
尹恩惠 饰 李秀妍(Joy)
ZOE 译为乔伊
&林肯法球(Linken's Sphere):
&&&&& 好吧我不知道为什么这个英文Liken长得那么像汉语拼音而且还可以用汉语拼音拼出来而且还是正确的!!!Sphere的意思是&球体&。虽然Linken和美国著名总统亚伯拉罕&林肯(Abraham&Lincoln)的拼写有出入,但是我们有理由相信这个装备就是为了纪念美国史上最受人爱戴的总统林肯。作者的意思是:&如果林肯有这个法球,那就能完美抵挡那一发致命的子弹了,同时林肯总统对于美国人民就如同这个法球一样,一直保护着我们&。
&魔龙之心/恐鳌之心(Heart of Tarrasque):
&&&&& Tarrasque是来自《龙与地下城》的一个巨型怪兽,其存在的意义就是吃和破坏,跟我们自己传说里的饕餮有的一拼。而作为一个贪婪的胖子,它的强力属性也和道具带来的效果差不多,厚血,回复,所以是个比较难杀的小强。而在法国传说里,Tarrasque是1世纪时出现于普罗旺斯的Nerluc附近的一头巨兽,狮首、牛身、熊腿、背负龟壳、尾部有鳞,状如蝎尾。它被圣徒Martha以赞美诗和祈祷驯服(忽悠),带至城镇(接着忽悠),结果被受惊的市民杀死,在接受圣徒布道后,市民们懊悔于自己杀死了这只巨兽,后来就以怪兽的名字命名了城镇(Tarrascon),并一直用一个节日来纪念这只倒霉的巨兽。
&强袭装甲(Assault Cuirass):
&&&&& Assault的意思是&袭击&,Cuirass的意思是&胸甲&,合并起来就是强袭了。值得一提的是强袭的介绍&Forged in the depths of the river Styx&,意思是&铸造于地狱之河Styx深处&。Styx是希腊神话中的冥河,传说浸泡过河水将会刀枪不入,被赐予永恒。在《荷马史诗》中的&特洛伊之战&里面的传奇英雄Achilles(阿基琉斯)就是在出生时被他母亲拎着脚踝浸泡过河水,因此他全身除了脚踝刀枪不入。在下面的&黯灭&中,同样会提到这条河。
&刃甲(Blade Mail):
&&&&& 刃甲的英文名也是浅显易懂,前文提到过很多次这两个单词,这里就不赘述了。看看小字部分吧:&Serves as great company for those long respawn times&,意思是&这件盔甲很适合对付那些读秒时间长的家伙&。从介绍里面我们可以看到,这件盔甲是燃烧军团发明的。为什么会说适合对付那些读秒时间长的家伙呢?里面读秒时间长的是谁?当然是等级高的Carry们了,当他们用他们那凶残的攻击想要打爆你的时候,开启刃甲,让他们读秒去吧。
&不朽之守护(Aegis of the Immortal):
&&&&& 首先要说的是Aegis就是汉化组的A大了,当然他的名字是根据这个取的。Aegis的本意是希腊神话里面宙斯和雅典娜所持的羊皮盾牌,Immortal的意思就是不朽。通过这个我们可以看出羊皮盾也是很坚固的。在希腊神话里面,雅典娜出生时被全副武装,所以她注定是战争女神,所以她小时候喜欢的并不是一般女孩子喜欢的文静的游戏,而是真刀真枪的格斗。有一次他与海神法厄同的女儿帕拉斯用真正的长矛决斗,两个女孩打得正酣时,大神宙斯看到了这一切,但担心自己的女儿受伤,于是就在两人之间降下了一面羊皮盾牌,护住了雅典娜。结果帕拉斯的长矛被盾牌挡住,而正当她为这突然出现的盾牌纳闷时,雅典娜的长矛已经刺穿了她的身体,雅典娜误杀了自己的朋友。为了纪念她,雅典娜把自己的名字改成了帕拉斯&雅典娜。
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Musical Instrument Digital Interface音乐设备数字接口
当然现在midi也指Musical Instrument Digital Interface,意为“中午因为英语有很多源于拉丁语和德语,所以我觉得midi作为名子时可能是源于德语或法语,正午”
n. 迷笛;中长裙;旗袍裙 乐器数字接口(Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
乐器数字接口(Musical Instrument Digital Interface,简称MIDI)是一个工业标准的电子通信协定,为电子乐器等演奏设备(如合成器)定义各种音符或弹奏码,容许电子乐器、电脑或其它的演奏配备彼此连接,调节和同步,得实时交换演奏数据。
MIDI不传送声音,只传送像是音调和音乐强度的数字数据, 音量,抖音和 方位[1] 等参数的控制信号,还有设置节奏的时钟信号。在不同的电脑上,输出的声音也有所不同(亚德诺半导体公司编解码器的用户和创新科技声卡的用户最为明显)。
MIDI播映控制协议(MSC Protocol)是为MIDI而设的工业标准,由MIDI设备生产商协会在1991年制定。它允许不同种类的媒体控制设备在相互之间的通信,借助计算机可以表现现场显示控制的功能与娱乐应用。与音乐MIDI相同,MSC并不传输实际...
