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剧中贾晓晨饰演豪气冲天的女土匪白狐,她是一个泾渭分明的人,有着男人的霸气和豪放,但一同又有小女人的温顺与仁慈。在战场上,白狐是一个真实的革新者,带领黑风山的弟兄们一同抗战,让手下心服口服,她将自个的终身中最美好的芳华都献给了革新,并为解放战争奉献出了自个的力气。在感情上,当她遇到自个喜欢的人时,也会为爱痴狂。 加载中《猛龙战队电视剧》电视剧好不好看,哪里可以看《猛龙战队电视剧》全集跟大家分享一下,超过猛龙战队电视剧豆瓣网评论突然觉得,猛龙的熊猫战队今天会杀回!
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>> 浏览文章猛龙战队第16-18集剧情介绍
  第16集  黑狼回到家气哄哄的,责骂手下无力。这时白狐指挥着两个工人抬回来一个柜子,工人把柜子方进房间里,原来里边就是杨士琦。杨士琦身受重伤,白狐让贾老四找金创药,并告诉他杨士琦就在这里。贾老四是白狐的心腹,他答应帮助白狐。白狐吓杨士琦要慢慢折磨他,杨士琦很气恼,却无力反抗。贾老四说白狐救杨士琦是为了二龙,这正道中了白狐的心事。第二日,二龙和翠翠来城里打听杨士琦的消息,却没有一点动静。二龙只好向白狐求助,二龙打扮成车夫来拉白狐,白狐坐在车上,很是开心。可是当到达二龙所说的地方,白狐一见到翠翠,心情跌落,坚决不告诉二龙杨士琦就在自己手中。二龙他们没有办法,信以为真。白狐回去后就找杨士琦出气,说男人没一个好东西。杨士琦安慰白狐,两个人却有点调情的意思了。贾老四为杨士琦送饭,黑狼问白狐怎么要吃这么多,贾老四想办法敷衍了过去。二龙和翠翠来城里打听杨士琦的消息,没有杨士琦的消息,却无意中听到鬼子又要运粮食,他们决定决定劫粮食支援前线战士。小次郎来到长沙,龟田嘱咐他的儿子平坝镇是块棘手的地方,当地民风彪悍,情况复杂,有一股的抗日武装势力迟迟没有根除,让小次郎不要小觑这些游击队。小次郎得知小林死了,咬牙切齿地要为师兄报仇。小次郎的到来是二龙他们真正的大敌来临,二龙他们将来的抗日只会更加艰难,也更加需要斗智斗勇。军驻平坝少佐龟田小次郎到平坝就任,小笠原带着黑狼、朱大印、周云婉来见他,他初来乍到就对平坝已经了如指掌,他让黑狼运粮的任务要谨慎,又让小笠原管理皇协军。让黑狼当了皇协军的团长,准备给黑狼权利,就是为了让黑狼为他所用。黑狼却认定只要能过上好日子,吃好喝好,其他的他都不会去尽全力。杨士琦在白狐这里已经伤好很多了,两个人也很熟悉了,只是白狐偶尔欺负一下他,杨士琦也甜言蜜语的蒙混了过去。这次白狐去给杨士琦那吃的,黑狼来找白狐拿膏药,杨士琦躲在门后,白狐赶忙把黑狼支开。杨士琦在白狐这里已经呆不下去了,白狐正想办法要把杨士琦送走,黑狼却再一次来了。白狐和杨士琦躲在一个被子里,白狐佯装不舒服,才支开了黑狼。而杨士琦看到衣衫不整的白狐,已经面红心跳了,杨士琦已经对白狐动感情了。二龙、翠翠、方队长等人在一起商量劫粮的事情。他们知道负责运粮的人是黑狼,决定从黑狼着手抢粮食,最好能捣毁鬼子的粮仓。二龙和翠翠先去黑狼家附近查探,准备打探到消息就通知游击队。二龙和翠翠隐藏在黑狼家外,半夜看见黑狼家有人偷摸翻墙出来,二龙和翠翠过去看发现是杨士琦。杨士琦告诉他们黑狼上午要到柳巷的伪军保安中队去运粮。二龙他们不知道杨士琦怎么会在这里出现,杨士琦告诉二龙他们始末,是白狐救了他。  第17集  二龙、杨士琦、翠翠来到柳巷保安队附近查探,却没看见黑狼,只看见马老三在安排运粮。小次郎不让黑狼亲自运送粮食,黑狼不解,小次郎告诉他游击队看上的是他们的粮仓,所以当天运粮食是安全的,只会晚上游击队肯定回来劫粮仓,他让黑狼带人去把游击队的人一网打尽。二龙、方队长他们商议好要去劫粮仓,带不走的一定要烧掉,要毁掉鬼子的粮仓。而实际上,这都是小次郎的计谋,小次郎早就把粮仓的粮食转移走了,小次郎不仅算准了二龙他们会来劫粮,而且对二龙他们的行动方案都了如指掌,如此可见,小次郎绝非泛泛之辈。黑狼回到家,他们故意放松各方面的关卡,就是为了把二龙他们引进埋伏。白狐从黑狼那里知道二龙他们今晚危险。二龙他们在柳巷开始行动了,黑狼在暗处对二龙他们的行动全看在眼里,准备来一个瓮中捉鳖。白狐来到柳巷,看到潜伏的日军和上钩的游击队,白狐很是着急。麻头潜进粮仓,发现麻袋里不是粮食,全是土。麻头知道中计了。而三炮潜进伪军的住处去刺杀,发现床上根本没有人,被子里全是衣物。白狐知道不能再等了,她朝鬼子开枪后迅速离开。方队长、二龙听到枪声,知道有埋伏。麻头和三炮带着人受到了伪军的伏击,二龙和方队长已经和鬼子汉奸火并了,游击队的力量会合后就立马撤退了。小次郎的完美计划被破坏,他很生气,让一定要调查这件事,也说游击队的人不能小觑。黑狼指出他是听到外面的枪声才动手的,小笠原说枪不是他们的人开的,而是一个女人开的。黑狼一听,有所警醒,他想到了白狐。二龙等人开会,得知龟田调遣驻守平坝镇的军官是他的儿子龟田小次郎,他们同时讨论,是谁在行动中开了一枪帮了他们,杨士琦猜想是白狐。黑狼问白狐,昨夜开枪帮助二龙逃走的人是不是她,白狐不为兄妹情所动,坚决不承认。小次郎想了解更多黑狼和白狐的情况,请小笠原吃正宗的日本美食,小笠原很感动,她直接了当发表意见,认为皇协军都不可靠,与白狐有过一段情的二龙还投奔了游击队。由此,小次郎怀疑昨夜莫名一枪,是白狐所为,白狐对二龙余情未了,连自已的哥哥黑狼都出卖。小笠原赞成小次郎的猜测,小次郎要沿着这条线索亲自见一见白狐。黑狼、贾老四、赵大财正在家里抱怨、叹气,说自从小次郎来了之后就断了他们的财路。这时马老三回报,说粮食顺利送到了,但粮库是小次郎摆的一个空城计,由此可见,小次郎不信任他们才隐瞒他们。尽管如此,黑狼还是佩服小次郎的谋略。说曹操,曹操到,小次郎带着小笠原来到黑狼家找白狐,小次郎见到白狐时被白狐的美貌所吸引,但还是以公事为重,询问白狐昨晚的去向,黑狼马上为白狐开脱,说妹妹昨晚身体不适早早休息了。小笠原问白狐哪儿不舒服,白狐说同是女人她知道女人哪儿会不舒服。小笠原语塞。小次郎再问白狐和二龙的关系,白狐直言不讳,说她爱过二龙,但是现在没关系了。小次郎觉得白狐这个女人有点意思。杨士琦与二龙交谈,他庆幸没有错杀白狐,知道白狐心里只有二龙,当初白狐救他也是因为他是二龙的朋友,他觉得白狐其实是个外强内弱善良的好姑娘。二龙完全赞成杨士琦的说法,也知道白狐对他一往情深,但他和翠翠十几年的感情,他要对翠翠负责任,不能辜负翠翠。翠翠偷听到这一切,心里很不是滋味。  第18集  翠翠问二龙加入共产党的事情考虑得怎么样,二龙还没有决定下来,还要再问兄弟们的意思。翠翠表明,如果二龙不向党组织靠拢,他俩的婚事组织上是不会批准。二龙解释说国难当头儿女私情暂时放一放,他保证会对翠翠负责任。责任二字再次刺痛了翠翠的心。正好这时,解放区要选骨干人才去参加学习班,翠翠请求方队长让自已去,二龙得知这个消息后急忙去劝说翠翠。二龙在翠翠上路当日,施展动之以情之法把翠翠留了下来。小次郎交给黑狼一个盒子,内装三根金条,是他给白狐的见面礼。白狐拒收小次郎的金条,黑狼对她百般劝导,闹了个不欢收场,最后黑狼自已把金条收起来。小次郎邀请白狐吃饭,席间,白狐断然拒绝小次郎的金条和感情,小次郎勃然大怒,黑狼连忙道歉,小次郎扇了黑狼一记耳光后离开,黑狼暗下决心这个仇他一定要报。