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09-05-11 &匿名提问 发布
About garlic garlic 【Source】 Liliaceae Allium garlic Allium sativum L. bulb in medicine. Spring and summer harvest, the bar, hanging ventilation, the dry reserve. Other names】 【garlic, garlic, Pleione, Hu garlic. 【Main ingredients】 containing about 0.2% volatile oil, the main components of oil allicin, has bactericidal action, is contained in garlic by garlic alliin the role of hydrolytic enzymes produced. Yet with a variety of allyl, propyl and methyl sulfide compounds, such as the composition. 【Characters】呈扁spherical or conical short, outside the off-white or light brown skin membranaceous scales, scales stripped of leaves, Garlic, there are 6-10 months, was born in plants around the wheel, the Department of discoid stem, gave birth to the majority of fibrous roots. Garlic outsourcing each film, film strip, that is, see the white, juicy scales hypertrophy. There is a strong smell of garlic, spicy flavor. 【Usage consumption】 3 ~ 5. Health food,煎汤, cooking can be, or clothes made of syrup. Suitable for external use, stir enough, sliced garlic rubbed or separated moxibustion. 】 【Growth areas across the country are the middle class. 】 【Acquisition in June, when leaf blight excavation, removal of silt, ventilation to dry or bake dry skin. 【Source】 Liliaceae Allium garlic Allium sativum L. bulb in medicine. Spring and summer harvest, the bar, hanging ventilation, the dry reserve. 【Branch】 for a one-year-old Umbelliferae of the whole plant of herbs coriander. Liliaceae plant garlic bulbs. 【】 Taste of the old by the temperature, Weixin P human spleen, stomach, lung. 【】 External adverse reactions can cause skin redness, burning, blistering, it's too long not enough, skin allergy caution. 【Note】 garlic and temperature, deficiency Huowang ulcer and chronic gastritis patients慎食. Plant morphology】 【garlic Perennial herb with a strong garlic smell. Large bulb-shaped, with 6 to 10, outsourcing or off-white to light brown scales membranaceous be. Geranyl Health, solid, flat, linear lanceolate, about 2.5 centimeters wide, the base was shaped sheath. Stem erect, about 60 spathe with a long beak, 7 ~ 10 umbrella inflorescence, small and densely populated, with bracts 1 to 3, on-chip 8 ~ 10 cm long, membranaceous, small flower-shaped flowers in pink and more miscellaneous viviparum, 4 millimeters long, pedicel small, lon perianth 6, pink, oval- stamens 6, white, Pistil 1, prominent style, white, upper ovary, long oval-shaped oval, tip indentation, 3 rooms. Capsules, 1 room cracking. Black seeds. Summer flowering. 】 【Nutrients per 100 grams of water containing 69.8 grams, 4.4 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 23.6 grams carbohydrates, 5 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 44 mg, iron 0.4 mg, vitamin C3 mg. In addition, it contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, allicin, citral, and trace elements such as selenium and germanium. 【Function】 charge for dysentery diarrhea, tuberculosis. Dayton cough, intestinal parasites (hookworm, enterobiasis), carbuncle swollen sores等症drugs. 1. San carbuncle Xiaoji, insecticide detoxification:疮毒attending carbuncle swollen, itching sores ringworm. Pounded to external or outside the brush biopsy. 2. Jiedu: Dayton cough for tuberculosis, bacillary dysentery, diarrhea. 3. Insecticide: for hookworm disease, around the disease, can be equipped with de-worming medicine煎服. Of hookworm disease, the goods can also be used for prevention in the fields of labor before the pounded garlic, applied to the limbs. Of the disease around, it can be pounded to the goods, plus a little vegetable oil,临睡前applied around the anus. In addition, the raw materials can also be influenza prevention and control. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that garlic spicy, warm in nature, to obtain the stagnation gas, warming the spleen and stomach, Xiaozheng plot, insecticide detoxification,积滞governance, abdominal冷痛, diarrhea, dysentery, whooping cough等症. For garlic consumption of the value, as the saying goes: Spring Fresh Miao, Summer Fresh moss, in May, fresh roots, Moon land species, it can be seen in people's daily diet of garlic occupies an important position. Modern studies have shown that including garlic in the garlic and garlic enzyme, both after exposure to allicin, a alkaloids contained in garlic, with a composition of lowering blood glucose to increase the function of insulin and, more importantly, its normal no effect on
garlic or the highest content of organic germanium plants, selenium
