under our spell歌词钢琴在哪里下载

)永远这么好《Better Than Never》(讲述了电影1与电影2之间校园里的变化!不知为何南非世界杯即视感!就如整个电影结局一样闪烁。(如果你马上问我了我立马发文件。:名字有些无厘头···极致玩乐的一天《Perfect Day For FUN》(讲述表演前的紧张准备!)耳中音乐《Music To My Ears》(建议低音炮播放)彩虹摇滚《Rainbow Rocks》(主题曲很燃!)开始战斗《Let‘s Have A Battle》(塞壬招牌歌充满魔性,瞬间也想一起摇摆了,不要妄想从咒语解脱!)6如果要下载链接再问我。)摇尾巴《Shake Your Tail》(mv不错。,灵感取自美人鱼迷惑水手的歌曲改编!)玄机在我袖子里《Tricksup My Sleeve》(傲娇崔姐~讲述自己的魅力~)ps!你肯定也想再酷上20%!)听我们的咒语《Under Our Spell》(讲述塞壬如何用美妙歌声控制人们,mv很欢乐,是独立mv)我就是这么酷《Awesome As I Want To Be》(霸气云宝主场,插画太美了闪烁如虹《Shine Like Rainbows》(结尾曲听哭了,最晚明天下午回复
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专辑英文名:&The Piano Collection专辑中文名:&海伦?葛莉茉Denon录音全集艺术家:&古典类型:&全集作品资源格式:&FLAC版本:&[5 CD]地区:&语言:&简介:&
专辑说明:  出生於1969年的法国女钢琴家海伦?葛莉茉,是目前乐坛上炙手可热的新生代艺人。1985年以第一名的成绩毕业於巴黎音乐院,随即进入匈牙利钢琴大师桑德与佛莱雪的大师班继续钻研。1987年首度在法国唱片大展的音乐会上亮相,1988年在巴伦波因的安排下与巴黎管弦乐团合作演出,之后便展开一连串的世界巡迴,逐渐崭露头角。葛莉茉在十五岁时为日本Denon公司录下生平第一张专辑,到1992年共录制了五张专辑,之后即被华纳集团网罗,目前则是环球力捧的钢琴家。葛莉茉的触键果断有力,纤细的音乐感受性和独特的气质与魅力,一直受到亚洲乐迷,尤其是日本乐迷的特别喜爱。这些她年少时期在Denon的录音,技巧有著超乎年龄的成熟,音乐却质朴纯真,不假雕琢,值得爱乐者细细品嚐,和现在的葛莉茉作一比较。Brilliant的低价位,加上Denon的优良录音,乐迷之幸。(Brilliant)钢琴:海伦?葛莉茉Helene Grimaud录音:年CD-1拉赫曼尼诺夫:第二号钢琴协奏曲拉威尔:G大调钢琴协奏曲罗培兹?柯伯斯指挥皇家爱乐管弦乐团CD-2拉赫曼尼诺夫:降B大调第二号钢琴奏鸣曲、音画练习曲集Op.33 (No.1-3, 5-9)降B小调前奏曲Op.32-2、升G小调前奏曲Op.32-12CD-3萧邦:G小调第一号叙事曲李斯特:但丁读后感,选自「巡礼之年」第二册「义大利」舒曼:升F小调第一号钢琴奏鸣曲CD-4舒曼:克莱斯勒魂Op.16布拉姆斯:升F小调第二号钢琴奏鸣曲CD-5布拉姆斯:F小调第三号钢琴奏鸣曲、钢琴小品Op.118
唱片公司:Brilliant Classics
高价版 / CD / 5 片装About this releaseFrench pianist Hélene Grimaud is one of today?s hottest artists. Her great musical sensitivity and her technical skills are indisputable, but on top of that she has is a radiating personality, with a stage presence which holds any audience spellbound.Now in her early thirties she has a contract with Deutsche Grammophon, having left Erato. Her earliest recordings however she made for the Japanese high end label Denon, and according to many these are her best.This set contains all 5 CD?s she made for Denon between 1985 and 1992, great romantic repertoire in which she excels in brilliance, sensitivity and conscience of structure, and above all that highly personal style which is her own unique trademark.The recordings are state of the art.Other information:An important release from Brilliant Classics featuring one of today?s best loved divas of the piano, Hélene Grimaud.法国女钢琴家Helene是当今最炙手可热的中生代乐手,其特立独行的作风和男性化的曲 目选择与詮释风格,让她经常被拿来和阿格丽希相比。这套专辑中的曲目全部是难度极 高、少有女性钢琴家敢於演奏的乐曲,如舒曼〈克莱斯勒魂〉、布拉姆斯〈第三号奏鸣 曲〉、李斯特〈但丁奏鸣曲〉等。引用Performer: Hélène GrimaudOrchestra: Royal Philharmonic OrchestraConductor: Jesús López-CobosComposer: Fryderyk Chopin, Franz Liszt, Sergey Rachmaninov, Maurice Ravel, Robert Schumann, et al.Audio CD (September 30, 2003)Number of Discs: 5Format: Box setNote on Boxed Sets: During shipping, discs in boxed sets occasionally become dislodged without damage. Please examine and play these discs. If you are not completely satisfied, we'll refund or replace your purchase.Label: Brilliant ClassicsASIN: B0000D1FCPAlso Available in: Audio CDAverage Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars
See all reviews (5 customer reviews)12 of 12 people found the following review helpful5.0 out of 5 stars Not just exceptional piano playing for a teen-ager - exceptional piano playing, period. December 2, 2006By Discophage TOP 500 REVIEWERFormat:Audio CDBrilliant Classics, a cheapo-cheapo label based in the Netherlands, has licensed from Denon the five recordings which launched Helene Grimaud's career, and marketed them at a price which makes them a steal. Miss Grimaud was 15 when she recorded the first of these five, the Rachmaninoff collection, in 1985, comprising his second piano sonata (in Horowitz' abridged edition) and a selection of Etude-Tableaux, plus two Preludes. She went on with Schumann (1st piano sonata in 1987, Kreisleriana in '88), Chopin (1st Ballade) and Liszt (Dante Sonata - both in '87), Brahms (second piano sonata in '88 followed by third piano sonata and Klavierstücke opus 