hose it down游戏攻略攻略5-2

→ 冲洗一切hose it down第1-3关过关攻略 方块移动技巧
冲洗一切hose it down第1-3关过关攻略,方块移动技巧,本游戏是属于益智类游戏,并非简单的管道拼接灌水游戏,在游戏里并不是每个区块都可以扭动,在不能扭动的时候我们就必须依靠智慧来脑补方块的间隙,方块数量有限,但肯定能让你通关,如何快速通关是大家的游戏乐趣所在。
冲洗一切hose it down攻略相关资料
本关我们会有三个火焰需要扑灭,而怎么扑灭也是有点技巧的。面对第一个和第二个时只需按照上图形式就能扑灭。第三个则相对简单,将方块如图形式调整即可。以上就是冲洗一切hose it down第1-3关过关攻略。
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访问量多的由开发商 WayForward &推出的《》( Mighty Switch Force! Hose it Down! &)将于近期登陆
平台。中玩家将扮演一名消防英雄 Patricia Wagon 警官,第一时间来到火灾现场灭火。不过火苗所处位置都比较纠结,四周经常被砖块包围得水泄不通,你需要移动火苗周围的砖块,让警官和火苗间形成一条通路,这样就可以顺利让水管中的水喷射到火苗上啦。此外,不同的砖块也有不同的解决办法,比如泥土砖块可以直接用水冲散,而金属砖块中间会有缝隙,只要缝隙相连就能通水。《强力转换!冲洗》将在近日与大家见面,小伙伴们不要错过哦!
Mighty Switch Force:Hose it Down
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Downjoy. All Rights Reserved. 当乐公司Mighty Switch Force! Hose It Down! on the App Store on iTunes
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Mighty Switch Force! Hose It Down!
By WayForward Technologies, Inc.
Game Center
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WayForward’s award-winning Mighty Switch Force series, transformed into a pick-up-and-play puzzler! Team up with Officer Patricia Wagon to save Tangent City from a fiery blaze! As a member of Planet Land’s Fire Brigade, your job is to douse the fire in each building -- and to evacuate any Hooligan Sisters who may be trapped inside. It’s a dangerous job, but if anyone can save the city, you and Patty can!Use your finger to slide blocks around the playfield, and tap & hold Officer Wagon to let loose a powerful water spray from her Infinity Dousing Apparatus (err... hose).
Douse all of the flames, and the stage is clear! Sounds easy, right? Block types vary from simple slide-puzzle obstacles to full-blown brain-busters like Turnpike Blocks, Mud Blocks, and Cloak Blocks. Each level has been lovingly crafted and is WayForward Certified, guaranteed to challenge, befuddle, and tickle your fancy.
This version includes:-25 puzzles spread across 5 Worlds. -Fully illustrated cutscenes-Speed Run challenges and Game Center support-An incredible soundtrack by Jake “Virt” Kaufman-Additional puzzles available as paid DLC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Language: English-
Seller: WayForward-
(C) Copyright 2015 WayForward Technologies, Inc.Rated 9+ for the following:-
Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Optimized for: iPhone 4s/5/5c/5s/6/6+iPod 5iPad 2/3/4/Air/Air2iPad Mini 1/2/3Compatible with:iPhone 4iPod 4
What's New in Version 1.2.5
Corrected user-reported issues involving Game Center and improved the clarity of in-game text.
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 1.2.5Size: 59.3 MBLanguage: EnglishDeveloper: WayForwardInfrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5.
Customer Ratings
We have not received enough ratings to display an average for the current version of this application.
Top In-App Purchases
Extra Puzzle PackNT$ 30
More Apps by WayForward Technologies, Inc.当前位置:&&&强力转换!冲洗:Mighty Switch Force! Hose It Down!
强力转换!冲洗:Mighty Switch Fo...
游戏版本:V 1.2.5游戏大小:56.6 MB
WayForward’s award-winning Mighty Switch Force series, transformed into a pick-up-and-play puzzler! Team up with Officer Patricia Wagon to save Tangent City from a fiery blaze! As a member of Planet Land’s Fire Brigade, your job is to douse the fire in each building -- and to evacuate any Hooligan Sisters who may be trapped inside. It’s a dangerous job, but if anyone can save the city, you and Patty can!Use your finger to slide blocks around the playfield, and tap & hold Officer Wagon to let loose a powerful water spray from her Infinity Dousing Apparatus (err... hose).
Douse all of the flames, and the stage is clear! Sounds easy, right? Block types vary from simple slide-puzzle obstacles to full-blown brain-busters like Turnpike Blocks, Mud Blocks, and Cloak Blocks. Each level has been lovingly crafted and is WayForward Certified, guaranteed to challenge, befuddle, and tickle your fancy.
This version includes:-25 puzzles spread across 5 Worlds. -Fully illustrated cutscenes-Speed Run challenges and Game Center support-An incredible soundtrack by Jake “Virt” Kaufman-Additional puzzles available as paid DLC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Language: English-
Seller: WayForward-
(C) Copyright 2015 WayForward Technologies, Inc.Rated 9+ for the following:-
Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Optimized for: iPhone 4s/5/5c/5s/6/6+iPod 5iPad 2/3/4/Air/Air2iPad Mini 1/2/3Compatible with:iPhone 4iPod 4
游戏厂商:Artificial Life, Inc.
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