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lesson 1 ;a.警觉的,留神的,注意的 vt.向报警,使警惕; 使认识到n.警戒(状态), 戒备(状态);报警 sirens sounded the alert for an air raid. ;空袭报警的警笛响起来. nuclear-armed bombers were put on the alert during the crisis. ;核武装轰炸机在危机期间 进入高度警备状 态.arbitrary['a:bitr ? ri] ;a.随意的,任意的; 专断的,武断的,专制的 the diet imposes overall calorie limits,but daily menus are arbitrary. ;食谱规定了总的热量限 制,但每天的菜 单可据喜 好自定. behalf[bi'ha:f] ;n.利益,方面 mother teresa's efforts on behalf of calutta'德兰修女为加尔各答 穷人所做的一切努力 eventually brought her the nobel peace prize. ;最终为她赢得了诺贝尔和 平奖.n.大小,体积; 主体,绝大部分;大量 vt.显得大,显得重要 the great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful. ;大量必须做的工作真令人 痛苦. safety considerations bulked large during the development of the new spacecraft. ;在建造新的宇宙飞船时, 安全考虑占了很大比重.v.削(或凿)下(屑片或 碎片)n.屑片,碎片[pl]炸土豆条(或片); 集成电路片,集成块; 缺口,瑕疵 &fish and chips&is a typical english food. ;“炸鱼土豆条”是典型的 英国食品. the paint has chipped off where the table touches the wall. ;桌子接触墙壁的地方漆皮 已剥落.vi/n.倒塌,塌下; 崩溃,突然失败 the enterprose collapsed through lack of support. ;该企业因无力支持而 倒闭. competition [k ? mpi'ti ?? n] ;n.竞争,竞赛 because there is so much unemployment,the competition for jobs is very fierce. ;由于失业人员众多,求职的 竞争十分激烈. five candidate citie共有包括北京在内的五个 城市 participated in the competition to host the 28th olympic games. ;参加了争夺第 28 届奥 运会主办权的角逐. decline[di'klain] ;n.下降,减少,衰退 the arts of china have not declined in spit of the western influence. ;虽有西方影响,中国的艺 术并未因此而 衰落. the price of mobile telephones has declined sharply. ;手机的价格下降得非常 厉害. the united kingdom is now no more than an empire that has declined. ;大英帝国如今只是一个业 已衰落的 帝国. develop[di'vel ? p] ;vi.生长,发育,形成; 发展,扩展 develop[di'vel ? p] ;vt.发展,开发;制定, 研制,成长;逐步产生, 发挥 a good teacher is s一个好老师一定 who can develop the capabilities of each student. ;是一个能激发每个学生 潜能的导师. juliet wu'吴士宏的抱负 is to develop a national corporation into a worldwide business. ;是要把一个国内企业扩 展成世界性的企业. elaborate[i'l ? b ? rit] ;a.精心计划的,详尽的; 复杂的 vt.详述,详细制订 vi.详述 i just wanyou don't need to elaborate. ;我只想简单了解事实, 你不必作详细说明. i don't want elaborate lace pattern on my dress,just make it simple. ;我不想裙子上有复杂精美 的花边图案, 简简单单 就行. excite[ik'sait] ;vt.使兴奋,使激动; 引起,激起 strong coffee excites your nerves. ;浓咖啡刺激神经, 使人兴奋. emperor qinshihuang's cruelty excited a rising of the people. ;秦始皇的残暴引起了人民 的反抗. fatal['feit ? l] ;a.致命的,灾难性的, 毁灭性的;重大的, 决定性的 the city of tangshan has such a new look tha唐山市如今面貌一新, 几乎让人想不起 people of the fatal earthquake that eccured over 30 years ago. ;30 多年前的毁灭性的 地震. formal['f ?:m ? l] ;a.正规的,正式的, 合礼仪的;形式上的, 表面的 business letters are usually formal, ;商业信件通常都是讲究格 式的, but we write in a informal way to family members or friends. ;但我们给家人或朋友写 信就比较随便了. gaze[geiz] ;v./n.凝视,注视 in those boring letures,many students just sat gazing into the classroom window. ;在那些沉闷的课堂教学 中, 许多学生知识呆呆地 望着窗外. guard[ga:d] ;n.警戒,警备;警卫员, 看守,卫兵 guard[ga:d] ;vt.守卫,捍卫 vi.(against)防止, 防范 be on your guard against pickpockets. ;谨防扒手. tooth paste with fluorine can effectively guard against tooth decay. ;含氟牙膏能有效防止 蛀牙. hostile['h ? stail] ;a.敌对的,敌意的,不友 善的;敌方的 很奇怪, how hostile she was to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband. ;她对所有接近丈夫的漂亮 女孩都心 存敌意. indentical [ai'dentik ? l] ;a.相同的,同等的; 同一的 my opinion are not always identical with my parents's. ;我的意见并不总是和父母 的意见相同. all eggs look similar, but no two eggs are identical, ;所有鸡蛋看上去相似, 但没有两只鸡蛋是完全 相同的 leonardo da vinci's teacher once said to him. ;达芬奇的老师曾经告诉 他说, inferior [in'fi ? ri ?] ;n.下级,下属 a.劣等的,次的;下级的 no inferior products should be allowed to pass. ;决不能让任何次品漏网. in the past,women were regarded as inferior to men. ;过去,人们认为女人不如 男人. launch[l ?:nt ?] ;n.发射;(船)下水 (新产品)投产 launch[l ?:nt ?] ;vt.发射;发起(运动) 推出(产品);使开始 从事;使(船)下水 the first artifical satellite was launched by the former soviet union, ;前苏联发射了第一颗人 造卫星, which shocked the united states. ;让美国人大惊失色. mechanism ['mek ? niz ? m] ;n.机械装置;机制,机理; 办法,途径 the bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body. ;骨骼和肌肉是人体的组成 机体. the shell of my watch is transparent and the mechanisms inside can be seen. ;我的手表外壳是透明的, 可以 看见里面的机械 装置. match[m ? t ?] ;n.比赛,竞赛;对手,敌手; 匹配,相配的人(或物); 火柴 match[m ? t ?] ;vt.和...相配, 和...相称, vi.相配,相适合 the prince and princess童话中的王子与公主 are always perfectly matched(=were always a perfect match). ;永远都是天造地设的 一对. the white swan hotel in guangzhou can't be matched for friendliness. ;广州白天鹅宾馆良好的 服务态度是 无与伦比的. thesone is large and the other is small. ;这双鞋不相配,一只大, 一只小. negative['neg ? tiv] ;n.负数;(照相机的) 负片,底片 negative['neg ? tiv] ;a.否定的; 反面的,消极的; 负的,阴性的 he was suspicious of having taken dopes,but his urine test was negative. ;他被怀疑服用了兴奋剂, 但他的尿 样检测却是呈阴 性的. two negative makes a positive. ;负负得正. obligation [? bli'gei ?? n] ;n.义务,责任 to pay taxes is an obligation of every citizen. ;纳税是每一个公民的 义务. panic['p ? nik] ;n.惊慌,恐慌,慌乱 v.(使)恐慌, (使)惊慌失措 the asian financial crisis caused panic selling of securities. ;亚洲金融危机引起了债券 的恐慌抛售. peer[pi ?] ;n.同龄人,同等地位的人; 贵族 vi.仔细看,费力地看 to lessen peer(group) pressure,many schools require their students to wear uniforms. ;为减少来自同龄群体的 压 力,许多学校要求学生们 穿校服. he peered at the comp- uter screen,wondering what his programming mistake was. ;他仔细地看着计算机的 显 示屏,想知道他的程序出 了什么错. press[pres] ;v.压,按,挤; 压榨,压迫 press[pres] ;n.报刊,报界,新闻界; 出版社,通讯社; 压,按,挤;印刷机 in the press conference, ;在新闻发布会上, the white house spokesman always avoids directly answering questions. ;白宫发言人总是避免直 接回答问 题. time presses.let's press on with our work. ;时间紧迫.我们加紧工作 吧. just press this button,and you'll start the engine. ;只要按一下这个按钮便可 启动这台发动机了. the problem of fuel presses for solution. ;这个燃料的问题急待 解决. rarely[r ?? li] ;ad.不常,难得 big ben in london has rarely gone wrong. ;在伦敦“大本钟”很少出 差错. only rarely do i eat in restaurants. ;我极少到饭馆吃饭. scandal['sk ? nd ? l] ;n.丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语; 反感,愤慨 the former president of the philipines took tax money for his own use, ;菲律宾前总统贪污税款, it was such a scandal. ;可谓一大丑闻. thread[? red] ;n. 线,细丝;线索,思路; 螺纹 vt.穿(针、线等) you lose the thread of your argument. ;你们的论点有失条理. you need a needle threader if you can't see clearly to thread a needle. ;如果看不清楚无法穿线, 你需要一枚 穿针器. lesson 2 ; abandon[?'b ? nd ? n] ;vt.离弃,丢弃; 遗弃,抛弃;放弃 the heartless man abandoned his disabled wife and ran away with all their money. ;那个没良心的男人抛弃了 残疾的妻子,还带走了两 人所有的钱. since there was no way to save the ship and its cargo, ;眼见拯救船只和船上货 物无望, the captain issued the order to abandon ship. ;船长发出了弃船令. acknowledge [? k'n ? lid ?] ;vt.承认,承认 的权威; 告知收到,确认,报偿 michael jordan was acknowledged as the best basketball player in the nba. ;迈克尔.乔丹是公认的前 nba 最 佳篮球选手. we acknowledge receipt of your cable no.123 sent this morning concerning the sample. ;兹确认,我方已收到 你方 关于样品的 123 号电传. bump[b ? mp] ;vt. 碰,撞;颠簸着前进 n. 