minecraft wiki让我把groups.yml改了,然后就什么权限都没有了…求助

minecraft 权限插件如何设置_百度知道
minecraft 权限插件如何设置
已安装ESSENTIALS插件比如说要给组1能破坏东西的命令怎么输OP属于哪个组OP怎么红名登录插件需要另下吗给组俯珐碘貉鄢股碉瘫冬凯1 home back set home 商店等等插件怎么做
破坏:在权限插件的配置里面找到你所在的用户组 然后找到build项;然后改成true 要么修改自己的用户组,命令就是manuadd+你的名字+你要更改的用户组;有些懒人包里面有gm这么个用户组 但是默认的没有;你要看看自己的权限插件到底是哪些用户组再改,配置文件在你服务器目录-plugins-Essentials-config.yml顺便说下这个格式的文件不要随便用记事本打开;很容易出错。一个空格的失误都能让你进图一片黑manuadd似乎是权限插件的命令来着;要是权限插件做的限制要去权限插件哪里设置,在配置文件里面添加相应权限
要是你自己玩的话干脆就直接&俯珐碘貉鄢股碉瘫冬凯#47;op+你的名字要么得去GroupManager-worlds-world-groups里面添加权限mangadd xxx 创建一个叫做xxx的用户组 mangdel xxx 删除xxx用户组 mangaddp xxx yyy 给用户组xxx添加权限yyy mangdelp xxx yyy 删除用户组xxx的yyy权限 mangaddv xxx prefix yyy 给用户组xxx添加yyy的前缀 mangaddi xxx yyy 让用户组xxx继承yyy的权限 manuadd xxx yyy 将玩家xxx放进用户组yyy manuaddp xxx yyy 给用户xxx添加权限yyy另外服务器插件目录下的 GroupManager文件夹是权限插件的配置文件夹,在worlds文件夹里面的groups是设置用户组权限的文件,users是说明用户所在哪个用户组的文件,基本上添加的权限下载插件的时候就说明了会有哪些权限,根据说明添加就行了;网上有很完整的教程
我是期待我无压力 又是问我
呃...我看到了很多人不会设置权限 所以我打算把我在mcbbs的帖子加以修改在此发表教程:用++打开plugins\worlds\world\groups.yml P.S:此文件必须保存为UTF8码会看到这样一串字符
default: true
//玩家加入服务器就进入此权限组 true为开启 false为关闭
permissions: []
//权限 一般格式为 插件名.xxx.xxx 或 插件名.xxx
//继承权限 一般格式为 权限插件名_权限组
- g:bukkit_default
- g:bukkit_default
- g:essentials_default
- g:towny_default
prefix: ''
build: false
//破坏和放置方块权限 false为禁用 true为开启
suffix: ''
//后缀设置Essentials GroupManager插件默认生成的权限组有:Default (默认权限组) Onwer(服主) Builder(建筑师) Moderator() Admin(管理员) 一.权限设置权限设置呢 就是给指定的权限组加入权限 下面呢 我就讲解一下命令mangadd 权限组 //来创建一个权限组Example: mangadd wtf 这就创建了一个名为wtf的权限组 mangaddp 权限组 权限 //把指定权限赋给指定权限组Example: mangaddp wtf essentials.back给wtf权限组加入essentials.back的权限 P.S: essentials.back权限是准许使用/back命令manglistp 权限组 //列出指定权限组的所有权限Example: manglistp wtfDisplay: The group 'wtf' has following permissions: essentials.backmangdelp 权限组 权限 //把指定权限组中的指定权限删除Example: mangdelp wtf essentials.backmangaddi 权限组1 权限组2 //把权限组2的权限继承给权限组1Example: mangaddi wtf default manuadd 用户 权限组
//把指定用户添加到指定权限组Example: manuadd gtaflysky wtfmanuaddp 用户 权限 //给予指定用户的指定权限Example: manuaddp gtaflysky essentials.backmanudelp 用户 权限 //删除指定用户的指定权限Example: manidelp gtaflysky essentials.backmanudel 用户 //删除此用户所有的个人设置,进入默认权限组Example: manudel gtaflysky二.设置前缀及后缀mangaddv 权限组 prefix 前缀内容 //给指定权限组设置指定内容的前缀Example: mangaddv wtf prefix &4[&c楼主&4]&fDisplay: 加入此组的玩家名称前面都会出现[楼主] 如[楼主]gtaflysky &4 &c &f这些都是颜色代码mangaddv 权限组 suffix 后缀内容 //给指定权限组设置指定内容的后缀Example: mangaddv wtf suffix &4[&c楼主&4] Display: 加入此组的玩家名称签名后面都会出现[楼主] 如[楼主]gtaflysky[楼主]颜色代码表==========================The End============================若有什么问题 可以在回复提出转载请注明出处 谢谢!
