mechwarrior online吧 怎么玩

Windows 7 的设计主要围绕五个重点——针对笔记本电脑的特有设计;基于应用服务的设计;用户的个性化;视听娱乐的优化;用户易用性的新引擎。windows 7 启动时的画面
Windows 7做了许多方便用户的设计,如快速最大化,窗口半屏显示,跳跃列表,系统故障快速修复等,这些新功能令Windows 7成为最易用的Windows。
Windows 7大幅缩减了Windows 的启动时间,据实测,在2008年的中低端配置下运行,系统加载时间一般不超过20秒,这比Windows Vista的40余秒相比,是一个很大的进步。
Windows 7将会让搜索和使用信息更加简单,包括本地、网络和互联网搜索功能,直观的用户体验将更加高级,还会整合自动化应用程序提交和交叉程序数据透明性。
Windows 7桌面和开始菜单Windows 7包括了改进了的安全和功能合法性,还会把数据保护和管理扩展到外围设备。Windows 7改进了基于角色的计算方案和用户账户管理,在数据保护和坚固协作的固有冲突之间搭建沟通桥梁,同时也会开启企业级的数据保护和权限许可。
Windows 7是 Vista 的“小更新大变革”
微软已经宣称 Windows 7 将使用与 Vista 相同的驱动模型,即基本不会出现类似 XP 至 Vista 的兼容问题。
微软新一代的虚拟技术——Windows virtual PC,程序中自带一份Windows XP的合法授权,只要处理器支持硬件虚拟化,就可以在虚拟机中自由运行只适合于XP的应用程序,并且即使虚拟系统崩溃,处理起来也很方便。
Vista的UAC可谓令Vista用户饱受煎熬,但在Windows 7中,UAC控制级增到了四个,通过这样来控制UAC的严格程度,令UAC安全又不繁琐。
winFS 是一种新的文件系统格式。为迎接这场完美技术风暴的到来,Microsoft 在构建下一代 Windows 文件系统(代号为 WinFS)方面投入了大量的精力。WinFS 产品小组在革新 Windows 文件系统的过程中遵循以下三个核心原则:使用户能够“查找”、“关联”和“操作”他们的信息。
Windows 7 原生包括了触摸功能,但这取决于硬件生产商是否推出触摸产品。系统支持10点触控,这说明Windows 不再是只能通过键盘和鼠标才能接触的操作系统了。
Windows 7只预装基本的软件——例如Windows Media Player、写字板、记事本、照片查看器等。而其它的例如Movie Maker、照片库等程序,微软为缩短开发周期,不再包括于内。用户可以上Windows Live的官方网站,自由选择Windows Live的免费软件。
多功能任务栏Windows 7 的Aero效果更华丽,有碰撞效果,水滴效果。这些都比Vista增色不少。
但是,Windows 7的资源消耗却是最低的。不仅执行效率快人一筹,笔记本的电池续航能力也大幅增加。微软总裁称,Windows 7成为最绿色,最节能的系统。
Windows7及其桌面窗口管理器(DWM.exe)能充分利用GPU的资源进行加速,而且支持Direct3D 11 API。这样做的好处主要有:
4、支持更多、更丰富的缩略图动画效果,包括“Color Hot-Track”——鼠标滑过任务栏上不同应用程序的图标的时候,高亮显示不同图标的背景颜色也会不同。并且执行复制程序的状态指示也会显示在任务栏上,鼠标滑过同一应用程序图标时,该图标的高亮背景颜色也会随着鼠标的移动而渐变。Windows 7 Starter(简易版):
可以加入家庭组(Home Group),任务栏有不小的变化,也有JumpLists菜单,但没有Aero。
Windows 7初级版(Windows 7 Starter)将不允许用户和OEM厂商更换桌面壁纸.除了壁纸,主题颜色和声音方案也不得更改,OEM和其他合作伙伴也不允许对上述内容进行定制.微软称:“对于Windows 7初级版,OEM不得修改或更换Windows欢迎中心、登陆界面和桌面的背景.”
Windows 7 的简易版中已经去除了3个程序的限制,预计面向上网本市场.