118 in '91), and it was all topped-off, in 1992, by the concerto recordings: Ravel's G major and Rachmaninoff's 2nd, with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted bu Jesus Lopez-Cobos. She then moved own to Erato, and now DG - and that was it for Denon.So these discs span the 7 first years of her recording career, and it is not easy stuff that she tackled either. These are among the most daunting compositions of the piano repertoire, not only technically but also musically.It would be unfair to Miss Grimaud to say that these are astounding recordings for a 15-to-22 year-old girl. These are astounding recordings, period. Throughout she displays unflinching muscularity, gripping rhythmic bite, magnificent control of the long line and the succession of variegated moods, from drama to lyricism, and admirable attention to the inside voicing and complexities of contrapuntal writing. All these recordings are not just fine visiting cards for a fledgling pianist - they are equal to the best. Brilliant as reissued the Denon discs as they were originally, short timings and all - the Rachmaninoff is 44 minutes long and the longest of the five is under the hour - but given the price and the excellence of piano playing it is still a bargain.Miss Grimaud is now in the public's eye almost more for her infatuation with wolves than for her pianistic skills - and the Brilliant release surfs on the wave, albeit with some discretion, by the choice of its cover art. But judging from these recordings, one suspects that this kind of claptrap is almost detrimental to her cause. The wolf hype would easily lead you to think that some wise-axxed PR was trying to make up by that tacky attention-catcher for what her mere pianism was unable to achieve. Not so. Miss Grimaud's pianistic and musical gifts can amply stand on their own. Let the wolves howl, and hats off to the pianist.Comment | Was this review helpful to you?6 of 6 people found the following review helpful5.0 out of 5 stars An Admirable, Distinguished Collection Of Helene Grimaud's Earliest Recordings May 25, 2007By John Kwok HALL OF FAMEVINE VOICEFormat:Audio CDThis is truly a magnificient box set which demonstrates the early artistry of one of our finest contemporary pianists, the celebrated French pianist Helene Grimaud. It's an amazing collection not only because it was recorded when Grimaud was in her teens and early twenties when she was contracted to Denon, but more importantly, it demonstrates just how accomplished a musician she was at the start of a brilliant career. Her excellent playing of these works, especially of the Schumann and Brahms pieces, can hold their own against legendary competition from the likes of Claudio Arrau, Alfred Brendel and Murray Perahia, to name but a few of the most noteworthy interpreters - past and present - of these scores. However, I think the real gems are her spellbinding, exquisite performances of the Rachmaninov piano concerto and solo pieces, which I find as admirable as those I've heard from Vladimir Ashkenazy and Zoltan Kocsis, to name but a few. Those unfamiliar with the earliest phase of Helene Grimaud's distinguished career as a celebrated solo pianist will find this box set most rewarding.Hélène Grimaud ?– The Piano CollectionLabel:Brilliant Classics ?– 92437Format:5 × CD, CompilationBox SetCountry:USReleased:Genre:ClassicalStyle:Romantic, Classical Performer: Helene GrimaudOrchestra: Royal Philharmonic OrchestraConductor: Jesus Lopez-CobosComposer: Fryderyk Chopin, Franz Liszt, Sergey Rachmaninov, Maurice Ravel, Robert Schumann, Johanes BrahmsAudio CDNumber of Discs: 5 CD box setFormat: APE (image+cue)Label: Brilliant ClassicsASIN: B0000D1FCPComposed By – Franz Liszt (tracks: 3-2), Frédéric Chopin (tracks: 3-1), Johannes Brahms (tracks: 4-9 to 4-12, 5-1 to 5-11), Maurice Ravel (tracks: 1-4 to 1-6), Robert Schumann (tracks: 3-3 to 3-6, 4-1 to 4-8), Serge Rachmaninoff* (tracks: 1-1 to 1-3, 2-1 to 2-13)
