
以工代赈是什么意思 以工代赈在线翻译 以工代赈什么意思 以工代赈的意思 以工代赈的翻译 以工代赈的解释 以工代赈的发音
以工代赈 基本解释以工代赈在线翻译以工代赈[yǐ gōng dài zhèn]词典relieve people in disaster areas by giving them employment instead of outright grant词典:以工代赈。以工代赈 汉英大词典以工代赈[yǐ gōng dài zhèn]relieve people in disaster areas by giving them employment inste work relief以工代赈 网络解释1. give people work in place of relief subsidies:一个中心,两个基本点one central task, two basic points | 以工代赈give people work in place of relief subsidies | 一棍子打死finish somebody off with a single blow2. 以工代赈的意思2. Work Relief:非歧视原则:relief | 以工代赈:Work Relief | 权利救济:relief of right3. FFW Food for Work:IDP Internally-displaced people 境內難民 | FFW Food For Work 以工代賑 | FPMG Food Resource Management Group 糧援資源管理小組4. Give people work in place of relief subsides:Gallantly rising to the occasion 见义勇为 | Give people work in place of relief subsides 以工代赈 | Government investment mechanism 政府投资机制以工代赈 双语例句1. 林秋梅强忍住悲伤谈起过往,却故意不提起也在不幸在风灾中丧生的丈夫,现在负担起照顾他们的两个孩子,秋梅选择坚强面对,她参加慈济永久住宅的以工代赈,希望能亲自参与建构自己的未来。&&&&She intentionally did not mention the loss of her own husband during the disaster.2. 官义合一、养教兼施、以工代赈思想是近代社会慈善家群体办理慈善的基本指导思想。&&&&The basic directive ideas that the modern social philanthropist group handles the charity are made up of amalgamating the relief of the government with that of the folk, giving support and education in the meantime and substituting labor for relief.3. 以工代赈的解释3. 菲律宾慈济志工持续帮助重灾区囊卡里,因为灾区依旧堆满垃圾,慈济人悲智双运以工代赈,付工资给民众打扫自己的家,重建家园,这个计画很成功,让受灾民众心情好转。&&&&Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines have been helping survivors in Barangay Nangka of Marikina City by implementing a disaster'relief work-program'to battle sanitation issues. The program has been so successful that people's moods have lightened.4. 从当时的情况看,灾害发生后,政府的救治手段主要有:蠲缓、赈济、调粟、以工代赈、赈捐等。&&&&At that time, the government took a series of effective measures so that the disaster victims tided over the difficulties and coming farming went forward as usual.5. 第二,针对贫困地区基础设施薄弱、抵御自然灾害能力较差的实际情况,国家安排必要的以工代赈资金,鼓励、支持贫困农户投工投劳,开展农田、水利、公路等方面的基础设施建设,改善生产条件。&&&&Third, the state provides concessional loans for special aid items at discounted interest and formulates preferential policies.6. 投入慈济的以工代赈,袁皓得快乐承担起总务的工作。&&&&A participant of Tzu Chi's relief work program, Yuan Haode happily handles any general affairs.7. 负责工以工代赈管理工作的,是由教堂推荐的本地人吉米担任大队长,他原本是一位高中老师,也投入社区服务,地震后,学校倒了,他没有工作,家也垮了一部分,尽管失去一个儿子,但他很快的从悲痛中站起来,甚至把自家一个房间提供出来,贮放以工供粮物资。&&&&The man in charge of managing the food-for-work participants is Jean Denis, who was recommended by the local church. Denis used to be a high school teacher, but is now in community service. After the earthquake, his school collapsed and he was left with no job, and a partially collapsed home. Despite losing one of his sons, he quickly got over his grief. One of the good rooms in Denis's home is now a storage space for Tzu Chi.8. 8. 近期,学术界对增加就业提出了许多建设性意见,如延缓大学生毕业,让他们就地参加培训;将外出务工人员就地安置到职业培训学校,由政府免费提供食宿,培养他们的劳动技能;政府以工代赈,鼓励农民兴修水利;鼓励大学毕业生或农民工成为小商贩,以便他们暂时解决生计问题。&&&&The near future, academia offerred a lot of constructive opinions to increasing obtain employment, if defer undergraduate graduation, let their on t Will go out on the spot of Wu work staff finds a place for vocational training school, offer board and lodging freely by the government, develop their labor mastery of
