第三方面试ciee面试/initial view的超详细攻略,真的有必要面试么

Video Questions
为了用更加多样的手段第一时间来评判学生是否足够优秀,已经有不少学校把面试加入到网申环节当中,即Video Question,也可以称为预面试。这种面试很像托福考试,学生只有填写到网申面试那一步的时候才能弹出面试题。系统会先让你测试摄像头和麦克风,随后出现已经提前录好的面试题,通常学生有15秒-30秒阅读题目的时间,之后就会开始录像,学生一般需要在规定时间内回答完面试题,并上传到网申系统。这种面试随机性很大,很难准备。
Video Essay
除此之外,网申中还有一种预面试的形式是Video Essay,其实也就是你写小作文的过程将要全程被录下来。
1:Tell me about yourself.(请介绍你自己)
2:Why are you interested in our college? (为什么你对我们学校感兴趣?)
3:What do you want to know abot our college?(对于我们学校你想了解什么?)
4:Why do you want to major in XX?(你为什么要学XX专业?)
5:What will you contribute to our campus community? (你能给我们学校带来什么?)
6:Who in your life has most influenced you? (你的一生中,对你影响最深的人是谁?)
7:Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.(请告诉我你曾经面对过的挑战和困难)
8:What do you do
in your free time? (你的业余生存是怎么度过的?)
9:Recommend a good book to me. (请推荐一本书给我)
10:What do you hope to do after graduation? (毕业以后你想做什么?)
自我介绍:心理学毕业,教育行业背景7年余,从事美国留学咨询3年余,指导百名学子成功赴美留学,实现美国梦! 其中包括公立TOP1的加州伯克利,专排TOP10的卡耐基梅陇大学,TOP25南加大、密西根安娜堡和北卡教堂山等等诸多名校!
经营许可证编号:京ICP备号 (C)版权所有:新东方前途出国咨询有限公司
(C)2016 New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co. Ltd.相关热词搜索:新东方前途出国留学,您理想的留学伙伴!
&现在美国本科申请,学校要求面试,对很多学生和家长来说,并不是一个陌生的话题。除了公立大学之外(有的公立大学这两年也在挑着学生要求面试),基本是美国US NEWS排名在前50的学校,都会国际学生特别是中国学生参加面试。那么问题来,美国大学的面试到底是什么样子的?面试常见的问题又有哪些呢?
常见于常青藤大学,芝加哥大学,罗切斯特大学以及文理学院。其中又分为Skype面试,in-person interview, 电话面试比较常见。
最常见的是Initial View, CIEE 和Vericant&
1.就好像打仗要知己知彼一样,多了解面试官对自己也很有好处。适当的邮件来往可以让对方感觉自己比较有诚意可以加深印象。所以面试前最好要通过邮件等弄清楚对方的大概身份,是Admission Officer, 还是Alumni。如果是前者需要穿正式服装,也就是no jeans. 上身最好是有领子的衣服,颜色深沉一点为妙。女孩子需要稍微打扮打扮,尤其是去参加像Upenn这种热衷于招收漂亮女生的面试的时候。如果是Alumni,就是比较Informal的了,穿的比较得体就可以了,而且地点一般都是Starbucks所以轻松自然点为妙。&
2.网上有很多面试的经典题目,其实都跑不出你申请表中填过的内容,如果你对你申请表中的一切了如指掌,面试根本没有什么好害怕的,无非是,学习的课程拉,专业兴趣拉,平时的活动拉,课外交流拉,家庭背景拉,学校环境拉。最可怕的就是如果你在申请活动中填写到你参加某某个大赛怎么怎么获得奖,或者你当学生会主席组织过某某个大型活动,可是人家让你自己具体的说一说的时候却说不出什么道道来,这样就比较瓜三了。。。另外不要以为Alumni面试并不知道你申请表的内容到底是什么,即使他们不知道,他们也会把你面试上的内容大概的转到Admission Office去,所以如果你对某项自己的经历说不出具体的内容就不要自己主动提出来,万一被问着了就比较悲惨。&
6.如同Admission Officer阅读个人自述的essay一样,面试官也会给很多人面试,这样你再面试过程中要努力突出自己的与众不同之处,或者有些灵巧而机智的回答。比如我记得有个朋友在面试的时候人家问他你紧张么?他说我怎么会紧张呢?我一直是面试别人的嘛!这样就自然的把话题转移到他在学生会的工作上来了。&
8.一般面试官不会问太刁难的问题或者政治敏感话题,但是不如Mr. White就比较sharp一点。可是我个人认为,人与人的接触需要真诚而体现自己的风格,随声附和的想法是不太可取得。&
9.准备一些必要的问题问面试官。很obvious的就不要问了,最好问一些对方的感受阿经历阿什么的。比如我记得Yale面试的时候我问过对方耶鲁给你印象最深的是什么,答案是在耶鲁遇见的人blablabla…还有如何在Yale比较成功的survive? 答案是take initiatives.&
The College Interview Questions&
oWhy do you want to attend X university?&
oWhat is your strongest/weakest point?&
oWhat have you done to prepare for college?&
oWhat has been your greatest experience in high school?&
oWhat do you want to do in the future?&
oTell me about yourself. (You should focus on about three things.&
oTell me about your interests.&
oTell me about your involvement in extracurricular activities.&
oTell me about your family.&
oWhat do you think about (insert a current event of the past week)?&
oWhat is your favorite book? Who is your favorite author?&
oWhich of your accomplishments are you the most proud of?&
oIf you could meet any important figure in the past or present, who would it be and what would you talk about?&
oIf you could be any animal what would you be? Why?&
oWhat did you do last summer?&
oWhat is your favorite class at school?&
oWhat is your most challenging class at school?&
oQuestions about extra-curricular activities?&
oQuestions about leadership experiences&
oWhat do you want to study in college?&
oDo you have a job?&
oHave you taken any honors or AP classes?&
oWhere do you see yourself after college?&
oWhat other schools are you applying to?&
oWhat are your favorite subjects, and why?&
oWhat are your plans for the future?&
oWhy do you want to attend this college?&
oWhat extracurricular activities do you enjoy?&
oWho do you admire the most, and why?&
oWhat are your strongest points?&
oWhat would you like to change about yourself?&