garlic contains VA, VB, VC, calcium, phosphorus, iron, crude fiber and other ingredients, in addition to garlic also has to promote the metabolism, to alleviate fatigue to stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes in the digestive organs, and promote epithelial hyperplasia, such as accelerating the wound healing efficacy. [Edit this paragraph] origin and varieties of garlic The main source of China's garlic: Yongnian County, Hebei Province, the northern part of Daming County, Hebei, Jiangsu Pizhou City, Henan Province Qixian, Zhongmu county, Shandong Province, Jinxiang County,商河县,苍山县, Guangrao County, Chiping, Cheng-wu County, Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, Taicang City, Jiading Shanghai, Anhui Bozhou City,来安县, Sichuan River County, Pengzhou City, Dali, Yunnan and Xinjiang. Kim Heung, introduced the main producing areas: Jinxiang garlic at home and abroad enjoy a high market visibility, 92 in the first agricultural fair in China, won the silver, white garlic China is by far the highest 96 years by the State named as the &town of garlic in China&; in 2000 the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for registration in the &Golden Township garlic& in 2002 the largest acreage in the county in the world by D in January 2003 allowed the use of &no agricultural pollution markers &; in March 2003 by the General Administration of Quality Supervision Jinxiang garlic authentication certificate of origin marking. In 2001, King Township, Jinxiang County, Shandong Province into relying on the advanced science and technology, in accordance with the green, organic cultivation of the production, standardization, industrialization of the path of development and foster the role of starting with the head of the garlic industry driven out by the development of a green the industrialization of agriculture Fumin County road. One, the basic conditions of rural garlic Confucius and Mencius, Shandong Province is located in Jinxiang Town of Jining City, near the south of Jiangsu, according to the North Mountain to the east are Weishanhu Netherlands, a town west of Heze Peony. 8 jurisdiction over the county town of 4 townships, the total area of 885 square km, with a total population of 600,000 people. 87 million mu of arable land,粮经ratio of 2:8, an average of more than 50 million mu of garlic planted for more than 10 million mu of onion, pollution-free vegetables, 20 million mu of China's major garlic, onion, vegetable production bases. Jinxiang garlic annual production of about 600,000 tons, garlic exports pass rate above 90%, exports accounted for more than 70% of the whole country. Park onion 500,000 tons annual production, are exported to Japan and the United States hosted the 30 reactive power China's f in 2002 and successfully hosted the &WTO and China's garlic industry forum for the first annual meeting of scientific and technological achievements and garlic Expo &a row in 2003 hosted the first China International Garlic Festival and the promotion of organic garlic, and further consolidation of the& Golden Township, garlic, &the brand-name advantage. At the county level, King Township, the largest area of garlic cultivation, yields the highest quality the best, the biggest output, the largest export volume nine of &China& the most famous. Jinxiang garlic planting more than 2,000 years of history, as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty in the early years, there are records of garlic cultivation. After the cultivation of long-term development, coupled with our unique climatic conditions of soil and water and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University and other institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions in garlic research experts, scholars, joint research, to enable the rural white garlic greatly improved the grade, Jinxiang garlic formed a reputation at home and abroad, the special local products. Jinxiang big garlic with garlic, fresh juice, rich, spicy pure, crisp and delicious, never valve, anti-mildew, anti-rot resistance, such as the apparent
Jinxiang garlic very high nutritional value, according to the determination of scientific research departments Kim Heung garlic with the necessary human protein, niacin, fat, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, such as more than 20 kinds of nutrients, by experts as the best natural antibiotics, food and health food products, and its medicinal value has been national attention on scientific research sector. Jinxiang garlic can not only raw but also processed into garlic, garlic slice, Garlic Powder,蒜油, allicin and other products widely used in food, beverage, household chemicals, cosmetics, health care and other areas of medicine. Its origin in West Asia and Central Asia, since the Western Han Dynasty envoy Zhang Qian, to return home with the garlic, has been more than two thousand years of history. Garlic is an indispensable human daily life of spices in cooking fish, meat, poultry and vegetables from time to time by去腥the role of taste, especially in the cold dishes, the flavor can increase, but also sterilization. Habits, it is usually described as &garlic&, it means in terms of garlic. Many varieties of garlic, according to skin color bulb紫皮can be divided into two kinds of garlic and white garlic. Garlic Garlic紫皮small and large, rich spicy, high output, are located in north, northwest and north-east and other places, cold, poor, multi-planting in the spring, white garlic major flap and two small flap species, light spicy, garlic紫皮than cold, more than autumn sowing, mature a little earlier. [Edit this paragraph] The role of garlic Garlic's health care role: 1, a strong bactericidal. Sulfur compounds in garlic has strong antibacterial surprising anti-inflammatory effect, a wide range of bacteria, bacteria, fungi and viruses have a role in suppression and killing, is the natural vegetation found in the strongest antibacterial effect in a. 2, tumor and cancer prevention. Garlic in elements such as germanium and selenium can inhibit the tumor cells and the growth of cancer cells, the experiment found that the lowest incidence of cancer of the population is the highest blood selenium content in the crowd. National Cancer Organization of the United States believes that the most anti-cancer potential of the world's plants, the top of the garlic. 