碰撞;隆起物 in the dim light i couldn't see clearly and bumped into a tree. ;昏暗中我看不清,一头撞 在一棵树上. circuit['s ?:kit] ;n.电路,线路; 环行,环行道 i run two circuits of the 我每天早晨沿跑道跑两圈 in order to pass the 800-meter running test. ;以通过 800 米考试。 in longman dictionary of contemporary english, ;你要是查阅《朗文当代英 语词典》 you will see cctv is the abbreviation of &closed circuit television&. ;就会发现 cctv 是“闭路 电视”的缩写. complain[k ? m'plein] ;vt.抱怨,诉苦; 投诉,控告 those who are always complaining should t那些天成天牢骚满腹的 人,应该想想 to figuring out how to make it better. ;如何改变现状. you are always complaining about something. ;你总是满腹牢骚. conventional [k ? n'ven ?? n ? l] ;a.普通的,习惯的, 常规的;符合习俗的, 因循守旧的 the russian defense 俄罗斯的国防部长坚持 认为 that his country should reduce expenditure on c俄应削减花在常规武器上 的开支, and spend more on strategic weapons. ;而更多地在战略武器上 投入. mother is so conventional in her views. ;妈妈的观点太保守. destruction [dis'tr ? k ?? n] ;n.毁灭,破坏,消灭 the hot ash and the lava fr来自埃及特纳火山的滚烫 的火山灰和熔岩 brought total destruction to the village. ;给那个小村庄带来彻底 的毁灭. emergency [i'm ?:d ?? nsi] ;n.紧急情况 wahid threatened to proclaim a state of emergency if congress dec瓦希德威胁说如果国 会 弹劾他,他就宣布紧急 状态. the patient was asked to ring the b病人在有紧急情况时可以 按铃, and the nurses on duty would come straight away. ;然后当班的护士就会立 即前来. fantasy['f ? nt ? si] ;n.想象,幻想; 想象的产物 young people often live in a world of fantasy, ;年青人常生活在幻想的 世界里, and parents always tell them to face the reality. ;而父母亲总会告诉他们 要面对现实. stop looking for a perfect job--it's just a fantasy. ;别想找到十全十美的工 作了,那简直是幻想. function['f ?? k ?? n] ;n.功能,作用,职能; 重大聚会;函数 the function of a chairman at a meeting is to lead and control meetings. ;在会上,主席的职责是引 导并控制 会议. an old machine won't function properly if you don't oil it regularly. ;旧机器如果不经常加油是 不能正常运 转的. heave[hi:v] ;vt.举起,拉起;扔; (沉重地)发出(叹息、 呻吟等) heave[hi:v] ;vi.(用力)举起,提起 (有节奏的)起伏;呕吐 n.举起,升降 the naughty children have just heaved a stone through my window. ;淘气的孩子们刚刚把一块 石头扔进我 的窗户. identify[ai'dentifai] ;vt.认出,鉴定; (~with)把...等同于 vi.(~with)认同 do you identify beauty with wisdom? ;你认为美貌与智慧能相等 同吗? the characters on the rubbings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify. ;拓片上的文字模糊不清, 难以识 别. jail[d ? eil] ;n.监狱,看守所 vt.监禁,拘留 romeo was sentenced to jail for 15 days for starting a fight with his rival. ;因为与情敌发生冲突,罗 密欧被判 15 日监禁. has it ever occurred to you that jails were first invented for debtors? ;你有没有想过,监狱最初 是为了关押欠 债人而发 明的? line[lain] ;vt.使排成一行;划线于 vi.排队,排齐 line[lain] ;n.线条;方针,路线; 线路,电话线;线,绳; 排,行;行业,专长 people lined the streets to see the famous man go past. ;人们站在街道两旁看那位 著名人士走过. line and color are both important in portrait painting. ;线条和色彩在肖像绘画中 都很重要. master['m ?:st ?] ;vt.掌握,精通;征服,控制 a.主要的,重要的; 精通的,优秀的 master['m ?:st ?] ;n.男主人,雇主;能手, 名家,大师;[m~]硕士 who is the master mind behind this plan? ;谁是这个计划的幕后 决策人? i don't think we can master a language in a year's study. ;我不相信经过一年的 学习我们就可以掌握一种 语言. notion['n ? u ?? n] ;n.概念,观念;意图, 想法,念头 the notion that the earth is round has b关于地球是圆的概念已广 泛为人们所接受 since magellan accomplished the first voyage around the world. ;自从麦哲伦首次完成环球 旅行以来, some men have a notion that women should never wear cosmetics. ;有些男人认为女人应该 素面朝天. option['? p ?? n] ;n.选择;选择权,选择 自由;(供)选择的事物 the government has two options, ;政府只有两种选择, (或人物) to reduce spending or to increase taxes. ;不是削减开支便是增加 税收. please make a list of the various options. ;请列出可供选择的项目. pay[pei] ;vt.付钱给,支出; 给予(注意等), 进行(访问等) pay[pei] ;vi.付款;有利,值得; 付出代价,受到惩罚 n.工资,薪金 it will pay in the long run if the setting 从长远来看,在城市里鞭 炮是值得的, is effectively banned in the cities. ;真正有效地禁放. i'll certainly pay you back for what you did to me! ;你那样对待我,我一定要 回敬你的! rare[r ??] ;a.稀有的,罕见的; 珍奇的,出类拔萃的; rare[r ??] ;a.(空气)稀薄的; (肉等)煎得嫩的 jasper white is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths. ;贾斯珀.怀特是那些少 有的相信古代 神话的人 之一. the higher we go above the earth,the rarer the air is. ;我们离开地面越高,空气 越稀薄. reflection [ri'flek ?? n] ;n.映象,倒映; 反射;反映,表达; 深思,考虑,反省 don't act without sufficient reflection. ;不要未经深思就采取 行动. the dog barked at his reflection in the river. ;那条狗对着小河中自己的 倒影吠叫. satisfactory [s ? tis'f ? kt ? ri] ;n.令人满意的 when you think it over,you will see that it is the satisfactory way out. ;你好好考虑,就会明白那 是惟一令人 满意的出路. the johnson administration failed to come up with a sa约翰逊当局拿不出令人 满意的解 决办法 to the economic crisis. ;来解决经济危机.?? shame[? eim] ;vt.使蒙受羞辱,使丢脸 shame[? eim] ;n.羞耻,羞愧,耻辱; 可耻的人(或事物); 遗憾的事,可惜 it is a shame to be so wasteful. ;这样浪费太可惜了. will students feel great shame at having failed the final exam? ;学生们会为期末考试不及 格而感到羞耻吗? (will students be shamed by their failure to pass the final exam?) ;学生们会为期末考试不及 格而感到羞耻 吗? superficial [sju:p ?'fi ?? l] ;a.肤浅的,浅薄的; 表面的 superficial scratches can be easily removed. ;表层的划痕很容易除掉. i have only a superficial knowledge of this subject. ;我对这个问题仅略知 皮毛. sympathize ['simp ?? aiz] ;vi.(~with)同情,怜悯 (~with) 体谅,赞同 i i've had a similar unhappy experience myself. ;我很同情你,我自己也有 过类似的不 幸遭遇. we sympathize with the goals of the committee. ;我们赞同委员会的目标. treaty['tri:ti] ;n.条约,协定 the two leaders underline that the 1972 anti-ballistic missile(abm)两位领导人强调 1972 年 的《反弹 道导弹条约》 is a vital cornerstone of global strategic security. ;是全球战略安全的基石. undertake [? nd ?'teik] ;vt.承担,着手做; 同意,答应,保证 during her husband's presidency, ;在丈夫担任总统期间, jacqueline kennedy undertook the coordin- ation of the white house restoration. ;杰奎林.肯尼迪承担了协 调 白宫的修复工作. unusual[? n'ju:? u ? l] ;a.不平常的,少有的; 与众不同的,独特的 it is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or 一年级新生小于 18 岁 或大于 19 岁的相当少, but i was barely 16 when i entered college. ;但是我进大学时才 16 岁. the most unusual car was a benz which had only three wheels. ;最奇特的小汽车是辆只有 3 个轮子的奔驰 小汽车. violate['vai ? leit] ;vt.违反,违背;亵渎; 侵犯,妨碍 the soldier violated the church by using it as a stable. ;士兵们把教堂当马厩用而 亵渎了它. you have violated the traffic regulation. ;你违反了交通规则. this is double yellow line and no parking is allowed. ;这是双黄线,不可以停 车的. wage[weid ?] ;n.[常 pl]工资,报酬 vt.开始,进行 the railroad workers have asked 铁路工人要求增加工资, and the management is working on that. ;资方正在研究此事. the six members to the shanghai coope&上海合作组织&签约的 6 个成员国 have determined to wage war against terrorism,separatism and extremism. ;决定向恐怖主义、 分裂主 义和极 端主义开战.lesson 3 ; accelerate [? k'sel ? reit] ;v.使加快,(使)增速 deng xiaoping's open policy has accelerated china's economic growth. ;邓小平的对外开放政策大 大促进了 中国经济的快速 发展. advocate['? dv ? keit] ;vt.拥护,提倡,主张 n.拥护者,提倡者, 辩护者 we advocate bu我们主张多建几所学校, to provide more education opportunities for children. ;给孩子们提供更多受教育 的机会. the chinese people are advocate of peace. ;中国人民都是和平的 拥护者. budget['b ? d ? it] ;n.预算,预算拨款 budget['b ? d ? it] ;vi.编预算,作安排 vt.规划,安排 n.低廉的,收费公道的 the new financial sec香港新任财政司司长 is expected to announce fax cuts in this year's budget. ;香港人期望他在本年度预 算中宣布削减税收. a lot of money has been saved by budgeting. ;通过预算开支,一大笔钱 节省下来. capable['keip ? bl] ;a.