
根据这篇文章的特点,我翻译的时候尽量避免使用长句,并相应增加了一部分关联词,使文章更清晰,I am capable to work independently and initiatively.For instance,I adapt well to business trip and mobile office.Once I retured to headquarter until I had finished my work for four consecutive months alone.I am adept to apply various kinds of publicity stunts to negotiate with different clients,result orientedly,and I will never give up unless the sales targets had been achieved.Meanwhile,I attach great importance to the cooperation with functional departments to start my work in the front-line,more quickly and efficiently.I am eager for the sense of achievment of ove I am passionate to develop new clients at any time.According to the consideration of team cooperation,I am more willing to achieve the team goals at full stretch rather than my personal selling target.Confidence,keenness and staunchness,that is the best of my strengths.这是根据你的原文翻译的,但我个人认为有几句的语序需要调换,使其更有逻辑.修改版如下:I am capable to work independently and initiatively.For instance,I adapt well to business trip and mobile office.Once I retured to headquarter until I had finished my work for four consecutive months alone.I am adept to apply various kinds of publicity stunts to negotiate with different clients,result orientedly,and I will never give up unless the sales targets had been achieved.I do not only focus on the self-improvement about work,but also attach more imprtance to team coocupation.(一个带有总结的句子,会使文章脉络更清晰).On the one hand,(使用这类连接词会使文章更有逻辑)I am eager for the sense of achievment of ove I am passionate to develop new clients at any time.On the other hand,I value the chance of cooperation with functional departments which make my work in the front-line,more quickly and efficiently.And according to the consideration of team cooperation,I am more willing to achieve the team goals at full stretch rather than my personal selling target.Confidence,keenness and staunchness,that is the best of my strengths.(这里也可使用强调句,语气更强烈,It's confidence,keenness and staunchness that are the most impressive advantages of mine!)我不遗余力的帮你弄这个的哦,很辛苦滴~还有不明白的可以继续追问,要是满意采纳的时候追加给我分哦~
Ability to work independently with initiative, to adapt to off-site travel and mobile office, has been one for 4 months working in a foreign mission, until the work of the task is completed before ret...
Have independence active work ability, adapt to foreign land to be on business and move to transact, once continuously for 4 months one person was on business to work in the foreign land, until work t...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently with initiative, to adapt to off-site travel and mobile office, has been one for 4 months working in a foreign mission, until the work of the task is completed before ret...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently with initiative, to adapt to off-site travel and mobile office, has been one for 4 months working in a foreign mission, until the work of the task is completed before ret...
具备独立主动的工作能力,适应异地出差和移动办公,曾连续4个月一人在异地出差工作,直到工作任务完成才返回总部。 Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, unt...
Owing ability to work independently with initiative, to adapt to off-site travel and mobile office. Having been one alone
for 4 months working in a foreign mission,and didn't return headquarters unti...
如下:Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. ...
H ave the ability to work independently with initiative and
adapt to off-site travel and mobile office.Someone had worked in a foreign mission for four months till complete the whole
tasks .Be ...
Well-equipped for independent work ability and initiative to place on a business trip, and move their of...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headqu...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
祝楼主身体健康,万事如意,翻译如下:Well-equipped for independent work ability and initiative to place on a business trip, and move their office for four months in place on work until the job through to headquarte...
具备独立主动的工作能力,适应异地出差和移动办公,曾连续4个月一人在异地出差工作,直到工作任务完成才返回总部。Ability to work independently of the initiative,Adapt to different travel and mobile office,Once for four months alone in different busi...
Well-equipped for independent work ability and initiative to place on a business trip, and move their office for four months in place on work until the job through to headquarters only. by means of pu...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently with initiative, to adapt to off-site travel and mobile office, has been one for 4 months working in a foreign mission, until the work of the task is completed before ret...
度知道 > 教育/科学 > 外语学习 > 英语翻译 ★★★★★★★★★请帮我翻译成英文,急等!200分!★★★★★★★★ 悬赏分:200 | 离问题结束还有 20 天 7 小时 | 提问者:匿名 具备独立主动的工作能力,适应异地出差和移动办公,曾连续4个月一人在异地出差工作,直到工作任务完成才返回总部。善于运用各种公关手段与不同类型的客户进行斡旋谈判,以结果为导向,直到最终销售...
Ability to work independently with initiative, to adapt to off-site travel and mobile office, has been one for 4 months working in a foreign mission, until the work of the task is completed before ret...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only retur...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at ...
Have independence active work ability, adapt to foreign land to be on business and move to transact, once continuously for 4 months one person was on business to work in the foreign land, until work t...
来自有道词典Ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarter...
in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarters. Good at using various pr means and different types of customer mediation negotiations, result-oriented, until eventua...
I have the ability to work independently, actively adapt different travel and mobile office, once for four months alone in different business work, until work task completion only returned headquarter...
  小编解答:一是企业可以自己内部制定出差时各项费用的报销标准:即什么情况下、什么职位的员工可以坐飞机,什么情况下只能坐火车,汽车;误餐费用标准是多少钱一顿,这些标准都是可以由企业内部去制定的,然后员工实际发生上述费用时,由出差人凭相应的税务发曱票以及企业的限额标准报 销即可,出差补助也是同样的思路,即由企业制定相应的标准即可。二是招待客人的餐费应该在业曱务招待费科目中核算,不计入差旅费中。
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请开始答题:一天某甲带刀要去少某乙,走到半路又打消了杀人的念头。实际上这天某乙出差到外地去了,即使他去了也杀不成。但甲并不知道乙不在家,而是自动放弃了杀人行为,该行为是( )。A.犯罪既遂B.犯罪中止C.犯罪未遂D.预备犯罪正确答案:有, 或者 答案解析:有,


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