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&&发表时间: 4:54:36
&&&&6 years ago in a car accident, so that Mr Ng's wife became mentally retarded. Four years ago, Mr Ng first brought to the court for divorce, but the lawsuit was dismissed. Recently, Mr. Wu will be the first eight divorce petition sent to the Chengdu Hi-tech District Court,, the Court has accepted and will fix a day for hearing the case. It is understood that, in order to divorce, Mr Ng to attend four years of civil litigation and enforcement of no fewer than 20 cases. This morning,, he will visit Qingyang District Court, participated in a civil action initiated by divorce mediation.Stuffed into a car accident husband wife retardedAccording to Mr Ng said he and his wife Sharon are junior high school students. In 1995,, he was admitted to the Chongqing Medical University, Sharon is working outside. During college, Mr. Wu has been in pursuit of Liu. July 2000, Mr Ng graduated, came to work in a hospital in Chengdu. In early August, with work in Chengdu, Liu agreed to his pursuit. September 7,, Mr. Wu and Liu in Qingyang District Civil Affairs Bureau registration of marriage. "After marriage, I did not find our personality and marital poor foundation." Ng said. In 2002,, her daughter was born small thinking.October 10, 2004, after the couple finished in Nanchong brother's funeral Liu handle, drive back to Chengdu. When reaching the State Road 318, Ng due to stop at the side of the road beyond the Changan car to car collided with a sitting position on the front passenger injured Liu. Identified, Sharon secondary mental disability,, intellectual level equivalent to teenage children. The traffic police department,, Mr Ng and the other owners bear equal responsibility for the accident.Since then, Sharon lived in Nanchong parents' home, Mr. Wu is back to Chengdu to work, earn money to support their families.Claiming to be husband and wife in name only his divorce proceedings in a rowIt is understood that, since 2006, Mr Ng seven consecutive divorce proceedings, but the court did not agree.Which, in January 2009, when the prosecution said Mr Ng to Nanchong City Jialing District Court, after he and Sharon married household chores often quarrel, marital relations is not good. Since 2004, the two sides separated in two places, and because Sharon had severe mental retardation, can not fully identify and control their own behavior, between husband and wife have been impossible to have any emotional exchange, nor lead a normal married life, marital relationship in name only therefore ask the court to agree to a divorce.Divorce led to a civil action to perform no less than 20 casesIt is understood that the past few years, Mr Ng Civil similar experiences, perform fewer than 20 cases.Once in 2006, Sharon's daughter and Mr Ng parents to court, demanding repayment of their daughter during hospitalization and Ng borrow $ 30,000 and issued a promissory note. Another time was in September 29, 2004, Sharon's parents to court, saying the child after the accident, Anhui,, they will compensate for their sub-unit of 50,000 yuan in cash to his daughter, but after a car accident this Ng was the money for themselves, and arranged for witnesses to court to testify. Two lawsuits are due to Ng and Liu did not appear in court, so the court ordered the duo lost."Oh, I'm so wrong!" In this regard,, Mr Ng said he did indeed find her parents borrowed 30,000 yuan of money,, but had to return, but did not want to go back IOU. Another one case, Mr Ng said that he had never seen the 50,000 yuan in cash. And when two court hearing, he was in Chengdu to work, do not receive a court summons, Sharon because of illness, can not appear to answer. Ng told reporters that he has paid 80,000 yuan to the wife's parents, and be ready for the woman on the division of property has been taken care of, "I will no longer married!"This morning, Qingyang court mediation will be organized in conjunction with the Housing developers Ng. Ng divorce due to cash flow problems, unable to pay two mortgages Chengdu,, two houses have been closed down.