
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
最低配置推荐配置系统:Win XP/VISTA/Win7/Win8
CPU:Intel Pentium 4/AMD同性能CPU
显卡:nVidia GeForce 6800GT/ATI同性能显卡
声卡:Direct Sound 兼容声卡系统:Win XP/VISTA/Win7/Win8
CPU:Intel Core2 2.4GHz/AMD同性能CPU
显卡:nVidia GeForce 9800GT/ATI同性能显卡
声卡:Direct Sound 兼容声卡
《实况足球2014》 有世界杯吗?
玩的老子想吐 居然还有什么拼抢摆手 那么复杂又意思吗!!?
是个人都能追上你 他ma的 90多的速度啊 操蛋的惯性 别跟我说什么难度 不会玩什么的 总之就是啥比
队友笨的跟特么猪似的,不会抢球就在那干站着,有时候打快攻的时候,像***没吃饱饭是的,***逼,再也不玩着逼游戏了& 《闪乱神乐:少女们的证明》1.2汉化补丁发布!6月14日更 ...
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Zi Anna Kanpa. Zi Kia Kanpa.LMAO汉化组 【组长】
UID2809738主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分3523金钱41938 荣誉256 人气1909 在线时间15416 小时评议2
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1.0:首日汉化补丁,即将推出完整版。eg一句评。 【游戏简介】  《闪乱神乐》系列依稀融入变身与爆衣要素、是一款让玩家脸红心跳的游戏。为了进一步增强这款游戏对PC玩家的吸引力,游戏发行商XSEED不仅会在PC版《闪乱神乐:少女们的证明》中为玩家们免费送上所有的DLC,而且还花功夫对游戏画质进行了优化,并将游戏帧数提高到了60。虽然日系游戏一向不以画面为卖点,但考虑到你们买这款游戏的目的,嗯,这样的优化很显然还是有意义的。 【汉化人员】监制ewordghost
对安装有问题的恕不接待,请在相应游戏的版块内发帖咨询,会有热心版主或网友给大家解答。 【参与LMAO汉化组的汉化工作】LMAO汉化组欢迎一切人才与热心网友。只要你符合以下条件之一,就欢迎报名参与汉化!
1. 了解并热爱游戏。
2. 英语水平相当于大学6级或以上。
3. 有一定的业余时间。
【下载地址】补丁网游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请迅雷快传游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请QQ旋风游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请百度网盘游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 【汉化截图】
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本补丁欢迎各网站在保留信息的前提下转载! 游侠网《闪乱神乐:少女们的证明》专题站:LMAO汉化组官网:即将上线,敬请期待!
游侠网官方新浪微博,欢迎大家收听:2016年PC游戏年鉴,收录最好的中文硬盘版: 游侠网微信二维码
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游戏大小:1.23 GB
操作系统:XP / VISTA / WIN7 / WIN8
七日杀14.6是由站()推荐下载的一款好玩的动作冒险游戏。《七日杀14.6》是一款沙盒类型僵尸恐怖生存游戏,由The Fun
游戏信息游戏名称:七日杀14.6游戏类型:动作冒险游戏语言:简体中文游戏大小:1.23GB更新时间:操作系统:WinXP/Win7/Vista七日杀14.6更新内容Added添加Added: Nref check when exiting minibike (was reported by testers)补充:nref检查时退出小型摩托车(的测试)Added: male cigarette slot for future cigarettes.补充:未来香烟的男性吸烟槽。Added: Game option for marking air drops on map/compass. Defaults to off.补充:在地图/指南针上标记空气下降的游戏选项。默认关闭。Added: Buff that displays when you enter the radiation zone.增加:浅黄色,当你进入辐射区。Added: spawner wrapMode “clamp补充:产卵模式“夹Changed改变Changed: Rebalanced repair skills and Fixer perk.改变:平衡修复能力和固定振作。Changed: Harvesting cars yields more gas.改变:收获汽车产量更多的天然气。Changed: Updated drop behavior on rocketlauncher and shotguns.改变:更新滴行为对火箭筒和猎枪。Changed: Updated drop behavior of wooden bow and pistol.更改:木弓和手枪的更新下降行为。Changed: Updated drop behavior of tools.改变:工具的更新下降行为。Changed: Reduced large first aid health amount per second改变:减少大的第一次援助的健康量每秒钟Changed: Zombie screamers now summon a “mini” horde every time they scream
loudly. This puts pressure on the player to dispatch the screamer as soon as
possible. The amount of zombies the screamer summons increases over weeks past,
so a screamer on day 90 will summon some nasty zombies and lots of them.