Windows 7 Home Basic(家庭基础版):
和Vista一样。前者仅用于新兴市场国家,主要新特性有无限应用程序、实时缩略图预览、增强视觉体验(仍无Aero)、高级网络支持(ad-hoc无线网络和互联网连接支持ICS)、移动中心(Mobility Center)。
Windows 7 Home Premium(家庭高级版):
有Aero Glass高级界面、高级窗口导航、改进的媒体格式支持、媒体中心和媒体流增强(包括Play To)、多点触摸、更好的手写识别等等。
Windows 7 Professional(专业版):
替代Vista下的商业版,支持加入管理网络(Domain Join)、高级网络备份和加密文件系统等数据保护功能、位置感知打印技术(可在家庭或办公网络上自动选择合适的打印机)等。
包含功能:加强网络的功能,比如域加入;高级备份功能;位置感知打印;脱机文件夹;移动中心(Mobility Center);演示模式(Presentation Mode)。
Windows 7 Enterprise(企业版):
提供一系列企业级增强功能:BitLocker,内置和外置驱动器数据保护;AppLocker,锁定非授权软件运行;DirectAccess,无缝连接基于Windows Server 2008 R2的企业网络;BranchCache,Windows Server 2008 R2网络缓存;等等。
包含功能:Branch缓存;DirectAccess;BitLocker;AppLocker;Virtualization Enhancements(增强虚拟化);Management (管理);Compatibility and Deployment(兼容性和部署);VHD引导支持。
Windows 7 Ultimate(旗舰版):
可用范围:有限。自从Windows 7公开测试以来,对其就赞誉声不绝。不过这些媒体一般都是评价的Windows 7的日常工作性能。那么在借鉴媒体的话进行系统迁移之前,对于游戏爱好者来说是否也要具体了解一下Windows 7的游戏兼容性如何呢?
Core 2 Quad Q9650
XFX GeForce 9800 GTX 显卡
ASUS Rampage Extreme X48主板
4GB DDR3 1333 内存
640GB Western Digital WD6400 硬盘
LG BD-ROM / HD DVD ROM / DVD burner光驱
Gateway 24-inch LCD 显示器( 最佳分辨率)
Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 (64位版)
Microsoft Sidewinder Pro USB 摇杆
Freelancer 联网有问题
System Shock 2 不能正常游戏
Freespace 2 正常
Falcon 4.0: Allied Force :《战隼4.0:联合力量》不能正常游戏
Mechwarrior: Mercenaries 《机甲战士4:雇佣兵》正常
Age of Wonders《奇迹时代》 正常
Quake II 只能工作在软加速模式下
Titan Quest: Immortal Throne 《泰坦之旅:不朽王座》正常
Ghost Recon 2《幽灵行动:尖锋战士》正常
Company of Heroes 《英雄连》正常
Civilization III 《文明III》正常
Civilization IV 《文明IV》正常
Mount and Blade 《骑马与砍杀》正常
Left4Dead 《生存之旅》退出游戏后,桌面破碎
Fallout 3 《辐射3》需要手动安装,不兼容Games Explorer
Guild Wars 不能工作在Games Explorer中,但进行游戏没有任何问题
Age of Empires III 《帝国时代3》需要升级补丁
Red Alert 3 《红警3》正常
Sins of a Solar Empire 正常
Neverwinter Nights 2 正常
Quake Wars: Enemy Territory 正常
21个游戏中仅有2个真正不能游戏,而且都是老游戏,这对于测试版来说是很不错的表现了。那么请考虑一下是不是该将Windows 7作为日常操作系统呢?
在正式版中,Windows 7已能兼容绝大多数的网络游戏,并且在游戏中,会自动减少系统的运行功耗,使Windows 7即使在玩很消耗内存的大型游戏时,也能保持很流畅的运行。
光盘制作软件二,智能化的控制面板7,系统安装加硬件安装不到20分钟2,音频视频预览 4,不要拿非6、底层优化1、更少的资源占用4,方便的网页预览、空前的安全性3,华丽的media center6,超强的自我修复能力8.0内核开发的程序说话)三,视频5,文档预览,更快的开机关机速度3、对宽屏的优化管理3、智能而优化的内存管理(根据内存大小调整常驻内存的程序和线程)2,实用部分,全面和增强的应用软件 (新增抓图软件,丰富的主题2,音频、增强的兼容性(与vista比、亮丽的外观:1,其他优点1,更快的安装速度,libraries归类管理文档、空前的稳定性4我也在用WIN7 优点还是挺多的 比较喜欢一
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Title: MechWarrior Online(TM)
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Release Date: 10 Dec, 2015
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Recent updates
15 December
Greetings MechWarriors,
We will be rolling out a hot-fix today, Tuesday December 15th, scheduled for 2:00 PM PST [10:00 PM UTC], with the following fixes:
- Fixing an issue where in-game chat was not functioning.
