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manta 7x是什么牌子?全球首款无按键手机manta 7x评测
字体:[ ] 来源:互联网 时间:03-04 09:31:15
很多人好奇manta 7x是什么牌子?manta是一个今年1月末才出现在公众眼前的手机厂商,其刚推出的manta 7x号称是全球首款无按键手机,其还加入了自行研发的智慧边框和41pin接口
151.3*76*9.8 mm
骁龙801 MSM8974AC处理器
支持GSM/WCDMA /TDD-LTE / FDD-LTE(即联通2/3/4G,以及移动2/4G网络),Micro-SIM卡(中卡)
Manta 7x 外包装为纯白纸盒,正面只有硕大的产品名称,背面是简单的产品信息。
说明书、保修单、充电器、数据线、取卡针,因为Manta 7x用了自行研发的41pin接口,所以随机附送了两个转接头。
Manta 7x 机身正面有点像Nexus 5,额头下巴不算短,但边框较窄,屏占已经去到了74.96%。
机身为双层结构,上层的塑料边框,可以减少碎屏几率,而下层是金属机身,接缝处有CNC切角。机身顶部只有放置了 sim 卡卡槽。
这个设计为处女座精简了接口,并为机器带来了IP55 的防水防尘等级,不过也带来了要外带转接头的副作用。
机器搭载的是名为&MO7 OS&的定制化安卓系统,使用体验上和原生安卓出入较大,也是机器的重要卖点之一。
manta 7x搭载的是基于&Android 4.4 &深度定制的 MO7 OS,系统表层几乎已经看不出安卓的影子了。保留最多&安卓味&的是设置菜单,只比常规多了对智能边框和控制中心的控制项。
智慧边框与 touchkey
manta 7x和正常手机最大的差别在于机身上没有按键,并在两个侧边和正面底部加入了大片的触控区域。不过其实机身右上角的触控板下面隐藏了一个电源按键,用于开关机和重启。
机器底部呼吸灯两旁,是名为 touchkey 的触控区,它承载了很多高级的快捷功能:
而下方呼吸灯两侧的 touchkey 估计是两个独立的按键,靠间隙触摸按键而触发动作,所以划慢了反而可能无法响应。不过习惯了之后可以快速操作,代替实体电源键锁屏/开屏的工作,没有实体按键切换到触屏操控之间的断裂感,使用体验上其实比实体按键要好一点。
manta 7x搭载的是夏普的5.5英寸屏幕,官方宣称搭载名为hi colour的技术,将传统的LED背光从蓝-黄两色扩展至红-绿-蓝三原色,可以让屏幕有更佳的色彩还原能力。
实际对比中找来了三星S5、小米4、魅族MX4 Pro进行对比,当中三星S5搭载了的是以色彩艳丽(过饱和)著称的&Super AMOLED 屏幕,而MX4 Pro用的是对色域和对比度皆有提升的&Nega&负液晶技术,而小米4搭载的则是NTSC色域值高达84%的JDI屏幕。可以说这3个都是各自位置顶尖的产品,单单和它们表现追平都已经算很优秀了。
首先是亮度测试,100%亮度显示白色,三星S5为299尼特、小米4为494尼特、魅族MX4 Pro的2K屏高达541尼特,而manta 7x的屏幕也去到506尼特。
左至右,上至下分别是三星S5、小米4、魅族MX4 Pro和manta 7x。统一100%亮度显示白色,三星S5和manta 7x的屏幕都有轻微泛红,小米4偏蓝偏冷,MX4 Pro则有轻微偏黄。
100%亮度显示黑色,S5的A屏为真正的纯黑,小米4和manta 7x都有轻微漏光现象,而且有点偏红,而有负液晶屏幕的MX4 Pro的黑色则更加纯粹,不过依旧有轻微漏光。
三原色表现上,右下角的 manta 7x 在蓝色表现上很抢眼,已经和三星的S5接近了,红、绿色的鲜艳程度夹在米4和MX4 Pro之间。
manta 7x 的发色倾向和小米4的高色域屏幕最为接近,屏幕发色稍微偏黄。
从左至右,分别为三星S5、魅族MX4 Pro、manta 7x和小米4,在大角下MX4 Pro的屏幕随着角度增加,出现了较为明显的亮度衰减;而manta 7x 虽然亮度变化不大,但也出现了泛红现象;而小米4在死亡对角线上则出现了明显的亮度波动。
总体来说,manta 7x的屏幕虽然有轻微偏黄和大角度下泛红的现象,但总体表现已经和米4、MX4Pro等旗舰接近,在色彩饱和度和可视角度等项目上也互有胜负,其&hi colour技术在色域提升上确实有较为明显的作用。
manta 7x是除了以自拍为特色的美图手机和OPPO N3之外,前后摄像头参数最均衡的手机。前后皆1300万像素的索尼IMX214传感器,f/2.0光圈,88度超广角,带OIS光学,而且后置摄像头还带有蓝宝石玻璃和双色温闪光灯,配置参数相当高。
白天光线和室内开灯等光线充足的情况下,manta 7x的IMX214表现出不错的辨析力,而且即使逆光也有不错的宽容度,中心放大到100%,依旧可见远方树木的枝干,以及键盘上的细节。
manta 7x&采用的是骁龙801+1080P屏幕的配置,这是现时市面上性能最均衡的旗舰配置。
在我们的跑分库中,manta 7x的表现和性能配置一样的小米note、motoX表现相若,各项测试中和众旗舰或有胜负,CPU性能弱于三星S5的猎户座5422,但GPU表现上更强,打败高价低配Mate7更是耗无压力。
实际使用中,打开GPU呈现曲线后,manta 7x的流畅性表现虽然还很好,但黄线一直维持在较高的位置,情况和之前评测的motoX非常相近,不过它们的曲线很少突破绿色的60帧警戒线,实际体验根本感觉不出卡顿。