Screamers scream loudly about every 20 seconds so kill them quickly or you will
have a large horde to deal with. Screamers also have a low chance to summon
additional screamers.改变:僵尸尖叫者现在召唤一个“迷你”部落每次他们大声尖叫。这迫使玩家尽快派遣的尖叫。僵尸尖叫召唤增加在过去几周的量,所以90天的人会召唤一些讨厌的僵尸,他们很多。尖叫尖叫:大约每20秒杀死他们快或你将有一个大的部落处理。尖叫者也有低的几率召唤额外的尖叫。Changed: Reduced food dropping as loot because players never had to worry
about food.改变:减少食物的下降,因为玩家不必担心食物。Changed: Updated drop behavior of guns.改变:更新的枪下降行为。Changed: updated art on cotton plants改变:更新的棉花植物艺术Changed: Zombies now turn into goreblock prefabs once the lootwindow is
closed and the loot is thrown on the ground改变:僵尸现在变成goreblock预设是关闭的,一旦lootwindow战利品扔在地上Changed: Emma now has short hair.改变:艾玛现在有短头发。Changed: Shortened all item & weapon hold animations to save memory and
give snappier item changes.改变:缩短所有项目和武器把动画保存给迅捷的项目变化。Changed: Removed “clamp” on hordes so they wrap instead of spawning a feral
horde every night after day 49.变化:删除“夹”一所以他们包而不是产卵的野生部落每天晚上后49天。Changed: Updated male Asian face rig改变:更新的男性亚洲脸钻机Fixed固定Fixed: Forge/Campfire – “0” value on fuel icon and colored “Turn on” option
are present in turned off Campfire/Forge UI after turning on previous one.固定:锻造/营火–“0”值对燃料的图标和颜色的“打开”选项是关闭的篝火/锻造UI打开前一个后。Fixed: Red Tea description has wrong use of “its”修正:红茶叶的描述有错误的使用“它”Fixed: Goreblock prefabs do not not show butchering animation固定:goreblock预设不显示不屠宰动画Fixed: Several Dock POIs blocks cannot be repaired修正:几个码头景点块无法修复Fixed: Player does not receive empty Glass Jar after eating a Jar of
Honey固定:在吃了一罐蜂蜜后,玩家没有收到空的玻璃瓶Fixed: Airdrop Supply Crate is levitating on a parachute if dropped on
water固定:空投补给箱是悬浮在一个降落伞,如果掉在水Fixed: Name key for adobePeachPole固定:对adobepeachpole名称关键Fixed: Solid scrap iron frames can not be picked up.固定:固体废铁框架不能被拿起。Fixed: Corrected name of the leather leg armor schematic.修正:修正的皮革腿装甲示意图。Fixed: Space is doubled between “Repair:” and repair component in item
statistics window.修复:在“修复”和项目统计窗口中修复组件之间的空间是一倍。Fixed: Crafted word is used incorrectly in Crushed Sand description固定:制作的字是用不正确的碎砂描述Fixed: Healing has a misleading description. (Changed it to say you have
enough consumed food to slowly heal.修正:治疗有一个误导性的描述。(改变了它说你有足够的食物慢慢愈合。Fixed: slow swoosh sync issue (sledehammersound).固定:缓慢的旋风同步问题(sledehammersound)。Fixed: Improper prompt is displayed after removing a player from allies修正:删除一个玩家从盟友后显示不适当的提示Fixed: Flagstone description lists wrong requirements.固定:石板描述列表错误的要求。Fixed: Internal Bleeding effect timer caused by eating broken glass is not
refreshed after eating another broken glass固定:吃碎玻璃造成的内部出血效应计时器在食用另一个碎玻璃后不能刷新Fixed: Weaving cloth increases tailoring skill.修正:编织布增加剪裁技巧。Fixed: Antibiotics are not listed as a cure for infection4 which is instant
