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扫一扫安装豌豆荚安卓客户端> 雨焰的博客详情
& & & &OTA 升级是 Android 系统提供的标准软件升级方式。 它功能强大,提供了完全升级、增量升级模式,可以通过 SD 卡升级,也可以通过网络升级。
& & & &这里,我们先研究最简单的情况,通过 SD 卡进行完全升级。
& & & &如何执行升级就不多说了,网上有很多资料。(比如,介绍HTC手机如何升级)。我们感兴趣的是它是如何实现的,作为开发者,如何修改它以符合我们的定制化需求。
& & & &首先,我们研究一下 ota 升级包的编译过程。
Quick start
& & & &首先编译出android, 然后执行:
make otapackage
& & 即可获得:out/target/product/{product_name}/ {product_name}-ota-eng.{uid}.zip
& & 将该文件改名为update.zip放到T卡根目录, 即可开始recovery模式下的 OTA 升级。
主要分两步,第一步, 会准备一个包,其中包含升级需要的内容(原材料),比如,system 目录。
第二步,运行python 脚本
(From: build/core/Makefile)
1073 # Depending on the various images guarantees that the underlying &
1074 # directories are up-to-date. &
1076 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET) / &
1077 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_RADIOIMAGE_TARGET) / &
1078 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_RECOVERYIMAGE_TARGET) / &
1079 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_FACTORYIMAGE_TARGET) / &
1080 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_SYSTEMIMAGE) / &
1081 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET) / &
1082 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_SECROIMAGE_TARGET) / &
1083 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_ANDROID_INFO_TXT_TARGET) / &
1084 & & & & & & & & $(built_ota_tools) / &
1085 & & & & & & & & $(APKCERTS_FILE) / &
1086 & & & & & & & & $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/fs_config / &
1087 & & & & & & & & | $(ACP) &
1088 & & & &
"Package target files: $@" &
1089 & & & & $(hide) rm -rf $@ $(zip_root) &
1090 & & & & $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(zip_root) &
1091 & & & & @# Components of the recovery image &
1092 & & & & $(hide) mkdir -p $(zip_root)/RECOVERY &
1093 & & & & $(hide) $(call package_files-copy-root, / &
1094 & & & & & & & & $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT),$(zip_root)/RECOVERY/RAMDISK) &
1096 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(INSTALLED_KERNEL_TARGET) $(zip_root)/RECOVERY/kernel &
1097 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(recovery_ramdisk) $(zip_root)/RECOVERY/ramdisk &
1098 endif &
1100 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) / &
1101 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_2NDBOOTLOADER_TARGET) $(zip_root)/RECOVERY/second &
1102 endif &
1104 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE)" & $(zip_root)/RECOVERY/cmdline &
1105 endif &
1106 ifdef BOARD_KERNEL_BASE &
1107 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(BOARD_KERNEL_BASE)" & $(zip_root)/RECOVERY/base &
1108 endif &
1109 & & & & @# Components of the factory image &
1110 & & & & $(hide) mkdir -p $(zip_root)/FACTORY &
1111 & & & & $(hide) $(call package_files-copy-root, / &
1112 & & & & & & & & $(TARGET_FACTORY_ROOT_OUT),$(zip_root)/FACTORY/RAMDISK) &
1114 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(INSTALLED_KERNEL_TARGET) $(zip_root)/FACTORY/kernel &
1115 endif &
1117 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) / &
1118 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_2NDBOOTLOADER_TARGET) $(zip_root)/FACTORY/second &
1119 endif &
1121 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE)" & $(zip_root)/FACTORY/cmdline &
1122 endif &
1123 ifdef BOARD_KERNEL_BASE &
1124 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(BOARD_KERNEL_BASE)" & $(zip_root)/FACTORY/base &
1125 endif &
1126 & & & & @# Components of the boot image &
1127 & & & & $(hide) mkdir -p $(zip_root)/BOOT &
1128 & & & & $(hide) $(call package_files-copy-root, / &
1129 & & & & & & & & $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT),$(zip_root)/BOOT/RAMDISK) &
1131 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(INSTALLED_KERNEL_TARGET) $(zip_root)/BOOT/kernel &
1132 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(INSTALLED_RAMDISK_TARGET) $(zip_root)/BOOT/ramdisk &
1133 endif &
1135 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) / &
1136 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_2NDBOOTLOADER_TARGET) $(zip_root)/BOOT/second &
1137 endif &
1139 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE)" & $(zip_root)/BOOT/cmdline &
1140 endif &
1141 ifdef BOARD_KERNEL_BASE &
1142 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(BOARD_KERNEL_BASE)" & $(zip_root)/BOOT/base &
1143 endif &
1144 & & & & $(hide) $(foreach t,$(INSTALLED_RADIOIMAGE_TARGET),/ &
1145 & & & & & & & & & & mkdir -p $(zip_root)/RADIO; / &
1146 & & & & & & & & & & $(ACP) $(t) $(zip_root)/RADIO/$(notdir $(t));) &
1147 & & & & @# Contents of the system image &
1148 & & & & $(hide) $(call package_files-copy-root, / &
1149 & & & & & & & & $(SYSTEMIMAGE_SOURCE_DIR),$(zip_root)/SYSTEM) &
1150 & & & & @# Contents of the data image &
1151 & & & & $(hide) $(call package_files-copy-root, / &
1152 & & & & & & & & $(TARGET_OUT_DATA),$(zip_root)/DATA) &
1153 & & & & @# Extra contents of the OTA package &
1154 & & & & $(hide) mkdir -p $(zip_root)/OTA/bin &
1155 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(INSTALLED_ANDROID_INFO_TXT_TARGET) $(zip_root)/OTA/ &
1156 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(PRIVATE_OTA_TOOLS) $(zip_root)/OTA/bin/ &
1157 & & & & @# Files that do not end up in any images, but are necessary to &
1158 & & & & @# build them. &
1159 & & & & $(hide) mkdir -p $(zip_root)/META &
1160 & & & & $(hide) $(ACP) $(APKCERTS_FILE) $(zip_root)/META/apkcerts.txt &
1161 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(PRODUCT_OTA_PUBLIC_KEYS)" & $(zip_root)/META/otakeys.txt &
1162 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(PRIVATE_RECOVERY_API_VERSION)" & $(zip_root)/META/recovery-api-version.txt &
1163 & & & & $(hide) echo "blocksize $(BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE)" & $(zip_root)/META/imagesizes.txt &
1164 & & & & $(hide) echo "boot $(call image-size-from-data-size,$(BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE))" && $(zip_root)/META/imagesizes.txt &