黑狼为妹妹能当上少佐夫人,为自已能与小次郎成为亲家,向小次郎献计,他要以假叛变之策干掉二龙,然后让小次郎明媒正娶自已的妹妹过门。小次郎应允。事后,黑狼回家,第一时间让手下把白狐绑起来,并关了起来,之后开始他的灭龙行动。小次郎得知白狐被关黑狼已出城,便传见朱大印和周云婉,他说黑狼叛变了想杀自已,下令朱大印派皇协军全城围捕黑狼。游击队打听到黑狼叛变的消息,杨士琦不相信,还要亲手杀了黑狼,翠翠反觉得黑狼被鬼子追杀实是大快人心,而方队长不确信此事,让大家静观其变,二龙却要进城去查探个究竟。二龙和翠翠进了城,看到了通缉黑狼的告示和画像,认为黑狼叛变一事属实。二龙担心黑狼的事情祸及白狐,他和翠翠偷偷来到黑狼家打探消息。二龙捉一伪军问过后,感觉白狐已在鬼子手里,随时会有生命危险,他和翠翠要回驻地从长计议。二龙和翠翠出城后,发现了黑风山的暗记,他们估计是黑狼留下来的,于是顺着暗记指示的方向走去。果真见到了黑狼。黑狼对二龙以兄弟相称,他洒着悔恨的泪,懊悔地向二龙细数自已当汉奸的种种悲愤,他要投奔二龙,这次更因不忍小次郎向自已的妹妹白狐逼婚,而不得不向小次郎下手,结果自已失手被通缉,白狐被捕,求二龙帮忙去营求白狐。翠翠无论如何都不相信心狠手辣的黑狼会痛改前非,二龙经不起黑狼的哭跪忏悔,终于答应相求白狐。马老三将黑狼初步取得二龙的信任的消息上报小次郎,小次郎兴奋,命人全力配合黑狼的行动。
Black Wolf back home gas to coax, scolding his weakness. The arctic fox command two workers carry back a cabinet, the workers party into the cabinet room, the original is Yang Shiqi inside. Yang Shiqi seriously injured, arctic fox let Jia Laosi find gold and medicine, and told him Yang Shiqi right here. Jia Laosi is white fox confidant, he promised to help understand. Understand frighten Yang Shiqi tormented him, slowly Yang Shiqi annoyed, but powerless to resist. Jia Laosi said understand save Yang Shiqi for two dragons, in this way the white foxs on her mind. The second day, two dragons and cuicui inquired Yang Shiqi message to town, but no action. Two dragons had to appeal to white fox, two dragons dressed as the driver to pull a white fox, arctic fox sat in the car, is very happy. But when reach the second dragon said, arctic fox saw cui cui, mood fall, resolute dont tell 2 Long Yangshi march is in our own hands. Two dragons, they have no way to believe. Understand his anger on his return to after they find Yang Shiqi, said the man have no a good thing. Yang Shiqi comfort white fox, two people but it was a bit of flirting. Jia Laosi for Yang Shiqi send rice, black Wolf, ask understand how to eat so much Jia Laosi trying to elaborate the past. Two dragons and cui cui to town about Yang Shiqi news, no Yang Shiqi message, but overhear devil again to transport food, they decided to rob food support front line soldiers. Kojiro came to changsha, masayuki tells his son PingBa town is a tough place, local folkway tough, complicated cases, there is a delay in the eradication of the anti-japanese armed forces, let kojiro dont underestimate the guerrillas. Kojiro that xiao Lin died, her teeth to revenge for brother. Kojiros arrival is the real enemy come two dragons they, two dragons they anti-japanese will only become more difficult in the future, more need to wrestle. Army in less PingBa zc masayuki kojiro to PingBa took office, the bonin with black Wolf, Zhu Dayin, zhou wan to see him, he knew all about PingBa have newly arrived, he let the black Wolf transport task carefully, and let the bonin emperor association army management. Let the black Wolf when emperor association army colonel, ready to give the black Wolf rights, is to let the black Wolf for his use. The black Wolf that is as long as can have a good day, eat good drink good, he is not going to try my best to the other. Yang Shiqi in arctic fox has been hurt a lot better here, two people are