3, Qingchang detoxification, the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Garlic can effectively inhibit and kill gastrointestinal diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, such as viruses, removal of toxic substances stomach to stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, and promote appetite and speed up digestion. 4, lowering blood glucose to prevent diabetes. Garlic can promote the secretion of insulin to increase cell absorption of glucose, improve glucose tolerance human body, to quickly lower the blood glucose level in vivo, and kill the infection-induced diabetes due to a variety of bacteria, so as to effectively prevent and treat diabetes. 5, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Garlic can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular fat deposition, fat metabolism induced by the organization, a marked increase in fibrinolytic activity, reduce cholesterol, inhibit platelet aggregation, lower plasma concentrations and increase the expansion of degree arteriole to vasodilation, regulation of blood pressure, increased permeability of blood vessels, thereby inhibiting the formation of thrombosis and prevention of atherosclerosis. Eat 2 to 3 garlic, is the best and most simple step-down approach, garlic can help the body maintain a proper quantity of enzyme to avoid high blood pressure. 6, the protection of liver function. Garlic in the trace element selenium, through its participation in the aerobic metabolism of blood to remove toxins, reduce the burden of liver detoxification to achieve the purpose of protection of the liver. 7, exuberant energy. Garlic can be an effective complement to the material required for the kidney, kidney due to lack of improvement in the body can not lead to symptoms, and may promote the generation of sperm to increase the number of sperm. 8, the prevention of influenza. Garlic contains a &propylene sulfide& of capsaicin on the pathogens and parasites have a good kill to prevent colds and reduce the fever, cough, sore throat and stuffy nose and other cold symptoms. Garlic has a good health care and treatment efficacy. As early as 30 years ago to extract the main component of garlic is allicin, but very unstable traits, without much practical value. In recent years, scientists used ultra-low temperature freeze-drying technology, isolated from the other active ingredients - allitridi, molecular formula for C6H10OS2, the nature of stability, increase alkaline heat damage are not easy to make, and confirmed by the pilot with a strong inhibition of bacteria and the role of fungi that can kill within five minutes in Salmonella typhi, is especially suitable for the treatment of skin diseases caused by fungi and deep fungal infection, and low toxicity and fewer side effects, is internationally recognized as an effective natural broad-spectrum antibiotics. Can be clinically used to treat the following skin diseases: Cutaneous tuberculosis, cellulitis, furuncle, carbuncle, erysipelas, scarlet fever, hemolytic streptococcal gangrene, Ecthyma, meningococcal infections, staphylococcal disease, suppurative paronychia, oral candidiasis, bronchial and pulmonary candidiasis disease, gastrointestinal candidiasis, vaginal candidiasis, candidiasis of rubbed rotten, Candida endocarditis and meningitis, pulmonary cryptococcosis, cryptococcal meningitis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, amoebiasis skin , trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, and trypanosomiasis, and so on. The nutritional content of garlic and its health effect: a modern medical research confirmed that garlic sets and more than 100 kinds of medicinal ingredients in a health care, including 43 kinds of volatile sulfur content, sulfide sub-sulfonic acid (such as allicin) 13 kinds of esters, amino acids 9, 8 kinds of peptides, glycosides 12, 11 kinds of enzymes. In addition, garlic alliin is unique ingredients into the blood when it has become Garlicin when this Garlicin diluted 100,000 times, even if still in an instant to kill Salmonella typhi, Shigella, such as influenza virus. Garlicin combination with vitamin B1 thiamine can produce garlic with the elimination of fatigue, enhance physical奇效. Garlic contains the muscles involved in the activities of creatinine is an indispensable component of semen is also the role of the formation can increase the number of sperm, the so-called eating garlic means this in terms