death.固定:抗生素不列为4,瞬间死亡,治愈。Fixed: Herbal antibiotics icon is not identical to vitamins any more.固定:草药抗生素图标是不相同的维生素任何更多。Fixed: Wherever possible buffs list where you got them from and possible
remedies.固定:尽可能迷名单,你从哪里得到这些和可能的补救措施。Fixed: Inconsistent use of water to put out fire if the player is on
fire.修正:如果玩家在火上的话,不一致的使用火。Fixed: Tools and Weapons are detached from character’s hand in certain
situations. Jumping with an item doesn’t override the arms position. Now jumping
with a gun the player keeps his aim修正:工具和武器在某些情况下脱离了角色的手。一个项目的跳跃不覆盖武器的位置。现在用枪跳跃球员保持他的目标Fixed: Some firearms have corrupted shooting animation when player aborts
aiming down the sights修正:一些枪支射击动画当球员时损坏了的目光瞄准Fixed: Flashlight sound playing for weapons with no flashlight attached.固定:手电筒的声音播放的武器没有手电筒连接。Fixed: Put MaxRepeatRate of 1 second on player jump voices in the
sounds.xml固定:将1次maxrepeatrate玩家跳跃的声音在sounds.xmlFixed: Boiled Meat Description Is Misleading修正:水煮肉的描述是误导Fixed: Any item can be placed in Tools slot in Camp Fire and Forge
screens.固定:任何项目都可以放置在工具槽中,在营火和锻造屏幕。Fixed: Redundant crosshair while driving a Minibike.固定:多余的十字线在驾驶小型摩托车。Fixed: The Fixer perk makes repairs more expensive instead of cheaper.固定:固定振作使维修更加昂贵而不是便宜。Fixed: Clicking on empty field in several UI windows, causes sounds.修正:在几个用户界面窗口中单击空字段,导致声音。Fixed: Lack of consistency with melee weapons’ crosshair.固定:用近战武器准星缺乏一致性。Fixed: Tooltip informing about decreased wellness appears even if character
has minimum wellness.固定:提示告知关于降低健康出现即使性格具有最小的健康。Fixed: Weapon Smithing skill has inconsistent description修正:武器锻造技能有不一致的描述Fixed: endless blood moon hordes.固定:无尽的血月亮部落。Fixed: Possibility to duplicate specific item parts infinitely.修正:无限重复特定项目零件的可能性。Fixed: Fall through effect between grid in Looting Menu.修正:通过在抢劫菜单网格之间的效果。Fixed: Zombie Bear – Incorrect idle behavior修正:僵尸熊-不正确的空闲行为Fixed: Braking while driving minibike on cornfield moves it erratically修正:在玉米地里驾驶小型摩托车制动移动规律Fixed: Leaving Minibike in the water shoots it out at great distance固定:离开小型摩托车在水射出来在很大的距离Fixed: Minibike shakes while standing on a plant or in the water固定:小型摩托车摇在植物或水站Fixed: Corrupted bowstring draw animation. Note that it is still possible to
repro 1 out of 10 to 20 LMB spams, but it is the best that can be done with low
risk changes固定:损坏的弓弦绘制动画。请注意,还是有可能再现1 10 20 LMB垃圾邮件,但它是可以以较低的风险变化的最好的Fixed: Division Modifier not working for skill effects修正:不工作的技能效果的分裂修改剂Fixed: Corpses of enemies and animals decompose too quickly修正:敌人和动物的尸体分解得太快Fixed: Corpses of enemies and animals now decay in 5 minutes.固定:5分钟后,敌人和动物尸体的尸体腐烂。Fixed: Character on Minibike shakes when braking in the cornfield修正:在小型摩托车制动时,玉米地里的人物摇Fixed: Minibike changes location after leaving it on the cornfield固定:小型摩托车改变位置后离开它的麦田Fixed: Partial terrain missing on Linux systems using proprietary Nvidia