1165 & & & & $(hide) echo "recovery $(call image-size-from-data-size,$(BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE))" && $(zip_root)/META/imagesizes.txt &
1166 & & & & $(hide) echo "system $(call image-size-from-data-size,$(BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE))" && $(zip_root)/META/imagesizes.txt &
1167 & & & & $(hide) echo "secro $(call image-size-from-data-size,$(BOARD_SECROIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE))" && $(zip_root)/META/imagesizes.txt &
1168 & & & & $(hide) echo "userdata $(call image-size-from-data-size,$(BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE))" && $(zip_root)/META/imagesizes.txt &
1169 & & & & $(hide) echo "$(tool_extensions)" & $(zip_root)/META/tool-extensions.txt &
1170 & & & & @# Zip everything up, preserving symlinks &
1171 & & & & $(hide) (cd $(zip_root) && zip -qry ../$(notdir $@) .) &
1172 & & & & @# Run fs_config on all the system files in the zip, and save the output &
1173 & & & & $(hide) zipinfo -1 $@ | awk -F/ 'BEGIN { OFS="/" } /^SYSTEM/// {$$1 = "system"; print}' | $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/fs_config & $(zip_root)/META/filesystem_config.txt &
1174 & & & & $(hide) (cd $(zip_root) && zip -q ../$(notdir $@) META/filesystem_config.txt) &
L , 造一个目录。
L,填充 RECOVERY 子目录的内容。用于生成recovery.img。包括:kernel 的image, recovery 根文件系统的 image, recovery 根文件系统的内容:RECOVERY$ tree -L 2├── kernel├── ramdisk└── RAMDISK & &├── advanced_meta_init.rc & &├── data & &├── default.prop & &├── dev & &├── etc & &├── init & &├── init.factory.rc & &├── init.goldfish.rc & &├── init.mt6516.rc & &├── init.rc & &├── meta_init.rc & &├── proc & &├── res & &├── sbin & &├── sys & &├── system & &└── tmpL, 填充 FACTORY 子目录的内容, 没有用到,包括:kernel 的imageL, 填充 BOOT子目录的内容,用于生成boot.img。和 RECOVERY目录类似,包括:kernel 的image,根文件系统的 image,根文件系统的内容:BOOT$ tree -L 2.├── kernel├── ramdisk└── RAMDISK & &├── advanced_meta_init.rc & &├── data & &├── default.prop & &├── dev & &├── init & &├── init.factory.rc & &├── init.goldfish.rc & &├── init.mt6516.rc & &├── init.rc & &├── meta_init.rc & &├── proc & &├── res -& /system/res & &├── sbin & &├── sys & &└── system L, 填充 RADIO子目录的内容, 没有用到。L, 填充 SYSTEM子目录的内容。 这是升级的主要内容。L, 填充 DATA子目录的内容。缺省没有用到。L, 填充 OTA/bin子目录的内容,这是OTA升级自己使用的程序。后面会遇到。OTA/bin$ tree.├── applypatch├── applypatch_static├── check_prereq└── updaterL, 填充 META子目录的内容,这里包含了OTA脚本需要的一些附加信息。L,将所有内容打包。供下一阶段使用。L,生成 META/filesystem_config.txt 并将其加入到 zip 包中。该文件保存了 system 目录下各目录、文件的权限及 owner.$ head META/filesystem_config.txtsystem 0 0 755system/usr 0 0 755system/usr/srec 0 0 755system/usr/srec/config 0 0 755system/usr/srec/config/ 0 0 755system/usr/srec/config/ 0 0 755system/usr/srec/config/ 0 0 644system/usr/srec/config/ 0 0 644system/usr/srec/config/ 0 0 644system/usr/srec/config/ 0 0 755 这里,目录由 zipinfo –l 提供, 而权限则由 fs_config 设定。此程序的源码位于:build/tools/fs_config, 其中fs_config 包含了一个头文件:54 #include "private/android_filesystem_config.h"这个文件(system/core/include/private/android_filesystem_config.h)以hardcoding 的方式设定了 system 下各目录、文件的权限、属主。比如:152 & & { 00440, AID_ROOT, & & &AID_SHELL, & & "system/etc/init.goldfish.rc" },153 & & { 00550, AID_ROOT, & & &AID_SHELL, & & "system/etc/" },154 & & { 00440, AID_ROOT, & & &AID_SHELL, & & "system/etc/init.trout.rc" },155 & & { 00550, AID_ROOT, & & &AID_SHELL, & & "system/etc/" }, 如果需要升级其它内容,比如 bootloader, 则可以在这里加入。 &步骤二
(From: build/core/Makefile)
1186 name := $(TARGET_PRODUCT) &
1187 ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_TYPE),debug) &
1188 & name := $(name)_debug &
1189 endif &
1190 name := $(name)-ota-$(FILE_NAME_TAG) &
1196 ifeq ($(TARGET_OTA_SCRIPT_MODE),) &
1197 # default to "auto" &
1198 $(INTERNAL_OTA_PACKAGE_TARGET): scriptmode := auto &
1199 else &
1201 endif &
1204 & & & &
"Package OTA: $@" &
1205 & & & & $(hide) ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files / &
1206 & & & & & &-m $(scriptmode) / &
1207 & & & & & &-p $(HOST_OUT) / &
1208 & & & & & &-k $(KEY_CERT_PAIR) / &
1209 & & & & & &$(BUILT_TARGET_FILES_PACKAGE) $@ &
核心是一个python脚本: ota_from_target_files, 它以前一步骤生成的ZIP包作为输入,生成可用于OTA升级的zip包。 具体内容我们后文继续分析。
Android OTA 升级之二:脚本 ota_from_target_files
作者: 宋立新
& & & &前面介绍了ota package 的编译过程,其中最核心的部分就是一个 python 脚本:ota_from_target_files. 现在我们分析这个脚本。
$ ./ota_from_target_files &&
Given a target-files zipfile, produces an OTA package that installs &
that build. &An incremental OTA is produced if -i is given, otherwise &
a full OTA is produced. &
Usage: &ota_from_target_files [flags] input_target_files output_ota_package &
& -b &(--board_config) &&file& &
& & & Deprecated. &
& -k &(--package_key) &&key& &
& & & Key to use to sign the package (default is &
& & & "build/target/product/security/testkey"). &
& -i &(--incremental_from) &&file& &
& & & Generate an incremental OTA using the given target-files zip as &
& & & the starting build. &
& -w &(--wipe_user_data) &
& & & Generate an OTA package that will wipe the user data partition &
& & & when installed. &
& -n &(--no_prereq) &
& & & Omit the timestamp prereq check normally included at the top of &
& & & the build scripts (used for developer OTA packages which &
& & & legitimately need to go back and forth). &
& -e &(--extra_script) &&file& &
& & & Insert the contents of file at the end of the update script. &
& -m &(--script_mode) &&mode& &
& & & Specify 'amend' or 'edify' scripts, or 'auto' to pick &
& & & automatically (this is the default). &
& -p &(--path) &&dir& &
& & & Prepend &dir&/bin to the list of places to search for binaries &
& & & run by this script, and expect to find jars in &dir&/framework. &
& -s &(--device_specific) &file& &
& & & Path to the python module containing device-specific &
& & & releasetools code. &
& -x &(--extra) &&key=value& &
& & & Add a key/value pair to the 'extras' dict, which device-specific &
& & & extension code may look at. &
& -v &(--verbose) &
& & & Show command lines being executed. &
& -h &(--help) &
& & & Display this usage message and exit. &
-b 过时,不再使用。
-k 签名用的密钥
-i 生成增量OTA包时用于定义对比包
-w 是否清除 userdata 分区
-n 是否在升级时不检查时间戳,缺省情况下只能基于老的版本升级。
-e 定义额外运行的脚本
-m 定义采用的脚本格式,目前有两种,amend & edify, 其中amend为较老的格式。对应的,升级时会采用不同的解释器。缺省情况下,ota_from_target_files 会同时生成两个脚本。这提供了最大灵活性。