有能力的,有技能的 not everyone is capable of judging art. ;并不是每个人都有鉴赏艺 术的能力. the situation is capable of improvement. ;这种情况是可以改善的. that mob's capable of any crime. ;那个暴徒什么违法的事都 干得出来. combat['k ? mb ? t] ;n.战斗,格斗 v.与...战斗, 与...斗争 in order to survive all kinds of competitions, ;要想在各种各样的竞争中 站稳脚跟, a businessman has to combat with his rival. ;商人就不得不与对手 抗争. comprehensive [k ? mpri'hensiv] ;a.广泛的,综合的 the state government of california gave a very compr加利福尼亚州政府 详尽地解释了 of its plans for the development of the electronic industry. ;对电子工业的发展规划. convince[k ? n'vins] ;vt.使确信,使信服,说服 what conviced them to vote for bush? ;究竟是什么说服了他们投 布什的票? you should present evidences to convince the judge of your innocence. ;你得摆出证据使法官相信 你的清 白. defeat[di'fi:t] ;n.击败,战胜;战败,失败 vt.击败,战胜; 使失败,挫折 the chinese u-21中国青年足球队 was defeated by the argentina team in the football match. ;在足球赛中输给了阿 根廷队. deserve[di'z ?:v] ;vt.应受,应得,值得 nature deserves our protection because we ourselves are part of it. ;大自然应受我们的保护,??, 因为我们自 己也是它的一 份子. economical [i:k ?'n ? mik ? l] ;a.节约的,节省的,经济的 going by train is more economical than going by plane. ;坐火车比坐飞机更省钱. bicycles are regarded as an economical a自行车被看成是比公共汽 车更实惠的交通工 具, whose fares have increased 5 times in the past 3 years. ;因为公共汽车票价在最 近三年内涨了五倍. evaluate[i'v ? ljueit] ;vt.评价,估计, 求...的值 the research project has been under way only for three months, ;这个研究项目进行了不过 三个月, so it's too early to evaluate its success. ;所以要对它的成绩作出 评价为时尚早. fantastic [f ? n't ? stik] ;a.极好的,极出色的; 极大的,难以相信的; 异想天开的;奇异的 li yundi's piano performance is really fantastic. ;李云迪的钢琴表演实在是 太出色了. there are many fantastic legends in ancient china. ;中国古代有许多稀奇古怪 的传说. frontier ['fr ? nti ?,fr ? n'ti ?] ;n.边界,边境 frontier ['fr ? nti ?,fr ? n'ti ?] ;(the ~)开发地区的边缘 边远地区; [常 pl.]新领域 the frontiers of medical knowledge are being push医学知识的新领域正向 前推进 as time goes on. ;随着时间的推移. guarantee[g ? r ? n'ti:] ;vt.保证,担保 n.保证,保证书 every new television comes with a guarantee. ;每台新电视机都有保 修单. blue skies are not always a guarantee of continuing fine weather. ;蔚蓝的天空并不能永远 保证天气持续晴 朗. many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. ;许多店主向顾客保证一定 要让他们满意. honor['? n ?] ;n.[u]光荣,荣誉;敬意 名誉;[常 pl.]优异成绩 大学荣誉学位课程 honor['? n ?] ;vt.给...以荣誉; 向...示敬意,尊敬 it's a great honor to meet you. ;见到你真是三生有幸. the strong powers must honour their commitments to smaller nations. ;大国应该履行对小国所作 的承诺. will you honor me with a visit? ;如蒙光临,荣幸之至. invisible[in'viz ? bl] ;a.看不见的,无形的 many distant stars are invisible to the naked eye. ;很多遥远的星球是肉眼看 不到的. goodwill is an invisible asset to a business. ;友好关系对于一桩生意来 说是一种无形的资产. manage['m ? nid ?] ;vt.管理,经营,处理; 设法,对付;控制,操纵 vt.处理,设法对付 who will manage while the director is away? ;总管不在时谁管事? are you good at managing your money? ;你善于理财吗? mess[mess] ;n.凌乱状态,脏乱状态; 混乱的局面,困境 vt.弄糟,弄脏,搞到 you have made a mess of the job! ;你把工作弄的一团糟. i've just cleaned the floor,and you've我刚扫干净地板, by dropping bits of paper everywhere! ;你又把纸屑弄得到处都 是,把地板搞脏. morderate['m ? d ? reit] ;a.中等的,一般的; 温和的,稳健的; 有节制的,适度的 morderate['m ? d ? reit] ;v.(使)和缓; (使)减轻 parents should moderate their language when children are present. ;孩子们在场时,父母们讲 话应有节制. notify['n ? utifai] ;v.通知,告知,报告 when your bike is stolen,do you notify the police or just accept the bad luck? ;如果自行车被偷,你是通 知警 察,还是自认倒霉? odd[? d] ;a.奇特的,古怪的; 临时的,不固定的; odd[? d] ;a.不成对的,单的; 奇数的;挂零的,剩余的 some people get odder as they grow older. ;有些人越老越古怪. parade[p ?'reid] ;n.游行,检阅 v.(使)列队行进, (使)游行 the olympic games begin with a parade of all the competing nations. ;奥运会以参赛各国运动员 的列队行进 开始. he is always parading his wealth/his knowledge. ;他总是夸耀自己的财富/ 知识. peculiar [pi'kju:lj ?] ;a.奇怪的,古怪的; 特有的,独具的,独特的 language is peculiar to mankind. ;语言是人类特有的. personality [p ?:s ?'n ? liti] ;n.个性,人格; 人物,名人 the purpose of educa- tion is to develop a fine personality in children. ;教育的目的是发展孩子完 美的品格. prevail[pri'veil] ;vi.流行,盛行,获胜, 成功 truth is great and will prevail. ;真理是至高无上的,且必 将获胜. at last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished. ;正义最终取得了胜利, 作恶的人受到了 惩罚. quality['kw ? liti] ;n.质,质量;品质,品德; 性质,特性 this new model is of high quality and is not expensive either. ;这种新款式质量非?? 而且也不贵. one quality of wood is that it can burn. ;木材的一个特性是可以 燃烧. reckon['rek ? n] ;vt.认为,估计; 指望,盼望;测算,测量 do you still reckon him as your friend? ;你还认为他是你的 朋友吗? i reckon there are at least fifty people in the room. ;我估计房间里至少有 50 个人. scale[skeil] ;n.大小,规模;等级 [pl.]天平,磅秤;比例 (尺);刻度;鱼鳞 scale[skeil] ;vt.攀登 a machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to 300 pounds on it. ;称体重的机器上有从 1 磅 到 300 磅的刻度. the scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer. ;这个地图的比例是 1 厘米 代表 1 公里. the tax was scaled up/ down to 10 percent. ;税按比例增/减百分之十. wealthy['wel ? i] ;a.富裕的 if we want everyone to live a healthy,wealthy and happy life, ;如果我们想使每个人都能 过健康、富裕和幸 福的生 活, strict birth control is quite essential. ;就必须实行严格的计划 生育. a man who is wealthy in compassion sometimes suffers a lot. ;感情丰富的人有时候很 遭罪的.lesson 4 ;abundant[?'b ? nd ? nt] ;a.大量的,充足的; 丰富的,富裕的 countries abundant i那些自然资源丰富的国家 should know how to turn this potential advantage into prosperity. ;应学会如何把这潜在的优 势化为实际的 繁荣. in china,shanghai may be the city with the most abundant human resources. ;在中国,上海或许是人力 资源 丰富的城市. advise[? d'vaiz] ;vt.劝告,忠告;建议; 通知,告知 vi.提供意见,建议 yasir arafat's father advised him to go into business, ;亚瑟.阿拉法特的父亲要 他从商, but he was determined to strive all out to construct an indepen-可是他却决心为建立独立 的巴基 斯坦人的国家而 奋斗. for the palestinians. ;为巴基斯坦人. we wish to advise you that your telephone bill is due tomorrow, ;特此通知:你的电话帐单 明天到期, after which we will have no chioce but to disconnect you. ;过期未缴,我们将不得不 停机. boring['b ?:ri ?] ;a.令人厌烦的,乏味的, 无聊的 i had expected books on philosophy to be boring, ;我原以为哲学书枯燥乏 味, but this one,sophie's world,is fascinating. ;谁知道这本《苏菲的世 界》却妙趣横生. the lecture was boring that we couldn't help yawning. ;那场讲座真闷,我们都忍 不住要打哈欠. clap[kl ? p] ;vt.拍,击 vi./n.拍手,鼓掌 when richard clayderman finished the performance, ;理查德.克莱德曼结束演 出的时候, the whole audience was on their feet and clapped and clapped. ;观众全体起立,掌声经 久不息. the coach clapped the new member on the back to suggest his encouragement. ;教练轻轻拍了拍新来的队 员 的背表示鼓励. conceal[k ? n'si:l] ;vt.隐藏,掩盖,隐瞒 a teacher should learn to conceal his bad mood when giving lectures. ;教师应学会在授课的时候 掩饰自己 的坏心情. contribute [k ? n'tribju:t] ;vi.捐款,做出贡献; 有助于,促成,投稿 vt.捐,捐献 popular songs and music may be labeled as vulgar, ;流行音乐和流行歌曲也许 是庸俗的, but they contribute to our enjoyment. ;但它们使得我们更享受 生活的乐趣. the prestigious professor h那位名教授立下遗嘱, to contribute his collection of books to the local library. ;在他死后把他的藏书捐给 当地的图书馆. critical['kritik ? l] ;a.