graphics drivers !!固定:局部地形对使用专有的NVIDIA显卡驱动Linux系统丢失!!Fixed: Flashlight activation is shared between all weapons with attached
flashlight.固定:手电筒激活的所有武器之间共享附加的手电筒。Fixed: Both Shotguns Are Using The Same Blast Radius修正:两猎枪都使用相同的爆炸半径Fixed: Water sunken POIs, high mem usage固定:水沉没的兴趣点,高内存使用Fixed: First item from each rwg list being selected instead of properly
rolling random POIs固定:第一项从列表选择每个RWG没有恰当地滚动随机点Fixed: Brass ceiling / wall lights do not drop brass.固定:黄铜天花板/墙壁灯不落黄铜。Fixed: Digging into water body “cubes” falling water body固定:挖入水体的“立方体”下降水体Fixed: Item being crafted may be removed from Inspect frame as resources are
used.固定:项目正在制作中可能会从检查帧作为资源被使用。Fixed: Random stone walls in the middle of road修正:随机的石头墙的中间道路Fixed: Creative Multiplayer – Bear deals no damage to the player but can
cause debuff固定:创造性游戏–熊不造成伤害的球员,但会造成debuffFixed: Wall Safe is put incorrectly in Navezgane固定:墙放错在navezganeFixed: Some environment objects are incorrectly placed in school in
NAVEZGANE修正:一些环境对象是学校在navezgane放置不正确Fixed: Floating sign in Navezgane from forums at 809 N 224 W固定:浮动标志在navezgane论坛在809 N 224 WFixed: Digging into water body “cubes” falling water body (Chris)固定:挖入水体“立方体”下降水体(克里斯)Fixed: Minibike shakes if the player gets off of it on the slope固定:小型摩托车摇如果玩家得到了它的斜坡上Fixed: Character can be incorrectly rotated in the Character screen by
spamming LMB固定:字符会被错误的字符旋转屏幕的垃圾邮件LMBFixed: Underwater graphics filter appears before character fully dives固定:水下图形过滤器出现之前,字符完全潜水Fixed: Perishton building collapses after placing a block固定:perishton楼房倒塌后放置一块Fixed: Missing slash between letters N and A in Status column in Players
screen.修正:在玩家屏幕上的状态栏中的字母和字母之间的缺失。Fixed: Banding in sky lighting固定:在天空照明Fixed: Bad cave lighting during certain times of day/night固定:在白天/夜晚的某些时刻坏洞照明Fixed: Player is able to equip the item which the user is currently
assembling.固定:玩家能够装备的项目,用户目前正在组装。Fixed: Invisible and redundant button in Skills screen.固定:隐形和多余的按钮在技能屏幕。Fixed: Misleading tooltip when trying to use unfinished weapon or tool.修正:错误的说明当试图使用未完成的武器或工具。Fixed: Plant Fiber Hat’s functionality is incorrectly described修正:植物纤维帽的功能是不正确的描述Fixed: Chainlink fence has no collision with rockets.固定:围栏与火箭没有碰撞。Fixed: Delay is present in weapon switch animation with Sniper Rifle.修正:延迟是目前在武器开关动画与狙击枪。Fixed: Inverted lighting on blocks in the dark.固定:在黑暗中的块倒置的照明。Fixed: NRE on scrapping a now empty inventory slot.固定:NRE对报废现在空栏。Fixed: Wood Log has low quality textures and hard seam line.固定:木材原木具有低质量的纹理和硬线。Fixed: “This” word is doubled in “The dog days are over” challenge
description.固定:“这”字在“狗日”上翻了一番,挑战性的描述。Fixed: Weapons – Flashlight button must be pressed twice to activate it.固定:武器-手电筒按钮必须按两次激活它。Fixed: Items – Light emitted by dropped flashlight is corrupted.固定:物品-被损坏的手电筒发出的光。Fixed: Equipped clothes drop after death if backpack only option is selected