◎ News LinksHis wife from cancer, her husband did not marryFuzhou Fang, Amin on April 19, 2000 registration of marriage. After marriage, Fang is to detect cancer, the doctor ran out of the house for savings. Amin filed for divorce in 2007, judgment of the Court agreed, but asked him to pay a one-time financial assistance Fang money 10,000 yuan.Fang appeal, Fuzhou City Intermediate People's Court rejected the verdict, saying that "Fang appeared seriously ill, no income, Amin should give more care of, assume the obligations of dependents," Amin's petition does not meet the "Marriage" divorce granted specified conditions, and therefore is not supported.Our reporter Wang Hongjiang photography lock away one thousandMan wishes"I am willing to go beyond the law, to give her ((Sharon) maximum help, and you assume full responsibility for raising her daughter alone." Ng said.The woman retortedIn this regard, Liu's parents claimed as its agent, the two married a very good relationship, but after the accident, but then Sharon Ng turning a blind eye will compensate all the money she deserves for its own Yes, it is no money to live and treatment.8 times before the divorce proceedings have failed 7 times1st: September 2006, Mr Ng to sue for divorce court ShunQingOu Nanchong City, because Liu Jialing account has been moved,, the court did not accept.2nd: November 2006,, Mr Ng to Nanchong City Jialing divorce court, the court Sharon needs a rehabilitation process grounds, ruling allowed divorce.3rd: September 2007,, Mr Ng again Nanchong City Jialing divorce court, the court needs to Sharon physical, psychological rehabilitation care for the grounds, ruling allowed divorce.4th: March 2008, Mr Ng appealed to Nanchong City Intermediate People's Court, the court upheld the conviction.5th: December 2008, Mr Ng to Nanchong City Jialing divorce court, the court yet reached the time limit and no new cases prosecuted by the court rejected.6th: in January 2009, Mr Ng to Nanchong City Jialing divorce court, the court ruling is still not allowed to divorce.7th: in December 2009,, Mr Ng appealed to Nanchong City Intermediate People's Court, the court upheld the conviction.8th: July 2010, Mr Ng Chengdu Hi-tech Zone to sue for divorce court ......◎ attitude CourtDue to their own fault led to divorce his wife disabilities that contrary to the moral and public order and good moralsNanchong Jialing District Court held that Mr. Wu and Liu is the relationship between students, voluntary registration in love after marriage, marriage is more solid foundation. Ng filed for divorce in 2004, mainly due to the car accident that led to Sharon's physical disability, but the disability caused by the fault lies in Sharon Ng itself. In addition, Sharon recovered in good condition, life can basically take care of themselves,, for Ng and her daughter have a certain awareness and judgment, as long as the husband Ng assume responsibility, you can wake her memory."As Sharon Ng own fault cause physical disability, but he was used as a reason for divorce,, contrary to the moral and public order and morals, but also contrary to the moral values of mainstream society." The court held that Mr Ng as Sharon's husband, do not assume legal support obligation after Sharon physical disability, their behavior is illegal in itself, but also as a divorce request, want to achieve a legitimate purpose for its violations, should not be supported, it is not allowed to divorce judgment .◎ lawyers point of viewAffection no longer exists on the family property division divorce should take good care of his wife"According to the" Marriage ", the court finds that a divorce is the only criterion for whether the couple's affection no longer exists." Wang Shu Tang Feng law firm lawyers believe that, in this case,, Sharon and Mr Ng has been unable to communicate, and Ng repeatedly to the court for a divorce, couples have been broken, the court was able to divorce,, the "Modern society advocating freedom to marry,, divorce, freedom.""If the judgment of divorce, the family division of property should be fully taken care of
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&&&& 14:45&&&&来源:奇丽女性网&&&&编辑:Fiona
[导读] 民间对新婚男士的称呼――新郎, 与新娘相对应。相传很久以前,在和平有个新家村。村里有一位年轻的后生,他饱读诗书,聪明过人,性格开朗,人缘极好,名叫“新朗”。
&& & 一直以来,大家都会亲切的称呼新人们为新郎新娘,但是关于&新郎新娘&的民间传说,大家是否听过呢?让小编跟大家来讲这么一个小故事吧。 本文来源:奇丽女性网
& & 民间对新婚男士的称呼&&新郎, 与新娘相对应。相传很久以前,在和平有个新家村。村里有一位年轻的后生,他饱读诗书,聪明过人,性格开朗,人缘极好,名叫&新朗&。他勤于耕种,不求功名,如今已年过二十,尚未成家,一心想找位志趣相投的女子为伴。登门提亲的人很多,但都不在他眼里,全都被他谢绝。
& & 距新家村不远处有条小河叫&星溪&,溪畔村里有一位如花似玉的姑娘叫&星娘&。星娘芳龄二八,聪明贤惠。新郎对星娘的聪慧早有所闻,心里虽生爱慕之情,却苦于无法接近。在众人鼓励之下,他终于鼓足勇气,请媒人前往提亲。
& & 媒人受新家之托,来到星娘家说明来意。恰巧的是,星娘对新郎的聪明才智,也早就了解得一清二楚。本想一口答应,但为了考考他的真才实学,便对媒人说:&要我答应这门亲事并不难,只是有个条件。&&条件?&媒人说,&姑娘请讲吧,我一定转告。&姑娘笑了笑说:&这条件并不高,只要准备一间新房就行。&媒人一听这么简单的事好办。星娘又说:&这个新房与众不同,请婆婆仔细听好&&不用门来不用窗,无柱无瓦无上梁,上上下下不见土,四面八方石头墙。&媒婆听了觉得奇怪,&哪有这样的房子?&姑娘说:&你回去对新朗说,如能照此办到,三天后我与他成亲。若办不到,叫他死了这条心吧!&媒人心想,这算什么条件,分明是不愿意,才故意出难题。她晦气地回去将条件对新朗一说,劝他另选人家好了。不料新郎听后却哈哈大笑,说:&这新房容易办到,两天之后请你来看新房子。&到了第二天,媒人来到新郎家。新朗带她到屋后那座向阳的山坡上,指着一个大山洞,&那就是我准备的新房。&说罢,领着媒人走进山洞一看,一张石床摆中央,罗帐锦被铺满床,无柱无梁,无门无窗,四周皆石墙。媒人见了赞不绝口,说:&好房!正符合星娘要的新婚之房&&这也是&洞房&的来源。&这时媒人才恍然大悟,原来星娘在考新郎呀!次日,新郎和星娘在此&洞房&拜了天地成了亲,夫妻恩爱,白头到老,传为佳话。
& & 此后,人们就把结婚的新房称&洞房&。而故事主人翁新朗之&朗&与&郎&谐音、星娘之&星&与新亦是谐音,故此民间称新结婚的男女为&新郎&、&新娘&,沿袭至今。
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