决定性的,关键性的, 危急的 life will have significant change at some critical moments, ;人生往往在关键时刻会有 重大改变, so we should grasp every chance and take every critical decision seriously. ;所以我们要把握好每一个 机遇 并认真对待每一个 重大决定. a critical spirit is what a re一个读者必须具有批判 精神, to get the most out of anything he reads. ;才会读有所获. deposit[di'p ? zit] ;vt.使沉淀,使沉积; 存放,寄存;储蓄 deposit[di'p ? zit] ;n.定金,押金;存款; 沉积物,矿藏 i left a 10,000-yuan deposit toward the purchase of a sail. ;为了买一台赛欧车,我留 下 1 万元人民币的订金. millions of years later, ;数百万年之后, a thick deposit of rich fertile soil has formed in the delta. ;在三角洲地区沉淀了一 层厚厚的沃土. distress[di'stres] ;vt.使痛苦,使悲伤 n.痛苦,悲伤,忧虑; 贫困,困苦;危难,不幸 when the captain found the ship was rapidly sinking, ;船长发现船在迅速下沉时 he ordered his men to send out a distress signal. ;就命令船员发了遇险 信号. two in distress makes sorrow less. ;同病相怜,同忧相救. due[dju:] ;a.应给的,应得的;预定 (应到)的;应有的, 充分的;到期的 having worked in the company for over three years, ;你在公司干了 3 年多了, you are due for a pay raise. ;该升工资了. mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. ;由于粗心而造成的错误可 能会引起严重后 果. error['er ?] ;n.错误,差错 computers can help check spelling errors, ;电脑能帮助检查拼写 错误, so more people's spelling is getting worse. ;所以越来越多人的拼写能 力差了. fault[f ?:lt] ;n.缺点,毛病;? 过错;故障 vt.找...的缺点,挑剔 every man has his faults. ;人非圣贤,孰能无过. when you love a person you should love him/ her for her faults as well as his/当你爱一个人时,你 爱他 /她的优点,也得爱他/她 的缺点. gentle['d ? entl] ;a.和蔼的,温和的; 轻柔的,徐缓的; 不陡的,坡度小的 some girls appear gentle,but you shouldn't 有些女孩子表面看上去挺 温柔,但你千万别 以为 that they never lose their temper. ;她们从不发脾气. ideal[ai'di ? l] ;a.理想的,圆满的; 想象的,空想的 n.理想;理想的东西或人 leonardo might be an idea lover,but he is too handsome to set a girl's mind at rest. ;列奥纳多也许可以做一个 理想的情人,但是他太英 俊了,让女孩子放心不下. incredible [in'kred ? bl] ;a.不能相信的,不可信的 难以置信的,不可思议的 people around the world can'全世界人们无不惊叹 at the incredible speed at which the chinese reconstruct their own country. ;中国人民重建其国家 的惊人速 度. landscape['l ? ndskeip] ;n.风景,景色;风景画; 全景 vt.美化...的景观 i am crazy about italian landscapes because they are colorful. ;我十分迷恋意大利风景画 因为它们色彩极 为丰富. mercy['m ?:si] ;n.慈悲,仁慈;恩惠,幸运 i beg your mercy for another chance. ;求求你大发慈悲再给我一 次机会吧. multiply ['m ? ltiplai] ;v.(使)增加,(使)繁殖; 乘,(使)相乘 when animals have more food,they generally multiply faster. ;动物如果吃得多,通常繁 殖也快. if you give the workers proper incentives,efficiency will be multiplied. ;如果你给予工人适当的激 励,可以 成倍地提高效率. partner['pa:tn ?] ;n.配偶,搭档; 伙伴,合伙人 vt.做...的搭档 you are losing thomas as a friend? ;失去托马斯的友情吗? didn't i tell you that friends should never be partners in doing business? ;我不是给你讲过,朋友之 间不要合 伙做生意吗? persist[p ?'sist] ;vi.坚持不懈,执意; 持续,继续存在 on the top of very high mountains snow persists throughout the year. ;高山顶上,积雪终年不化. precise[pri'sais] ;a.精确的,准确的;严谨的 having won a gold medal in the olympics, ;赢得一枚奥运会金牌, tao luna has become famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters. ;陶路娜以世界最准确的 神枪 手之一而成名. prospect['pr ? spekt] ;vt.勘探,勘察 prospect['pr ? spekt] ;n.前途,前景;景象,景色; 可能成为主顾的人 有希望的候选人 what do you think of the prospect of cyber economy? ;你对网络经济的前景有何 看法? an insurance salesman sometimes calls on qu保险公司推销员有时访问 好几个可能的 顾客 but fails to make a sale. ;却一笔生意也做不成. recover[ri'k ? v ?] ;vi.恢复,痊愈 vt.寻回,收复;使恢复 使健康;挽回,弥补 bone mar做骨髓移植 is the most effective way for leukaemia patients to recover. ;是白血病人得以痊愈的 最有效的方法. restrain [ris'trein] ;vt.阻止,控制; 抑制,遏止 i can't restrain my anger when i hear of people being cruel to animals. ;当听到有人残酷地对待动 物的时候, 我就抑制不住 愤怒. scarce[sk ?? s] ;a.缺乏的,不足的; 稀少的,罕见的 according to a recent study,50 years from now oil will become scarce. ;据最近的研究,50 年后石 油将短缺. shield[? i:ld] ; n.防护物,护罩,盾 vt.防护 in summer people like to wear sun glasses to shield their eyes from the sun. ;夏天人们爱戴墨镜以使 眼睛免 遭太阳光照射. succeed[s ? k'si:d] ;vi.成功;接着发生;继承 vt.接在...后面; 接替,继承 as she had no son or daughter to succeed her, ;由于没有子女来继承她的 财产, the old english lady decided to leave her property to her pet dog. ;那个英国老太太决定由 她心爱的宠物狗 来继 承财产. treasure['tre ??] ;n.金银财宝,财富; 珍品,珍藏品 vt.珍爱,珍视 dreams of finding lost treasures in the ancient riverbed almost came true. ;在古河床找到失去的财宝 的梦想 几乎变成了现实. variation [v ?? ri'ei ?? n] ;n.变化,变动;变体,变种; 变秦(曲) british english, american english, australian english and so英国英语、美国英语、 澳洲英 语和南非英语 are the major variations of the english language. ;是英语的主要变体. worth[w ?:] ;n.价值 prep.值钱的, 相当于...价值的, 值得...的 the true worth of one's friendship is demonstrated when you are in distress. ;友谊的真正价值体现在你 落难 时刻. very few places are worth visiting twice in 10 years, ;很少地方值得在 10 年内去 两次, but shanghai is an exception. ;但是上海是个例外. lesson 5 ;accident['? ksid ? nt] ;n.意外遭遇,事故, 意外因素,意外 accidents will happen in the regulated families. ;[谚]家规再严,事端难免. john'he's been run over by a car. ;约翰出事了,他被一辆小 汽车撞倒了. announce[?'nauns] ;vt.宣布,宣告; 声称,叙说;预示,预告 the government announced that they would 政府宣布他们将修建一条 新公路 to the mountains. ;通向山区. the invention of the microchip announced a new generation of computers. ;微芯片的发明预示了新一 代计 算机的诞生. candidate ['k ? ndideit, 'k ? ndidit] ;n.申请求职者;候选人; 投考者 the republican candid- ate george w.bush has become president of the u.s.a. ;乔治.布什已当选为美国 总统. clash[kl ??] ;vi.发生冲突;不协调; 发出撞击声 n.冲突;不协调;撞击声 this shirt clashes with your trousers. ;这件衬衣和你的裤子 不配. i failed to watch the world cup final because it clashed with my examination. ;我没能看成世界杯 (足球)决 赛,因为和我 的考试日期冲突了. compromise ['k ? mpr ? maiz] ;n.妥协,折中办法 vi.妥协 compromise ['k ? mpr ? maiz] ;vt.危及...的安全; 放弃(原则,利益) i would rather die than compromise. ;我宁死不妥协. such conduct will compromise your reputation. ;如此举动将会损害你的 名誉. contradiction [k ? ntr ?'dik ?? n] ;n.矛盾,不一致; 否认,反驳 is it a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs? ;又爱护动物又穿皮毛服装 是矛盾的吗? court[k ?:t] ;n.法庭,法院;球场;?? 宫廷,宫室,庭院 the prisoner was brought to court for trial. ;囚犯被带上法庭受审. the court found the prisoner not guilty. ;法官判决犯人无罪. delicate['delikeit] ;a.易破碎的,脆弱的; 微妙的;娇弱的,纤细 的;精美的,精致的 the international situation is very delicate at present. ;当前的国际形势十分 微妙. delicate plants must be protected from old wind and frost. ;娇弱的植物必须妥为保护 以避免风霜的侵袭. distinction [dis'ti ? k ?? n] ;n.差别,不同;区分,辨别 优秀,杰出;荣誉,优待 there is no distinction between the twins. ;在这对孪生子之间看不出 有什么明显的差别. a distinction should 要区分 primary and the secondary contradictions. ;主要矛盾和次要矛盾. economic[i:k ?'n ? mik] ;a.经济的,经济学的 economic[i:k ?'n ? mik] ;n.[economics]经济学; 经济状况,经济因素; 经济意义 the economic state is not good in many developing countries. ;许多发展中国家的经济状 况不佳. ensure[in'? u ?] ;vt.保证,担保,确保 if you want to ensure that you get the diploma, ;如果你想确保获得文凭,? you have to work harder and pass all the exams. ;就得努力些,通过所有 考试. we can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way. ;我们可以保证把工作 做好. gear [gi ?] ;n.齿轮,传动装置,(汽车 的)排挡;工具,用具 vt.