very familiar with, just understand humiliate him occasionally, Yang Shiqi also sweet words to deceive the past. The white fox go give Yang Shiqi that eat, black Wolf come to understand with plaster, Yang Shiqi hiding behind the door, quickly put the black Wolf off. Yang Shiqi understand here already stay not bottom go to, understand is to find a way to want to put away Yang Shiqi, black Wolf again. Understand and Yang Shiqi hiding in a quilt, arctic fox pretended uncomfortable, just off the black Wolf. But disheveled Yang Shiqi see white fox, already face red heart, Yang Shiqi has to understand dynamic feelings. Two dragons, cui cui, square captain and other people together to discuss of food. They know that the person in charge of transport is the black Wolf, the black Wolf decided to begin to rob food, best can destroy the granary of the devil. Two dragons and cui cui first to find out near the black Wolf house, ready to find out the guerrillas will be informed to the message. Two dragons and cuicui hidden outside the black Wolfs house, saw a black Wolf home people stand in the middle of the night over the wall, two dragons and cui cui look found is Yang Shiqi in the past. Yang Shiqi to tell them the black Wolf morning to grain LiuHang ana security squadron. Two dragons they dont know how Yang Shiqi can appear here, Yang Shiqi told two dragons, they are saved him.
Two dragons, come near LiuHang police Yang Shiqi, cui cui find out, but didnt see the black Wolf, only see Ma Laosan in arrangement, bringing her food. Kojiro not let black Wolf personally deliver food, black Wolf, kojiro told him the guerrillas are only after their silos, so the food is safe, can only night guerrillas must come back of granary, he let the black Wolf take people to the guerrillas of the gang. Two dragons, square captain them good going to rob granary, take not to walk must burn, is going to destroy the granary of the devil. And, in fact, this is all the counsel of kojiro, kojiro would have granary grain removed, kojiro had not only been the two dragons they will to survive food, and the two dragons they know a lot of action, so visible, kojiro is underwhelming lot. Black Wolf came back home, they deliberately relaxation in terms of level, is they introduce ambush in order to put the two dragons. Understand from the black Wolf know dragon them tonight. Two dragons in LiuHang began to action, black Wolf in the dark all the actions of two dragons they see in the eye, prepared to shooting fish in a. Understand LiuHang to see latent guerrillas of the Japanese and rise to the bait, arctic fox is very worried. Ma head dive into the granary, found a sack is not food, all the earth. Hemp head know the recruit. Into the ana and SAN pao and live to kill, no one found bed, the quilt is full of clothes. Understand know cant wait any longer, but she quickly leave after shooting at devil. Captain, two dragon heard gunshots, know there is an ambush. The hemp head and SAN pao with have been ana ambush, two dragons and captain has and the traitors and the