-p 定义脚本用到的一些可执行文件的路径
-s 定义额外运行的脚本的路径
-x 定义额外运行的脚本可能用到的键/值对
-v 老朋友,冗余模式,让脚本打印出执行的命令
-h 老朋友,这个就不用说了吧。
./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files /
& -m auto /
& -p out/host/linux-x86 /
& -k build/target/product/security/testkey -n /
out/target/product/{product-name}/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/{product-name}-target_files-eng.{uid}.zip {output_zip}
ota_from_target_files为python 脚本,所以如果懂 python, 会更顺利一点。
文件有1000行。分析过程中,我们只是贴代码片段。 完整文件见:
build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files (from Android 2.2)
944 if __name__ == '__main__':945 & try:946 & & main(sys.argv[1:])947 & except common.ExternalError, e:948 & & print949 & & print " & ERROR: %s" % (e,)950 & & print951 & & sys.exit(1)
&它调用 main 函数:
844 def main(argv): &
846 & def option_handler(o, a): &
847 & & if o in ("-b", "--board_config"): &
848 & & & pass & # deprecated &
849 & & elif o in ("-k", "--package_key"): &
850 & & & OPTIONS.package_key = a &
851 & & elif o in ("-i", "--incremental_from"): &
852 & & & OPTIONS.incremental_source = a &
853 & & elif o in ("-w", "--wipe_user_data"): &
854 & & & OPTIONS.wipe_user_data = True &
855 & & elif o in ("-n", "--no_prereq"): &
856 & & & OPTIONS.omit_prereq = True &
857 & & elif o in ("-e", "--extra_script"): &
858 & & & OPTIONS.extra_script = a &
859 & & elif o in ("-m", "--script_mode"): &
860 & & & OPTIONS.script_mode = a &
861 & & elif o in ("--worker_threads"): &
862 & & & OPTIONS.worker_threads = int(a) &
863 & & else: &
864 & & & return False &
865 & & return True &
867 & args = common.ParseOptions(argv, __doc__, &
868 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &extra_opts="b:k:i:d:wne:m:", &
869 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &extra_long_opts=["board_config=", &
870 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "package_key=", &
871 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "incremental_from=", &
872 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "wipe_user_data", &
873 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "no_prereq", &
874 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "extra_script=", &
875 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "script_mode=", &
876 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & "worker_threads="], &
877 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &extra_option_handler=option_handler) &
879 & if len(args) != 2: &
880 & & common.Usage(__doc__) &
881 & & sys.exit(1) &
将用户设定的 Option 存入 OPTIONS 变量中。它是一个Python Class, 我们将其理解为一个C Struct 即可。 883 & if OPTIONS.script_mode not in ("amend", "edify", "auto"):884 & & raise ValueError('unknown script mode "%s"' % (OPTIONS.script_mode,)) Script_mode 只能是amend/edify/auto之一, auto 目前是选择两者都支持。可以理解是为了向前兼容,(早期 Android 使用 amend) 886 & if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None:887 & & OPTIONS.extra_script = open(OPTIONS.extra_script).read() 读入 额外脚本的内容。(如果有) 889 & print "unzipping target target-files..."890 & OPTIONS.input_tmp = common.UnzipTemp(args[0]) 解开输入包。
892 & if OPTIONS.device_specific is None: &
893 & & # look for the device-specific tools extension location in the input &
894 & & try: &
895 & & & f = open(os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "META", "tool-extensions.txt")) &
896 & & & ds = &
897 & & & f.close() &
898 & & & if ds: &
899 & & & & ds = os.path.normpath(ds) &
900 & & & & print "using device-specific extensions in", ds &
901 & & & & OPTIONS.device_specific = ds &
902 & & except IOError, e: &
903 & & & if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: &
904 & & & & # nothing specified in the file &
905 & & & & pass &
906 & & & else: &
907 & & & & raise &
&处理 device-specific extensions, 没用到。 909 & common.LoadMaxSizes()910 & if not OPTIONS.max_image_size:911 & & print912 & & print " &WARNING: &Failed to
will not enforce"913 & & print " &image size limits."914 & & print 读入设定image大小的参数,没用到。 916 & OPTIONS.target_tmp = OPTIONS.input_tmp917 & input_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(args[0], "r")918 & if OPTIONS.package_key:919 & & temp_zip_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()920 & & output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(temp_zip_file, "w",921 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)922 & else:923 & & output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(args[1], "w",924 & & & & & & & & &compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) 设定输出文件,如果要签名(our case),则还需要一个临时输出文件。 926 & if OPTIONS.incremental_source is None:927 & & WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip)928 & else:929 & & print "unzipping source target-files..."930 & & OPTIONS.source_tmp = common.UnzipTemp(OPTIONS.incremental_source)931 & & source_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(OPTIONS.incremental_source, "r")932 & & WriteIncrementalOTAPackage(input_zip, source_zip, output_zip) 根据参数,调用增量和非增量创建 ZIP 创建函数,我们采用非增量模式。 934 & output_zip.close()935 & if OPTIONS.package_key:936 & & SignOutput(, args[1])937 & & temp_zip_file.close()939 & common.Cleanup()941 & print "done."
二.脚本ota_from_target_files(第二部分) &
14:56:25| &分类: Android OTA升级 | &标签: |字号大中小 订阅
&345 def WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip):
346 & if OPTIONS.script_mode == "auto":347 & & script = both_generator.BothGenerator(2)348 & elif OPTIONS.script_mode == "amend":349 & & script = amend_generator.AmendGenerator()350 & else:351 & & # TODO: how to determine this? &We don't know what version it will352 & & # be installed on top of. &For now, we expect the API just won't353 & & # change very often.354 & & script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(2) 首先,我们获得脚本生成器,他们的实现见脚本 等。 356 & metadata = {"post-build": GetBuildProp("", input_zip),357 & & & & & & & "pre-device": GetBuildProp("ro.product.device", input_zip),358 & & & & & & & "post-timestamp": GetBuildProp("", input_zip),359 & & & & & & & } 获得一些环境变量,来自android 环境变量。 Google 一下即知其义。 361 & device_specific = common.DeviceSpecificParams(362 & & & input_zip=input_zip,363 & & & input_version=GetRecoveryAPIVersion(input_zip),364 & & & output_zip=output_zip,365 & & & script=script,366 & & & input_tmp=OPTIONS.input_tmp,367 & & & metadata=metadata) 设备相关参数,不深究。 369 & if not OPTIONS.omit_prereq:370 & & ts = GetBuildProp("", input_zip)371 & & script.AssertOlderBuild(ts) 如果需要,在脚本中增加一个Assert语句,要求update zip包只能用于升级老的系统。 373 & AppendAssertions(script, input_zip) 如果需要,在脚本中增加一个Assert语句,要求update zip包只能用于同一设备,即目标设备的 ro.product.device必须跟update.zip中的相同。