使适合使适应 education should be geared to students's needs. ;教育应适合学生们的 需要. learn to shift gear at the right moment while driving. ;开车要学会在适当的时候 换挡. feasible['fi:zib ? l] ;a.可行的,可能的, 可用的 it is feasible to apply the computer to language teaching. ; grip[grip] ;n.紧握,握牢;掌握,控制 vt.紧握,抓牢; 吸引住...的注意力 the brake doesn't grip properly. ;刹车不灵. van gogh's &sunflower& can always grip my imagination. ;梵高的画《向日葵》总能 引起我的想象. honorable['? n ? r ? bl] ;a.荣誉的,光荣的; 可敬的,高尚的 will the honorable member please answer the question? ;请尊敬的议员先生回答这 个问题好吗? imagination [i,m ? d ? i'nei ?? n] ;n.想象,想象力; 空想,想象的事物 in the world of words, imagination is one of the forces of nature. ;在文字世界里,想象力是 天赋的能力之一. interior [in'ti ? ri ?] ;n.内部;内地,腹地 a.内(部)的,内地的, 国内的 nowdays interior design is a very promising industry. ;室内设计是当今颇具前途 的行业. manufacture [,m ? nju'f ? kt ??] ;vt.(大量)制造,加工 n.(大量)制造,制造业 [pl.]产品 all those underground plants that manufacture piratic cds must be closed down. ;所有制造盗版光盘的地下 工厂都必须查封. to develop manufactures to the utmost, ;若要极大地发展制造业 china must have new markets for her products. ;中国就必须拥有销售其 产品的新市场. mobile['m ? ubail] ;a.运动的,活动的, 可移动的;机动的, 流动的;易变的 mobile['m ? ubail] ;n.移动电话 the mobile medical team will soon be here. ;巡回医疗队不久就要到 这儿来. now more and more chinese own mobile phones and they are not luxuries any more. ;现在越来越多的中国人 有 手机,手机再也不是奢侈 品了. overcome[,? uv ?'k ? m] ;vt.战胜,克服;(感情等) 压倒,使受不了 the chinese women's volleyball team overcome 中国女排克服重重困 难, to win the match. ;赢得了这场比赛的胜利. permanent ['p ?:m ? n ? nt] ;a.永久性的,固定的 true love should be permanent. ;真爱应该是永恒的. predict[pri'dikt] ;vt.预言;预测;预示 timely snow predicts a bumper harvest. ;瑞雪兆丰年. a crystal ball is said to be able to predict the future in some western countries. ;在一些西方国家中,人们 说水 晶球可以预兆未来. proposal [pr ?'p ? uz ? l] ;n.提议,建议;求婚 proposal is easier than performance. ;提议容易实行难, how could you make a proposal without a ring? ;你怎么可以去求婚而不带 上戒指呢? recreation ['rekri'ei ?? n] ;n.消遣,娱乐 karaoke is many young people's favorite recreation. ;唱卡拉 ok 是许多年轻人 喜欢的娱乐活动. resume[ri'zju:m] ;v.继续,(中断后) 重新开始,恢复 n.摘要,概略,简历 we resumed our work after a rest. ;休息之后我们重新开始 工作. segment['segm ? nt] ;n.部分;片段;节;弧形 do you still remember the most wonderful segment of gone with the wind? ;你还记得 《飘》 中最精彩 的片段 吗? shortage['??:tid ?] ;n.不足,缺乏 in the developed countries there's a great shortage of labor/work force. ;发达国家劳动力非常 缺乏. subtract[s ? b'tr ? kt] ;v.减去,减 if you subtract 3 from 5,you get 2. (3 subtracted from 5 is 2.) ;5 减 3 等于 2. that subtractts nothing from his merit. ;那丝毫没有减损他的 功绩. total['t ? ut ? l] ;a.总的,全部的; n.总数,合计 total['t ? ut ? l] ;vi.合计,总计 vt.计算...的总和 the un security council has a total of five countries as its permanent members. ;联合国安理会总共有 5 个 常 任理事国. underline['? nd ?'lain] ;vt.在...下面划线; 强调,突出 do you underline t阅读时你会将要点 and things you don't understand while reading? ;和不明之处划处出来吗? lesson 6 ;accidental [,? ksi'dent ? l] ;a.意外的,偶尔发生的 their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their acquaintance. ;偶然的相遇使他们重续 前缘. alternative [?:l't ?:n ? tiv] ;a.两者择一的,供选择的 另类的,他择性的 alternative [?:l't ?:n ? tiv] ;n.取舍,抉择,供选择的 东西;选择的余地 i couldn't afford the trip to xinjiang, ;不够钱去新疆旅游, so i had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation. ;所以这个假期我只能呆 在家里. have you got an alternative suggestion? ;你有没有其他的建议可 选择? career [k ?'ri ?] ;n.生涯,职业 the technological innovation of recent years have changed the 近几年来的技术改革改 变 了许多工作的性质 and influenced the careers of many people. ;并影响着许多人的职业 生涯. collision[k ?'li ?? n] ;n.碰撞;冲突,抵触 in britian,a collision with the parliament could ruin the government's plans. ;在英国,政府与议会的冲 突可能 使政府的计划破产 concede[k ? n'si:d] ;vi.让步,认输 vt.(不情愿的)承认, concede[k ? n'si:d] ;vt.承认...为真(或正确) (在结果确定前)承认失败 允许,让与 the democratic party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known. ;大选结果一揭晓,民主党 就承认失败. after the first world war germany conceded its neighbors much valuable land. ;第一次世界大战后,德国 让与 其邻国许多宝贵的 领土. contribution [,k ? ntri'bju:?? n] ;n.贡献,促成作用; 捐款,捐献物; (投给报刊等的)稿件 mr.he zhenliang has made an important contribution to the olympic bid. ;何振梁先生为申奥做出了 重大贡 献. custom['k ? st ? m] ;n.习俗;风俗;惯例 [pl.]海关,关税 in ancient times the cust在古时候,握手的惯例 served to transfer power or authority. ;用以表示转让力量或 权威. devote[di'v ? ut] ;vt.把...专用于; 将...奉献给 nurses devote themselves to the care of the sick. ;护士致力于护理病人的 事业. the magazine nature is devoted to science. ;《自然》杂志专门刊载科 技文章. donation [d ? u'nei ?? n] ;n.捐赠品,捐款; 捐赠,赠送' bill gates made a donation of 100 million u.s.比尔.盖茨捐赠了 1 亿 美元 to the global aids and health fund. ;给全球艾滋病健康基金会 embarrass[im'b ? r ? s] ;vt.使窘,使尴尬, 使不好意思 the decline of sales embarrassed the company. ;销路下降使公司陷于财政 困难. it embarrassed him (he was embarrassed) ;他觉得很尴尬 when he found he hadn't enough money to invite his girl friend to dinner. ;当他发现自己不够钱请女 友吃晚 饭时, exlusive[iks'klu:siv] ;a.奢华的,高级的; 独有的,独享的; 排斥的,排他的; exlusive[iks'klu:siv] ;a.(~of)不包括...的 n.独家新闻 hair is exclusive in mammals. ;毛发是辅乳动物独有的. some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost. ;有的记者愿意不惜一切的 获取独家新闻. fiction['fik ?? n] ;n.小说 truth is often stranger than fiction. ;真事常常比小说还离奇. general['d ? en ? r ? l] ;n.将军 a.一般的,普通的;总的, 全体的;笼统的,大体的 the conservative party failed in the general election for all their pains. ;尽管保守党费尽了心机, 还是在大选 中遭到了 失败. i like games in general,and especially football. ;各种运动我一般都喜欢, 尤其是足球. humble[h ? mb ? l] ;vt.使谦虚,使...卑下 humble[h ? mb ? l] ;a.卑贱的,地位(或身份) 低下的;谦虚的, 谦逊的;简陋的,低劣的 defeat and failure may make people humble. ;挫折和失败会使人变得 谦卑. infinite['infinit] ;a.无穷的,无限的, 无边无际的 infinite space surrounds the earth. ;地球周围围绕着无限的 空间. judgement ['d ?? d ? m ? nt] ;n.看法,评价,意见; 判断,判断力; 审判,判决 as a qualified premier he is a man of good judgement. ;作为一个很有才干的总 理,他具有很强的判断 力. the judgement was in her favor and she was released from custody. ;判决对她有利,她被当庭 释放. miss[mis] ;n.小姐 vt.未击中,未达到; 未赶上;惦念;未注意 到,未明白;避免 don't miss our bargain offers! ;本店大减价,勿矢良机! miss india was honored with miss globe for the year 2000. ;印度小姐荣膺 2000 年度 环球小姐. opposite ['? p ? zit','? p ? sit] ;prep/ad.在对面 a.对面的;相反的,对立的 n.对立面,对立物 it is said that opposites attract. ;都说异性相吸. my view is just the opposite.do you accept opinions opposite to yours? ;我的观点正相反,你接受 与你的意 见相对立的意见 吗? performance [p ?'f ?:m ? ns] ;n.演出,表演.履行,执行; 工作情况,表现; 工作性能 windows 98 has a very satisfactory performance. ;windows 98 的性能令 人很满意. he is faithful in the performance of his duties. ;他忠于职守. pledge [pled ?] ;n.保证,誓言 vt.保证,许诺 take this gift as a pledge of our friendship. ;把这个作为我们友谊象征 的礼物收下吧. you must be pledged to keeping the secret. ;你必须誓守秘密. profit['pr ? fit] ;n.利润,收益,益处 vt.有益于,有利于 vi(~by,~from)得益 we can profit by making mistakes. ;我们可以从错误中得到 教益. we hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you. ;我们希望我们的批评和建 议将对你有所裨益. recognition [,rek ? g'ni ?? n] ;n.