genesis online这个游戏王online怎么玩

PS166 : NES14 : R-Type : Marble Madness : SNES22 : Arcade90 : 古墓丽影: Atari 260012 : Arcade80 : 时空之旅: RE4 : NES43 : Arcade6 : Arcade94 : 恶魔城 月下夜想曲: 真人快打2 ;93 : Arcade2 : PS185 : 超级马里奥兄弟3 : Arcade41 : Arcade95 .hiphotos: Multiplatform3 : NES32 : N647 : NFL football : PS128 : DC21 : Spy Hunter : NFL Blitz : 马里奥6464 : Arcade40 .hiphotos.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http: Arcade62 : After Burner : Centipede : Saturn79 : NES52 : N6415 : Arcade71 : 合金装备: Mike Tyson&#39: SNES49 : 灵魂能力 : Arcade56 : Robotron : SNES35 : Arcade46 : Combat : Arcade93 : Arcade78 : Frogger : 侠盗飞车手3 : Advanced Dungeons and Dragons : Defender : 超级炸弹人: NES57 : KOTOR : 超级马里奥赛车: PS274 : 山脊赛车: Arcade92 : 光环: 任天堂全明星打乱斗: PS124 : Asteroids : 最终幻想3 (6) : VR战士 .com/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=4b8ec3a9ddb44aed591bb6e0862cab37/738bfc0e58362efb21ae: Arcade53 : Arcade77 : LoZ: Hockey &#39: 双截龙: GC91 : NBA Jam : PS281 : N645 : 合金装备2 : Adventure : VR战士2 : 暗黑索尼克: Arcade70 : 分裂细胞 明日潘多拉: PS159 : Intellivision89 : Tecmo bowl : NHLPA: 光环2 : John Madden Football : 耀西岛: 战斧: RC Pro-Am .jpg" esrc="http: 恶魔城 : GBA84 : Galaga : Tetris Attack : Xbox76 : Arcade69 : Arcade88 : 高级战争.baidu: Genesis48 : 东尼霍克的滑板: PS133 : NES<a href="http: NES65 : Arcade30 : 超级马里奥世界: 梦游美国: 梦幻之星 : GC45 : SNES87 : 火枪英雄: Arcade36 : Arcade9 : 最终幻想7 : Missile Command : Pong : Xbox16 : GB60 : 塞尔达传说2 林克的冒险 : 大金刚.com/zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=64e1ccc1b41bbe064af68c/738bfc0e58362efb21ae: Arcade19 : Arcade86 : Arcade1 ;s Punch Out : Genesis83 : Warlords : NES63 : 梦幻之星2 : SNES82 : Pitfall: 美国海豹突击队: 银河战士 : Xbox99 : Genesis44 : 飞龙RPG: 魂斗罗: Tempest : Tron : 吃豆人 ://f: Xbox75 : NES4 ! : Arcade27 : 太空侵略者 : Arcade54 : SNES73 .com/zhidao/pic/item/738bfc0e58362efb21ae: 快打旋风: Arcade72 .hiphotos: Excitebike : virtua racing : Arcade42 : RE : 街头霸王 2 : F-Zero : Arcade31 : SNES68 : Pokemon Red/Blue : Intellivision67 : 超级马里奥世界2: Arcade61 : SNES23 : SNES18 : Arcade37 : LttP : PS28 : PS164 : 超级银河战士 : Breakout : 洛克人2 : Arcade98 : SNES58 : NES50 : NES10 : Baseball Stars : PS134 : 黄金眼 : Genesis55 : Strider .baidu: NES13 : Atari 260038 : GC51 : Arcade47 : Joust : PS126 : NES39 : 超级马里奥兄弟 : 星球大战: Sega Master System25 : Arcade97 : 塞尔达传说 时之笛: 梦幻之星Online : 最终幻想战略版: Genesis96 : GT赛车: 塞尔达传说 : 俄罗斯方块 ://f://f: Track and Field 100 .baidu: RE2 : PS111 : 银河战士: Atari 260017 : DC20 : Gauntlet : Ikari Warriors
上面这个配置就行(配置全开有点费劲) 价格也就在5600多
这个3D吞吃不成什么问题(全开基本不成问题吧) 但是价格也高8600多
电源:500W(第一张配置单的)—— 600W(下面那张配置单)的品牌电源就行(预算400以内) 机箱选游戏机箱,电源下置,支持背部理线的预算大约300-500元左右吧(嫌费事的话也可以用推荐的)
出门在外也不愁Genesis Online
Genesis Online
Global Achievements
Most popular community and official content for the past week.&
stuck at freakin LOADING!
someone else stucked at approx. 75% loading screen when starting the game?
General Discussions
stuck at freakin LOADING!
someone else stucked at approx. 75% loading screen when starting the game?
General Discussions
Почему игра не запускаетца?
General Discussions
If anyone has any questions about the game I bet I can answer most of them or you can go to my community where I will check more often. it is called "Genesis Online Guru" or GeOnGu
General Discussions
Genesis Online - Gameplay&
How to lauch Genesis Online
This is how to launch genesis online!&
26 ratings
GENESIS ONLINE - Another Blocks Game&
How to delete Genesis Online
psycological horror&
Dungeons Pt-Br
Guia básico sobre as dungeons do jogo!
Esc - меню
- вперед
A - назад
S - лево
D - право
Q (quest) - квесты
R (achivment) - ачивки
T (teleport) - телепорт
Y (emotion) - эмоции
I (inventory) - инвентарь
позволяет управлять курсором, двигать чат
H (shop sets) - игровые н&
&Начало игры&&
Funny Steam Reviews |Genesis Online|&
Первые шаги или путь к успеху!Что мне делать?
Учимся выживать!&
2 of 3 people (67%) found this review helpful2 people found this review funny
Not Recommended
1.5 hrs on record
If you check my profile you'll see that I have 1.2 hours on record, I have been waiting for the loading screen to move for that long, it's like waiting for my grades to go up, never gonna happen.I was excited to play the game but it won't even load.
7 products in account
1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful2 people found this review funny
1.5 hrs on record
This action packed game has lots of fun for any ages. Your heart will race the second the loading screen pops up with the action packed music blairing your adrenalin levels into over drive. As your stomach turns with butterflies from nervousness, you wait second after blood coursing second for the loading bar to go past the 70ish% mark. From all of this action pack excitement, your eyes will play tricks on you, leading you to believe the loading bar has moved after 15 minutes... it hasn't. Simply put: you will NOT be able to keep yourself from the explosive, unexpected amount of emotions you will find yourself feeling as you journey through this unforgettable experience time and time again.
7 products in account
Teatro Mágico Fortaleza - Alem Porem Aqui / Amanh?... Será?&
2 of 5 people (40%) found this review helpful
6.4 hrs on record
I like this game I mean you have to wait along time to play but its fun once you get into the game
33 products in account
is it normal?
General Discussions
Genesis Online - Worse Minecraft&
No more content. So sad.
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