骁龙801的Adreno&330 GPU带动1080P显得相当幸福,极品飞车17等游戏全开特效依旧可以满帧跑。而且经典配置的兼容性好,畅玩主流大型游戏无鸭梨。
manta 7x的电量高达4200mAh,而屏幕&只有&5.5寸,论续航上应该可以和华为mate7拼一拼,但骁龙801火力全开的功耗也不是省油的灯,连续玩了5盘极品飞车,功耗从最初的每小时9%去到30%,连续玩游戏最多可以撑3个多小时,表现远不如预想。
感谢如今成熟的手机产业链,即使是首部作品,但manta 7x无论是在屏幕、性能、续航表现都是完全的真&旗舰级别,虽然仍未调试,但双光学防抖的IMX214摄像头的表现已经不差了。
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August 2013 Maritime Defense Industry and World Naval Forces News
San Antonio (LPD 17) becomes sixth US Navy vessel deployed off Syria
sixth ship of the U.S. Navy is now located in the eastern
part of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the Syrian coast,
where five destroyers of the U.S. Navy are already deployed.
Thales, MBDA win billion-euro defense contract to upgrade Royal Saudi
Navy vessels
to French financial newspaper La Tribune, France
just signed a defense contract (valued at more than 1 billion
Euros) for the upgrade and modernization of 4 Al Medinah class
Frigates and 2 Boraida class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment
(AOR) vessels.
Russian warships head towards Eastern Mediterranean, US Navy deploys
a fifth Destroyer
has just deployed the Admiral Panteleyev, an Udaloy I class
(Project 1155R Fregat) anti-submarine destroyer, and two Ropucha-class
(project 775) landing ships the Minsk and the Novocherkassk
to the Syrian coasts. At the same time, the US Navy is deploying
a fifth Arleigh Burke class Destroyer, the USS Stout.
Navy Air Defense Destroyer Chevalier Paul (D621) deploys to
the Syrian coasts
French Navy is deploying one of its two Horizon class Air
Defense Destroyers to the Eastern Mediterranean according
to French weekly Le Point. The Chevalier Paul (D621) will
join the four US Navy Guided Missile Destroyers and an undisclosed
number of US and UK submarines already in the area. The role
of the French Destroyer would be to provide air defense for
the fleet, as well as air cover for coalition warplanes should
they get involved in an air assault.
Advanced Super Hornet Demonstrates Significant Stealth, Range Improvements
three weeks of flight testing the Advanced Super Hornet, Boeing
and partner Northrop Grumman demonstrated that the fighter
can outperform threats for decades to come with improvements
that make the jet much harder for radar to detect and give
it significantly more combat range.