认出,识别; 承认,确认,认可; 赏识,表彰,报偿 henry tanner received wid亨利坦纳受到了 广泛的承认, for his naturalistic painting of plantation life. ;是由于他对种植园生活的 自然主义描画. the arms race leads to the recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be resumed. ;军备竞赛使超级 大国认识 到必须重开军备谈判. reflect[ri'flekt] ;v.反射,映现;反映,显示; 深思,反省,考虑 baseball reflects america's history, just as roslyn mazer put it. ;罗斯林.马泽尔说过,棒 球反映出美国的历史. a child's bad behavior reflects on his home training. ;孩子的坏行为可归咎于家 教不严. sacrifice ['s ? krifais] ;n.牺牲,舍身;葬品; 献祭,供奉 a mother would sacrifice her life for her children. ;母亲为自己的孩子操劳 一生. shock[?? k] ;n.震动,冲击;震惊,惊鄂; 休克;电震,电击 v.(使)震惊 it was a great shock for him when his wife died. ;妻子的死对他是一种沉重 的打击. i was shocked when i heard about your accident. ;当我听到你出事后我很 震惊. talk[t ?:k] ;vi.讲话,谈论,交谈 vt.讲,说,谈论 talk[t ?:k] ;n.谈话,会讲;讲演,讲话; 会谈;闲话,流言蜚语 i hate talk and no action. ;我讨厌光有一大堆空话而 无实际行动. peace talks between the two sides will be held again in seoul soon. ;双方不久将在汉城重开 和谈. true[tru:] ;a.真实的,确实的; 真正的;真的;忠实的, 忠诚的;正确的,精确的 it is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, ;确实,城市能提供许多方 便和娱乐, which is the very reason why people can't bear to part with city life. ;这正是人们为什么不愿 放弃城市生活 的主要原 因. variety[v ?'rai ? ti] ;n.品种,种类; 变化,多样性,多样化 the secretary complained that her paperwork lacked variety. ;秘书抱怨她的文书工作缺 少变化. watch[w ? t ?] ;n.表;看管,监视 watch[w ? t ?] ;v.注视,观看;看守, 监视,照看;小心,当心 you have to watch it when you step onto the ice. ;你走上冰面时一定要 留神了! keep watch against thieves! ;谨防小偷! lesson 7 ;accommodation [?,k ? m ?'dei ?? n] ;n.[常 pl.]住处,膳宿 the high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for ma住宿昂贵使很多中国留 学生 感到生活困难. in london. ;在伦敦 alliance [?'lai ? ns] ;n.结盟,联盟 china is a nonaligned country and will never enter into other countries' alliances. ;中国是不结盟国家,不会 加入其他国家的联盟. in the second world war,the united states, britian, ;在第二次世界大战中, 美、英、 france and some other countries made an alliance against german fascists. ;法等国家结成联盟反对 德国法 西斯. coarse [k ?:s] ;a.粗的,粗糙的; 粗劣的;粗俗的 on the stage, ;在台上, a stand-up comedian is performing a coarse imitation of president bush. ;一位滑稽说笑的戏剧演员 正粗劣 地模仿布什总统. ultraviolet rays,dust, air-conditioning can make your skin coarse. ;紫外线、灰尘、空调等都 会使皮肤粗糙. concern[k ? n's ?:n] ;n.关切的事有关的事; 关心;担心;关系; 公司,企业 concern[k ? n's ?:n] ;vt.涉及,有关于;使担 心,使关心 weak financial posture of &netease& is starting to concern its stockholders. ;“网易”的财政危机 已开始困扰股 东. a girl's concern is different from a boy's. ;女孩子关心的事和男孩子 所关心的不一样. crucial['kru:?? l] ;a.至关重要的,决定性的 generally in science, the 19th 在科学领域中,19 世纪通 常被看成是 as the crucial period for the change in the structure of science. ;科学结构发生变化的关 键时期. selecting a location is crucial to the opening of a store. ;地点的正确选择对开店是 至关重要的. defend[di'fend] ;vt.保卫,?? 为...辩护, 为……(论文等)答辩 fan zhiyi is better at attacking than defending. ;范志毅的进攻优于防守. the soldiers swore to defend the nansha isl战士们誓言保卫南沙群岛 不受侵犯. dominant['d ? min ? nt] ;a.占优势的,支配的, 统治的;居高临下的, 高耸的 russia is the dominant nation in eastern europe. ;俄罗斯是东欧的主要 国家. the big bang,first put forward in the 1920s, ;宇宙大爆炸理论最初于 20 世纪 20 年代提出, acts as the dominant explanation of the cosmos. ;这是宇宙形成的最具权威 性的解释. emphasize['emf ? saiz] ;vt.强调,着重,加强的 语气 our government must use mass我们的政府要通过大众媒 体强调 the important of a clean environment and the harm of polluted environment. ;营造清洁环境的重要性 以及 一个受污染的环 境的危害性. computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize. ;计算机分析的市场报 告可 以用来帮助决策现在着重 发展何种产品. execute['eksikju:t] ;vt.处死,处决;实施, 执行,完成 mcveigh was executed for his crime. ;迈克维被处决,他是罪有 应得. the manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager. ;经理助理到这里来是 代替 经理办几件小事的. file [fail] ;n.挡案,卷宗,文件; 文件夹,公文柜;纵列 file [fail] ;vt.把文件归档,把登记 备案,提出...申请书等 file [fail] ;vi.(~for)提出,排成纵 队行进 here's our file on the results of the business in the past five years. ;这是我们过去五年来经营 成绩的案卷. computer technology makes it possible to store v计算机技术使将大量资料 贮存在 in machine-readable files. ;可机读的文档成为可能. glance[gla:ns,gl ? ns] ;vt.看一眼;扫视 n.一瞥,扫视 it was said that hua tuo,the well-known chinese doctor in ancient times, ;据说,中国古时候的名 医华佗 could tell whether a person was ill with one glance at his face. ;只要朝人脸上看一眼, 就知道他是否有病. humor ['hju:m ?] ;n.幽默,诙谐; 情绪,心情 the humor in hawthorn's writing is not be absorbed in a hurry. ;霍桑作品中的幽默不是一 下子能领会的. people appreciate working with mark twain because he has a good sense of humor. ;人们喜欢和马克.吐温一 起工作,因为他很有幽 默感. influence['influ ? ns] ;n.影响(力);产生影响的 人(或事物);势力,权势 vt.影响 family influence dominates the shaping of one's characteristics. ;家庭的影响对于塑造一个 人的性格起主要 作用. lease[li:s] ;n.租借,租约 vt.出租;租有,租得 the firm leases an office with views over the river. ;公司租有一个带临河风景 的办事处. when does the lease expire? ;租约什么时候期满? the lease has four years left. ;租约还有 4 年到期. offense[?'fens] ;n.犯规,违法行为; 得罪,冒犯 guangdong province has promised a reward of up to 300,000 yuan (.000) ;广东省承诺,可以给多达 30 万元 (36,000 美元) 的赏金 to dru给毒品犯罪举报人, if they provide important information on drug trafficking. ;如果他们能提供毒品走私 的重要情报. it's an offense to drive a car at night without lights. ;夜晚行车不开灯是违 章的. genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings. ;种族灭绝是违反文明人的 道德规范的罪行. penalty['pen ? lti] ;n.处罚,惩罚,罚金 a football player may be given a yellow card or足球队员在比赛中会受到 黄牌或红牌处 罚 for his unnecessary roughness during the match. ;因其不必要的粗暴行为. position[p ?'zi ?? n] ;n.位置,方位;地位,职务; 姿势;见解,立场 vt.安放,放置,安置 i am not in a position to lend you money because i am broke myself. ;我没能力借钱给你,因为 我自己也花 光了. many fans position themselves in the beijing airport to greet ricky martin. ;许多歌迷站在北京机场的 出口 处迎接瑞奇.马丁. promise['pr ? mis] ;n.承诺,诺言;希望,出息 vt.允诺,答应; 有...可能,有希望 promise['pr ? mis] ;vt.允诺;有指望,有前途 remember to carry out your promise.(remember to carry out what you have promised.) ;记住要履行诺言. clouds give promise of rain.(clouds promise rain.) ;阴云预示着雨的来临. reference['refr ? ns] ;n.提到,谈及;参考,查阅; 参考书目;证明书(或人) 推荐信(或人) we are now forwarding you a catalog for your reference. ;现寄去我方产品目录以供 参考. i asked for a reference letter from ibm company when i resigned. ;我辞职的时候向 ibm 公司 索取了自荐信. resource [ri's ?:s,'ris ?:s] ;n.[pl.]资源,财力; 应付方法,谋略 the department of human resources is an important department in many big companies. ;人力资源部是许多大 公司 的一个重要部门. zhuge liang was a man of great resource. ;诸葛亮是个足智多谋 的人. scan[sk ? n] ;vt.细看,审视; 浏览;扫描 n.扫描 many people like to scan the newspaper whi许多人喜欢在吃早饭的时 候浏览一下报纸. migrating wild geese scan the ground for possible danger before they land. ;迁徙野鹅在着陆之前总要 细看 有无危险. sheer[? i ?] ;a.完全的,十足的; 陡峭的,垂直的; 极薄的,透明的 sheer[? i ?] ;ad.垂直的,陡峭的 v.(~off)急转向,偏离 sucess is not achieved by sheer luck. ;成功不是完全靠运气取 得的. &mentholatum& sheer color balm is a new product loved by young girls. ;“曼秀雷敦”薄色润唇膏 是新推出 的产品,受到女 孩子们的喜爱. state[steit] ;n.状态,情况; 国家,政府;州 vt.