of energy. Garlic can also promote metabolism, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and lower blood pressure, blood sugar lowering effect and is thus of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc. have a certain effect. Skin external use of garlic can promote blood circulation, remove the stratum corneum of skin aging, softening the skin and enhance its flexibility, but also anti-sun, anti-melanin deposition, deringing whitening. In recent years, research shows that garlic can be broken carcinogenic nitrosamines in the body type of the synthesis so far, and its anti-cancer effects in more than 40 kinds of vegetables, fruits, arranged according to the pyramid, located at the top of garlic. In more than 100 kinds of components, which have dozens of separate components of the anti-cancer effect. Health effects of garlic in the garlic oil is high in garlic sulfur compounds of the general term for all of these substances in the sulfur atom has a high degree of activity, can be spontaneously transformed into a variety of organic sulfur compounds. These organic sulfur compounds in the physical, chemical, biological factors, but also into other sulfur compounds. Garlic in most of all the sulfur compounds with broad pharmacological efficacy, it is also a characteristic pungent smell of garlic constitute the main flavor. Study of essential oil components of garlic are more alliin, allicin and allitridi. In addition, the day-to-day food drive containing germanium is the most abundant garlic, studies have proven that organic germanium compounds, and some anti-cancer drug combination, both in inhibiting tumor growth, or to prevent tumor metastasis, organic germanium compounds can to stimulate the body produce interferon, and anti-cancer effect of interferon has been
organic germanium compounds on the immune system is damaged to varying degrees of repair, can activate natural killer cells and macrophages and is conducive to cancer control! organic germanium compounds can reduce the viscosity of blood cells thereby reducing the adhesion, invasion and destruction of the vessel wall of opportunity, which is to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells plays a very important role. Garlic is also rich in selenium, the material also has powerful anti-cancer effect. It was found that the lowest incidence of cancer of the population is the highest blood selenium content in the crowd. In addition, the selenium in the form of glutathione peroxidase antioxidant role to play in order to play the role of protective film. Garlic is also rich in superoxide dismutase antioxidant also in a role can not be underestimated. In addition, garlic contains 17 kinds of amino acids, including lysine, leucine, valine higher methionine content of the lower White Garlic紫皮essential amino acid content of less than garlic, but the percentage of amino acids紫皮slightly higher than the garlic. Garlic in mineral element content of phosphorus was highest, followed by magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon, aluminum and zinc content is higher. Why is there a special garlic smell? Health garlic eaten, the mouth tends to emit an unpleasant odor-specific, day-to-day exchanges in the more taboo. Full of the smell of garlic is not only in eating, cutting, extrusion or damage when its odoriferous. This is because in the integrity of the garlic alliin contained colorless, tasteless, but the garlic cells there is also a glycoside garlic enzyme, the two form a strong contact with the spicy scent of allicin. Garlic allicin is the source of a special scent. Bactericidal effect of garlic magic: sulfur compounds in garlic has strong anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory effect, a wide range of bacteria, bacteria, fungi and viruses have a role in suppression and killing. By 1982, scientists garlic antibacterial, bactericidal, antiviral, insecticidal activity and inhibition studies, demonstrated inhibitory activity of garlic, as well as the role of the role of bactericidal substances. Modern research found that the volatile oil of garlic, juice, extract and allicin a wide range of bacteria, Bacillus (such as whooping cough, etc.), mold, fungi (such as cryptococcal meningitis, etc.), viruses such as the role of both inhibition and killing. In food preservation, the study found that Japanese scholars, garlic on the dozens of food hygiene and food corruption bacteria have a strong role in the suppression and killing, the scientists also adopted dozens of garlic aqueous solution of common food products to kill fungi and the inhibition the role of research and found that garlic fungus of corruption has a strong role in suppression and killing, the role of strength equivalent to or even stronger than the chemical preservative benzoic acid, sorbic acid, is found in natural plant the strongest antibacterial effect of a . The weight loss of garlic: a recent study in Korea points out that garlic not only has anti-cancer, anti-bacterial effect, in the control of obesity also have unexpected effects. A professor of Korean research team to conduct experiments on