Japanese, guerrilla forces retreated immediately after meeting up. Kojiros perfect plan are destroyed, he was very angry, to be sure to look into the matter, said the guerrillas also cannot small gaze. Is black Wolf said he heard gunshots outside just begin, bonin said gun is not their man, but a woman. Hearing this, the black Wolf is alert, he thought about the white fox. Two dragons, etc, meeting people, learned that masayuki deploy stationed PingBa officer is his son in the town of masayuki kojiro, they discussed at the same time, who is a shot in action to help them, Yang Shiqi guess white fox. Black Wolf ask understand, last night, fire escape if she help two dragon, arctic fox was not swayed by sibling affection, resolute dont admit it. Kojiro we want more black wolves and white fox, please eat the bonin authentic Japanese cuisine, bonin was very moved, and her comment directly, think the emperor association army are unreliable, and arctic fox had a feeling of two dragon has defected to the guerrillas. Thus, kojiro doubt difficult to express a shot last night, is to understand, understand for more than two dragons felt, even betrayed his own brother black Wolf. Bonin in favor of kojiro speculation, kojiro to along this clue to meet in person to understand. Black Wolf, Jia Laosi, Zhao Dacai is at home complain and sigh, said that since the kojiro after they broke their income. Then Ma Laosan return, said food sent to, but the grain is kojiro was put in a empty city stratagem, thus, kojiro dont trust them to conceal them. In spite of this, the black Wolf or admire kojiros discretion. Speak of the devil, kojiro with little dai li to black Wolf home to find a white fox, seeing white fox kojiro was attracted by the beautiful white fox, but still put business first, ask white fox go last night, black Wolf to defend the white fox immediately, said sister sick rest early last night. Bonin ask whats wrong with white fox, arctic fox said to is a woman she will know where a woman is not feeling well. Bonin speechless. Kojiro ask arctic fox and the relationship of the dragon, the white fox blunt, said she had loved two dragons, but it doesnt matter now. Kojiro think understand this woman a little meaning. Yang Shiqi talking to two dragon, he was glad not wrong to kill white fox, know understand only two dragon in my heart, understand first save him is because he is a friend of the dragon, he felt that white fox in weak kind is actually a very good girl. Two dragons all in favour of Yang Shiqi, also know that white fox had on him, but his feelings and cui cui more than ten years, he must be responsible for cui cui, cant let cui cui. Cui cui eavesdrop on all this, the in the mind very not taste.