The government takes the place of with labour aid, encourage irrigation works of farme Encourage college graduate or peasant worker worker to become small small retailer, so that they solve bread problem temporarily.9. 9. 我国的扶贫资金分为财政扶贫资金、以工代赈资金和信贷扶贫资金。&&&&The aid funds in our country fall into three categories: financial aid funds, relief funds and credit funds.10. 莫桑比克、柬埔寨、孟加拉等国采用的是因地制宜的以工代赈计划-修建道路、水井、学校、自然灾害防护工程、植树造林。&&&&Mozambique, Cambodia, and Bangladesh employ locally-selected public works programs in exchange for food – developing roads, wells, schools, protections against natural disasters, and forests.11. 1986年,国家设扶贫贴息贷款和以工代赈资金,其中很大一部分用于少数民族地区。&&&&&&In 1986 the state set up the help-the-poor discount-interest loan and capital for providing employment as a form of relief, of which a large proportion was used in minority areas.12. 扩大以工代赈规模,加强贫困地区和少数民族地区基础设施建设,增强其自我积累、自我发展能力。&&&&&&The scale of work-relief program will be enlarged, and infrastructure construction in poor and minority areas will be strengthened with an eye to enhance their self-accumulation and self-development capacity.13. 积极争取国家农业综合开发、土地整理复垦、道路交通、以工代赈、扶贫及国债等有助于改善本区农业生产条件的重大项目。&&&&&&The project in the comprehensive agricultural development, land management and reclamation, road transportation, paid work, poverty alleviation, debt support and others will be actively strived from state government.14. 以工代赈是什么意思14. 政策内容包括就业技能培训、以工代赈、举办招聘会、到对口支援省市就业、困难群众就业、个体者和创业人员就业政策。&&&&&&Policy contents include employment skill training, providing, hold job fairs, to provide assistance provinces employment, difficult people employment, individual person and entrepreneurial personnel employment policy.15. 以工代赈的解释15. 在这次救济活动的实施过程中,督办处除了采取一些传统的救灾办法外,在资金筹措、以工代赈、灾民教养等方面都采用了一些近代化的方法,收到了良好的效果。&&&&&&In the implementation process of the relief activities, supervision in addition to some of the traditional approach, but the fund-raising, working for the dole, education of the victims and other aspects used some of the methods of modern with good results at the disaster relief.16. 在以工代赈项目中实施参与式绩效评价,通过农户的参与,可以真实地评价项目是否达到了建设和赈济的双重目的,并对政府提供的公共服务做出评估。&&&&&&Introducing participatory performance evaluation system to the management of work relief projects in our country can improve the efficiency of project management and their social benefits.17. 嘉庆六年永定河决口,直隶地区发生百年不遇的特大水灾,嘉庆政府采取蠲缓钱粮、煮赈、以工代赈、调粟等一系列措施成功组织了此次救灾活动。&&&&&&In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, the worst flood in a century in Zhili area was caused by a bust in the dike of the River Yongding.18. 表现在太湖水利建设上,募役制的一个重要特点为以工代赈。&&&&&&An important feature of the employment system was Work for the Dole.19. 19. 其中,财政资金194.15亿元(含以工代赈资金127.22亿元),占全国的40%;&&&&&&These included 19.415 billion yuan from the financial funds (including 12.722 billion yuan of work-relief funds), constituting 40 percent of the nation'20. 20. 汶川灾后重建&以工代赈模式的运用与发展&&&&&&Wenchuan Reconstruction & the Application and Development of " Work Relief " Model以工代赈是什么意思,以工代赈在线翻译,以工代赈什么意思,以工代赈的意思,以工代赈的翻译,以工代赈的解释,以工代赈的发音,以工代赈的同义词,以工代赈的反义词,以工代赈的例句,以工代赈的相关词组,以工代赈意思是什么,以工代赈怎么翻译,单词以工代赈是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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