
地图包包是什么牌子,各位美女们 请问这个是什么牌子的包包
地图包包是什么牌子,各位美女们 请问这个是什么牌子的包包
地图包包是什么牌子 mm包包是什么牌子 什么牌子的包包好 包包牌子 包包的牌子 什么牌子的包包 哪个牌子的包包好看 哪个牌子的包包好 什么牌子包包好 什么牌子的包包便宜 美女们 包包
其他回答 (14)
很普通的一个牌子。在比较大的超市里都有卖的。 应该再说详细点或者是配张图片,这样比较容易辩识
问题补充:就是不知道牌子呃、、而且现在格子店也找不到了的说~淘宝上也没找到过…… 这个有点难度
longchamp 这不是包包 严格来讲是购物袋 一个大牌的设计 正品要几千块吧好像是 淘宝上
我买过5个ESQ的包,非常耐用,洗过好几次了还是那么喜欢。 ESQ包包的品质真是没得说,价位在
我喜欢比较有型的那种,就是有点象LV的那种。最好能职业和休闲两用哦!颜色就买名牌的 要不就从T
一个是不知名的牌子,难道衣服也是有带工的?郁闷的我。。。 西单华威你想买什么东西,我这里
美女们,有没有人知道这款包是什么牌子的啊,或者这类型的包叫什么啊? 叫超大皮质手拎包,或超大皮
这不是包包 严格来讲是购物袋 一个大牌的设计 正品要几千块吧好像是 淘宝上有仿的吧 质量一般 几十块吧就
美女们!帮我看下这个是什么牌子!我要买!不好意思问!假老练爱吃螃蟹 1楼 其实这个包包挺好看的 就是分产地 日本和美国的都不错 当然价格也不便宜像
、请各位美女们帮个忙,我好喜欢这个包喔。我很喜欢下面这个包包,但是不知道它是什么牌子的,也不知道哪里有卖。。。 所以拜托各位MM可以告诉这是什么牌子的吗?
购物领域专家请问这张地图是什么意思?红色与蓝色的线代表什么 是指经纬度么..._百度作业帮
请问这张地图是什么意思?红色与蓝色的线代表什么 是指经纬度么...
First of all,question time,who can tell me what the map is?(Map of the world) then this one?(Map)and here?Map of Xiamen City,well,here is what we call hometown .(Xiamen City,beautiful scenery Figure) beautiful!Okay,now let us return to the first map ,the map of the world.Well,now,who can accurately figure out our beautiful home from this map?This is a very difficult task,because this world is very,very large,while our home was too small to leave any traces .Many people compare our home as a harbor,(Harbour diagram); while the outside world is like a vast sea.I believe that everyone is hoping to sail the boat.And not only satisfied with standing on the dock to appreciate,although the scenery is beautiful,but monotonous .What do we need when sailing?Well,yes.we need ship .And the size of the ship decide how far we can sail ,and now we are at the stage of shipbuilding ,with knowledge to build ship.The more abundant our knowledge is ,then the larger our ship will be.Then we will be able to explore the wider world.(The world's landscape pictures)We know there are many,many beautiful places in this world .One day we can see our world ,this beautiful world not through television or photographs,but with our own eyes……这个是我本人翻译的,我的英语口语也很好,演讲比赛和口语证书都取得很好的成绩.我录好了录音,把你的邮箱给我,我发给你!
First of all, it is the time for question, who can tell me which map this is? (world map) Then how about this one? ( Chinese map)
Here?(the map of XiaMen). Great, it is the place we can call hometown...
First , it's the time for questions.Who can tell me which map this is? (World map) Then ,how about this one? ( Chinese map)
Here?(the map of XiaMen). Great, it is the place we can call hometown. (bea...
First of all, the time, and who can tell me what is this map? (Map of the world), what about this? (Map) here? (Map of Xiamen) well, well, here is were we called home is where. (Xiamen City beautiful ...
Now, it‘s the question time, who can tell me what is this ?(世界地图)what about this one? (中国地图) and now? (厦门地图)well,excellent , this can be
called our hometown. (厦门风景) quite beautiful! Well, now let's g...
百度知道哪里有人给你翻译 大家不都是用电脑翻译 很多语法都是错了
First of all, question time, who can tell me what is this map? ( the world map ) this one? ( Chinese map ) here? ( Xiamen city ) Yeah, well, this can be called home had not been. ( Xiamen city beautif...
请用第一人称翻译,谢绝翻译机。可以的话请录制下您翻译的这段话的发音(First of all, it is the time for question, who can tell me which
请用第一人称翻译,谢绝翻译机。可以的话请录制下您翻译的这段话的发音(First of all, it is the time for question, who can tell me which
difficult thing, because this world is very, very large, while our home was small was even traces failed to leave. 很多人把家乡成为港湾,(港湾图);而外面的世界就犹如辽阔的大海。 Many people to become the home harbor, (Harbour diag...
问一下 你这个演讲面对的对象是谁?
多大? Now, it‘s the question time, who can tell me what is this ?(世界地图)what about this one? (中国地图) and now? (厦门地图)well,excellent , this can be
called our hometown. (厦门风景) quit...
First of all, question time, who can tell me what is this map? ( the world map ) this one? ( Chinese map ) here? ( Xiamen city ) Yeah, well, this can be called home had not been. ( Xiamen city beautif...
First of all, question time, who can tell me what map? (Map of the world) then this one? (Map) here? Map of Xiamen City, well, here is what we call home can not be overstated. (Xiamen City, beautiful ...
First of all, question time, who can tell me what is this map? ( the world map ) this one? ( Chinese map ) here? ( Xiamen city ) Yeah, well, this can be called home had not been. ( Xiamen city beautif...
First of all, question time, who can tell me what is this map? ( the world map ) this one? ( Chinese map ) here? ( Xiamen city ) Yeah, well, this can be called home had not been. ( Xiamen city beautif...
应该口语话一点较好,不然会让人感觉是背下来的,要让听众有一种你是在演讲,是随堂发挥的。Now, question time.Anyone who can tell me which map is it ?(世界地图)And this one?( 中国地图)And where is this place?(厦门市地图)yeah,very good.,This is actually our...
高中生!但还是要高级点的旁边有老是在旁听!其实不必要弄太高级的词汇,内容过于复杂对于你的演讲的流畅性是有一定负面影响的,同时学生不一定能完全搞懂你的意思,你主要面对的是学生、老师只是旁听的。 注意你的语速、发音、就好了。这些东西就够你背一会的了。
您可能关注的推广回答者:【咨询】请问这是什么地图? - 客服服务区 - 傲视天地 -
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您好~小靓为您咨询到此地图是180级的新地图哦,而详细的还请您留意一下相关官网公告信息哦 ~\(^o^)/~
UID3665252&帖子3887&精华0&积分0&在线时间1134 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
不好意思& & 麻烦小倩了
UID4064808&帖子8479&精华0&积分0&在线时间863 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
& & 我是小靓好吗
UID3665252&帖子3887&精华0&积分0&在线时间1134 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
今天我真是丢脸丢到家了&&- -
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