- Fixing an issue where players could experience a saving error when changing armor from STD&Ferro&STD on IIC 'Mechs.
The maximum estimated downtime required for this hot-fix will be approximately 30 minutes.
When services are restored you will be required to apply a small patch.
You can check out all the details on this mornings full patch
15 December
Tuesday, December 15th @ 10AM – 1PM PST
Patch Number: 1.4.47
Patch Size: 460 MB
Greetings MechWarriors
As we approach the end of 2015 and look toward the start of a new era in MechWarrior Online, we would like to thank all the pilots who have been with us since 2011 and beyond, along with all the new pilots who have now taken to the battlefields of the Inner Sphere in the wake of our recent Steam release. , and we look ahead to the new year with the planned release of , the release of the , and .
Along with our work on 'Mech AI currently underway, so much more is yet to come.
Our final patch of 2015 features four dangerous additions to the Clan arsenal of 'Mechs: the Clan Origins IIC 'Mechs are now available to eligible Origins IIC owners. These Origins IIC 'Mechs combine the customization functionality of Inner Sphere 'Mechs with the sheer power of Clan technology.
Mastery Bundles for the Wolverine and Thunderbolt 'Mechs have been added to the in-game Store and the Gift Store, featuring everything you'll need to start you on the path toward mastering these two excellent Inner Sphere chassis.
Our expansion of the MechWarrior Academy and Tutorial system continues, with the addition of a new BattleZone in the western region of the Academy map. Straying into this BattleZone will expose you to potentially lethal engagements with up to eight randomly spawned enemy 'Mechs, and will allow you to test the array of skills necessary for navigating and conquering a live engagement.
Rounding out the patch we have an array of additional fixes and changes to the MechWarrior Academy, the addition of a settings toggle for color blind friendly reticle behavior, the addition of an audio cue when transitioning from the voting screen to the loading screen, along with many more fixes and changes.
The MechWarrior Team
New 'Mechs
Until their release for in-game purchase, these 'Mechs are only available to eligible
Jenner IIC
Release date for MC: January 19th 2016
Release date for C-Bills: February 16th 2016
Hunchback IIC
Release date for MC: February 2nd 2016
Release date for C-Bills: March 1st 2016
Orion IIC
Release date for MC: February 16th 2016
Release date for C-Bills: March 15th 2016
Highlander IIC
Release date for MC: March 1st 2016
Release date for C-Bills: April 5th 2016
Loadout details for the Origins IIC 'Mechs can be in a dedicated post
'Mechs Now Available for MC Purchase
Black Knight
BL-6-KNT: 2780 MC
BL-6b-KNT: 2995 MC
BL-7-KNT: 2615 MC
BL-7-KNT-L: 2540 MC
'Mechs Now Available for C-Bill Purchase
CRB-27: 3,792,733 C-Bills
CRB-20: 3,703,201 C-Bills
CRB-27B: 4,240,733 C-Bills
CRB-27SL: 7,144,233 C-Bills
UM-R63: 2,006,108 C-Bills
UM-R60: 1,560,113 C-Bills
UM-R60L: 1,744,084 C-Bills
WLF-2: 2,886,748 C-Bills
WLF-1: 2,670,748 C-Bills
WLF-1A: 2,594,748 C-Bills
WLF-1B: 2,670,748 C-Bills
New Cockpit Items
Hanging Items
Double Helix
Wolf DNA
Jade Falcon DNA
Ghost Bear DNA
Smoke Jaguar DNA
Standing Items
Clan Holo Globe
Wolf Holo Globe
Jade Falcon Holo Globe
Ghost Bear Holo Globe
Smoke Jaguar Holo Globe
War Horns
Clan Hex WarHorn
Wolf Hex WarHorn
Jade Falcon Hex WarHorn
Ghost Bear Hex WarHorn
Smoke Jaguar Hex WarHorn
New Mastery Bundles
Wolverine Mastery Bundle
Price: 5,747 MC
WVR-6K [C]
Three associated Mech Bays
30 Days of Active Premium Time
Thunderbolt Mastery Bundle
Price: 6,610 MC
Three associated Mech Bays
30 Days of Active Premium Time
New MechWarrior Academy Engagement Area
Eight enemy 'Mechs now spawn randomly in the west end of the city, across the bay from the citadel.