陈述,说明 a healthy state of mind is the source of a happy life. ;健康的心态是幸福生活的 源泉. please state your name,age and occupation in a few words. ;请用简短的话陈述一下你 的姓名,年龄和职业. succession [s ? k'se ?? n] ;n.连续,继承继任; 一连串,一系列 the olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, ;奥运会以火把到达体育场 为开始, lighted on mount olympus by the sun'火把在奥林匹斯山上用 太阳光点燃, and carried by a succession of runners to the stadium. ;并由一个接一个的选手送 到体育场. tolerance['t ? l ? r ? ns] ;n.宽容,容忍;忍耐(力) turn the volume down, please.my tolerance to noise is limited. ;请把音量关小,我对嗓音 的忍耐力是有限的. tolerance between the races in the world is a global goal. ;世界各民族间的互相宽容 是全球的目标. tremendous [tr ?'mend ? s] ;a.巨大的;精彩的, 了不起的 some pop fans had a tremendous night at the theater last night with leon's concert. ;昨天晚上一些流行歌迷在 剧院听黎明的音乐会,度 过了一个美妙的夜晚. like the other parts of china, ;与中国其他地方一样, dalian has also made tremendous progress in its social and economic development. ;大连在社会经济发展方 面 也取得了巨大的进步. trend[trend] ;n.倾向,趋向,趋势; 时尚,时新款式 the growth in the american population in the 195020 世纪 50 年代美国人口 的增长 partly derived from a trend towar部分是因为早婚的倾向 and an increase in the average size of families. ;以及家庭平均规模的 扩大. soho has become a new international trend. ;在家办公已成为一种国际 时尚. unexpected [,? nik'spektid] ;a.想不到的,意外的 noise can have unexpe- cted harmful effects on performance in cer噪音会对某些任务的完 成 有意想不到的不利影响. many unexpected things would happen in one's life. ;人的一生中会发生很多意 想不到的事. virtually ['v ?:tju ? li] ['v ?:t ? u ? li] ;ad.实际上,事实上 some manufacturers make all sorts of promises, ;有些生产商许下各种各样 的诺言, but it virtually means nothing. ;但事实上却啥也不做. if we travel by concorde,new york and paris are virtually neighbours. ;如果乘搭协和式飞机旅 行,纽约和巴 黎几乎是 邻居. weakness ['wi:knis] ;n.虚弱,衰弱,软弱; 弱点,缺点;偏好,嗜好 education as a mirror of a society,can help us see the strengths, the weakness, ;作为社会的一面镜子,教 育可 以帮助我们看清这种 文化本身的优点、缺点、 the hopes,the prejudices,and the central values of the culture itself. ;希望、偏见和起支配作用 的价值观. women have a weakness for shopping. ;女士都有爱逛街的嗜好. CET6_1B(L8-L13) lesson 8 ;accord[?'k ?:d] ;n.一致,符合;谅解,协议 vi.相符合,相和谐(with) vt.授予,赠与;给予 israel and palestine have not以色列与巴基斯坦至今仍 未能达成一致 on the problem of jerusalem's ascription. ;就耶路撒冷的归属问题. anticipate [? n'tisipeit] ;vt.预期,期望,预料; 先于行动,提前使用 it is believed in china that a man who always ant中国人认为,总是预支工 资,寅吃卯粮 的人, can never become rich. ;永远不能成为富人. haier often anticipat- es its competitors by getting its products onto the market first. ;“海尔”经常赶在竞争对 手之前,先把产品推向市 场. bore[b ?:] ;vt.使厌烦,使厌倦; 钻(孔),挖(洞) n.令人讨厌的人(或事) i'm bored,let's go to the cinema. ;我闷了,咱们去看电影吧. don't be such a bore! ;别这么讨厌. combine [k ? m'bain,'k ? mbain] ;v.结合,联合,化合 n.联合企业(或团体); 联合收割机 in indonesia,the two principal political parties have combined to form a government. ;在印尼,两个主要政党 已 经联合起来组成政府. the choreography,which combines artistry and athletics,is extremely innovative. ;兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺 术是极具创新意义的. conclusion [k ? n'klu:?? n] ;n.结论,推论;结尾; 缔结,议定 some found the conclusion of the film titanic very disappointing. ;有些人觉得电影《泰坦尼 克号》的结尾 是令人失望 的. historians have arrive历史学家认为, that the tibetan nationality formed during the 7藏族形成于公元 7 世纪, when the tubo kingdom unified many tribes in the qinghai-tibet plateau. ;当时吐蕃王国将青藏高原 上的许 多部落统一起来. contest['k ? ntest] ;n.竞赛,比赛;争夺,竞赛 vt.争夺,与…竞争; 对…提出质疑;辩驳 if the election is one-sided,it is really no contest. ;如果选举呈一边倒的局 面,那么实际上毫无竞争 可言. crowed[kraud] ;n.人群,群众;一群,一批 vi.聚集,群集;挤,涌 vt.挤满,塞满;挤,推 bai juyi wrote all his poems for the crowed rather than for specialists. ;白居易的全部诗作都是为 一般大众 所写,而不是写 给专家们. urban japanese have long endured lengthy trave生活在城里的日本人长期 以来都要每 天长时间乘车 上下班, and crowed living conditions. ;而居住条件又非常拥挤. delete[di'li:t] ;vt.删除;擦掉, 勾消,除去 the editor deleted the last paragraph from the article. ;编辑删除了文章的最后 一段. for most people,the first love can't be deleted from memory easily. ;对于大多数人来说,初恋 总是不能轻易 地从记忆中 抹去. disorder[dis'?:d ?] ;n.混乱,凌乱;骚乱,动乱; (身心,机能的)失调;病 everyone began shouting at once and the meeting broke up in disorder. ;大家一下子全部喊叫起 来,会议秩 序大乱而被迫 中断. mental disorder is very common in people now. ;心理失调对当代人来说是 很普通的病症. drain [drein] ;vt.排走,排去...的水; 渐渐耗尽 vi.慢慢流掉,减少 drain [drein] ;n.耗竭,消耗;排水沟, 排水管 the rainwater drained slowly because the drain was blocked. ;雨水排得很慢,因为排水 沟给堵住了. enforce[in'f ?:s] ;vt.实施,生效,执行; 强迫,迫使 most airlines enforce a total ban in using portable electronic devices, ;绝大多数航空公司都禁用 手提电子 设备, which will affect the safety of the flight. ;因为那会影响飞机安全. don't stand in the way when the police enforce the law. ;别妨碍警察执法. exhibit[ig'zibit] ;vt.展出,展览,陈列; 显示,显出 n.展览品,陈列品 many children are especially interested in dinosaur exhibits. ;许多孩子对博物馆展出的 恐龙特别感兴趣. social scientists want to explain why we possess cert社会学家想解释为什么我 们具有某 些特性, and exhibit certain behaviors. ;呈现某种特定行为. format['f ?:m ? t] ;n.设计,安排;格式, 样式,版式 vt.使格式化 many literary classics are now reissued in a new format. ;许多文学名著现在以新的 版式再版. you'd better format the disc before you use it. ;使用磁盘之前最好先格式 化. grade[greid] ;n.等级,级别;成绩,分数; (学校的)年级 grade[greid] ;vt.将...分等; 对...进行评分 grading people only by their clothing is stupid. ;单凭衣着给人分等级是 愚蠢的. imagine [i'm ? d ? in] ;vt.想象,设想; 料想,猜想 you can't imagine how the refuges live in somali. ;你不可能想象得出索马里 的难民是如何生活的. without electricity, it would很难想象现代社会如果没 有电 what the modern world would look like. ;会是什么模样. interpret[in't ?:prit] ;vi.口译,翻译 vt.解释,说明,诠释 to interpret simultaneously is extremely difficult. ;同声翻译是极困难的. literature helps to interpret life. ;文学有助于阐释人生. minor['main ?] ;a.较小的,较少的;次要的 n.副修科目;未成年人 vi.(~in)(大学中)副修 mei lanfang was just given a minor part in a new play for his first time on stage. ;梅兰芳第一次登上舞台只 分到一出新戏中的一个较 次要的角色. many university stude- nts will minor in som许多大学生都会副修一些 实用性的课程, in order to get a good job. ;目的是为了能找份好工作 offensive[?'fensiv] ;a.冒犯的,无礼的,使人不 快的;进攻的,攻击性的 n.进攻,攻势 don't glare at wild animals' eyes.it will be taken as an offensive gesture. ;别盯着野生动物的眼睛 看,那会被 视作攻击性的 姿态. the company has launched a strong 公司已经发动争取市场 的强大攻势 to try to increase sales. ;以期增加销售量. perfect['p ?:fikt] ;a.完美的;完全的,十足 的;(动词)完成时 vt.使完美,改善 this wonderful view in hawaii is perfect for daydreaming. ;夏威夷绝佳的风景很能给 人以无尽遐想. the piano was perfected in the ear钢琴的完善和制成是在 18 世纪早期 by a harpsichord maker in italy. ;由意大利一位伟大的键琴 制作者. pilot ['pail ? t] ;n.飞行员;引航员,舵手 vt.驾驶(飞机等); 为…领航;实验,试用 pilot ['pail ? t] ;a.实验性的,试点的 an airline pilot must be alert at all times. ;飞行员必须时刻保持 警惕. the captain piloted the ship through the canal. ;船长引领船只通过运河. previous['pri:vi ? s] ;a.先,前,以前的; (~to)在之前 enough materials should be collected previous to writing. ;写作之前要收集足够的 材料. prosperous ['pr ? sp ? r ? s] ;a.