Grumman JIB Antenna to Support Ship Identification Capability for Canada's
lightweight JIB antennas from Northrop Grumman Corporation's
Astro Aerospace business unit will help provide a new maritime
identification capability for Canada's three RADARSAT Constellation
Mission (RCM) Earth observation satellites planned for launch
USS Coronado (LCS 4) successfully concluded acceptance trials
future USS Coronado (LCS 4) successfully concluded acceptance
trials Aug. 23, after completing a series of graded in-port
and underway demonstrations for the Navy's Board of Inspection
and Survey (INSURV). Acceptance trials are the last significant
milestone before delivery of the ship to the Navy, which is
planned for later this fall.
Navy deploying Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier in the Mediterranean
to French weekly Challenges citing a French MoD source,
France is about to deploy its nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier Charles de Gaulle to the Syrian coasts. The aircraft
carrier and its battle group will join several US Navy vessels
already deployed in the area: USS Gravely, USS Barry, USS
Mahan and USS Ramage.
Kelvin Hughes Achieves Multiple Wins In Asia for Sharpeye™ And
Naval Mantadigital™ Radar
Hughes, a global supplier of navigation and surveillance systems,
is pleased to announce multiple successes in Asia for its
SharpEye™ and Naval MantaDigital™ technologies.
Kelvin Hughes Surveillance is a division of Kelvin Hughes
that focuses on naval, coastal and military markets to supply
surveillance radar technologies into land and sea environments.
Since the launch of SharpEye™, the advanced solid state
radar is increasingly preferred by Navies throughout Asia.
US Navy, PLAN Conduct Joint Counter Piracy Exercise in Gulf of Aden
guided-missile destroyer USS Mason (DDG 87) participated in
a counter piracy exercise in the Gulf of Aden with elements
of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Navy) (PLA(N)), Aug.
24-25. Mason joined Chinese destroyer Harbin (DDG 112) and
Chinese auxiliary replenishment oiler Weishanhu (AO 887) to
conduct a series of evolutions including combined visit, board,
search and seizure (VBSS), live-fire proficiency, and aviation
operations to enhance bilateral interoperability in the U.S.
5th Fleet area of responsibility (AOR).
Navy to Upgrade its Ship Launched Mid-Range SAM Missiles
Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Gholam Reza Khadem
Biqam said the Navy is currently conducting different tests
to improve the performance of its mid-range missiles. “We
have gained good results from our tests on the mid-range Mehrab
and Ra’d missiles in previous wargames and these missiles
have been mounted on Navy warships,” Khadem Biqam told
FNA, reiterating the new tests are being conducted &to
upgrade Mehrab and Ra’d missiles&.
Navy Increasing its Destroyers Presence in the Mediterranean following
recent events in Syria
U.S. Navy has decided to maintain the USS Mahan (DDG-72 Flight
II Arleigh Burke-class destroyer) in the Mediterranean. The
move aims at strengthenin U.S. Navy presence in the region
after new allegations of use of chemical weapons in Syria.
USS Mahan was originally to sail back to its home port in
Norfolk, Virginia. In total, four Burke class destroyers of
the U.S. Navy Sixth fleet are curretly deployed in the Mediterranean
waters: USS Gravely, USS Barry, USS Mahan and USS Ramage.
Latest Aegis Combat System Evolution Demonstrates Extended Line Of Sight
Capability during Test
Lockheed Martin and U.S. Navy team’s Aegis Combat System
successfully completed the first live firing test that proves
the system can defend beyond its line of sight by integrating
data from a remote sensor to intercept a target.
Standard Missile-6 engages first over-the-horizon targets at sea
U.S. Navy fired two Raytheon Company Standard Missile-6 interceptors
from the USS Chancellorsville, successfully engaging two cruise
missile targets (BQM-74 drones) in the missile's first over-the-horizon
test scenario at sea. The SM-6 will provide U.S. Navy sailors
and their vessels extended range protection against fixed-
and rotary-wing aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise
missiles as part of the Naval Integrated Fire Control - Counter
Air (NIFC-CA) mission area.
Damen Stan Patrol 4207 patrol vessel for Mexican Navy
In the first week of August the Mexican Navy (Secretaria de
Marina) and Damen Shipyards Group signed a contract for a
fourth Damen Stan Patrol 4207. The Dutch ship design and shipbuilding
company will supply the Mexican Navy with the design and material
package with which ASTIMAR 1 (the Mexican Navy yard in Tampico)
will build the patrol vessel. In addition, Damen will assist
ASTIMAR 1 with technical support in order to optimize the
delivery time and quality of the vessel.