Musical Instrument Digital Interface:乐器数字接口
出门在外也不愁1. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
地区:&美国 发行时间:&2007年
[安全检测] 已通过安全检测 安全检测软体:NOD32防毒系统 版本:2.7.39 杀毒引擎版本:30) [安装测试] 已通过安装测试 测试系统:Window...
收藏人数: 126
中文名:&电影合成软件英文名:&Eyeon DIGITAL
Fusion V5.02别名:&无资源格式:&光盘镜像版本:&更新至V5.02制作发行:&地区:&简介:&
包含:Eyeon DIGITAL
Fusion V5.0 和 Render Slave v5.0(渲染器)还有一些常用插件和教学!!绝对高端的影视后期软件![已通过安全检测]:KV2005版本号:9.00.607病毒库日期:诺顿4.5服务器版病毒库日期:[安装测试]:操作系统:Windows 2000 Advanced Server测试结果:安装正常,使用正常。 随机服务器(最近不知怎么了,好多服务器不稳定)上行带宽40KB--60KB。[免责声明]软件版权归原作者及原软件公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版软件,本软件只是用做学习研究之用,请下载后24小时内删除!对于版权问题本人及VeryCD不负任何责任!更新是happytomy 发布的 我在此借光一下,方便大家升级感谢happytomy 兄弟!!原贴地址软件简介:Digital Fusion 5.0 (电影合成):
Fusion 5.0 专业级电影合成工具、高端合成软件!Fusion 5包含了许多新的特点及增强的工作流程。具有真实的3D环境支持,是市场上最有效的3D粒子系统。通过3D硬件加速,你现在可以在一个程序内就可以实现从Pre-Vis到finals的转变。eyeon's Fusion 是真正的2D和3D协同终极合成器。
Digital Fusion 5.0是一套非常强大的视频合成软件,具有众多的使用特点,节点式的工作流便于使用。Fusion 5.0 是eyeon公司旗舰产品,该产品问世是eyeon公司第9次发布这个强有力的合成器,该产品使用了一个新的图形引擎,能够将整体性能提升一个台阶并能更使得内存使用效率提高,新的DF5可以在每一个像素上以8bit,16bit或者以浮点方式来运行。DF5可以创建以时间线为基础的缓存实时播放的部分。利用eyeon 革命性的集群技术可以通过网络扩展富有传奇色彩的计算性能。Fusion 5的网络渲染一直以来与其他批处理渲染技术相比属于高端技术的应用。新的DF4强劲有力的集群技术,能够将多台工作站有效的连接组成高级的网络工作环境,通过网络render farm的聚合处理能力,整个环境能够连续的按照次序渲染工作任务。
/Web/EyeonWeb/Products/fusion5/screenshots/thumb_fusion5_waveform.jpg Fusion 5支持电影流程,并通过一个强大的ODBC支持脚本引擎。 
Digital Fusion 5.0的主要特征包括了一个具有灯光、摄像机和基本几何体的真实的3D合成环境,OpenGL加速器,ASCII文件。自Eyeon在去年的siggraph上宣布以来,艺术家对Fusion 5 World Tour进行了一些反馈,Fusion 5在提供许多新功能的同时也增加了工作平台。波形、矢量显示器和3D监视器这些用于广播需求的图形和效果,都是真彩色的。新的实时矢量显示器、矩形图和波长在Fusion5中提供了完整的色彩控制显示。Digital Fusion 5中新的注释表与每一合成的记事本相似。艺术家可以用这个特征来保存所做的合成列表。
新增的实时波形表,矢量和柱状图显示使其达到了广播级标准。直接导入功能和与主流3D软件的兼容性,使摄像机和场景能够存在于Fusion中。这其中包括对Maya、LightWave 3D、Max和XSI的支持。
Fusion现在可以直接导入FBX文件,通过FBX文件就可以制作出一个与灯光和摄像机相匹配的作品。Bins已经被移到网络上了,并允许其他的艺术家看到并更新它们。注释表(comment tab)的引进可以让艺术家们记录一些注释以及其作品的创作过程。 /down/softimg/-27-32.gif Eyeon Fusion Render Slave 5.0 (Fusion 5.0渲染器):
也叫Digital Fusion Render Node。是一款革新性的多渲染机在线整合工具,通过简单的单键命令和程序本身的网络渲染功能。繁重的工作可以很容易被分配到不同的机子,方便电影艺术家们共享相同的网络渲染节点。可以多线程、多任务实时渲染预览,它的网络渲染模式和宽太相近!