繁荣的,兴旺的 after the end of the second world war, ;“二战”后 america and americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the e战后的美国和美国 人的 兴旺成为欧洲和亚洲人 梦寐以求的目标, whose economies the war had destroyed. ;因为战争毁掉了他们的 经济. refresh[ri'fre ?] ;v.(使)振作精神, (使)恢复活力 a cold drink refreshed me after my long walk. ;走了很长一段路之后,一 杯冷饮使我恢复了精神. enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become refreshed. ;应该留足够的时间睡觉, 因为那有助于精力恢复. risk [risk] ;n.危险,风险;引起危险 的事物(或人) risk [risk] ;vt.冒...的危险, 使遭受危险 anyone who smokes is risking his health. ;谁抽烟谁就是在危害自己 的健康. the economy will fall further,putting more jobs at risk. ;经济将进一步滑坡,使更 多人遭受失业的危险. the usual risks of the desert: rattlesnakes,heat,and lack of water. ;沙漠中常见的危险有: 响尾蛇,酷热及缺水. sense[sens] ;n.官能,感觉,判断力, 见识,...感,意义,理性 vt.感到,理解,认识 a sense of humor is a great asset for a person. ;幽默感是一个人的宝贵 财产. don't waste time with the nonsense.please try to make sense. ;别浪费时间尽说废话, 讲点有意义的东西. i can sense the tension before the exam. ;我可以感觉到考试前紧张 的气氛. sheet [? i:t] ;n.被单;薄板;(一)片 (一)张,(一)块 remember to take the bed sheets in if it rains. ;要是下雨的话,记得收 被单, write down your answers on the answer sheet. ;把答案写在答题卡纸上. string [stri ?] ;n.线,弦,细绳;一串,一行 vt.用线串; (用线)悬挂,系住 i have broken a string in my tennis racket. ;我把网球拍上的一根绷绳 给弄断了. the violin is loosely strung. ;这把小提琴装的松了. theme [? i:m] ;n.(谈话,写作等的) 题目,主题 boys are the usual themes in girls' chats. ;男孩是女孩闲聊的永恒 主题. it is a common theme in m这是许多科幻小说的 共同主题 that the world may one day be taken over by insects. ;这个世界有一天被昆虫接 管, vital['vait ? l] ;a.生命攸关的,极为重要 的;有生命的,充满生机 的 irrigation was vital to agriculture. ;灌溉对农业至关重要. lesson 9 ;accordance [?'k ?:d ? ns] ;n.一致,和谐,符合 the army and navy of south 韩国的陆军和海军进行了 改革 in accordance with western models after the second world war. ;二战之后,以与西方接轨. appropriate [?'pr ? upriit] ;a.适当的,恰当的 vt.私占,侵吞,挪用;拨出 (款项等)供专用 the chinese government appropriated a政府拨出一大笔钱 to settle the transmigrants from the three gorges. ;安置三峡移民. plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear. ;上学时的衣着应该简单 而朴实. blame[bleim] ;vt.指责,责怪;..归咎于 n.(过错,事故等的) 责任;指责,责备 don't always blame your own failure on others.sometimes you yourself are to blame. ;不要总把失败归咎于他 人.有时该怪你自己. challenge['t ?? lind ?] ;n.艰巨的任务;怀疑, 质问;挑战,邀请比赛 challenge['t ?? lind ?] ;vt.反对,公然反抗; 向...挑战;对...怀疑, 对...质疑 michael chan is the only one among all the chinese-or张德培是惟一的华裔网球 选手 who can challenge the world champion. ;能向世界冠军挑战. acquiring a foreign language in three months' is really a challenge to anyone. ;在 3 个月内学会一门外语, 对任何人来说不是简单 事儿. commission [k ?'mi ?? n] ;n.委员会;佣金,回扣; 授权,委托 vt.委托,委任 today,现在,保险推销员 can get considerable commission on their successful sales. ;可从成功销售中获得可观 的佣金. you can commission bank of china to pay your income taxes-- that'你可以授权中国银行代 缴 所得税,那很方便. condemn [k ? n'dem] ;vt.谴责;判...刑; 宣告...有罪 any nation that interferes in the internal affair任何一个干涉他国内政的 国家 should be universally condemned. ;都应该受到普遍谴责. convenience [k ? n'vi:ni ? ns] ;n.方便,合宜;便利设施, 方便的用具 five-star hotels are full of conveniences of every sort. ;五星级酒店设备齐全. while computers offer convenience to consumers, ;电脑不仅给消费者带来方 便, they have many advantages for sellers too. ;同时也给销售者带来 诸多好处. cruise[kru:z] ;vi.航游,巡航:(出租车, 船等)缓慢巡行 n.航游,游弋 quite a few taxis are cruising for fares near the cinema. ;不少计程车在电影院附近 转悠着等着拉客. many girls have no idea what a cruise missile is. ;许多女孩都不知道巡航导 弹是何物. direct [di'rekt,dai'rekt] ;a.直接的;坦率的;正好的 ad.直接地,径直地 direct [di'rekt,dai'rekt] ;vt.针对;指导; 给...指路;指示; 指挥;导演 united airlines has direct flights from hong kong to india. ;联合航空公司有从香港直 飞印度的航班. almost all the recent criticism from the 在日本,近来大众媒体的 几乎所有批评 is directed at the ever-increasing rate of unemployment. ;都是针对越来越高的失业 率. doubtful['dautful] ;a.难以预测的,未定的; 怀疑的,可疑的 any theory that has not been tested is a doubtful one. ;任何未经检验的理论都是 不足信的. engage [in'geid ?] ;vt.吸引,占用;(电话)占 线;使从事;聘用;使订婚 vi.(~in)参加,从事于 studying engages most of my time. ;学习占用了我大部分时间 beautiful clothes can easily engage girls' attention. ;漂亮的衣服总能轻易地吸 引女孩的注意. do you want to be engaged in politics or business? ;你想从政还是从商? being engaged to someone from a rich and powerful family is many actresses' dream. ;嫁入豪门是很多女明 星的 梦想. faith[fei ?] ;n.信任,信赖,信心; 信仰,信条 keeping faith with friends is a good character. ;对朋友守信用是一种好 品格. force[f ?:s] ;n.[pl.]部队,军队,兵力 暴力,武力;力,力量, 力气;影响力,效力 force[f ?:s] ;vt.强迫,迫使; 用力推动,用力打开 new emerging forces are invincible. ;新生力量是不可战胜的. it's not proper to force your idea upon others. ;把自己的想法强加于人是 不当的. habit['h ? bit] ;n.习惯,习性 hitler once declared that eating m希特勒曾公开说,吃肉是 一种坏习惯, that had led to the decay of past civilizations. ;导致了过往文明的衰落. implement['implim ? nt] ;vt.使生效,履行,实施 n.工具,器具,用具 the imperial civil examination system was i中国实行科举制度 from the sui dynasty to the qing dynasty. ;从隋朝延续到清朝. rakes,ploughs,hoes and spades are simple farming implements. ;耙、犁、锄、铲是简单 的农具. inherit[in'herit] ;vt.继承 princess diana was a woman of great beauty, ;戴安娜王妃是个大美人, and her sons henry and william inherit some of her looks. ;儿子亨利和威廉继承了她 的美貌. the new japanese admin日本新政府继承了 the ecnomic problems of the last four years. ;前 4 年的经济问题. investigate [in'vestigeit] ;v.调查,调查研究 sherlock holmes inve福尔摩斯调查过多宗案件 by following the footprints left at the scene of the crime. ;通过犯罪现场留下的脚印 legislation [,led ? is'lei ?? n] ;n.法律,法规;立法, 法律的制定(或通过) the right of legislation belongs to the congress in the u.s.a. ;美国的立法权属于国会. mislead[mis'li:d] ;vt.给 错误印象, 使误解;把…带错路; 把…带坏,使误入歧途 don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him. ;不要让他那种友好的态度 使你误信他. juveniles lacking social experience are likely to be misled by strangers' appearance. ;缺少社会经验的青少年 容 易为陌生人的外表所迷惑. operation [,? p ?'rei ?? n] ;n.操作,运转,经营;手术; (军事)行动;活动;运算 the skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn. ;学会熟练地操作电脑并不 是容易的. the enlarg中国市场的扩大 require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers' demands. ;要求经营规模的扩大 以满足顾客需求. pension['pen ?? n] ;vt.发给 养老金(或退 职金,抚恤金的) n.养老金,抚恤金 some russian veterans complained that their tin有些俄罗斯退伍兵抱怨 说,他们的那点 海军养老 金 is hardly enough to pay for one cockroach. ;连养活一只蟑螂都不够. in the days of infla- tion people on retire- ment pensions find it difficult to live. ;在通货膨胀的日子里,靠 退 休金生活的人发现很难 过活. potential [p ?'ten ?? l] ;a.潜在的,可能的; 潜力,潜能 while nuclear weapons present grave potential dangers, ;虽然核武器存在严重的潜 在危险, the crisis of overpopulation is still the main problem we are facing today. ;但我们今天面临的主要问 题仍是 人口过剩的危机. protect[pr ?'tekt] ;vt.??保卫 emperor qinshihuang ordered the great wall to be built along the秦始皇命令在北部边界 沿 线构筑了长城, protect the country against attack. ;以保卫国家免受攻击. if nothing is done to protect the environment, ;如果我们今天不采取什么 措施保护环境,? millions of species that are alive today will become extinct. ;那么成百万的物种将会 灭绝. recognize['rek ? gnaiz] ;vt.认出,识别; 承认,确认,认可; 赏识,表彰,报偿


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