374 & device_specific.FullOTA_Assertions() Callback, 用于调用设备相关代码。调用时机为即将开始升级。类似还有:FullOTA_InstallEnd IncrementalOTA_Assertions IncrementalOTA_VerifyEnd。 不深究。 376 & script.ShowProgress(0.5, 0) 在升级脚本中加入显示进度的语句, 参数一表示底下的操作(到下一条同类语句或者到末尾)将暂用的时间在总体时间的比例。参数二用于控制显示的速度。比如,50 则表示底下的操作估计50秒内完成,要求进度条显示线程用50秒显示这一部分的进度。0 表示不自动更新,手动控制(使用SetProgress) 378 & if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data:379 & & script.FormatPartition("userdata") 如果需要,在脚本中增加语句,擦除 userdata 分区。 381 & script.FormatPartition("system") 在脚本中增加语句,擦除 system分区。 382 & script.Mount("MTD", "system", "/system") 在脚本中增加语句,安装 system分区到 /system 目录。383 & script.UnpackPackageDir("recovery", "/system")384 & script.UnpackPackageDir("system", "/system")在脚本中增加语句,将recovery以及system中的内容拷贝到 /system目录。其中recovery 目录包含一个patch 以及应用该patch 的脚本。 386 & symlinks = CopySystemFiles(input_zip, output_zip)387 & script.MakeSymlinks(symlinks) 386 行从输入 ZIP 包 /system 拷贝文件到输出 ZIP 包 /system。由于这个过程不支持链接文件,所以它将这些文件返回。 于 387 行做继续处理。该行建立这些link 文件。所有的link文件都指向 toolbox 389 & boot_img = File("boot.img", common.BuildBootableImage(390 & & & os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "BOOT")))391 & recovery_img = File("recovery.img", common.BuildBootableImage(392 & & & os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "RECOVERY")))393 & MakeRecoveryPatch(output_zip, recovery_img, boot_img) 这个复杂,MakeRecoveryPatch 做了两件事:1.在输出 ZIP包中生成一个patch: recovery/recovery-from-boot.p(boot.img和 recovery.img的patch), 它最后会位于:system/recovery-from-boot.p2.在输出 ZIP包中生成一个脚本:recovery/etc/ , 它最后会位于system/etc/该脚本的内容为:#!/system/bin/shif ! applypatch -c MTD:recovery:ffb86a4a16cb26a; then &log -t recovery "Installing new recovery image" &applypatch MTD:boot:a72a20a9c2f958ba586a840ed773cf8f5244183 MTD:recovery f6c2a70c5f2b02b6a49c9f5ce2d389 a72a20a9c2f958ba586a840ed773cf8f5244183:/system/recovery-from-boot.pelse &log -t recovery "Recovery image already installed"fi 395 & Item.GetMetadata(input_zip) 从 META/filesystem_config.txt 中获得 system 目录下的各文件权限信息。 396 & Item.Get("system").SetPermissions(script) 在脚本中增加语句,设置 system 目录下文件的权限及属主等。 398 & common.CheckSize(, "boot.img") 检查 boot.img 文件大小是否超标. 399 & common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", 将boot.img 放到输出 ZIP 包中。 400 & script.ShowProgress(0.2, 0)402 & script.ShowProgress(0.2, 10) 更行进度条。 403 & script.WriteRawImage("boot", "boot.img") 在脚本中增加语句,将 boot.img 写到 boot 分区。 405 & script.ShowProgress(0.1, 0) 更行进度条。 406 & device_specific.FullOTA_InstallEnd() Callback, 同前。 408 & if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None:409 & & script.AppendExtra(OPTIONS.extra_script) 如果有额外脚本,加入。 411 & script.UnmountAll() 在脚本中增加语句,umount 所有分区。 412 & script.AddToZip(input_zip, output_zip) 1)将前面生成的脚本输出到:META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script (对于edify)&
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "thedevicename" || &
& & & &getprop("") == "theproductname"); &
show_progress(0.); &
format("MTD", "system"); &
mount("MTD", "system", "/system"); &
package_extract_dir("recovery", "/system"); &
package_extract_dir("system", "/system"); &
symlink("dumpstate", "/system/bin/dumpcrash"); &
symlink("toolbox", "/system/bin/cat", "/system/bin/chmod", &
& & & & "/system/bin/chown", "/system/bin/cmp", "/system/bin/date", &
& & & & "/system/bin/dd", "/system/bin/df", "/system/bin/dmesg", &
& & & & "/system/bin/fb2bmp", "/system/bin/getevent", "/system/bin/getprop", &
& & & & "/system/bin/hd", "/system/bin/id", "/system/bin/ifconfig", &
& & & & "/system/bin/iftop", "/system/bin/insmod", "/system/bin/ioctl", &
& & & & "/system/bin/kill", "/system/bin/ln", "/system/bin/log", &
& & & & "/system/bin/ls", "/system/bin/lsmod", "/system/bin/mkdir", &
& & & & "/system/bin/mount", "/system/bin/mv", "/system/bin/netstat", &
& & & & "/system/bin/newfs_msdos", "/system/bin/notify", "/system/bin/printenv", &
& & & & "/system/bin/ps", "/system/bin/reboot", "/system/bin/renice", &
& & & & "/system/bin/rm", "/system/bin/rmdir", "/system/bin/rmmod", &
& & & & "/system/bin/route", "/system/bin/schedtop", "/system/bin/sendevent", &
& & & & "/system/bin/setconsole", "/system/bin/setprop", "/system/bin/sleep", &
& & & & "/system/bin/smd", "/system/bin/start", "/system/bin/stop", &
& & & & "/system/bin/sync", "/system/bin/top", "/system/bin/umount", &
& & & & "/system/bin/vmstat", "/system/bin/watchprops", &
& & & & "/system/bin/wipe"); &
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, , "/system"); &
set_perm_recursive(0, , 0755, "/system/bin"); &
set_perm(0, , "/system/bin/netcfg"); &
set_perm(0, , "/system/bin/ping"); &
set_perm_recursive(, , "/system/etc/bluez"); &
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/etc/bluez"); &
set_perm(, 0440, "/system/etc/dbus.conf"); &
set_perm(, 0550, "/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks"); &
set_perm(0, , "/system/etc/"); &
set_perm(0, 0, 0544, "/system/etc/"); &
set_perm_recursive(0, 0, , "/system/etc/ppp"); &
set_perm_recursive(0, , 0755, "/system/xbin"); &
show_progress(0.); &
show_progress(0.); &
assert(package_extract_file("boot.img", "/tmp/boot.img"), &
& & & &write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "boot"), &
& & & &delete("/tmp/boot.img")); &
show_progress(0.); &
unmount("/system"); &
&2)将升级程序:OTA/bin/updater 从输入ZIP包中拷贝到输出ZIP包中的:META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary 413 & WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)
将前面获取的metadata 写入输出包的文件中: META-INF/com/android/metadata
1) 虽然提供了更新recovery分区的机制,但是没有看到触发该更新的语句。所以,缺省的情况是不会更新recovery分区的。大概是为了安全的原因吧。 但是,有时确实需要更新recovery 分区(比如,设备的硬件配置、分区表等发生改变),这该如何操作呢?
