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Buy Long Live The Queen
$9.99 USD
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"Aka 'Sansa Stark Simulator.' An exceptionally clever game which asks a great deal of its players without really seeming to"
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Recent updates
The latest plot update for the game, complete with new story options, features, character portraits, marriages, and ways to completely ruin your country is now available.
There are also 6 new achievements to find, which will remove some people's 100% status but hopefully only temporarily.
If you want full spoiler-heavy details of everything that's been added, visit the
and read through the (long) beta thread. Otherwise, dive in and see what you can find!
And remember - the chicken had it coming.
30 January
A lot of new options and some new character portraits are being added to the game (currently in beta-testing). The beta version is available to all Steam users, and more information on opting-in plus a quick list of what's in store can be found in this discussion topic:
If you have the time, please come have a look and report your thoughts and any problems you encounter.
There will be a new achievement added to the game but not until this patch leaves beta.
Hope you enjoy the new storylines!
“Each time the protagonist dies, you find yourself coming back with a vengeance, determined to try a new strategy, a different approach to her upbringing. It's borderline addictive. It's also likely to make a monster out of you. By the end of my first successful playthrough, I had summarily butchered everyone who even thought about looking at us funny, forced the princess into a continuous state of docility and lied my way through every social encounter possible. Was it evil? Yes. Was it glorious? Definitely.”
“Somehow it never occurred to my princess, whom I’d lovingly crafted into a tense, paranoid warlord, that she shouldn’t empty a box of mysterious mailcandy into her mouth. You would think studying poison and espionage would have saved me from this espionage poison, but instead, a list of other skills, skills I never studied, princess skills, were key to avoiding this fate. I guess that’s the lesson: you can’t build a successful Arya without adding a little Sansa.”
“If you’re the sort who can sink your teeth into a full afternoon of tabletop strategy, you’ll be happy here. Long Live The Queen is a slow-paced, cozy evening kind of game, good for folks who like numbers and critical thinking. And death. Pink frosted, chubby cheeked death.”
Steam Greenlight
About This Game
Rule the world or die trying!
Being a Princess is not an easy job. Being a Queen is even harder. Especially when you're only fourteen years old, and the reason you've inherited the throne is that your royal mother has just met an untimely end.
Now power is up for grabs. You may be the official heir, but much of the country's nobility would love to steal the throne for themselves. Aggressive neighbors will take advantage of any weakness to enlarge their borders at your expense. And that's not even mentioning the magical dangers which are lying in wait...
Can you survive long enough to reach your coronation?
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: XP, Vista, 7, 8
Processor: 1.2 Ghz
Memory: 256 MB RAM
OS: 10.4+
OS: x86 or compatible processor
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8.2 hrs on record
Long Live the Queen? It's already hard enough surviving til the corination date 0_0 Seriously thoughLong Live the QueenPlot/Story + Gameplay 8.9/10Animation/Design 9/10Audio/Soundtrack 9/10Plot/Story + Gameplay 8.9/10You are the female protagonist Elodie, who is next in the line of succession to the Throne! Sadly your mother dies when you're only just 14 years old, which means it is now your turn to take up the role as Queen of Nova! But it isn't as easy as it sounds, many in the kingdom will attempt to take advantage of your mother's death and assassinate you.The Visual novel is very much like a dialogue-strategy type, being 14 years old the protagonist is relatively young and has much to learn. You the player will manage Elodie's weekly lessons and the topics you choose to work on will determine the outcome of any given situation your placed in. On weekends you're free to do as you wish around the castle, whatever you decide to do will affect your mood, and that mood will have an effect on how well you do in your lessons, being too cheerful will affect your mental performance and you won't gain many points on that skill.Skills really do have a great impact on your future in this game, sometimes if you don't have the required skill for a situation this will lead Elodie to do some rather illogical things one prime example is how she got shot by an arrow and placed the arrow deeper within herself! Having no knowledge on what to do when you get shot is fine, maybe you had great trust in your royal guards, but ramming an arrow deeper into yourself?Animation/Design 9/10Animation/design isn't very different from most Visual Novels, but at times I felt the background seemed quite dark at times, I believe it adds to the lonely feeling in the game, you're not surrounded by a lot friends or family, but when you are, it's short-lived.Audio/Soundtrack 9/10I believe the soundtrack is simply beautiful, the entire soundtrack consists of 27 piano pieces. They really fit the right track into the right situation and emotion, there's even this particular track called 'Talking' which is played when you're conversing with someone, there are four versions of that track, Happy, Sad, Fragile/Calm, Busy and Worried.Review ConclusionI really enjoyed LongLong Live The Queen it's unique in its own way and I really love the dialogue-strategy part of it. There's a lot of trial and error involved the game, anything that may seem perfectly harmless maybe opposite in this game, I was skilled strategist in every way, but I was killed by chocolate. I recommend this game to anyone interested in dialogue-strategy or even those interested in royalty, you have an insight of the life of royalty, the risks involved, royal demeanor, internal and foreign affairs, the struggle.