Conductor – Jesús Lopez-Cobos* (tracks: 1-1 to 1-6)
Orchestra – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The (tracks: 1-1 to 1-6)
Piano – Hélène Grimaud
Piano Concerto No. 2 In C Minor Op. 181-01 Serge Rachmaninoff* – Moderato 10:481-02 Serge Rachmaninoff* – Adagio Sostenuto 11:131-03 Serge Rachmaninoff* – Allegro Scherzando 11:38Piano Concerto In G Major1-04 Maurice Ravel – Allegriamente 8:191-05 Maurice Ravel – Adagio Assai 9:171-06 Maurice Ravel – Presto 3:49Piano Sonata No. 2 In B Flat Minor Op. 362-01 Serge Rachmaninoff* – Allegro Agitato 7:122-02 Serge Rachmaninoff* – Non Allegro 4:542-03 Serge Rachmaninoff* – L'Istesso Tempo - Allegro Molto 5:39?tudes-Tableaux Op. 332-04 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 1 In F Major 2:332-05 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 2 In C Major 2:122-06 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 3 In C Minor 3:582-07 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 5 In D Minor 2:442-08 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 6 In E Flat Minor 1:392-09 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 7 In E Flat Major 1:532-10 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 8 In G Minor 3:172-11 Serge Rachmaninoff* – No. 9 In C Sharp Minor 2:222-12 Serge Rachmaninoff* – Prélude In B Flat Minor Op. 32 No. 2 2:532-13 Serge Rachmaninoff* – Prélude In G Sharp Minor Op. 32 No. 12 2:24-3-01 Frédéric Chopin –
Ballade No. 1 In G Minor Op. 23 8:193-02 Franz Liszt –
Après Une Lecture De Dante 15:13Piano Sonata No. 1 In F Sharp Minor Op. 113-03 Robert Schumann – Introduzione: Un Poco Adagio - Allegro Vivace 11:243-04 Robert Schumann – Aria 2:533-05 Robert Schumann – Scherzo E Intermezzo: Allegrissimo 4:513-06 Robert Schumann – Finale: Allegro Un Poco Maestoso 11:13Kreisleriana, Op. 164-01 Robert Schumann – ?usserst Bewegt 2:364-02 Robert Schumann – Sehr Innig Und Nicht Zu Rasch 9:084-03 Robert Schumann – Sehr Aufgeregt 4:174-04 Robert Schumann – Sehr Langsam 3:314-05 Robert Schumann – Sehr Lebhaft 2:444-06 Robert Schumann – Sehr Langsam 3:404-07 Robert Schumann – Sehr Rasch 2:054-08 Robert Schumann – Schnell Und Spielend 3:09Piano Sonata No. 2 In F Sharp Minor Op. 24-09 Johannes Brahms – Allegro Non Troppo, Ma Energico 5:564-10 Johannes Brahms – Andante Con Espressione 5:504-11 Johannes Brahms – Scherzo, Allegro 4:014-12 Johannes Brahms – Finale: Introduzione - Allegro Non Troppo E Rubato 11:34Piano Sonata No. 3 In F Minor Op. 55-01 Johannes Brahms – Allegro Maestoso 9:375-02 Johannes Brahms – Andante Espressivo 10:535-03 Johannes Brahms – Scherzo, Allegro Energico 4:415-04 Johannes Brahms – Intermezzo, Andante Molto 3:315-05 Johannes Brahms – Finale, Allegro Moderato Ma Rubato 7:12Klavierstücke Op. 1185-06 Johannes Brahms – Intermezzo In A Minor 1:525-07 Johannes Brahms – Intermezzo In A Major 5:535-08 Johannes Brahms – Ballade In G Minor 3:255-09 Johannes Brahms – Intermezzo In F Minor 2:295-10 Johannes Brahms – Romanze In F Major 3:555-11 Johannes Brahms – Intermezzo In E Flat Minor 4:56
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You keep me under your spell ?
i don't even like Drive that much but the soundtrack is undeniably dope
ugh last.fm still hasn't fixed this.
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doom metal, electronic, synthpop, death doom metal, disco
Just drive
just lay me down and push me up with the rythmn of this music...
Enchanting, and great to happen upon around 4am. Beautiful tones.
sounds almost like shoegaze
true love is really like this
I don't eat.
I don't sleep.
I do nothing but listen to thiiiiiiis.
This song is used so well within the context of the movie Drive.
can't stop listening to this song..
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under our spell
另外塞壬乐队有一首歌《魔咒至上》(Under Our Spell)


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