These 'Mechs will fire at the player when the range closes to below 600m.
'Mechs will continue to fire at the player until one or the other is destroyed.
Destroyed 'Mechs re-spawn after about 30 seconds if the player isn't looking at them.
A 'Color Blind Options' section has been added to Game Settings.
This section currently features a new color blind friendly reticle option (crosshair changes shape when a hit is detected).
Increased the cooldown and duration bonuses on all DropShip weapons.
Map Fixes and Changes
Viridian Bog: Fix for a sound issue with waterfalls.
'Mech Fixes and Changes
Marauder: Fixed an issue with Mounted Cockpit Item lights.
Dragon and Catapult: Fixed an issue where the Fractal/Virus Patterns would revert to default colors on log-in.
Tutorial Fixes and Changes
Added a new blue info beacon that triggers a pop-up at the Firing Range.
Fixed an issue where Cockpit Monitors would flicker on when passing through waypoint markers despite being turned off in the settings.
Fixed an issue where Cockpit Monitors would appear off when entering the Tutorial despite being turned on in the settings.
Fixed an issue where Cockpit Monitors would power-cycle when destroying one of the swappable 'Mechs.
Onslaught: New 'Armageddon ++' difficulty level has been added.
Gauntlet and Running Cored: Updated the route to avoid the tunnels.
Gauntlet and Running Cored: Canceling these challenges will spawn you back in the middle of the Academy.
Gauntlet and Running Cored: Fixed an issue where disabled 'Mechs could wake up and fire at the player during the round summary screen.
Rapid Fire: Turrets now target the center torso.
Targeting Practice: Fixed an issue where 'Mechs could spawn on top of each other.
Targeting Practice: Number of active enemies now limited to 12.
Firing Range: Re-arranged the passive turrets to improve visibility from the environmental zones. Also moved one closer to be within range of the smaller weapons.
Fixed an issue that could cause 32-bit clients to sometimes run out of memory when loading the Academy.
Target designation letters reset when starting a new challenge or round.
Other Fixes and Changes
Fixed an issue where inviting a Public Group leader to join a Private Lobby would not bring along their entire Group.
Fixed a rendering issue with the Gas Mask and Phoenix icons in the Cockpit Item screen.
Fixed a rendering issue with the the Phoenix and Phoenix Speaker Cockpit Items on certain maps.
Fixed an issue where players would still get contract rewards when leaving a Faction Play Invasion match early.
Fixed an issue where audio from weapon explosions wouldn't play.
Fixed an issue where audio from ammo explosions wouldn't play.
Disabled the ability to modify the r_glow cvar in the user.cfg file.
Added an audio cue indicating that a match has been found and the player is being sent to the voting screen.
Fixed an issue where Weapon Cooldown would begin immediately after firing in Tutorial and Testing Grounds.
Fixed an issue where the vertical weapon group highlight was partially cut off on 'Mechs equipped with ECM and Arm and Torso weapons.
Fixed an issue where energy weapon sound effects would not play while spectating.
Clicking the Standing, Hanging, and Mounted headers in the Cockpit screen will now bring the player to the corresponding tab in the Cockpit Item Warehouse.
Known Issues
Minimap will appear zoomed in after swapping a 'Mech in MechWarrior Academy.
About This Game
MechWarrior Online(TM) is a tactical, 'Mech-based online shooter set in the rich BattleTech Universe. The battlefields of the 31st century are dominated by immense and powerful mechanized units known as BattleMechs. Piloting these war machines are the most elite soldiers that the galaxy has ever known. To most, they are known simply as MechWarriors.
You will assume the role of an elite MechWarrior, fighting for supremacy over the galaxy against other players.
Quick Play is where you'll find fast action, fielding a single 'Mech in team-based game modes and maps. Unlike Faction Play, Quick Play matches do not influence the layout of Inner S these battles are fought purely for rewards and glory.
In Faction Play you will field 4 ‘Mechs per match, lending your skills and allegiance to the Faction of your choosing in prolonged team-based engagements, conquering and defending planets in their name to earn rewards and expand your Faction's territory across the Inner Sphere.
Piloting a 'Mech to victory requires a mastery of tactical positioning, teamwork, and firing discipline. Strike out as a Lone Wolf or seek out one of the many player-controlled Units and fight under the banners of powerful galactic empires for prestige, wealth, or nothing more than the sheer thrill of battle.
