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&&Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
&&It is better to work for a business owned by someone you do not know than
to work for a business owned by your family.
&&Obviously,the benefits of working for a business owned by someone you do
not know outweigh its disadvantages.
&&Point1:First of all, to work in an irrelevant company gives you a lot of
freedom of choice because personal emotions and family relationship will not be
taken into account when you make decisions.
&&Point2: Secondly, working for a business owned by strangers provides you
with the chance of expanding your social network instead of working with a lot
of your relatives.
&&Point3: Admittedly, working in a business of your family do facilitate your
adjustment to the company because a lot of your relatives and acquaintances will
help you know about the whole system quickly.
&&Given the fierce competition in the job market, some people who are tired
of interviews and exams would like to find a position in family business. In my
mind, however, people benefit more in the long term if they choose to work in a
company owned by strangers.
&&Admittedly, there are immediate benefits for us to work for the family. In
family business, parents and relatives can offer a stable position that helps us
soon ease financial burden. More importantly, the guidance and support from them
enables us to quickly adapt to the work environment and improve necessary work
skills. Therefore, it is comparatively easier to achieve career success. For
instance, working in the restaurant owned by parents, children are able to learn
much parents’ valuable first-hand work experience, such as how to negotiate with
suppliers for the best vegetable and meat at reasonable price and how to recruit
competitive chef. All these help people swiftly grow up as mature
&&However, to work in family business is not always the best option. In the
first place, to be happy and successful in career, one needs to find a job that
he is passionate on, but not a shortcut with family’s help. It is likely that
children have no interest in what the company owned by parents or relatives is
doing. As a result, the only motivator for them to stay in family business is
the stable income which is far from enough to encourage diligence or dedication.
Possibly, they will end up with mediocre employees. On the contrary, if they
have the courage and ambition to pursue a job that they are interested in, there
will be a completely different scenario. Internally charged, people are more
willing to make efforts and give full play to their strength in the company.
Moreover, they will become self-driven to boost capabilities and strive for
promotion. In a word, interests will be the most effective motivator in one’s
career advancement.
&&In the second place, the endeavor one makes in a strange company enables
him to become independent and develop strong wills. Without protection from
parents and relatives, people will surely encounter more barriers and confront
more difficulties. However, this experience of hardship is actually precious and
rewarding, as people gain confidence from the process of solving problems
independently and cheering up from frustration and failure. For example, in
parents’ company, children inherit almost everything, including loyal clients,
reliable suppliers, and committed employees. Whenever there comes a crisis,
parents stand out and meet the challenge. In others’ company, however, the
situation will be quite the opposite. The boss just gives orders and evaluates
according to one’s performance. Hence, people need the demanding environment
that helps them to be competitive and competent.
&&To sum up, facing the choice between working in family business and
competing independently in job market, people should opt for the latter one.
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  Here is something I have just learnt from the past week. Anna helped me go through several essays and pointed out: all right, there are minor errors in grammar and spelling, but the most serious problem is the organization of ideas. “When you are taking TOEFL,” she added, “you basically need to shut half of your brain down.”
  True story.
  It is very easy to get into a swamp of critical thinking and an entry level writer usually tries really hard on fixing those loopholes in their logic, while ignoring the way he delivers ideas. All those independent writing questions are quite simple and mostly controversial. You might never find a perfect saying to fix it. But the raters don't care about if the question itself is precisely asked or not. They care your language.
  Building up an easy-access system of building up articles is more important than those delicately rephrasing process. What her final comment is attached here, just as a heads-up:
  You have not clearly (or obviously) stated your thesis statement throughout the essay. In the opening and closing paragraphs the TS is also very we “You have not clearly (or obviously) stated your thesis statement throughout the essay. In the opening and closing paragraphs the TS is also very weak. Towards the end you become more organized, but the second paragraph is completely lost on me.”
  Then she gave me a specific instruction on effectively organizing an essay. I did what she told me, which helps a lot.
  Below is what have done within thirty minutes.
  k. Towards the end you become more organized, but the second paragraph is completely lost on me. You have not clearly (or obviously) stated your thesis statement throughout the essay. In the opening and closing paragraphs the TS is also very wek. Towards the end you become more organized, but the second paragraph is completely lost on me
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Spending money on travelling is better than saving money for future use. (NA)
  I am always seeing things from the perspectives of young people. I don't think it is the best idea to start saving money too early. Instead, go travelling as much as we can is a better choice.