animals in order to reach a conclusion. Study Group on the mouse to do a four-day experiment. According to the experimental results, the consumption of high-fat food and great garlic juice daily weight gain of rats of 0.09g, but only to eat high-fat foods on mice body weight increase of 0.20g. Garlic juice only mice to eat great food rather than just high-fat foods can lead to obese mice leptin protein content of more than half. Nigeria, a number of scholars in the feed to the mice fed greasy for some time, found the blood, liver and kidney in a dramatic increase in cholesterol content. When the feed Riga oily garlic into a little, they would no longer be the cholesterol content increased, the enzyme involved in fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis, and garlic on the enzyme to prevent the formation of the role of just play. This shows that garlic can inhibit the role of obesity. Experts point out that the processing of garlic garlic than the effect of Health to slightly worse, but weak as a result of irritation of the body instead of better. [Edit this paragraph] The use of the status quo of garlic China's garlic production high, perennial cultivation area of 20.0-26.7 million hectares, production is 4 million tons, ranking first in the world, the world's total output of about 1 / 4. Raw garlic directly to the most nutritional value of the highest apparent physiological effect. However, the garlic in the 60-80 after the end of the dormant period, when appropriate, the natural environment will be rapidly consumed by budding and nutrient storage, quality deterioration will be rapid and not for human consumption. Therefore, garlic may be processed into a variety of products. This regard, many products that can be developed, such as dehydrated garlic slice,蒜粒, Garlic Powder, basically all for exp further processed into products, such as health food, cosmetics, feed additives and other products up to several dozen. Garlic that has been as many countries of the world treasures of the products, and in our country has not been true to form industrial development. Since ancient times garlic has been used as natural fungicides, there are &natural antibiotic& called. It has no side effects, the body's circulatory and nervous systems healthy dose of natural. For thousands of years, China, Egypt, India and other countries will be of garlic not only as food but also as the application of traditional medicines. In the United States, has been Garlicin agents in ginseng, ginkgo and other health care drugs in the first place, its function can be described as including women and children health care. But in real life, due to the smell of garlic and a pungent taste varies from person to person and eating habits, the daily intake of many people Garlicin minimal. [Edit this paragraph] garlic Application Notes Garlic, though good, but not greedy: Although garlic to prevent and cure diseases such functions, but not eat the better. Too much raw garlic, easy to flare up, consumption of blood, the impact of vision, of the gastrointestinal tract also has a stimulating effect. Therefore, Huowang deficiency, suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, nephritis, heart disease and constipation should not eat. Stronger as a result of the harmful effects of garlic, enteric pathogens in the killing at the same time, they will have the intestinal bacteria to kill, causing deficiency of vitamin B2, susceptible to angular cheilitis, glossitis, skin lips go far. Therefore, experts suggest that daily consumption of garlic 3-4 valve more scientific, but not fasting to eat, can not be taken with honey at the same time. Life, many people are afraid to eat garlic, because every time after eating, your mouth will have a garlic smell, lingers for a long time. In fact, we have some common things around us are garlic flavored &nemesis&, readers may wish to try. Some people will try to chew gum or tea to alleviate the tone, but still can not completely remove the garlic. Here, give you a good way: after eating garlic, a glass of milk, milk protein will react with the garlic, you can effectively remove the garlic. However, drinking milk, the attention to small mouth pharynx slow, so that more milk in the mouth to stay a while, but the best temperature to drink milk, so the effect will be even better. In addition, there are some simple and easy method, but also can reduce the garlic. For example, after eating garlic, chew some groundnut kernels, such as walnut or almond higher protein content of food, so spicy garlic in the Su-&propylene sulfide& and the protein can be removed so that the vinegar mouthwash or alcohol can also reduce the taste of garlic [Edit this paragraph] garlic diet Therapeutic role 【】 1. Bactericidal anti-inflammatory volatile oil contained in garlic allicin, such as sterilization has obvious anti-inflammatory role, particularly for upper respiratory and digestive tract infection, fungal keratitis, Cryptosporidium infection sprouts significant effect. 2. Hypolipidemic, anti-arteriosclerosis active ingredient of garlic can significantly reduce blood lipids in rabbits with hyperlipidemia, suggesting that garlic has a blood fat, anti-atherogenic role. 3. The prevention of cancer, cancer of allicin and its homologues can effectively inhibit the activity of cancer cells to normal growth and metabolism, eventually leading