Android OTA 升级之三:生成recovery.img
作者: 宋立新
& & & &得到了ota升级包后,我们就可以用它来升级系统了。Android 手机开机后,会先运行 bootloader。 Bootloader 会根据某些判定条件(比如按某个特殊键)决定是否进入 recovery 模式。Recovery 模式会装载 recovery 分区, 该分区包含recovery.img。recovery.img 包含了标准内核(和boot.img中的内核相同)以及recovery 根文件系统。下面我们看一下它是如何生成的。
recovery.img生成过程 L630-L637 依赖关系
(From: build/core/Makefile)
630 $(INSTALLED_RECOVERYIMAGE_TARGET): $(MKBOOTFS) $(MKBOOTIMG) $(MINIGZIP) /631 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_RAMDISK_TARGET) /632 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET) /633 & & & & & & & & $(recovery_binary) /634 & & & & & & & & $(recovery_initrc) $(recovery_kernel) /635 & & & & & & & & $(INSTALLED_2NDBOOTLOADER_TARGET) /636 & & & & & & & & $(recovery_build_prop) $(recovery_resource_deps) /637 & & & & & & & & $(RECOVERY_INSTALL_OTA_KEYS)
2.INSTALLED_RAMDISK_TARGET,标准根文件系统 ramdisk.img:
326 BUILT_RAMDISK_TARGET := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/ramdisk.img328 # We just build this directly to the install location.329 INSTALLED_RAMDISK_TARGET := $(BUILT_RAMDISK_TARGET) 3.INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET, 即boot.img,标准内核及标准根文件系统:362 INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/boot.img
4. recovery_binary, Recovery可执行程序,源码位于:bootable/recovery
590 recovery_binary := $(call intermediates-dir-for,EXECUTABLES,recovery)/recovery
5. recovery_initrc,recovery模式的init.rc, 位于 bootable/recovery/etc/init.rc
586 recovery_initrc := $(call include-path-for, recovery)/etc/init.rc
6. recovery_kernel, recovery 模式的kernel, 同标准内核
587 recovery_kernel := $(INSTALLED_KERNEL_TARGET) # same as a non-recovery system
8. recovery_build_prop, recovery 模式的build.prop, 同标准模式。589 recovery_build_prop := $(INSTALLED_BUILD_PROP_TARGET)
9. recovery_resource_deps, recovery 模式使用的res, 位于:recovery/custom/{product_name}/res, 以及设备自定义部分(我们没用到)
591 recovery_resources_common := $(call include-path-for, recovery)/custom/$(TARGET_PRODUCT)/res592 recovery_resources_private := $(strip $(wildcard $(TARGET_DEVICE_DIR)/recovery/res))593 recovery_resource_deps := $(shell find $(recovery_resources_common)594 & $(recovery_resources_private) -type f)&
618 # Generate a file containing the keys that will be read by the619 # recovery binary.620 RECOVERY_INSTALL_OTA_KEYS := /621 & & & & $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,ota_keys)/keys L638-L655 准备内容638 & & & &
----- Making recovery image ------639 & & & & rm -rf $(TARGET_RECOVERY_OUT)640 & & & & mkdir -p $(TARGET_RECOVERY_OUT)641 & & & & mkdir -p $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)642 & & & & mkdir -p $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/etc643 & & & & mkdir -p $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/tmp
准备recovery目录:out/target/product/{product_name}/recovery 及其子目录:
644 & & & & echo Copying baseline ramdisk...645 & & & & cp -R $(TARGET_ROOT_OUT) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_OUT)646 & & & & echo Modifying ramdisk contents...647 & & & & rm -rf $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/res
从标准根文件系统拷贝所有文件, 删除其res 目录。
&648 & & & & cp -f $(recovery_initrc) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/649 & & & & cp -f $(recovery_binary) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/sbin/ 拷贝recovery 模式的核心文件 init.rc 及 recovery 650 & & & & cp -rf $(recovery_resources_common) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/651 & & & & $(foreach item,$(recovery_resources_private), /652 & & & & & cp -rf $(item) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/)653 & & & & cp $(RECOVERY_INSTALL_OTA_KEYS) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/res/keys 拷贝资源文件及密钥文件。 &654 & & & & cat $(INSTALLED_DEFAULT_PROP_TARGET) $(recovery_build_prop) /655 & & & & & & & & & $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT)/default.prop 生成属性文件 default.prop, 它包含了标准根文件系统的default.prop(out/target/product/{product_name}/root/default.prop)以及system分区的build.prop (out/target/product/{product_name}/system/build.prop) &L656-L661 最终生成recovery.img656 & & & & $(MKBOOTFS) $(TARGET_RECOVERY_ROOT_OUT) | $(MINIGZIP) & $(recovery_ramdisk) 压缩recovery根文件系统 657 & & & & build/quacomm/mkimage $(PRODUCT_OUT)/ramdisk-recovery.img RECOVERY & $(PRODUCT_OUT)/ramdisk_recovery.img 加一个标识头(RECOVERY) 658 & & & & mv $(PRODUCT_OUT)/ramdisk_recovery.img $(PRODUCT_OUT)/ramdisk-recovery.img659 & & & & $(MKBOOTIMG) $(INTERNAL_RECOVERYIMAGE_ARGS) --output $@660 & & & &
----- Made recovery image -------- $@661 & & & & $(hide) $(call assert-max-image-size,$@,$(BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE),raw)
附:Recovery 根文件系统目录结构
├── advanced_meta_init.rc
├── data
├── default.prop
├── dev
├── etc
├── init
├── init.factory.rc
├── init.goldfish.rc
├── init.quacomm.rc
├── init.rc
├── meta_init.rc
├── proc
├── res
│ & ├── images
│ & │ & ├── icon_error.png
│ & │ & ├── icon_installing.png
│ & │ & ├── indeterminate1.png
│ & │ & ├── indeterminate2.png
│ & │ & ├── indeterminate3.png
│ & │ & ├── indeterminate4.png
│ & │ & ├── indeterminate5.png
│ & │ & ├── indeterminate6.png
│ & │ & ├── progress_empty.png
│ & │ & └── progress_fill.png
│ & └── keys
├── sbin
│ & ├── adbd
│ & ├── advanced_meta_init
│ & ├── meta_init
│ & ├── meta_tst
│ & └── recovery
├── sys
├── system
└── tmp
Android OTA 升级之四:进入根文件系统
作者: 宋立新
& & & &从bootloader 进入Recovery 模式后,首先也是运行Linux内核,该内核跟普通模式没有区别(减轻了BSP开发者的任务)。区别从执行文件系统开始。 Recovery 模式的细节就隐藏在其根文件系统中。
& & & &下面,我们就看看进入Recovery 根文件系统都干些啥。
& & & &和正常启动一样,内核进入文件系统会执行/init, init 的配置文件就是 /init.rc, 前面文章讲过,这个文件来自:bootable/recovery/etc/init.rc,下面,我们看看它的内容。
& 1 &2 on init &3 & & export PATH /sbin &4 & & export ANDROID_ROOT /system &5 & & export ANDROID_DATA /data &6 & & export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /sdcard &7 &8 & & symlink /system/etc /etc &9 10 & & mkdir /sdcard11 & & mkdir /system12 & & mkdir /data13 & & mkdir /cache14 & & mount /tmp /tmp tmpfs15 16 on boot17 18 & & ifup lo19 & & hostname localhost20 & & domainname localdomain21 22 & & class_start default23 24 25 service recovery /sbin/recovery26 27 service adbd /sbin/adbd recovery28 & & disabled29 30 on property:persist.service.adb.enable=131 & & start adbd32 33 on property:persist.service.adb.enable=034 & & stop adbd
1) & 设置几个环境变量。备用。
2) & 建立 etc 链接。
3) & 造几个目录。备用。
4) & Mount /tmp 目录为内存文件系统 tmpfs,后面会用到。
5) & Trival 设置,不必关心。
6) & 启动 recovery主程序。
7) & 如果是eng模式(此时persist.service.adb.enable),启动adb
当然,init主程序还会装载属性配置文件 /default.prop, 它包含了很多系统属性设置,比如,*, 等等。
Recovery.c 中,作者写了一段注释,对我们理解recovery的实现很有帮助,下面看一下:(我就不翻译了)