in game options.修正:装备的衣服下降后死亡,如果背包仅选择在游戏选项。Fixed: Gameplay – Broken tools can upgrade blocks.固定:游戏-破碎工具可以升级块。Fixed: Blocks appear when hitting air.固定:当击中空气时。Fixed: Minibike Can Be Used To View Under Terrain.固定:小型摩托车可以用来查看下地形。Fixed: Gameplay – Character may fall through game environment after leaving
the minibike.修正:游戏–字符可能会通过游戏环境后留下的小型摩托车。Fixed: Cannot mount minibike when bike is in tall grass, stick bushes, or
corn stalks.修正:无法安装小型摩托车时,自行车是在高高的草丛,灌木丛或棒,玉米秸秆。Fixed: Air Drop Marker should show more consistently.固定:空气下降标志应显示更一致。Fixed: Unlocalised Text – Multiplayer – Player enter/quit message in host
language.修正:未本土化的文本–多层–球员在宿主语言进入/退出消息。Fixed: Animation – Character passes through the blocks after leaving the
minibike.固定:动画–字符通过块后留下的小型摩托车。Fixed: Some firearms have corrupted shooting animation when player aborts
aiming down the sights.修正:一些枪支射击动画当球员时损坏了的目光瞄准。Fixed: Failed setting triangles. Some indices are referencing out of bounds
vertices.修正:失败的设置三角形。一些指数是引用的边界点。Fixed: Character Selection – Clint’s model has misplaced cigar.固定:特征选择–Clint模型错位的雪茄。Fixed: Some branches are not connected to the tree model.修正:一些分支没有连接到树模型。Fixed: Use cached password when connecting to IP+port.固定:在连接到知识产权+端口时使用缓存的密码。Fixed: Military Fiber Description Doesn’t Indicate What It Is Used For.固定:军用光纤的描述并没有说明它是如何使用的。Fixed: Trees in Burnt Forest are placed incorrectly in Navezgane.修正:在烧焦的森林树木在navezgane放置不正确。Fixed: Changed shadow type on flashlight and candle to soft shadows to
eliminate shadow artifacts cast by transparent surfaces such as car windows.固定:改变了手电筒和蜡烛的阴影类型,以消除由透明表面如车窗玻璃蒙上阴影的阴影。Fixed: Supply crate moves slightly forward when character stands near it.固定:供应箱移动略向前当字符站附近时。Fixed: Spikes do not inflict bleed debuff.固定:尖峰不造成流血DEBUFF。Fixed: Getting stuck at door.固定:在门口卡住。Fixed: Player Making Zombie Thud Sound On Respawn.修正:球员发出声音的僵尸重生。Fixed: Chang’s and Jeff’s facial hair are placed incorrectly.修正:长的和杰夫的面部毛发放置不正确。Fixed: Chang’s neck has corrupted texture.修正:长的颈部已损坏的纹理。Fixed: Supply crates do not have implemented collision.固定:补给箱没有实现碰撞。Fixed: Light originating from Spotlight is orb-shaped and looks
unnatural.固定:光从聚光灯是球状的,看起来不自然。Fixed: Certain craftable Decor blocks cannot be repaired.修正:某些制作装饰块无法修复。Fixed: The player may spawn above caves.修正:玩家可以在洞穴中产卵。Fixed: Quickly switching from auger or chainsaw to any item causes the