garlic solution to block the mold to make a carcinogen for nitrate reduction and nitrite cancer pr garlic in elements such as germanium and selenium have a good role in inhibit Garlicin also activated macrophage phagocytosis, and enhance the body's immune function, prevent cancer from occurring. 【Recipes】 health 1.紫皮garlic garlic porridge 30 grams, 100 grams of rice. Peeled garlic and let cook 1 minute in boiling water remove, and then take rice, let people cook稀粥garlic boiled in water, and then release the garlic (if the consumption of TB patients may be an additional 5 grams of white and pink),同煮for porridge. Under this porridge with gas stomachic,止痢the effectiveness of detoxification for patients with acute bacillary dysentery eat. 2. 10 grams of garlic extract of garlic, sugar amount. Peeled and pounded the garlic, add 50 ml water, add sugar to clarify the appropriate accompli. This extract with the efficacy of detoxification cough for pertussis cough spasm period. 3. Black bean garlic 100 grams of cooked black beans brown sugar, garlic 30 grams, 10 grams of brown sugar. Will be put旺火pan, the increase in 1000 milliliters of water after boiling, but people black beans (washed), garlic (sliced), brown sugar, black beans and fire using the熟烂accompli. Yiwei Jianpi this confusion has the effect of kidney deficiency type pregnancy for those who eat edema. 4.蒜苗Green蒜苗炒肉丝, pork 250 grams each. Wash the pork slices with soy sauce, cooking wine, starch拌好; Optional Leek washed,锅烧partial heat by adding fried pork, add salt, sugar and a small amount of water partial炒至cooked meat into the Leek continue to favor炒到入味fait accompli. Warm up with此菜spleen, the efficacy of Ziyin Runzao.体虚applicable to fatigue, loss of appetite, dry stool, abdominal脘age, such as swelling of the liver disease. 5. Garlic cooked amaranth &big two garlic, 500 grams amaranth. Will be cleaned Optional amaranth, garlic into thin slices to the skin, heat the oil pot, stir garlic slice release fragrance, for people amaranth partial speculation, adding salt炒至amaranth入味, monosodium glutamate re-mix,出锅装盘.此菜with clearing away heat and toxic, the blood to stop bleeding, warm the spleen and stomach, the efficacy of killing bacteria. for dysentery, diarrhea, urine Shibuya pain, urethritis and other diseases. [Edit this paragraph] The medical records of garlic 【Note】 garlic and temperature, Huowang deficiency and chronic gastritis慎食ulcer patients. 】 【Literature selected &Do not recorded in medical&: &San carbuncle swollen sores nightmare, with the exception of风邪, anti-gas.& &The new amendments Bencao&: &Under the Gas Consumers valley of flesh.& &Theft by finding of Materia Medica&: &the beginning of the negative head eat, but eat out more. A long time food is in serum, so that white hair.& &With the income spectrum home catering&: &Health De Xin hot, cooked De Gan temperature, with the exception of cold, the provision of阴邪, under the warm air, the extinction Valley of meat, breaking bad blood Cold attack plot. Nosedive governance abdominal pain, constipation cell clearance, the provision of Tourette detoxification, insecticide Xiaopi. Moxibustion ulcer outside, the water only bleed at the nose & ① &not recorded&: &Weixin, temperature, toxic.& China to see Jinxiang Garlic, Jinxiang garlic is China. Would like to find a customer site, on the advertising network in China garlic
② &to compile medical lam&: &辛甘, hot.& ③ &with the UN Food income spectrum&: &Health Xin, cooked Gan Wen.& Tropism】 【入脾, stomach, lung. ① &Order&: &into the Taiyin, National Yang-Ming.& ② &Sutra of Materia Medica&: &into the Foot-Yangming, Taiyin, Jueyin by.& 【Indications】 line function of stagnation gas, warming the spleen and stomach, Xiaozheng plot, detoxification, insecticide. Governance积滞diet,脘abdominal冷痛,胀满edema, diarrhea, dysentery, malaria, whooping cough, swollen ulcer drug, white bald ringworm sores, bites蛇虫. Qi Xiaoji, insecticide detoxification. For colds, dysentery, amoebic dysentery, enteritis, food积滞, carbuncle swollen Sores. ① &not recorded&: &San蠿carbuncle swollen sores, in addition to风邪, anti-gas.& ② &Tang Materia Medica&: &Valley of gas consumer, with the exception of wind-breaking cold.& ③ &therapeutic Materia Medica&: &In addition to wind, insecticide.& ④ &theft by finding of Materia Medica&: &to bad mess of water, with the exception of rheumatism, broken air-conditioning, addiction痃rotten, evil V; Xuan Tong warming, cure ringworm sores.& ⑤ &HUA Bencao day,:& Jianpi, governance kidney, tendon transfer only cholera, abdominal pain, with the exception of邪辟temperature and treatment of malaria workers, cold wind,痃ringworm, Pestilence gas, enough wind冷痛loss, injury蛇虫and ramming paste of. & ⑥ &Bencao daily&: &dry spleen, and meat.& ⑦ &polyanthum Materia Medica&: &祛寒sputum, Xing Yang was,泄精, solution of water poisoning.& ⑧ &Order&: &捣汁drinking, heartache he煮汁drink, Zhang Zhi-angle anti- with carp diaphragm蛤粉pill w治痢malaria with pregnancy丹丸H with frankincense abdominal