Next Gen Mobility - By the 31st century, tanks have evolved to take on humanoid shape, their treads replaced with nimble legs. Like modern tanks, 'Mechs move their upper torso and weapons independently of their legs offering unparalleled mobility while exchanging fire. Depending on their size, BattleMechs travel at vastly different speeds and offer different systems like jump jets to aid in their locomotion.
Make Every Shot Count - Pilots must balance mobility and damage output against the amount of heat generated from their weapons fire and 'Mech operation, lest they risk the temporary loss of power that comes when a 'Mech overheats. Firing all weapons simultaneously (known as an Alpha Strike) can be the quickest way to devastate an opponent, but may leave a 'Mech helpless against its enemies if the heat sinks can't handle the stress.
Fight Smart - 'Mechs possess both external armor and strong internal structural elements to help minimize the chance of a 'quick kill'. As a result, pilots must treat each encounter with the utmost attention and awareness, prioritizing weaker or more critical components before delivering the killing blow. Communication among teammates and the effective use of targeting systems can help to identify vulnerable 'Mechs and components.
Teamwork is the Difference - Targeting a 'Mech will automatically allow your teammates to achieve their own lock, allowing them to ascertain vital location data, armor status, and loadout details for the targeted enemy. Information Warfare can be a vital component for victory, providing attack-focused allies with the necessary information to tear their opponents to pieces.
Information Warfare - While fast-moving scouts feed target and tactical information back to the main battle group and the team commander, long-range Support and heavy-hitting Brawler and Assault ‘Mechs will use this information to position themselves for the perfect strike. Pilots can also shield themselves and allies from enemy sensors and weapons fire using various counter measures. It is up to each pilot to customize their BattleMech loadout to fulfill their desired role.
Find the perfect 'Mech - Hundreds of unique 'Mechs are available, offering a wide range of strengths and weaknesses. Smaller 'Mechs should never stop moving, and can rely on their sheer speed to overwhelm heavier opponents. Larger 'Mechs move slow and deliberate but can stand toe-to-toe with other large opponents. Acquire and test different 'Mechs to find those that best suit your play style.
Choose Your Allegiance - Work for the powerful empires of the galaxy to earn their loyalty and spread their influence across the stars. Band together with other pilots using the Looking For Group feature, or use the Faction Chat feature to coordinate offensive and defensive strategies to capture or defend worlds and shift the balance of power.
Get Rewarded - Pilots earn ComStar Bills (C-Bills) from playing matches and completing faction contracts, which can be used to purchase new 'Mechs and equipment.
Certain items can only be purchased using premium 'Mech Credits (MC). MC can either be purchased directly via real world money or acquired in smaller increments in-game by earning reputation with a Faction in Faction Play, or as rewards from participating in special Events.
'Mech Experience (XP) gained during combat is applied to the 'Mech used during that match, and can be used to unlock improvements to various BattleMech systems.
MechWarrior Online(TM) also includes a host of achievements to unlock that will challenge even the most skilled players.
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista
Processor: Intel: Core 2 Duo E7300 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD: Athlon 64 X2 6400+ @ 3.2GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA: 8800 GT / AMD: Radeon HD 5670
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 16 GB available space
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel: Core i5-3470 @ 3.20 GHz / AMD: FX-6300 @ 3.5 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 660 / AMD: Radeon HD 7870
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 16 GB available space
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11.4 hrs on record
As a fan of the older battletech game mechwarrior 3, I can say soundly that this game is true to its fan and lore. The developers can take a while to make the changes needed, but overall they do well. Still highly reccomend for those out there that enjoy a slower paced, skill based mech game.
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17.3 hrs on record
I've played MWO for a bit over a year now, and it's the only game I've consistently come back to in that time. I really loved MW2 experience and seeing the mech lab for the first time and customizing my mechs really brought those feelings back. Then dropping into a match and unleashing destruction upon the enemy is extremely satisfying and cathartic. Good play is often rewarded and you can really see your tactics help. There are rolls from both sides, but there are the games that both teams had something great going for them and it gets down to one or two mechs left dueling it out. Those are such great moments that really keep your on the edge of your seat, especially while spectating after having dropped earlier in the match. The faction play is fun, but still has room to grow. There will be a 3rd phase update soon that will hopefully add a lot to the game mode. The faction play is a bit difficult and higher skill level than the normal solo queue or group queue. I highly recommend new players tough it out in those queues before attempting the face-rolling potential of faction warfare. This game definitely has my support and I'll still be playing it for years in the future, I think. This is one of those games that I'll constantly come back to. That list of those games is short, but there was definitely a FPS Mech shaped hole in that lineup that this game fills.