89 /*90 &* The recovery tool communicates with the main system through /cache files.91 &* & /cache/recovery/command - INPUT - command line for tool, one arg per line92 &* & /cache/recovery/log - OUTPUT - combined log file from recovery run(s)93 &* & /cache/recovery/intent - OUTPUT - intent that was passed in94 &*95 &* The arguments which may be supplied in mand file:96 &* & --send_intent=anystring - write the text out to recovery.intent97 &* & --update_package=root:path - verify install an OTA package file98 &* & --wipe_data - erase user data (and cache), then reboot99 &* & --wipe_cache - wipe cache (but not user data), then reboot100 &* & --set_encrypted_filesystem=on|off - enables / diasables encrypted fs101 &*102 &* After completing, we remove /cache/recovery/command and reboot.103 &* Arguments may also be supplied in the bootloader control block (BCB).104 &* These important scenarios must be safely restartable at any point:105 &*106 &* FACTORY RESET107 &* 1. user selects "factory reset"108 &* 2. main system writes "--wipe_data" to /cache/recovery/command109 &* 3. main system reboots into recovery110 &* 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--wipe_data"111 &* & &-- after this, rebooting will restart the erase --112 &* 5. erase_root() reformats /data113 &* 6. erase_root() reformats /cache114 &* 7. finish_recovery() erases BCB115 &* & &-- after this, rebooting will restart the main system --116 &* 8. main() calls reboot() to boot main system117 &*118 &* OTA INSTALL119 &* 1. main system downloads OTA package to /cache/some-filename.zip120 &* 2. main system writes ""121 &* 3. main system reboots into recovery122 &* 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--update_package=..."123 &* & &-- after this, rebooting will attempt to reinstall the update --124 &* 5. install_package() attempts to install the update125 &* & &NOTE: the package install must itself be restartable from any point126 &* 6. finish_recovery() erases BCB127 &* & &-- after this, rebooting will (try to) restart the main system --128 &* 7. ** if install failed **129 &* & &7a. prompt_and_wait() shows an error icon and waits for the user130 &* & &7b; the user reboots (pulling the battery, etc) into the main system131 &* 8. main() calls maybe_install_firmware_update()132 &* & &** if the update contained radio/hboot firmware **:133 &* & &8a. m_i_f_u() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and "--wipe_cache"134 &* & & & &-- after this, rebooting will reformat cache & restart main system --135 &* & &8b. m_i_f_u() writes firmware image into raw cache partition136 &* & &8c. m_i_f_u() writes BCB with "update-radio/hboot" and "--wipe_cache"137 &* & & & &-- after this, rebooting will attempt to reinstall firmware --138 &* & &8d. bootloader tries to flash firmware139 &* & &8e. bootloader writes BCB with "boot-recovery" (keeping "--wipe_cache")140 &* & & & &-- after this, rebooting will reformat cache & restart main system --141 &* & &8f. erase_root() reformats /cache142 &* & &8g. finish_recovery() erases BCB143 &* & & & &-- after this, rebooting will (try to) restart the main system --144 &* 9. main() calls reboot() to boot main system145 &*146 &* ENCRYPTED FILE SYSTEMS ENABLE/DISABLE147 &* 1. user selects "enable encrypted file systems"148 &* 2. main system writes "--set_encrypted_filesystem=on|off" to149 &* & &/cache/recovery/command150 &* 3. main system reboots into recovery151 &* 4. get_args() writes BCB with "boot-recovery" and152 &* & &"--set_encrypted_filesystems=on|off"153 &* & &-- after this, rebooting will restart the transition --154 &* 5. read_encrypted_fs_info() retrieves encrypted file systems settings from /data155 &* & &Settings include: property to specify the Encrypted FS istatus and156 &* & &FS encryption key if enabled (not yet implemented)157 &* 6. erase_root() reformats /data158 &* 7. erase_root() reformats /cache159 &* 8. restore_encrypted_fs_info() writes required encrypted file systems settings to /data160 &* & &Settings include: property to specify the Encrypted FS status and161 &* & &FS encryption key if enabled (not yet implemented)162 &* 9. finish_recovery() erases BCB163 &* & &-- after this, rebooting will restart the main system --164 &* 10. main() calls reboot() to boot main system165 &*/
recovery 主程序559 int560 main(int argc, char **argv)561 {562 & & time_t start = time(NULL);563564 & & // If these fail, there's not really anywhere to complain...565 & & freopen(TEMPORARY_LOG_FILE, "a", stdout); setbuf(stdout, NULL);566 & & freopen(TEMPORARY_LOG_FILE, "a", stderr); setbuf(stderr, NULL);567 & & fprintf(stderr, "Starting recovery on %s", ctime(&start));568&
将标准输出和标准错误输出重定位到"/tmp/recovery.log",如果是eng模式,就可以通过adb pull /tmp/recovery.log, 看到当前的log信息,这为我们提供了有效的调试手段。后面还会看到,recovery模式运行完毕后,会将其拷贝到cache分区,以便后续分析。
&569 & & ui_init(); Recovery 使用了一个简单的基于framebuffer的ui系统,叫miniui,这里,进行了简单的初始化(主要是图形部分以及事件部分),并启动了一个 event 线程用于响应用户按键。 570 & & get_args(&argc, &argv);
从misc 分区以及 CACHE:recovery/command 文件中读入参数,写入到argc, argv ,并且,如果有必要,回写入misc分区。这样,如果recovery没有操作成功(比如,升级还没有结束,就拔电池),系统会一直进入recovery模式。提醒用户继续升级,直到成功。
&572 & & int previous_runs = 0;573 & & const char *send_intent = NULL;574 & & const char *update_package = NULL;575 & & int wipe_data = 0, wipe_cache = 0;576577 & &578 & & while ((arg = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", OPTIONS, NULL)) != -1) {579 & & & & switch (arg) {580 & & & & case 'p': previous_runs = atoi(optarg);581 & & & & case 's': send_intent =582 & & & & case 'u': update_package =583 & & & & case 'w': wipe_data = wipe_cache = 1;584 & & & & case 'c': wipe_cache = 1;585 & & & & case '?':586 & & & & & & LOGE("Invalid command argument/n");587 & & & & & &588 & & & & }589 & & }590解析参数,p: previous_runs没有用到,其它含义见前面注释。 591 & & device_recovery_start(); 这个函数没干什么。看名字,它給设备制造商提供了一个调用机会,可写入设备相关初始化代码。592593 & & fprintf(stderr, "Command:");594 & & for (arg = 0; arg & arg++) {595 & & & & fprintf(stderr, " /"%s/"", argv[arg]);596 & & }597 & & fprintf(stderr, "/n/n");598打印出命令,比如,正常启动进入recovery模式,会打印:Command: "/sbin/recovery"599 & & property_list(print_property, NULL);600 & & fprintf(stderr, "/n");601打印出所有的系统属性(from default.prop)到log文件。 602 & & int status = INSTALL_SUCCESS;603604 & & if (update_package != NULL) {605 & & & & status = install_package(update_package);606 & & & & if (status != INSTALL_SUCCESS) ui_print("Installation aborted./n");607 & & } else if (wipe_data) {608 & & & & if (device_wipe_data()) status = INSTALL_ERROR;609 & & & & if (erase_root("DATA:")) status = INSTALL_ERROR;610 & & & & if (wipe_cache && erase_root("CACHE:")) status = INSTALL_ERROR;611 & & & & if (status != INSTALL_SUCCESS) ui_print("Data wipe failed./n");612 & & } else if (wipe_cache) {613 & & & & if (wipe_cache && erase_root("CACHE:")) status = INSTALL_ERROR;614 & & & & if (status != INSTALL_SUCCESS) ui_print("Cache wipe failed./n");615 & & } else {616 & & & & status = INSTALL_ERROR; &// No command specified617 & & } 根据用户提供参数,调用各项功能,比如,安装一个升级包,擦除cache分区, 擦除user data分区,install_package比较复杂,后面专门分析,其它都很简单。忽略。 618619 & & if (status != INSTALL_SUCCESS) ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_ERROR);622 & & if (status != INSTALL_SUCCESS) prompt_and_wait(); 如果前面已经做了某项操作并且成功,则进入重启流程。否则,等待用户选择具体操作。而用户可选操作为: reboot, 安装,除cache分区, 擦除user data分区,如前所述,只有安装package 比较复杂,其它简单。 623624 & & // Otherwise, get ready to boot the main system...625 & & finish_recovery(send_intent); 它的功能如下:1)将前面定义的intent字符串写入(如果有的话):CACHE:recovery/command2)将 /tmp/recovery.log 复制到 "CACHE:recovery/log";3)清空 misc 分区,这样重启就不会进入recovery模式4)删除command 文件:CACHE:recovery/ 626 & & ui_print("Rebooting.../n");627 & & sync();628 & & reboot(RB_AUTOBOOT);629 & & return EXIT_SUCCESS;630 }&
下面我们分析核心函数 install_package