Questions for admission officers:&
oHow many students will be in the freshman class this year? "&
oWhat activities are available for freshmen to meet other students?&
oHow hard is it to get time on the college's computers?&
oWhat kind of orientation program does the college offer?&
oHow can I find out about part-time job opportunities or internships on campus?&
oIs there anything else I can tell you about myself to help you make a fair and informed decision about my application?&
oWhat did you like about your school? Why did you choose to go there?&
oWhat kinds of self-growth would you like to see in your self in the next four years? You might talk about learning to set goals, taking responsibility for yourself, learning about yourself as an individual and as a member of society, gaining historical perspective about today’s world (if you’re interested in history), improving your communication trying out new ways of being and new ideas, learning to relate to people with different backgrounds, learning to take risks, or overcoming high school stereotypes starting over (or building on your past).&
oIf I visited your high school, what might I find as your in the community?&
oWhat might your teachers say is your greatest strength as a person and as a student, and what are your weaknesses in each area?8 ?&
oWhat books or articles have you read in the last year that have had special meaning for you?&
oWhat events or experiences in your life have been most crucial to you?&
oWhat do you see as the good life for you twenty years from now?&
oIf you could reach for a telephone and call anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?&
oDo you have a hero or heroine you admire? An author? Would you call a friend, an enemy: A world leader? A great musician? Why?&
oLast year we had ten thousand applicants and were able to accept only two thousand. Why should we accept you?&
oWhat sets you apart from others?&
oHave you ever thought of not goals to college and of what you might choose to do instead?&
oIf l asked your best friend to describe you, what would I hear?&
oDescribe your best friend. How do YOU see the role of the student on campus and in the community?&
oWhat, in your opinion, is a college education?&
otell me about your greatest failure&
Here are some questions that are commonly asked on a college interview.&
1.What can you bring to this college/university? (ie: what are your personal assets?&
2.What have been your major accomplishments throughout high school?&
3.What is your best and worst characteristic?&
4.Why do you feel that you deserve acceptance/a scholarship to this college/university?&
5.What are your future goals, both personally and career-wise?&
6.What types of activities do you plan on being involved with during your college years?"&
7.Tell me about three people in your life that inspire you and how did they do so&
8.So how did you hear about (college) and why are you interested?&
9.What has been or will be the hardest part of the whole college application process?&
10.If you were going through high school again, what is something that you would get involved in that you haven't yet?&
11.What is the biggest problem facing your high school, and how would you change it?&
12.How would you rate your overall high school experience?&
13.What would your ideal college be like?&
14.What are your most fearful things regard to going off to college?:&
15.If I had to change one thing about yourself what would it be/why?&
16.How would you describe your hometown?&
17.How would you describe your high school?&
18.What prompted you to apply here?&
19. What are you most nervous about when it comes to going to college? What are you most excited about?&
20.What is your favorite class that you are taking now?&
21.How do you think your high school has prepared you for college?&