天坑 能否精一个
LZ 我的这个文件 打开显示这样# Group inheritance# any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups# These groups are defined in the globalgroups.yml# and can be inherited in any worlds groups/users.yml.## Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world# and defined in the this groups.yml file. groups:
default: false
prefix: '&4'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: true
- chairs.sit
- essentials.afk
- essentials.back
- essentials.back.ondeath
- essentials.balance
- essentials.balance.others
- essentials.balancetop
- essentials.chat.color
- essentials.chat.question
- essentials.chat.shout
- essentials.depth
- essentials.home
- essentials.ignore
- essentials.kit
- essentials.kit.tools
- essentials.mail
- essentials.mail.send
- essentials.me
- essentials.msg
- essentials.nick
- essentials.pay
- essentials.ping
- essentials.portal
- essentials.powertool
- essentials.protect
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.signs.break.disposal
- essentials.signs.break.mail
- essentials.signs.break.protection
- essentials.signs.break.trade
- essentials.signs.create.disposal
- essentials.signs.create.mail
- essentials.signs.create.protection
- essentials.signs.create.trade
- essentials.signs.use.*
- essentials.suicide
- essentials.time
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpahere
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.warp
- essentials.warp.list
- essentials.worth
- lwc.protect
- scs.create.buy
- scs.create.display
- scs.create.sell
- scs.manage
- scs.remove
prefix: '&2'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- essentials.help
- essentials.helpop
- essentials.motd
- essentials.rules
- essentials.spawn
inheritance: []
prefix: '&e'
build: false
suffix: ''
default: false
- essentials.ban
- essentials.ban.notify
- essentials.banip
- essentials.broadcast
- essentials.clearinventory
- essentials.delwarp
- essentials.eco.loan
- essentials.ext
- essentials.getpos
- essentials.helpop.recieve
- essentials.home.others
- essentials.invsee
- essentials.jails
- essentials.jump
- essentials.kick
- essentials.kick.notify
- essentials.kill
- essentials.mute
- essentials.nick.others
- essentials.protect.admin
- essentials.protect.alerts
- essentials.protect.ownerinfo
- essentials.ptime
- essentials.ptime.others
- essentials.realname
- essentials.setwarp
- essentials.signs.break.*
- essentials.signs.create.*
- essentials.spawner
- essentials.thunder
- essentials.time
- essentials.time.set
- essentials.togglejail
- essentials.top
- essentials.tp
- essentials.tphere
- essentials.tppos
- essentials.tptoggle
- essentials.unban
- essentials.unbanip
- essentials.weather
- essentials.whois
- essentials.world
- groupmanager.listgroups
- groupmanager.mandemote
- groupmanager.manpromote
- groupmanager.manselect
- groupmanager.manuadd
- groupmanager.manudel
- groupmanager.manwhois
prefix: '&5'
build: true
suffix: ''
default: false
- -essentials.backup
- -essentials.essentials
- -essentials.setspawn
- -essentials.reloadall
- -essentials.plugin
- essentials.*
- groupmanager.mangcheckp
- groupmanager.manglistp
- groupmanager.mansave
- groupmanager.mantogglevalidate
- groupmanager.manucheckp
- groupmanager.manulistp
- scs.admin
- scs.create.buy
- scs.create.display
- scs.create.sell
- scs.create.unlimited
- scs.manage
- scs.remove
- scs.sell:buy
- scs.create.sell:buy
- moderator
prefix: '&c'
build: true
suffix: ''这是有问题的吧 现在除了OP权限 玩家不能建造不能破坏 加入builder显示没有组 是因为这个出问题了吧
QQ呢= =我要问其他事情
“这……东家的。”张二福有些心不甘情不愿的。他很想直接将陈才丢出去。省得他开口闭口就没什么好话。可是现在程一竟然让他把陈才放开。想想张二福就觉得不是很甘心。&&&&  “别大嘴巴芰酥厣觳鸥欢堑靡院蠖喟锍淖判《【褪恰!泵绱浠ǖ匮劢且老』勾啪вǖ睦峄ǎ瓷先ゾ窕顾悴淮恚耸蔽潞&&&&
罗敏生恶狠狠的说道,说着,就只身往前走去,但还没走两步种子的手抄报,就被中年保安给拽回来了,一把死死的抓住罗敏生的衣领,想把罗敏生往上提,可怪自己身高没有罗敏生高,刚刚想往上一提,罗敏生垫了垫脚尖,弄得中年保安往前一个普通,差点就倒下去了。&&&&  丁文没法又拨了桑木兰电话,交代了中秋节一些采买的事,心里暗自疑问:怎么就凑在一块儿呢?&&&&
友情链接:Download bPermissions. You can download it by clicking on .
Generate the bPermissions files.
Place the bPermissions.jar into the plugin folder, and run the server so that the files are generated.
Once the server has fully loaded, type "stop" and close the console.
bPermissions files.
