pocketpowersocial club v1.1.6.0怎么用

国外大神终于发布了红石插件的内测版,但是很多小伙伴或许安装了插件之后不知道怎么使用,下面一起来看看红石插件的使用教程吧:红石插件下载地址:红石插件需要用启动器打开,我的世界手机版启动器下载地址:我的世界启动器使用方法:&&我的世界手机版的红石插件安装好以后,需要使用启动器开启插件选项,具体步骤为:进入启动器设置界面,将管理插件滑块推到ON值得注意的是红石插件不能和Too Many Item插件共存,所以要使用红石插件必须把TMI插件关闭,我们点击管理插件进入插件管理界面,将TMI插件禁用。进入游戏中,就能够使用红石插件了!另外我们可以使用PocketInvEditor软件调出红石相关的道具:红石块ID:152活塞臂ID:34检测铁轨ID:28活塞ID:33PocketInvEditor使用教程:PocketInvEditor下载地址:=============分割线===============
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这是国外大大12bit(已改名,现ryan)制作的高仿红石插件,我也有啊,只要是喜欢玩Minecraft PE的很多有都会知道
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让手机女友时刻陪伴在你身边;游戏里有个前凸后凸的外国女人扮演你的女朋友,会撒娇,会和你互动说话,还可以给你的女友换衣服,送给单身的机友们~Updated June 18th, 10: Adds ability to specify
a different, higher resolution version of the original image as the image used
inside the magnifying glass.
Description: Some images are worth a closer
look, which is why there's Image Power Zoomer. It gives any image on your page
the ability to be magnified when the mouse rolls over it. A &magnifying glass&
that appears over the image lets the user zoom in on any portion of it as it
follows the cursor around. Furthermore, the magnification power can be adjusted
on the fly by turning the mouse wheel back or forth, just like in many graphics
programs. Lets take a closer look at this script's features:
Applies the zoom effect to any image on the page without
adding any additional markup to it.
Ability to use either the original image, or a
of it as the image used inside the
magnifying glass, to provide as much detail as possible.
v1.1 feature
The default zoom level (ie: 2x) can be changed for each
When the user scrolls the mouse wheel while over the image,
the zoom level decreases or increases based on the scroll direction. The
range of zoom can be changed (ie: 2x to 10x).
The size of the &magnifier& can be changed for each image.
It's time to shine the spotlight on deserving images on your site with
this script!
Demos (scroll your mouse wheel while over the image
to further zoom in or out).
Demo 1 (default power: 2x. Range: 2x to 7x. Magnifier
size: 150px by 150px):
Demo 2/3 (3rd demo uses a different, higher res version
of original image as the magnified image):
Step 1: Add the below code inside the &HEAD& section of the
The above code references an external file which you
should download below (right click, and select &Save As&):
Step 2: Then, to apply the power zoom effect on an image,
first, define the image on your page as you normally would, with a
unique ID attribute to help identify it:
&img id=&myimage& src=&ocean.gif&
style=&width:200 height:150px& /&
Tip: Give the image you're applying the zoom effect to explicit CSS width
and height attributes that reflect the image's original dimensions. This helps
the script initialize much faster than without those attributes present.
Then, inside the HEAD section of your page, call the jQuery method
on the image in question:
&script type=&text/javascript&&
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ //fire on DOM ready
Where &#myimage& is a
that selects this particular image and adds a zoom effect to it.
Notice that you should invoke this function only after the page has
loaded, by wrapping it inside jQuery's ready() function.
You can apply the power zoom effect to a collection of images
all at once. Simply change your jQuery selector to target the desired group of
images. Here are a couple of examples:
&script type=&text/javascript&&
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ //fire on DOM ready
&$('img.showcase').addpowerzoom() //add zoom effect to images with CSS
class &showcase&
&$('#gallerydiv img').addpowerzoom() //add zoom effect to all images inside
DIV with ID &gallerydiv&
As you can see, based on your understanding of
you can target the zoom effect in a variety of ways.
When you call addpowerzoom() with no parameter passed in,
certain settings are automatically entered. These global settings that you can
customize are defined near the top of :
dsetting: {defaultpower:2, powerrange:[2,7],
magnifiersize:[75, 75]},
The defaultpower setting sets the default
magnification power. The powerrange setting sets the range of possible
powers (applicable when the user scrolls the mouse wheel). And finally, the
magnifiersize sets the default dimensions of the magnifier that
appears over the image.
addpowerzoom() options
When calling the
method, you can pass into it 4 options to customize the settings for the affected image(s). These options
if defined override those defined globally inside the .js file mentioned above.
The options
should be defined inside an empty object {}, each separated by a
comma if more than 1 is defined.
addpowerzoom() options
defaultpower: value
Sets the default magnification power when the
mouse rolls over the image. Value should be an integer greater or equal
to 1. Example:&$('#myimage').addpowerzoom({
& defaultpower:3 //default power: 3x original image
A value of 1 means no magnification by default. Default value is 2.
powerrange: [lowvalue, highvalue]
Sets the range of possible magnification
powers when the user scrolls the mouse wheel while over the target
image. Be sure this range covers the defaultpower setting
above. Example:&$('#myimage').addpowerzoom({
& defaultpower:3,
& powerrange:
[2, 10] //Possible range: 2x to 10x magnification
& }) Default value is
largeimage: &path_to_image&
If defined, specifies the path to the
magnified image shown within the magnifying glass. It should be a
larger, higher resolution version of the original image, to provide as
much details as possible:&$('#myimage').addpowerzoom({
& defaultpower:3,
& powerrange:
& largeimage: &&
&})If this option is not
defined, the original image is used instead.
Default value is null.
magnifiersize: [width, height]
Sets the dimensions of the magnifier that
appears over the target image. For large images it makes sense to
take advantage of that real estate by also increasing the magnifier's
size. Example:&$('#myimage').addpowerzoom({
& magnifiersize:
[120, 120]} //Set size of magnifier to 120px by 120px
&) Default value
is [75,75].
The following defines all 4 options of addpowerzoom():
&script type=&text/javascript&&
jQuery(document).ready(function($){ //fire on DOM ready
&defaultpower: 2,
&powerrange: [2,5],
&largeimage: null,
&magnifiersize: [100,100] //&--no comma following last option!
When more than 1 option is defined, separate each one with a comma.


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