install_package289 int290 install_package(const char *root_path)291 {292 & & ui_set_background(BACKGROUND_ICON_INSTALLING);294 & & ui_print("Finding update package.../n");295 & & LOGI("Finding update package.../n");296 & & ui_show_indeterminate_progress();297 & & LOGI("Update location: %s/n", root_path);298更新 UI 显示299 & & if (ensure_root_path_mounted(root_path) != 0) {300 & & & & LOGE("Can't mount %s/n", root_path);301 & & & & reset_mark_block();302 & & & & return INSTALL_CORRUPT;303 & & }304 确保升级包所在分区已经mount,通常为 cache 分区或者 SD 分区 305 & & char path[PATH_MAX] = "";306 & & if (translate_root_path(root_path, path, sizeof(path)) == NULL) {307 & & & & LOGE("Bad path %s/n", root_path);308 & & & & reset_mark_block();309 & & & & return INSTALL_CORRUPT;310 & & } 将根分区转化为具体分区信息.这些信息来自:全局数组:g_roots 313 & & ui_print("Opening update package.../n");314 & & LOGI("Opening update package.../n");315 & & LOGI("Update file path: %s/n", path);316317 & & int numK318 & & RSAPublicKey* loadedKeys = load_keys(PUBLIC_KEYS_FILE, &numKeys);319 & & if (loadedKeys == NULL) {320 & & & & LOGE("Failed to load keys/n");321 & & & & reset_mark_block();322 & & & & return INSTALL_CORRUPT;323 & & }324 & & LOGI("%d key(s) loaded from %s/n", numKeys, PUBLIC_KEYS_FILE); 从/res/keys中装载公钥。 326 & & // Give verification half the progress bar...328 & & ui_print("Verifying update package.../n");329 & & LOGI("Verifying update package.../n");330 & & ui_show_progress(331 & & & & & & VERIFICATION_PROGRESS_FRACTION,332 & & & & & & VERIFICATION_PROGRESS_TIME);333334 & &335 & & err = verify_file(path, loadedKeys, numKeys);336 & & free(loadedKeys);337 & & LOGI("verify_file returned %d/n", err);338 & & if (err != VERIFY_SUCCESS) {339 & & & & LOGE("signature verification failed/n");340 & & & & reset_mark_block();341 & & & & return INSTALL_CORRUPT;342 & & } 根据公钥验证升级包verify_file的注释说的很明白: & & & // Look for an RSA signature embedded in the .ZIP file comment given & & & // the path to the zip. &Verify it matches one of the given public & & & // keys. 344 & & /* Try to open the package.345 & & &*/346 & & ZipA347 & & err = mzOpenZipArchive(path, &zip);348 & & if (err != 0) {349 & & & & LOGE("Can't open %s/n(%s)/n", path, err != -1 ? strerror(err) : "bad");350 & & & & reset_mark_block();351 & & & & return INSTALL_CORRUPT;352 & & } 打开升级包,将相关信息存到ZuoArchive数据机构中,便于后面处理。 354 & & /* Verify and install the contents of the package.355 & & &*/356 & & int status = handle_update_package(path, &zip); 处理函数,我们后面继续分析。 357 & & mzCloseZipArchive(&zip);358 & &359 } 关闭zip包,结束处理。 handle_update_package204 static int205 handle_update_package(const char *path, ZipArchive *zip)206 {207 & & // Update should take the rest of the progress bar.208 & & ui_print("Installing update.../n");209210 & & int result = try_update_binary(path, zip);211 & & register_package_root(NULL, NULL); &// Unregister package root212 & &213 }&
84 // If the package contains an update binary, extract it and run it.
&85 static int
&86 try_update_binary(const char *path, ZipArchive *zip) {
&87 & & const ZipEntry* binary_entry =
&88 & & & & & & mzFindZipEntry(zip, ASSUMED_UPDATE_BINARY_NAME);
&89 & & if (binary_entry == NULL) {
&90 & & & & return INSTALL_CORRUPT;
&93 & & char* binary = "/tmp/update_binary";
&94 & & unlink(binary);
&95 & & int fd = creat(binary, 0755);
&96 & & if (fd & 0) {
&97 & & & & LOGE("Can't make %s/n", binary);
&98 & & & & return 1;
100 & & bool ok = mzExtractZipEntryToFile(zip, binary_entry, fd);
101 & & close(fd);
103 & & if (!ok) {
104 & & & & LOGE("Can't copy %s/n", ASSUMED_UPDATE_BINARY_NAME);
105 & & & & return 1;
&将升级包内文件META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary 复制为/tmp/update_binary
108 & & int pipefd[2];
109 & & pipe(pipefd);
111 & & // When executing the update binary contained in the package, the
112 & & // arguments passed are:
113 & & //
114 & & // & - the version number for this interface
115 & & //
116 & & // & - an fd to which the program can write in order to update the
117 & & // & & progress bar. &The program can write single-line commands:
118 & & //
119 & & // & & & &progress &frac& &secs&
120 & & // & & & & & &fill up the next &frac& part of of the progress bar
121 & & // & & & & & &over &secs& seconds. &If &secs& is zero, use
122 & & // & & & & & &set_progress commands to manually control the
123 & & // & & & & & &progress of this segment of the bar
124 & & //
125 & & // & & & &set_progress &frac&
126 & & // & & & & & &&frac& should be between 0.0 and 1.0; sets the
127 & & // & & & & & &progress bar within the segment defined by the most
128 & & // & & & & & &recent progress command.
129 & & //
130 & & // & & & &firmware &"hboot"|"radio"& &filename&
131 & & // & & & & & &arrange to install the contents of &filename& in the
132 & & // & & & & & &given partition on reboot.
133 & & //
134 & & // & & & & & &(API v2: &filename& may start with "PACKAGE:" to
135 & & // & & & & & &indicate taking a file from the OTA package.)
136 & & //
137 & & // & & & & & &(API v3: this command no longer exists.)
138 & & //
139 & & // & & & &ui_print &string&
140 & & // & & & & & &display &string& on the screen.
141 & & //
142 & & // & - the name of the package zip file.
143 & & //
1) &将会创建新的进程,执行:/tmp/update_binary
2) &同时,会给该进程传入一些参数,其中最重要的就是一个管道fd,供新进程与原进程通信。
3) &新进程诞生后,原进程就变成了一个服务进程,它提供若干UI更新服务:
a) & progress
b) & set_progress
c) & ui_print
145 & & char** args = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 5);
146 & & args[0] =
147 & & args[1] = EXPAND(RECOVERY_API_VERSION); & // defined in
148 & & args[2] = malloc(10);
149 & & sprintf(args[2], "%d", pipefd[1]);
150 & & args[3] = (char*)
151 & & args[4] = NULL;
153 & & pid_t pid = fork();
154 & & if (pid == 0) {
155 & & & & close(pipefd[0]);
156 & & & & execv(binary, args);
157 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "E:Can't run %s (%s)/n", binary, strerror(errno));
158 & & & & _exit(-1);
160 & & close(pipefd[1]);
162 & & char buffer[1024];
163 & & FILE* from_child = fdopen(pipefd[0], "r");
164 & & while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), from_child) != NULL) {
165 & & & & char* command = strtok(buffer, " /n");
166 & & & & if (command == NULL) {
167 & & & & & &
168 & & & & } else if (strcmp(command, "progress") == 0) {
169 & & & & & & char* fraction_s = strtok(NULL, " /n");
170 & & & & & & char* seconds_s = strtok(NULL, " /n");
172 & & & & & & float fraction = strtof(fraction_s, NULL);
173 & & & & & & int seconds = strtol(seconds_s, NULL, 10);
175 & & & & & & ui_show_progress(fraction * (1-VERIFICATION_PROGRESS_FRACTION),
176 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &seconds);
177 & & & & } else if (strcmp(command, "set_progress") == 0) {
178 & & & & & & char* fraction_s = strtok(NULL, " /n");
179 & & & & & & float fraction = strtof(fraction_s, NULL);
180 & & & & & & ui_set_progress(fraction);
181 & & & & } else if (strcmp(command, "ui_print") == 0) {
182 & & & & & & char* str = strtok(NULL, "/n");
183 & & & & & & if (str) {
184 & & & & & & & & ui_print(str);
185 & & & & & & } else {
186 & & & & & & & & ui_print("/n");
187 & & & & & & }
188 & & & & } else {
189 & & & & & & LOGE("unknown command [%s]/n", command);
190 & & & & }
192 & & fclose(from_child);
195 & & waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
196 & & if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
197 & & & & LOGE("Error in %s/n(Status %d)/n", path, WEXITSTATUS(status));
198 & & & & return INSTALL_ERROR;
201 & & return INSTALL_SUCCESS;
Android OTA 升级之五:updater
作者: 宋立新
& & & &可以说,前面分析的OTA升级的各部分代码都是在搭一个舞台,而主角现在终于登场,它就是updater. Google的代码架构设计非常好,各部分尽量松耦合。前面介绍升级脚本时,可知有两种类型的脚本,amend & edify. 他们各自对应一个updater. 这里,我们主要关注新的edify的updater.