/web/eyeonweb/products/main_images/thumb_node.jpg A 20 minute render on a dual 400 PII was reduced to 45 seconds with DFRN, a 30-fold increase performance. Utilizing multiple dual processor machines, DFRN significantly accelerates the rendering process. This simple computer-to-computer rendering design network renders flows for Digital Fusion, DFHD and DFX+ (with Module 5). Countless users can send flows of every format possible to the queue for rendering, as the network can render all different bit depth and image formats. DFRN also supports all of the tools, features, animation and plug-in options available for the full version of Digital Fusion.
/Web/EyeonWeb/Products/fusion5/teaser_fusion5_3d.jpg 注意:安装方法:安装时 选择Custom 自定义安装 下一步
去掉 HASP Hardware lock driver (硬件锁驱动)一、2000系统 比较容易,安装后破解文件直接复制、覆盖到DF 的安装目录就可以了!二、XP系统:可能比较麻烦,因为原安装文件上就写了是 NT2K 的
可能兼容性 比较差!下面是一位朋友的xp上安装步骤:1、安装原版2、破解文件夹里的 exe文件覆盖到 DF的安装目录3、C盘 新建 FLEXlm 文件 将 DAT文件 复制到 里面 4、OK!【英文新特性】============================Compositions vs. FlowsFusion 5 now refers to its saved projects as compositions, which now use the .comp file extension. Projects saved to disk were previously known as Flows. This change in terminology has several purposes. First, calling the saved project a composition reduces possible confusion with the node schematic portion of the Fusion interface, which is also called the Flow. For example, the sentence “Open the flow and examine the flow” is much clearer as “Open the composition, and examine the flow.” Second, this change helps to distinguish projects saved by Fusion 5 from projects saved in Fusion 4. This is important because Fusion now uses an ASCII file format rather than a binary format, so flows created in previous versions of Fusion are not compatible with Fusion 5. Flow ImprovementsThe Fusion 5 flow has been subjected to many enhancements. Nodes in the flow can now use direct-connect pipes as an alternative to the orthographic connections in previous versions. A thumbnail 'flow navigator' which provides an easy way to navigate large compositions with minimal panning. A 'Find Tool' dialogue has also been added to assist in managing and finding specific tools in a large flow. Finally, masks are now visible as separate tools on the flow, making their connections to other nodes instantly obvious, and allowing a single mask to easily be used on multiple tools. ASCII FlowsThis screenshot shows a portion of the composition as it appears when viewed in a text editor. The composition is now saved as an ASCII file, making it possible to edit without having to open it in Fusion. Those familiar with DFScript will notice that the syntax is basically just a series of nested tables. This makes it trivial to load and parse flows using our built in scripting language. You could alternately use any scripting language you want to manipulate Fusion. Also, the saved project is no longer called a flow (*.flw), as it was in previous versions. The saved project is now referred to as a composition (*.comp). The flow editor in the interface is still referred to as the Flow. This makes it easier to distinguish between saved projects and the interface than it was previously. The Third DimensionA suite of native 3D tools are now available in Fusion 5, and the individual 3D worlds previously found in the Text and Particle tools are now part of the same overall environment. Fusion’s 3D environment supports lights, cameras, particles, text, primitive geometry, FBX meshes and scenes, and point clouds. The entire 3D environment takes advantage of OpenGL hardware acceleration. Import FBX ScenesThe FBX scene interchange format is rapidly becoming the standard for moving 3D scenes from one program to another. Fusion can now import FBX files directly, creating a matching compo-sition with animated lights and cameras drawn straight from the FBX file. Fusion will even load geometry and textures from the scene! Display ViewsOpenGL Display Views: Display Views in Fusion 5 are now based on the OpenGL rendering language. As a result Fusion now requires a graphics card with support for OpenGL, and will benefit enormously from the use of a fast OpenGL accelerated display device. Sub Views and View Types: You can now enable a SubView in the Display Views that can show additional information about your scene. By default this miniature view will show histogram information about the current, but you can click on the arrow next to the SubV button to display a menu listing the various types of views available. The following types of views are supported: Navigator, Magnifier, 2D Viewer, 3D Histogram, 3D Viewer, Color Inspector, Histogram, Image Info, Vectorscope, Waveform. OpenGL