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0.2 hrs on record
Being 3+ year &veteran& of the game, I obviously am going to recommend the game.Is it a &perfect& online shooter? No BUT it is close enough to provide hours upon hours of entertainment. The saving grace of this game is the community, there are a HUGE number of great people playing. The vast majority of players in the Units listed in the Community Warfare have some friendly, helpful and well.... nutty individuals. Get on the open TeamSpeak servers or try talking to some Unit members and you will find a whole new level of involvement and entertainment.Is it easy to pick up play for everyone?Again no. However if you are willing to either ask for help or watch some of the great community made guides, you will find it is actually conquerable and not as terrible as some will make it out to be.Being an online game means it is in near constant development, many features are still to be added. The &endgame& feature of Faction Warfare has been fairly shallow but will be receiving a major addition in the New Year. The whole system will receive an overhaul and addition of a 4 vs 4 mode, search YouTube for the announcement trailer.The recent AI style additions to the Academy hints towards the possibilty of a single player campaign, so this may make an appearance in the near future.My rating 8 / 10The game stil so with continued support from players and development from PGI it should be able to achieve it.
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5.4 hrs on record
There's no doubt about it. MWO is a flawed game on a number of levels, and the development of this game has been troubled.I mention all of that because it helps to explain why there are such different views of the game.
The game has fans who enjoy it greatly, and yet certain things with PGI in past years have left some people bitter and angry.
That's reflected in the comments, and so you really need to take both sides with a grain of salt. (Ok, a salt mine.)That said, for the real &review& part of this.
For all of its flaws, I find the game to be enjoyable, and it's improved greatly in the last 18 months or so.
To my mind, the fact that I have fun with it is the most important part of the review. It's easy to post lists of flaws and strong points (many of both) and I could certainly add my own list of complaints.
That said, for the flaws, the false starts in development, the game is still fun, and I'm not sure that you can ask any more.
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10.6 hrs on record
MWO has come a long way from where it was when I started playing it in January of 2015. PGI has made great strides at improving MWO.Now how is the game itself now? Pretty darn good. The game is easier to get into than say World of Tanks or WarThunder as everyone has access to to pretty much everything from the start. With the playingfield far more level you also do not get oneshotted as easily making MWO far more forgiving to the new player.When trying to learn MWO do the tutorial, do the optional parts of the tutorial not just for the bonus Cbills but also to get a better idea of how mechs handle. Learn how each weapon system handles, look up some guides, and if you are in doubt, suck up the high price tag of clan mechs and get one with your cadet bonus. Trust me it is worth it, use it to learn how heat works, how to torso twist, get yourself a Hunchback, Stormcrow or Timberwolf and go to town. Seriously go grab a Stormcrow it is one of the most forgiving medium mechs in the game. If you want to get an Inner Sphere mech? Hunchback, any of them, but, best would be the one with the AC/10 which is the Hunchback HBK-4H. The Hunchback and Stormcrow are very, very forgiving and flexible mechs. Also everyone wants to pilot a heavy mech as well, so a medium mech will help with queue times.Another advantage of grabbing a clan mech first is that when building your mech you have far less things that you can do wrong, like under-engining your mech and making you an easy target. Get to also know what the various upgrades do for your mechs, get to know how much ammo you use.Reading guides on the meta is a good idea, it will give you an idea of what you will be fighting, it will also give you an idea of the weaknesses of each weapon system is and strengths. You do not, and I stress this, and should not blindly follow the meta, learn why the meta is the way it is so you can tune your mechs to capitalize on how the game works.Most of all, find what you enjoy to run in your mechs and run it. Also don't forget to find some friends, look up the faction team speak servers and do group queue drops. Trust me, working with friends or just communicating in general will do more for your match score, cbills, and exp gains than any metamech build.Before getting into Faction play, otherwise known as Community Warfare you should get a good grasp of how your mechs work and get four of them that add up to 240 tons. Make certain they are all basiced.MechWarrior's, I look foward to meeting you as friend and foe on the battlefield.
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