& & & &Updater可以作为学习解释器/编译器的同学一个很好的实例,但是我们只关心产品化相关的内容,所以并不去深究lex/yacc相关的东西。
入口函数 main
(from: bootable/recovery/updater/updater.c)
62 // Where in the package we expect to find the edify script to execute.
&63 // (Note it's "updateR-script", not the older "update-script".)
&64 #define SCRIPT_NAME "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script"
&66 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
&67 & & // Various things log information to stdout or stderr more or less
&68 & & // at random. &The log file makes more sense if buffering is
&69 & & // turned off so things appear in the right order.
&70 & & setbuf(stdout, NULL);
&71 & & setbuf(stderr, NULL);
&73 & & if (argc != 4) {
&74 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "unexpected number of arguments (%d)/n", argc);
&75 & & & & return 1;
&78 & & char* version = argv[1];
&79 & & if ((version[0] != '1' && version[0] != '2' && version[0] != '3') ||
&80 & & & & version[1] != '/0') {
&81 & & & & // We support version 1, 2, or 3.
&82 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "wrong updater binary API; expected 1, 2, or 3; "
&83 & & & & & & & & & & & & "got %s/n",
&84 & & & & & & & & argv[1]);
&85 & & & & return 2;
获取 version 参数。
&88 & & // Set up the pipe for sending commands back to the parent process.
&90 & & int fd = atoi(argv[2]);
&91 & & FILE* cmd_pipe = fdopen(fd, "wb");
&92 & & setlinebuf(cmd_pipe);
&94 & & // Extract the script from the package.
&96 & & char* package_data = argv[3];
&97 & & ZipA
&99 & & err = mzOpenZipArchive(package_data, &za);
100 & & if (err != 0) {
101 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "failed to open package %s: %s/n",
102 & & & & & & & & package_data, strerror(err));
103 & & & & return 3;
106 & & const ZipEntry* script_entry = mzFindZipEntry(&za, SCRIPT_NAME);
107 & & if (script_entry == NULL) {
108 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "failed to find %s in %s/n", SCRIPT_NAME, package_data);
109 & & & & return 4;
112 & & char* script = malloc(script_entry-&uncompLen+1);
113 & & if (!mzReadZipEntry(&za, script_entry, script, script_entry-&uncompLen)) {
114 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "failed to read script from package/n");
115 & & & & return 5;
117 & & script[script_entry-&uncompLen] = '/0';
读入脚本 META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
119 & & // Configure edify's functions.
121 & & RegisterBuiltins();
122 & & RegisterInstallFunctions();
123 & & RegisterDeviceExtensions();
124 & & FinishRegistration();
126 & & // Parse the script.
128 & & Expr*
129 & & int error_count = 0;
130 & & yy_scan_string(script);
131 & & int error = yyparse(&root, &error_count);
132 & & if (error != 0 || error_count & 0) {
133 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "%d parse errors/n", error_count);
134 & & & & return 6;
调用yy* 库函数解析脚本。
137 & & // Evaluate the parsed script.
139 & & UpdaterInfo updater_
140 & & updater_info.cmd_pipe = cmd_
141 & & updater_info.package_zip = &
142 & & updater_info.version = atoi(version);
145 & & state.cookie = &updater_
146 & & state.script =
147 & & state.errmsg = NULL;
149 & & char* result = Evaluate(&state, root);
150 & & if (result == NULL) {
151 & & & & if (state.errmsg == NULL) {
152 & & & & & & fprintf(stderr, "script aborted (no error message)/n");
153 & & & & & & fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print script aborted (no error message)/n");
154 & & & & } else {
155 & & & & & & fprintf(stderr, "script aborted: %s/n", state.errmsg);
156 & & & & & & char* line = strtok(state.errmsg, "/n");
157 & & & & & & while (line) {
158 & & & & & & & & fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print %s/n", line);
159 & & & & & & & & line = strtok(NULL, "/n");
160 & & & & & & }
161 & & & & & & fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print/n");
162 & & & & }
163 & & & & free(state.errmsg);
164 & & & & return 7;
165 & & } else {
166 & & & & fprintf(stderr, "script result was [%s]/n", result);
167 & & & & free(result);
解释执行脚本。 核心函数是 Evaluate。它会调用其他callback函数,而这些callback函数又会调用Evaluate去解析不同的脚本片段。从而实现一个简单的解释器。
170 & & mzCloseZipArchive(&za);
171 & & free(script);
173 & & return 0;
RegisterBuiltins415 void RegisterBuiltins() {416 & & RegisterFunction("ifelse", IfElseFn);417 & & RegisterFunction("abort", AbortFn);418 & & RegisterFunction("assert", AssertFn);419 & & RegisterFunction("concat", ConcatFn);420 & & RegisterFunction("is_substring", SubstringFn);421 & & RegisterFunction("stdout", StdoutFn);422 & & RegisterFunction("sleep", SleepFn);423424 & & RegisterFunction("less_than_int", LessThanIntFn);425 & & RegisterFunction("greater_than_int", GreaterThanIntFn);426 }
RegisterInstallFunctions void RegisterInstallFunctions() {1038 & & RegisterFunction("mount", MountFn);1039 & & RegisterFunction("is_mounted", IsMountedFn);1040 & & RegisterFunction("unmount", UnmountFn);1041 & & RegisterFunction("format", FormatFn);1042 & & RegisterFunction("show_progress", ShowProgressFn);1043 & & RegisterFunction("set_progress", SetProgressFn);1044 & & RegisterFunction("delete", DeleteFn);1045 & & RegisterFunction("delete_recursive", DeleteFn);1046 & & RegisterFunction("package_extract_dir", PackageExtractDirFn);1047 & & RegisterFunction("package_extract_file", PackageExtractFileFn);1048 & & RegisterFunction("symlink", SymlinkFn);1049 & & RegisterFunction("set_perm", SetPermFn);1050 & & RegisterFunction("set_perm_recursive", SetPermFn); & & RegisterFunction("getprop", GetPropFn);1053 & & RegisterFunction("file_getprop", FileGetPropFn);1054 & & RegisterFunction("write_raw_image", WriteRawImageFn); & & RegisterFunction("apply_patch", ApplyPatchFn);1057 & & RegisterFunction("apply_patch_check", ApplyPatchCheckFn);1058 & & RegisterFunction("apply_patch_space", ApplyPatchSpaceFn); & & RegisterFunction("read_file", ReadFileFn);1061 & & RegisterFunction("sha1_check", Sha1CheckFn); & & RegisterFunction("ui_print", UIPrintFn); & & RegisterFunction("run_program", RunProgramFn);1066 }
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