
求一段关于对公共交通工具看法的英文对话,是三人形式的对话.看清楚要求哦,是三人形式的对话.有重谢 写完后给好评吗?楼主 篇幅是多少?不需要太长是吗? 当然,只要符合要求, 三人的对话,三分钟左右的对话就可以 Tom:Jack,how do you usually go to school ?Jack:I go to school by bus.What about you ?Tom:I go to school by bike.And what about you,Nick ?Nick :I like to walk to school.I think it is a good way to exercise . Tom :Yes , it is true . But I think it is also inconvenient.Sometimes you may be late for school.Jack :Yes , I agree with you.I think it is a good idea to go to school by bus.Because it is fast as well as its convenience . Nick :No,I don't think so . I think the most convenient and fastest way is to go by air.Haha! 能不能再加多点关于公共交通工具的好处 之前写得还符合你的要求吧? 您放心,我会给您好评哒 就只等你的答案 Tom :Of course !If we go to Hawaii on vacation,we will certainly go by plane.It is really faster than any other ways . But at the same time , one must be a little afraid of taking a plane . 再麻烦您一次啦,能不能再加点? Jack :I don't agree with you all.I think going by ship is the most suitable choice . Because it is very comfortable.And you can also enjoy the beautiful view of the sea.What a great thing it is ! Nick:Maybe you forget that going by train is very comfortable ,too.You can enjoy the view all the way . And it is also considered to be the safest way to go out. 你看够不够 在加多少? 一段可以吗? 我自己再整理一下,谢啦 Tom :I agree with you.It is true . That's why most people choose to go by train.We all know that many people have lost their lives because of plane crashes.How terrible ! 这样可以吗? 你看看一共够不够 够啦,谢啦,亲爱哒 为您推荐: 1.询问如何乘坐公交工具A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the NationalHistory Museum?B: Certainly,ma’am. It’s near the Science Museum. Are you familiar with the streets around here?


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