22.What is it about the field you intend to major in that interests you?&
23.How would your favorite teacher describe you?&
24.How wuld your friends describe you?&
25.How would you describe yourself?&
26.What other schools are you applying to?&
27.What is something new you want to explore during college?&
28.30. Do you get along well with your siblings and parents?&
29.31. Are there any trips you've been on or experiences you've had that have really influenced you or caused you to make change in your life?&
30.32. What did you do last summer?&
Be prepared for a weird question now and then. Something like, " If you were a tree, what kind would you be and why?" It might seem like a silly questions, but don't take offense or get flustered. Try to come up with an imaginative answer that tells something about your personality.&
Questions You Should Ask !&
You need to think of the college interview as a good conversation. The interviewer will most likely friendly and want to get to know you better. You will need to prepare questions for the interviewer so you can maintain the conversation. Preparation of the questions to ask shows that you are really interested in the school. Do not ask questions that could have been answered in the course catalog. This might indicate to the interviewer that you haven't done your homework.&
1. What kind of off-campus study programs are available?&
2. How many students stay on-campus during the weekends?&
3. Are there career planning services available?&
4. What is the town where the college is located like?&
5. Tell me about freshman orientation.&
6. Will I have an academic advisor?&
7. What are the current housing options?&
8. Will I have any graduate assistants teaching my classes?'&
9. Are there any academic support services available?&
10. What does your college have to offer in terms of finding a job after graduation?&
11. Do you have a program that helps you find internships?&
12. What is your internship program like? What percentage of students participate in an internship?&
13. What is the admissions decision process at your school?&
14. Is admission need-blind?&
15. Do you have IBM or Macintosh computers?8&
16. Do all students get e-mail addresses? Do all students have Internet access?&
17. What happens on a typical day at your school?&
18. Do employers come on campus and conduct interviews? Do these employers represent your field(s) of interest?&
19. Are freshman allowed to have cars on campus?&
1. Tell me about yourself.&
2. What is important to you in a college?&
3. What is or was your best subject in school? Your worst? Your favorite?&
4. Where do you hope to be in 10 years?&
5. What activities have you been involved in? Community service?&
6. What are your short-term and long-term goals?&
7. What does success mean to you?&
8. What are your strong points?&
9. What are your weaknesses?&
10. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?"&
11. What do you consider your greatest failure?&
12. What do you like most about yourself?&
13. What do you like least about yourself?&
14. What is important to you in a college?&
15. How would your best friend describe you?&
16. Tell me about a book you read recently?&
17. What does the study of history mean to you?&
18. What makes you think that this college and you are right for each other?&
19. How do you spend a typical afternoon after school? Weekend?!&
20. What have you liked/disliked about your school? What would you change?&
21. What is the most important thing you have learned in high school?&
22. What mark do you feel you have left on your high school?&
23. What do want to get out of your college experience?&
24. How did you come to include this college among your choices?&
经营许可证编号:京ICP备号 (C)版权所有:新东方前途出国咨询有限公司
(C)2016 New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co. Ltd.


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