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104.9 hrs on record
Dear Gwenelle, Ha! I mean Duchess of Sudbury! I am actually trying to work on my royal demeanor, I swear, okay? Life is just so crazy! My moods are so erratic lately. Sorry I can’t make it to your party! My reflexes and archery skills are way below 50, Lore is just sooo much more interesting.. and bandits are everywhere. I even had this bad dream about traveling, and even though I’m not 100% sure it was related to your party, I’m going to stay on the safe side. I’m sure you understand, though, right? I’m sure you would prefer receiving presents from your ALIVE friend rather than, well, not. Yeah, okay so I know you *might* not trust me because of that other timeline where I held Lottie hostage… but I had my reasons, okay!? I’m sure you know how it feels when everyone is judging you and you’re just like ah, how am I supposed to feel -Pressured?!It’s hard being our age and in charge of so much stuff. But hey, at least I sided with you when I *did* go to your party that other time! Do you have timelines or are you just.. like.. stuck? That would suck. OMG, I hope you have more than one outfit! O_OAnother reason I hate not being able to go to your party this time (because every time feels fresh, okay? my room is always just the way I left it..)
is because I really wanted to pick up Briony!! All of her letters were annoying at first but we’re lovers in another timeline. Isn’t that sweet?!? So I figured I could get some early action. ^_^
Nothing with a squid, though! I told you about that poem, right? Sometimes I thought was hilarious, sometimes I just got angry about it.. have you gotten anything like that? Just wondering…I might be +Lonely about not being able to go to your party, but you should be +Cheerful about the presents I sent you! Don’t worry, they’re not chocolates. I would have sent you some apples from my garden—they’re so delicious they’re known to be stolen!—but I would hate to send you—my friend, a duchess—an apple beaten-up by travel. So when the roads are safer you can just come here and we can have all the delicious apples we want, and even play with toys just like old times!
Ps xf dbo krtu pru. ^_^Oh, and to answer your question, I have no idea why my dad doesn’t have a top lip. Like, sure, keeping a stiff upper lip is sound advice. But he just doesn’t have one in the first place! Your friend,Elodie P.S. My handwriting is worse than Adair’s, but who cares?! I funded the printing press!
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3.4 hrs on record
Loli Hitler Simulator.
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51 people found this review funny
2.0 hrs on record
Cons: This game gave me fear of chocolate.I no longer dream of becoming a princess or queen. I realized that the saying &Anything can be a weapon& is more true than i thought...Pros: Pink hair &3Tentacle ???? references. Anime style.Overall a 11/10 &CoD is still better& - IGN&Screw that, I want badass mood swinging queens!& - Me
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1.8 hrs on record
Pretty much the anime version of Oregon Trail.
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Includes 45 Steam Achievements
Title: Long Live The Queen
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Release Date: 8 Nov, 2013
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也是一款4X游戏,只是背景换成了奇幻。看样子挺不错的,现在还在early access阶段,截几张图给大家看看:
<font color="#.探索(eXlore):和文明5开局派侦查兵去开图差不多,EL也需要去探索各种遗迹,和野外部落战斗,寻找各种战略资源,奢侈品。但EL加入了英雄,任务和季节的设定,为游戏增加了不少RPG特色和可玩性:
<font color="#.扩张(eXpand):游戏地图被划分成了不同的行政省份,每个省份只能供一个种族建造一座城市,这座城市会享受整个区域资源的加成,这在避免文明AI那种密密麻麻乱铺城的同时,也强调了EL探索战略资源和及时扩张的重要性,同时也会造成更为紧张的外交关系。虽然城市会获得整个省份的战略资源和奢侈品,但每座城市建造的位置还是非常重要的,因为每个城市的格子数一开始是固定的,每个格子依照地形不同分别产出粮食,科技,生产力,这些格子的产出之和就是你的综合国力,因此将城市建造在特殊资源或者有快乐奖励的奇观附近是非常重要的。随着城市的发展,可以建造新的区县(选定一个格子扩张三个新的格子),以降低人们快乐度为前提增加你的国力。不同的种族有不同的地形加成和perk,比如wild walker在森林地形会增加生产力,圣堂种族完全不需要粮食,需要将城市建造在金钱产出多的地形上。类似文明,EL还可以对内政进行细节化管理,既可以设定成自动注重粮食,生产力某一方面,也可以手动管理每一位市民。这在游戏中非常重要,每回合,每个季节,不同的时代细节化管理能对整体战略能起到关键性的作用。
<font color="#.开发(eXploit):测试版暂时为每个种族提供了6个时代的科技圆盘,虽然种族间科技略有差异,但都分为四大类,内政,军事,科技和扩张,每学满10个,就可以解锁下个时代的科技。同时EL还设定了影响力的这个重要的属性,每过一定回合,玩家就可以使用影响力为整个种族设定了总体发展方向(一个很多同心圆的帝国战略圆盘),也是上述四个方向,每层圆环需要不同时代解锁,消耗影响力和所获得的奖励也各有不同。战略不能随时调整,一旦决定需要一定回合后才能再次设定。影响力这个属性还可以用在英雄征服的野外部落的融合上,融合后不仅可以获得特殊兵种,还可以获得不同部落的特性加成。就连外交也需要大量的影响力点数,宣战和平谈判都是需要民意支持的。
<font color="#.消灭(eXterminate):EL中不仅英雄可以升级,各种兵种也可以升级。战斗在双方接触后在大地图直接展开阵型排布,不像英雄无敌那样需要切换画面,现代感和流畅感非常强。战斗节奏很快,每回合在为每个部队选定攻击目标和阵型后就自动展开攻击。在没有有利地形的情况下,速度快的近战兵种是远程兵的克星,同样远程兵种也是速度慢的近战的噩梦,随着科技的解锁还会出现新的兵种,合理选择英雄搭配不同兵种才是战斗胜利的关键。当然专注战略的玩家也可以以三种方式选择快速战斗(攻击型,防御型,原地型)。
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正式版出来再玩,受够了现在的各种alpha beta版本
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贡献度110 金元17599 注册时间积分2200精华0帖子
This world is so empty,
my thoughts are so tempting,
I dunno how it got so bad.
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贡献度0 金元312 注册时间积分31精华0帖子
还是文明4的mod, FFH2
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