Canadian Navy Halifax-class Frigates Modernization and Life Extension
12 Halifax-class frigates, commissioned between 1992 and 1995,
form the backbone of the Royal Canadian Navy. The ships were
originally designed to accomplish the Cold War missions of
anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface warfare, primarily
in the open ocean environment.
Pella Shipyard launched first Project 03160 “Raptor” high
speed patrol boat for Russian Navy
shipyard Open Joint Stock Company &Pella& based
in Leningrad launched the first Project 03160 Raptor high
speed patrol boat for the Russian Navy on 15 August 2013.
The vessel was entirely built by Open JSC “Pella”.
Dynamics’ Acoustic Processor Selected for Republic of Korea P-3
Aircraft Upgrade Program
Dynamics Canada has been awarded a multi-year contract to
provide next-generation acoustic processing systems as part
of the Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN) P-3C Orion Maritime Patrol
Aircraft upgrade program. Under the contract, prime contractor
Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd. will acquire 10 Vpx ENhanced Open
architecture Multi-static (VENOM) sonobuoy processors to replace
the existing acoustic systems under the “Lot I”
P-3C aircraft upgrade program.
Navy unveils &High Efficiency Wave Piercing Catamaran& at
TADTE 2013 show
TADTE 2013, the Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology
Exhibition, ROC Navy (Republic of China - Taiwan) unveiled
a vessel currently under construction by the Lung-De Shipbuilding
Corporation dubbed the &High Efficiency Wave Piercing
Catamaran (WPC)&
coastal command patrol boat with increased capability delivered
to US Navy
65PB1101 coastal command patrol boat (CCB) departed Port Angeles,
Wash., to transit to San Diego, Calif., Aug. 5-11. The
boat was manned by a Fleet Integration Team consisting entirely
of Navy Reservists. The CCB underwent developmental testing
in the Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca from April
to August 2013. During testing, the boat encountered wave
heights of 4-6 feet.
Amphibious Transport Dock Somerset (LPD 25) Completes Builder's Trials
future USS Somerset (LPD 25) successfully completed builder's
trials, Aug. 16. Somerset is the ninth ship of the
LPD 17 class of amphibious transport dock ships and was constructed
at Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) at the Avondale shipyard.
Navy unveils land based HF-3 supersonic anti-ship cruise missile at
TADTE 2013 show
TADTE 2013, the Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology
Exhibition, ROC Navy (Republic of China - Taiwan) unveiled
for the first time a land-based version of the locally designed
and produced Hsiung Feng III (HF-3) supersonic anti-ship cruise
missile. The mobile launcher is a 6 wheeled trailer carrying
4 canisters. Each canister can launch one HF-3 missile.
Navy/USMC Team: Testing F-35B Lightning II Aircraft Aboard USS Wasp
F-35B Lightning II jets (BF-01 and BF-05) touched down aboard
the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) Aug. 12, kicking
off week of Development Testing II (DT-II) where Wasp Sailors
and Integrated Test Force (ITF) team members are testing and
further validating the F-35B.
Australian Navy Fired Live MU90 Torpedo as part of Final Acceptance
Royal Australian Navy has successfully conducted the world’s
first firing of a “war shot” MU90 Lightweight
Torpedo, Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs AO CSC RAN
announced today. ANZAC Class Frigate HMAS Stuart fired the
explosive warhead against a specially designed target in the
East Australian Exercise Area. The successful firing was the
final milestone before the torpedo is accepted for operational
service across the fleet.
20mm Naval Turret unveiled during TADTE 2013 defense show in Taiwan
TADTE 2013, the Chung-Shan institute of science and technology
of the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defence unveiled a new
short-range automated defense weapon system for naval use
called XTR-101.
Celebrates Keel Laying for new Cape class (CCPB 03) Patrol Boat
the rapid progress of the Cape Class Patrol Boat Program,
Austal today hosted the keel-laying ceremony for the third
vessel, Cape Nelson, one of eight 56-metre patrol boats that
Austal is designing, building and supporting for the Australian
Customs and Border Protection Service.
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