ImplementationThe display views have been completely rewritten to become fully OpenGL accelerated. This was done to support the 3D environment introduced by Fusion 5. In addition to allowing you to move 2D image planes around in 3D, our 3D environment supports geometry, meaning that particles, text and basic shapes can exist in the same 3D environment as your images. Our native camera will allow you to import camera paths from almost all 3D applications and trackers. Waveform and Vectorscope MonitorsProducing graphics and effects for broadcast means ensuring your colors are legal, everytime. With new realtime vectorscope and waveform displays in Fusion 5, taking control of your color is easier than ever before. White BalanceWhite Balance, one of Fusion 5's new Color tools, provides you with the ability to correct or tune the color composition of your shot. Choose different white balances for shadows, midtones, highlights for a finely tuned result. You may have seen the footage here used in demonstrations of Fusion 4's Histogram Matching feature. White Balance gives us the ability to achieve the same stellar results we get from Histogram Matching, even when a reference plate is unavailable. Remove NoiseFusion 5 includes a powerful new noise removal tool, that can eliminate pesky grain and noise from your images. In the example provided, the left side has had the noise removal filter applied, while the right side contains the original grain and noise from the DV clip. Masks on the FlowMasks are now simply tools like any other in Fusion, and are visible as nodes in the flow. All tools that support masking now provide mask inputs on the tool tiles in the flow. Mask inputs on a tile are generally drawn as blue arrows, though other colors may be used for pre-masks and garbage mattes. Mask tools can be found in their own category in the tools menu. The resolution of the mask is not fixed – it is determined by the resolution of the image it is masking. If you are masking a HD sized frame, you will get a HD sized mask. You can branch the output of a mask tool to multiple tools, in which case the mask will be rendered at the correct resolution for each tool. Double PolylinesFusion 5 now supports polylines with non uniform softness. This is done using double polylines – a new type of polyline that describes variable softness along the edge of a curve using inner and outer polyline curves. You can also convert any polyline into a double polyline. B-SplinesB-Splines are now available as a type of polyline. A b-spline uses only a single point to define the smoothness and curvature of a polyline segment. Compare this to a bezier spline, which will use three points to describe smoothness along a polyline segment (the shape point, and two handles for smoothing) Macro EditorFusion's already powerful Macro editor now allows you to open, edit, and re-save previously created macros, making Macros an even more essential part of any composition or workflow. In addition Macros are now stored in an ASCII file format meaning they can be opened, edited and modified in any text editor Instance ToolsYou can now create an instance of a tool. An instanced tool is basically the SAME tool as the original, any change made to controls on either the parent control or any of its instances are automatically replicated to all other tools that share an instance relationship. Direct vs. Orthogonal PipesThe default mode for displaying pipes between tools is now Direct, a straight line connecting tool outputs to tool inputs. You may switch back to the old style of orthogonal pipes using the Flow’s Options context menu. Bins ServerFusions bins have escaped onto the network! Fusion has always provided a space to organize your composites, footage, tools and macros. Now the bins can be seen over the network, allow-ing other Fusion artists to see and even update your bins, and letting you see bins from other artists workstations. For even more power try running the Bins as a standalone service on a cen-tral server, making central management of resources for a project a snap. Flow CommentsCollaboration is about finding simple and elegant solutions for sharing information about a composite between artists. The new comments tab in Fusion 5 is like attaching a notepad to each composite. Use it to keep a todo list for the composite, or just to remind yourself why you built the composite the way you did.
留点口水(可选):求欧美电影《天使的磨难》,英文名《Why me?》_百度知道
求欧美电影《天使的磨难》,英文名《Why me?》
应该是《Angel trials》吧。。。
感谢塞,不过还是没有搜到。想不通为什么会找不到呢?我已经遇到两部电影频道放过但网上却找不到的电影了= =!没道理啊,应该不是什么限制级的,话说:限制级的都找的到。。。这个居然连个海报都找不到!郁闷啊。。喝喝。


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