Cui cui asked two dragon considers how to join the communist party thing, two dragon has not yet been decided, to ask the meaning of the brothers. Cui cui show that if the two dragons to party, not their marriage tissue is not approve. Two dragon explained that while campaigning children affair temporarily put a put, he promise to be responsible for cui cui. Responsibility 2 words stung cui cui heart again. Just at that moment, the liberated areas should choose backbone personnel to attend classes, cui cui requester captain let yourself go, after the two dragons learned this news quickly to persuade cui cui. Two dragons in the cui cui, display of respond to cui cui stayed. Kojiro to black Wolf a box, containing three gold bar, is he to greet. Understand the rejection kojiro bars, black Wolf tolerates her persuasion, make an unhappy end, finally black Wolf from already put away your gold bars. Understand kojiro invited to have a meal, dinner, arctic fox rebuff kojiro bars and feelings, kojiro flew into a rage, black Wolf hurriedly apology, kojiro slap the black Wolf away after a slap in the face, black Wolf decided he must quote this enmity. Black Wolf can become a little zoff as sister, for yourself and kojiro become in-laws, kojiro to contribute, he wants to false defect of kill two dragon, and then let the kojiro legally marry my sister. Kojiro answered. Afterwards, the black Wolf to go home, lets understand the first time together, and shut up, after his dragon action. Kojiro learned that white fox imprisoned black Wolf has been out of town, was a jewess Zhu Dayin and zhou wan, he said that the black Wolf defected wanted to kill himself, ordered Zhu Dayin sent huang association army to round up the whole city black Wolf. Guerrillas to get black Wolf defected message, Yang Shiqi dont believe, but also personally killed a black Wolf, cui cui back feel greatly black Wolf is devil came for real, and the captain is not convinced that this matter, let everybody to sit tight, the dragon is checked into the city. Two dragons and cui cui came into the city, to see the sign on and wanted the black Wolf portraits, think the black Wolf is it the case that the defect. Two dragon is worried about the black Wolf thing to understand, he and cuicui secretly came to black Wolf house asking for information. After the two dragons is a ana ask feeling arctic fox has the devils hands, at any time can have life risk, hes going back to base and cui cui take a long-term view. After two dragons and cui cui out of the city, discovered the memorization of black wind mountain, they estimate is black Wolf to stay, then follow the memorization of the directions. Really saw the black Wolf. Black Wolf to two dragon brother, he shed some tears of remorse and regret to two dragon count yourself when the traitors of himself, he will have gone up to two dragons, this time because of the sufferings kojiro to understand their own sister forced marriage, but had to kojiro, results from already was wanted, arctic fox was arrested, asked the dragon to seek to understand. Cui cui anyway dont believe those black Wolf will recognition, two dragon cant afford to cry black Wolf kneel repentance, finally agreed to understand. Ma Laosan will black Wolf preliminary obtained the trust of the two dragons news report kojiro, kojiro excitement, life fully, black Wolf action.


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