factory. anyway, my father is getting old, and he does need me to help him with his business as soon as possible.&&&&  4) Are you going to study in USA?&&&&  Yes. I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Material Science and Engineering in UIUC. I plan to finish my study in about 5-7 years and then come back to china.&&&&  5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?&&&&  I&ll get my Bachelor&s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of this July form Peking University.&&&&& &&&&  6) What/where are you studying now?&&&&  I am studying for my bachelor&s degree in Chemistry in Peking University at present.&&&&  7) How long will you study in USA?&&&&  About 7years. If I work hard enough I can finished my study and get the degree in a shorter time.&&&&  8) Do you have any scholarship/financial aid?&&&&  Yes. The University of Illinois has offered me a position of research assistant. Besides the tuition waiver, I will get a monthly stipend of 1500 dollars during my graduate study.&&&&  9) What do you want to study in USA?&&&&  I want to study for my Ph.D. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. This program in UIUC ranks top 3 in the United States.&&&&  Why transfer your major?&&&&  Actually my present specific field of study is Material chemistry, it is also a branch of material science. (it is a interdisciplinary major between chemistry and material science) So my graduate major will be essentially the same as what I have studying now. would you like to my paper published on Chemistry of materials during my undergraduate research?&&&&  10) What do you do with your work for BS?&&&&  I have learned for more than 50 courses and carry on research work on my specific area.&&&&  what do you do with your work for Ph.D.?&&&&  In the first year, I will mainly take courses. Later I will join a research group that I am interested in to carry out research. I will try to finish my work and dissertation and get my degree in five years.&&&&  11) What is your purpose for the visa?&&&&  I need an F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in UIUC.&&&&  12) What is your academic background?&&&&  I have been studied in the chemistry department of Peking University since 1997. I will get my bachelor&s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of July. My interested area of study is Material Chemistry, which is a branch of Material Science. I have been doing research in this field for more than one year and published some papers. so I have built up some background in materials science. What I am doing now is try to synthesis some nanoscale materials.&&&&  13) How do you know this Univ.?&&&&  I knew UIUC from many channels such as US news because it is very famous for its school of Engineering. It has a top 3 graduate program in Material science and Engineering in the United States. &&&&  了解更多美国留学信息,欢迎拨打010-转美国部& 【】&&&&  官方微信:新东方前途出国(微信帐号:xdfqiantu)&&&&  手机客户端:前途留学通&&&&  新浪官方微博:@新东方前途出国留学 &&&&&&&&&  【相关阅读】&&&&  &&&&  &&&&  &&&&  
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(C)2017 New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co. Ltd.


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