ramming paste Umbilical can be reached under the coke, elimination of water, toilet L足心paste, can be cited heat down, and in governing the shoulder and wet and dry storms diarrhea cholera, only衄血; satisfied in anal can pass pylorus , administer customs barrier grid. & ⑨ &Sichuan Chinese chi&: &pulmonary tuberculosis,血痢, and the collapse of vaginal discharge.& 【Usage and Dosage】 Oral:煎汤, 1.5 ~ 3 raw food, cooked food or soil mixes for the pill. External use: trace deposited, or slice Moxibustion for suppository. China to see Jinxiang Garlic, Jinxiang garlic is China. Would like to find a customer site, on the advertising network in China garlic
宜忌】 【Huowang deficiency, as well as the head disease, articulate and throat, tongue, and when suffering from disease after忌食line. ① &Sutra of Materia Medica&: &Where there is肺胃heat, liver fire, Qi-deficiency and blood weak person. Do not dip lip.& ② &the original of this by every&: &athlete's foot, the wind after the disease in time忌食line disease.& ③ &with the UN Food income spectrum&: &deficiency heat, births, fever pox, when the disease, malaria blood boil card, head disease, articulate mouthpiece of all patients, free of salt.& 【】 ① election administration side冷痛confidants: garlic, Treatment with Vinegar to two or three years, food to a few stars. ( &Jane Fonda near Lake Set&) ② governance夜啼abdominal pain, face blue, cold Permit: garlic 1 (simmer, research, and on dry), frankincense five. Mixes, mustard big pill. Seven pills per serving, under the milk. ( &World Medical mattresses side-effect&) ③ emphysema over water: garlic, escargot, Plantago sub.熬膏, shared umbilical paste, the water swirling down from it. ( &Book of anecdotes&) ④ Expansion dropsical governance: garlic, eaten into blackfish from the dead, wet paper, simmer cooked in the fire, with something.忌用pepper, salt, onions, butter. More food self-healing. (Yao can be a &food of Materia Medica&) ⑤ foot rule to tendons: acute to grind garlic脚心so times, hot. ( &Public regimen recipe&) ⑥ governance cold malaria, hand-foot-drum flutter, chilling surface Green: 1 Pleione, the two semi-Huangdan. Phase and the drug, with a thousand pound pestle, large丸如black beans. When tea is not made under the second pill. ( &Xi Fang Ji& garlic pills) ⑦ malaria disease: single head garlic, in white on the burning of coal, at the end of方寸匕service. ( &Filled the rear elbow&) ⑧ governance Cynomologus poisoning:煮汁drink of dry garlic. ( &Monk Tan Yao Recipe Collection&) ⑨ dirty drug administration: Trachypenaeus Huanglian at the end of garlic head with 1 alone, known to simmer Shannon, research and governance of pills into the acetabulum, such as large sub-wu. Every service in their thirties and forties pills, drinks Chen meters. ( &Ability to& garlic pill) ⑩ rule more than epistaxis, medication should not be: 1 garlic, peeled and research drunk for money large pancake, a thick bean Hsu, left nose out heart stickers left foot, right nose out and put right foot heart, are the two nasal out of all posted. ( &A brief relief to the public&) ⑾ governance Epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, urinating blood. The first two alone garlic, mashed捣成divided into two. Ma a paper with eight parcels, placed Baihui. A separate parcel of paper with seven Ma placed涌泉穴, and then wrapped the drugs in the branded with hot iron heating. (Inner Mongolia, &the new medical information on Chinese herbal medicine Selected&) ⑿ pulmonary tuberculosis: fresh garlic, 1-2 each, broken up in order to take a deep breath after the absorption of its volatile gas, the second day, 1-3 hours each time. (Liaoning &Exhibition of Chinese herbal medicines medical information on the new Selected&) Governance ⒀ whooping cough in children: five money garlic, brown sugar, the second money, a little ginger.水煎服, several times a day, depending on the amount of drink with age. ( &Guizhou prescription of Chinese medicine&) Brain drain ⒁ Biyuan governance: Slice garlic, paste足心, take effect only. ( &Pick Yuanfang&) Zhijin ⒂ sore stroke, angle arch anti-Zhang: 1 liters of garlic, to the heart-breaking, non-gray four liters of wine, garlic to make a very bad cook and serve a large or sediment, the moment of sweat like rain, then recover from illness. (Meng Sheng's &side-effect will be&) Pediatric umbilical wind ⒃ governance: independence, head garlic, sliced, an umbilical, with moxibustion, the population served basis garlic gas. ( &Simple side of&) Gangrene ⒄ back rule without a head who diffuse swelling (swelling paste with wet paper, but that the first stem, the head is sore): 10 with garlic, light soy hemizygous, frankincense Qian Xu. Research rotten, sore at home, Shop moxibustion, the pain of those who do not cauterize the pain, not pain from the pain of moxibustion. ( &Essentials of Surgery&) All swollen ⒅ drug administration: the first garlic alone three, four, pounded, and the inquiry into the oil, swollen thick paste, the dry and then replace it. ( &Food and herbal medicine will compile&) Neurodermatitis ⒆ governance: garlic appropriate, pounded, wrapped in gauze, external lesion. Separate Moxa Moxibustion garlic every lesion to the pain until the next day once. ( &Unilateral prescription survey Selected&) Governance ⒇ woman for vaginal swelling itch: washing the garlic soup,乃止effect. ( &Wing-type seal side&) (21) centipede bite rule, more than pain: single head garlic, Mount sting, the pain ended. ( &Set MASON prescription&) [Edit this paragraph] The Legend of garlic History Legend: Warren ancient disease见一人rancid, food may not be to make at home from a bakery in garlic juice drink 2 liters, the legislation a number of蛔spit, patients will be suspended Ascaris car, to Warren, and see the wall there are a few dozen flying Ascaris Article is odd idea. Also, according to &南史?