animation of holding that item to be corrupted.修正:快速从螺旋或电锯开关的任何项目的原因认为项目动画被损坏。Fixed: Redundant “Take” option in the Minibike Menu.固定:多余的“取”的小型摩托车的菜单选项。Fixed: Add Scrap Function for items in loot containers.固定:添加废料功能的物品在抢劫容器。Fixed: Add the “wear” option when clothing is in a container.修正:在一个容器中添加“磨损”选项。Fixed: Mining Tools skill does not increase harvest bonuses.固定:采矿工具技能不增加收获奖金。Fixed: Lack of space in “Drunk and disorderly” challenge description.修正:在“醉和无序”挑战说明缺乏空间。Fixed: Medicine skill effects don’t show on items or buffs.固定:医学技能的效果也没有显示物品或爱好者。Fixed: Torch’s inspect screen disappears upon crafting any item.修正:在制作任何项目时,可检查的屏幕会消失。Fixed: Skies on Linux & MacOS修正:在Linux和MacOS的天空Fixed: The “Speed Limit 35” sign is placed in the middle of the road in
Navezgane.修正:“限速35”的牌子放在路中间在navezgane。Fixed: Dynamite / Pipe bomb may fly through zombies.固定:炸药/管道炸弹可以通过僵尸。Fixed: Some characters hair models are corrupted.修正:一些字符的头发模型已损坏。Fixed: Player can ignite Dynamite/Pipe Bomb fuse infinite times while
equipped.固定:玩家可以点燃炸药/管炸弹引信无限时间,同时配备。Fixed: Abandoned House doesn’t face the road.固定:废弃的房子没有面对的道路。Fixed: Supply plane cannot be heard.固定:供应飞机不能被听到。Fixed: Creative Multiplayer – Bear deals no damage to the player but can
cause debuff.固定:创造性游戏–熊不造成伤害的球员,但会造成debuff。Fixed: Pause menu only partially visible if the player is zooming in with
Sniper Rifle.修正:暂停菜单只有部分可见,如果玩家是缩放与狙击步枪。Fixed: Quick looting icon overlaps with names of some containers in the
Looting Menu.修正:快速的抢劫图标重叠的一些容器的名称在抢劫菜单。Fixed: Specular on scrap metal walls修正:废金属壁上的镜面Fixed: First arrow shot from new bow may be invisible.修正:新弓可能是隐形的第一个箭头。FIxed: Character’s facial expressions can distort up head gear.修正:字符的面部表情可以使头齿轮变形。Fixed: Environment – Inconsistency in the stairs placement.固定:环境-楼梯位置不一致。Fixed: Updated icon atlas and made burnt paneling texture look less
repetitive.修正:更新图标阿特拉斯和烧板纹理看起来不重复。Fixed: Negative lighting on zeds in the dark修正:在黑暗中对零能耗开发负灯光Fixed: Screen blooms out when swapping toolbelt items with AA on.修正:屏幕绽放时toolbelt AA对交换物品。Fixed: Environment – Cactus04,05,06 have faulty damage collision
detection.修正:环境–cactus04,05,06有故障损坏的碰撞检测。Fixed: Very Hard To Fill An Empty Jar Again From A Water Source.修正:很难填补一个空罐子再次从水源。Fixed: Arrow or bolt is invisible after death (keep toolbelt on death
option)固定:箭头或螺栓是看不见的死后(保持toolbelt死亡选项)Fixed: Zombie Bear – Incorrect idle behavior修正:僵尸熊-不正确的空闲行为Fixed: Aiming with gun-sight using secondary aiming button is not implemented
in Rocket Launcher.固定:瞄准枪瞄准使用二级瞄准按钮不执行在火箭发射器。Fixed: Character – Some characters hair models are corrupted.修正:字符-一些字符的头发模型已损坏。Fixed: Environment – Building debris may float in the air.固定:环境-建筑残骸可能漂浮在空气中。Fixed: Floating buildings and objects in Random Gen Worlds.固定:浮动建筑和对象在随机世界。Fixed: Glitchy shadows being casted by flashlights through transparent
surfaces.固定:缓慢的阴影被铸造的手电筒通过透明表面。Fixed: Some parts of water tower on NAVEZGANE stay in the air after
collapse修正:崩溃之后在navezgane呆在空气冷却塔部分Fixed: Inverted lighting part 2固定:反向照明零件2Serverconfig.xmlserverconfig.xmlAdded new serverconfig.xml property (When true valid air drop locations are