Inside your plugins folder you should now see a new folder called bPermissions.
Open this folder, and you will see some new files. For now, we will leave these files as they are.
Configure the world YMLs.
Open the world folder and you will see a YAML file for each world you have on your server. If you have only the default worlds you will see two files, groups.yml, and users.yml.
These are the files that we use to create permission groups and assign groups to players.
Open the Groups YML.
Open the group.yml in notepad. It is usually an empty file in latest version of servers. If you should see two square brackets: []. Delete them so we have an empty file.
Set the default group.
For this wikiHow, you will be using three groups, player, moderator, and admin. You may choose to have more, or less groups than this.
Write without quotes, "default: ", and then the name of your default group, mine will be "player". Your first line should look like the line in the image.
Add the groups.
We can now add the groups to the world file.
Go to the next line and type groups:
Then, go to the next line, and add four spaces, making sure you don't add tabs, and no tabs were added automatically. Write the name of your first group. Go to the next line, four spaces, name of second group.
Repeat until all your groups are listed. They should look similar to the groups in the image.
Add the basic permissions.
You will now need to add the basic permissions each group will have. With bPermissions, you will be assigning multiple groups to your players.
Instead of groups of players, it will be, groups of permissions added to your players. Generally, your default group will be a base group. It will contain all the permissions you want every player to have.
So in your default group, go to the next line, add 4 spaces and add the permission:
- bPermissions.build: This will allow the player to place and break blocks.
Then, under your admin type group, add the permission:
- bPermissions.admin
It should look similar to the image.
Add other permissions.
As the plugin Essentials has a lot of permissions and is quite popular.
Just like in the previous step, add the permissions you want each group to have. But keep in mind, the permissions should be relevant to the group.
Here are some permissions for the MOTD, teleporting to spawn, and home / sethome commands to the player group. Kick and ban permissions to the moderator group, and Bukkit server commands to the admin group.
Your groups.yml should now look similar to the one in the image.
Note: if you have a lot of plugins, you will probably have a lot of permission nodes to add. But, take your time to make sure it is formatted correctly, and no tabs have been added.
Add players.
Now that we have the permissions added, it is a good idea to add the players that will have the bPermissions.admin node to the file. This permission will allow the player to add groups to other players in-game.
In this example the Notch, Jeb, and NewGuy.
Notch is an admin, so he has all three permission groups, meaning, he can do everything a default player can, as well as, what a moderator can, and is able to use the server commands too.
Jeb, as the moderator has the default player permissions and the moderator permissions.
Finally, NewGuy has only just joined the server, so he is automatically given the permissions of the default group.
As new players join the server, they will automatically be added to this list.
Make a new line, type players:
New line, 4 spaces, add the player name like this: Notch:
Then, another line, 4 spaces, and add the groups. Repeat for all players you wish to manually add.
Your groups.yml, should look similar to the image.
How to get a prefix/suffix.
Your permissions are now setup. You can save the file and it should work as expected. However, many people like to add a prefix to their name so they know which players are in which groups.
To do this, you need a chat plugin. The plugin I recommend is bChat. bChat can be downloaded from:
Configure bChat.
bChat has just one file, config.yml.
Open the config.yml and you are able to format the chat for your server. The format that you could use is: format: '+PREFIX +WHITE+NAME: +WHITE+MESSAGE'
Adding the prefix.
To add a prefix to a group we must open up the groups.yml that we added all our permissions to. The prefix is added using a permission.
The permission is:
- prefix.priority.prefix
The priority works like this: The higher the number, the higher the priority.
For example, we added three groups to the player Notch. Each of those groups could have a permission node for a prefix. So we use the priority to make sure that the prefix for the highest ranking group is used.
So for the default group we might use a priority of 10, moderator could be 20, and admin 30. Here is an example of a prefix that is the group in square brackets
- prefix.30.[Admin]
This would produce:
[Admin] Notch: message here
We can also add color to the prefix:
- prefix.30.+RED[Admin]
This prefix system is useful as it allows us to use the multi-group system, while still providing a way for per group prefixes.
Your groups.yml may look similar to the image.
Promote players in-game.
You can use commands to add/remove groups to players, and add/remove permission nodes from groups. The command is:
/p [world||global] [action] [target]
For example,
/p global addgroup admin JebAdds the admin group to the player Jeb.
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Tell us everything you know here. Remember, more detail is better.
Please be as detailed as possible in your explanation. Don't worry about formatting! We'll take care of it.
For example:Don't say: Eat more fats.Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
Use bChat or mChat to add prefixes/suffixes
You can use /help in-game to see list of commands you can use.
You will see bPermissions and Permissions listed when you type /plugins. This is a "fake permissions" plugin used to maintain compatibility with plugins still using the older permissions system.
Use a program such as NotePad++ to edit YAML files.
Do not use other permission plugins at the same time.
Do NOT use tabs in YAML files
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