  Simply stated, travelling benefits the future. A widespread phrase “illness of modernity” largely refers to the uncertainty and anxiety towards the future among young people. This feeling comes, in my opinion, mainly from a lack of experience exploring the world. It happened to me several years ago when I suddenly realized a history major student like myself was trapped between reality and ideality. So I chose to take one year off from college, which is more often called “gap year” to work and travel all over the world. I took interns in Bulgaria and Poland, bicycled through the entire Europe, stayed with American family, spent leisure summer in Spain, took care of autistic kids in Krakow and taught Chinese culture in Sofia. I spent all my money on this trip until I almost went broke. But I had such a clear picture for future and the experience I gained from this trip basically made me very compatible in the job market.
  People may question that it would be a little less than responsible for later years not to save up to a fund. Apparently, this concern ignores the fact that we will have plenty of opportunities to make money in the future. Travelling during the early years, in turn, will definitely provide us even more chances. A lot of my friends are world travellers as well. They experienced so much that they are very aware of what the general trends of culture, fashion and even policies of multiple countries they have been to. They are always very insightful and could easily go one step earlier and further than most of the peers. After the global trips, some of them have chosen to devote themselves in academic institutions, some in journalism and freelance writing to continue exploring and some, like me, chose to work in a company. All of these people now are making very good money and the life they are living now is even better than the future they expected years earlier.
  And then we need to consider a more practical aspect: are we really able to travel when we are older? Certainly a huge pressure from expense of raising children, maintaining a family and duties in work will stop people from carrying out their travel plans. Young people have relatively flexible schedule that reduces the risk of spending more energy in begging for a vacation or caring for, say, how their kids behave in kindergartens. My professor always encouraged me. He said, “go kid, if I were you, I would seriously consider postponing my research of Latin American countries because knowing that place from simply historical documents without actually being there and talked to people there apparently caused so much trouble in understanding their politics and culture.” He was right. I am still young. I have nothing now. And of course I have nothing to lose. That is the spirit.
  So let's go back to the topic we've been discussing. When we are young, there are so many benefits if we just pack a map and take with us the only dollars we keep in the pockets and set off. Spend the money now for the future. It is never too late. (575 words, Ge Xu; )
新托福独立写作中能同时同意两个观点么比如说 有人说网络给人们提供了大量有利的信息 别人则认为这些信息会产生一些问题我觉得我这两个观点又不矛盾 能同时 同意两个么?
可以的,新东方陈克然老师讲述独立作文的时候最赞成写的结构就是70%赞成AAA 30%赞成BBB
第二段第二行I live in an extended family which is included not only many parents but also my uncle,aunt,brother and grandparents.是my parents,是吗?一点小错,应该是笔误吧.不过which is
有,只是这种情况很少.来源:北京新东方 战璐老师讲的
有的!在ets出的官方指导上!但是!啊啊啊,纯粹是黑钱啊,那本书巨厚无比!价格与页数成正比.不过话说回来,如果想要新托福拿高分,这个还是必须要买的.里面所有题型都有介绍,还有音频资料和习题!这是非常关键的,因为新托福实际上就考两个东西:听力 和听力~!推荐去买一本official guide, 就是新东方说的og,如果
就说你托福的论点吧 第一种你是完全同意相同意见的,这个在托福里面应该没问题,但是在ISSUE里面就不够体现你的critical thinking 因为没有反对意见,因而在gre里面是不理想的.第二种你的因人而异 在gre里面就是适合的.但其实论点不是最主要的问题.issue里最主要的是文章的逻辑结构请不清晰.比如说你举
一般来说应该偏向一个方向,支持的方向写两段或者写一大段里面有不同个分论点,反对的方向也一些,在最后的总结要有让步,尽管movie that not teach us something about real life 由于一些意义,但是teach us something的movie 对我们来说更有价值 这种2+1的写
1.综合写作都是非常标准的四段式.第一段是总起段,交代论点,第二三四段分别阐述一个论据支持论点. 练习中会遇到不标准的题目很正常,考试中不会遇到,都十分清晰明了的.2.根据OG要求,应该清楚的阐明听力内容与阅读的关系,所以,每一个点中,不必把阅读材料中的内容再重复一遍,而是应该总结概括,主要的重点是在听力上,听力是如何
首先,字数要到300字左右,作为新托福写作考试的第2部分,独立写作要求考生在30分钟内完成一篇字数在300字左右的议论文.而根据对ETS最新的评分标准的解读,我们发现阅卷者评判考生的文章遵循的原则是:“Readers should focus on what the examinee does well.”.这就意味着
理论上说,都可以如果有条件的话(根据题目不同),写成2个支持1个让步让考官感觉更有思辨性,并且这样也比较充实,不会感觉理由牵强.问题一般分为事实类和利弊类事实类:告你一个现象,问你是还不是.很可能涉及the most,only之类的绝对词,这样就比较好写,找题干中给出的现象以外也符合要求的情况作例即可,即论证不most


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