褚澄Biography& contains &good medicine Cheng, Chien-yuan, in order to吴郡太守. People read Lee Road to the county official, Elizabeth see that said:& If you have severe disease. &The answer:& the old cold diseases, since five years, many doctors not bad at all. &To diagnose the troubles of Elizabeth, that said:& If you sick of non-cold non-thermal, as is eating too much egg white also Yu. &So take a liter of cooking garlic, only one is a thing you need something to wrap saliva, the incision is to see鸡雏, Yu. Wings, claws, with distance to walk. Is having odd. World reports: It is said that the ancient Egyptians pyramids in the repair of the migrant workers will increase daily diet of garlic, used to increase strength and prevent diseases. Time workers who are due to supply disruptions and a strike of garlic until the pharaoh before the resumption of work by a large amount of money to buy. Celebrity evaluation: the founder of Indian medical check Iraq said: &In addition to hate the smell of garlic, its real value is higher than gold.& Russian scientists said the earth grown garlic is of penicillin (penicillin). [Edit this paragraph] how to prevent sprouting garlic Practice has proved that through the high temperature treatment to prevent sprouting of garlic and will not affect the appearance and quality of garlic. High temperature treatment on the principle that take full advantage of the natural growth of the law of garlic, such as garlic just June and July were a time when post- and the temperature was low after the Spring Festival, garlic planting season has come, so it can not prevent germination. However, high temperature treatment at this time it, garlic has started to sleep on, slow germination and is conducive to the storage. Specific approach is: before germination in the garlic, about the &69& after digging in the ground a square or circular pit, 40 cm deep pit of the appropriate size of the number of visualization of the garlic. Pit at the end of every 20 cm thick and then dig a burner that can also be dug pit next to a chimney and the same burner Road. The garlic into the pit, soil sealing盖严above, the following burner, so that pit to reach the temperature 28 ~ 30 ℃, and maintain 4 to 6 hours. This high temperature treatment the garlic and then stored on the hard germination may have been connected to the storage of the May and June were new garlic, fresh Garlic full unabated. Note that digging should choose a more low-lying terrain where soil moisture 60% better, so do soil grilled, garlic will not be deformed water. Burner should have a good pit temperature, low temperature does not work, the temperature is too high will burn grilled garlic. Then a simple approach: the garlic into the plastic bag, sealed pocket. This was enclosed in a bag of garlic, their exhaled carbon dioxide gas is not distributed out of the bag to increase the concentration of carbon dioxide, the relative reduction in the oxygen content, at the same time, the lack of water absorption, garlic will be in hibernation. [Edit this paragraph] of the common diseases of garlic Garlic disease: Symptoms: Leaves from the tip downward水渍状ash was green, it seems that水烫have surfaced plaque surface cloud, the incidence and the health of some obvious boundaries. Lesion in general not so obvious, such as the emergence of white-sp sparse, dry easily disappear. Incidence of the law: Mycelium in bacteria, spores and eggs in chlamydospore病残体in winter. With the general sputtering rain and irrigation water-borne, from the stomatal invasive, continuous rain in the weather or low-lying, poorly drained and the explants are susceptible to the disease. Control methods: (1) choose disease-resistant varieties suited to local conditions. (2) to enhance the management of fertilizer to improve plant resistance. (3) the prevention of early spraying with aluminum-zinc Fosetyl 1000 times or 70% cream Lu anatipestifer grams. Leaf blight of garlic Incidence of features:   叶枯病主要为害蒜叶,发病开始于叶尖或叶的其他部位。初呈花白色小圆点,后扩大呈不规则形或椭圆形灰白色或灰褐色病斑,上部长出黑色霉状物,严重时病叶全部枯死,在上散生许多黑色小粒。为害严重时全株不抽苔。   发病规律:   病菌以菌丝或子囊壳随病残体遗落土中或蒜头上越冬,第二年在适宜条件下子囊孢子引起初侵染,病部长出分生孢子进行再侵染。   防治方法:   (1)播前药剂拌种、浸种。蒜头剥开手50%的多菌灵可湿性粉剂,用量为蒜头种子重量的0.3%进行拌种。   (2)不连作,改种其它蔬菜,对病残株要及时清理,烧毁或深埋,减少菌源。   (3)加强田间管理。合理施肥,合理密植,及时开沟排水,降低温度增强植株抗病力。   (4)发病初期及时进行药剂防治。可用70%乙膦铝锰锌可湿性粉剂500—700倍,隔7—10天一次,连续防治2—3次。


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