marked on the player’s map and compass with an orange supply crate icon)增加了新的serverconfig.xml财产&属性值=“true”name=“airdropmarker”&(当真正有效的空投地点是橙色的补给箱图标玩家的地图和指南针标记)Known Issues已知问题OSX: Default build crashes, use the latest_experimental_u52 build from
Steam.按:默认构建死机,使用latest_experimental_u52建立从蒸汽。OSX with Intel GPU and most likely some Linux systems with Intel GPU: black
terrainOSX与英特尔GPU和最有可能与英特尔GPU的一些Linux系统:黑色的地形Linux with AMD GPU and proprietary driver: Crash on launch. For some people
running the game with “-force-gfx-direct” fixes this (add the parameter to the
launch options in Steam). Alternatively if performance is good enough the open
source driver should fix this too.AMD的GPU和专有的Linux驱动程序:坠毁在发射。有些人运行游戏“力GFX直接修补这(添加参数蒸汽启动选项)。另外,如果性能良好,开电源驱动程序应该解决这个问题。Windows with NVIDIA GPU: driver versions 34x.xx are reported to cause issues
with Unity 5.3. If there are no newer drivers for your card try using
latest_experimental_u52 build from Steam.与NVIDIA的GPU驱动程序版本的Windows:34x.xx报道引起统一问题5.3。如果没有新的驱动程序为您的信用卡使用latest_experimental_u52建立从蒸汽。七日杀14.6游戏背景第三次世界大战过后的近未来,那时地球表面已经变成废墟,更糟的是,没有人知道到底是因为辐射、生化武器还是天灾,导致地面上出现了一群僵尸。玩家将扮演在美国亚历桑纳地区的一名幸存者,那里是地球最后的伊甸园,玩家将为了生存而战,同时探究整个事件背后的真相。七日杀14.6游戏特色游戏强调开放式世界探索,发掘各地的建筑或洞穴,游戏具备动态故事生成系统,玩家必须想办法去寻找食物跟水等来维持基本生存,游戏同时也有挖矿、制造等系统,并且有成群而来的恐怖僵尸等着你来战斗。七日杀14.5配置要求最低配置:系统:WindowsXP (Service Pack 3)CPU:2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPU内存:4 GB RAM显卡:Nvidia 8800 GTX | Radeon HD 4770DirectX: Version 10Hard Drive: 1 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Install size will gradually increase with future updates.推荐配置:系统: Windows 7 or higherCPU:3.0 Ghz Quad Core CPU or faster内存:6 GB RAM显卡:Nvidia GTX 460 | Radeon HD 5850Network: Broadband Internet connection七日杀14.6测试环境此游戏在以下硬件配置环境测试正常运行电脑型号映泰 TH61A 台式电脑电脑型号技嘉 台式电脑操作系统Windows 7 专业版 64位 SP1操作系统Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3处理器英特尔 第二代酷睿 i5-2500K @ 3.30GHz 四核处理器英特尔 第三代酷睿 i3-3220 @ 3.30GHz主板映泰 TH61A ( 英特尔 H61 芯片组 )主板技嘉 B75M-D3V (英特尔Ivy Bridge - B75 Express 芯片组)内存4 GB ( 宇瞻 DDR3 1333MHz )内存8 GB ( 金士顿 DDR3 1600MHz )硬盘西数 WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 (2TB/转/分)硬盘西数 WDC WD5000AAKS-00V1A0 ( 500 GB / 7200 转/分 )显卡Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti ( 1 GB )显卡ATI Radeon HD 6570 &( 2 GB / ATI )声卡威盛 高保真音频声卡瑞昱 ALC887 @ 英特尔 Panther Point High Definition Audio Controller网卡瑞昱 RTL8168E PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC / 映泰网卡瑞昱 RTL8168E PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC / 技嘉组件DirectX 11组件DirectX 9.0c注:如果您玩不了此游戏,请使用硬件检测工具认真核对是否与斗蟹测试通过的配置一致,非一致配置不能玩请加QQ群 & & & &【七日杀】系列游戏推荐游戏名称游戏类别游戏大小下载地址动作冒险524.8MB动作冒险1.2GB动作冒险1.2GB角色扮演1.2GB角色扮演1.2GB角色扮演1.28GB角色扮演1.28GB角色扮演1.23GB角色扮演1.46GB角色扮演1.46GB角色扮演1.49GB
版权所有:Copyright@ 鄂ICP备号-1


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