在【第一章chapteri梦想照进现实2】一章里,作者提到母亲的梦想 电影喜欢什么颜色?

作者: 佚名
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&&& 《小王子》(le
petit prince/the little
Chapter 10---1.30
Car le roi tenait essentiellement & ce que son autorit& f&t
respect&e. Il ne tol&rait pas la d&sob&issance. C'&tait un monarque
absolu. Mais, comme il &tait tr&s bon, il donnait des ordres
&Si j'ordonnais, disait-il couramment, si j'ordonnais & un
g&n&ral de se changer en oiseau de mer, et si le g&n&ral
n'ob&issait pas, ce ne serait pas la faute du g&n&ral. Ce serait ma
- Exact. Il faut exiger de chacun ce que chacun peut donner,
reprit le roi. L'autorit& repose d'abord sur la raison. Si tu
ordonnes & ton peuple d'aller se jeter & la mer, il fera la
r&volution. J'ai le droit d'exiger l'ob&issance parce que mes
ordres sont raisonnables.
Because what the king fundamentally insisted upon was that his
authority should be respected. He tolerated no disobedience. He was
an absolute monarch. But because he was a very good man
he made his orders reasonable.
“If I ordered a general,” he would say, by way of example, “if I
ordered a general to change himself into a sea bird and if the
general did not obey me that would not be the fault of the general.
It would be my fault.
“Exactly. One should require from each one the duty which each
one can perform,” the king went on. "Accepted authority rests first
of all on reason. If you ordered your people to go and throw
themselves into the sea they would rise up in revolution. I have
the right to require obedience because my orders are
“大人们都很奇怪”(Les grandes personnes sont bien &trange/the grown-ups are
Chapter 11---1.31
Car, pour les vaniteux, les autres hommes sont des
- Et pour que le chapeau tombe, demanda-t-il, que faut-il
Mais le vaniteux ne l'entendit pas. Les vaniteux n'entendent
jamais que les louanges.
- Est-ce que tu m'admires vraiment beaucoup? demanda-t-il au
petit prince.
- Qu'est-ce que signifie admirer?
- Admirer signifie reconna&tre que je suis l'homme le plus beau,
le mieux habill&, le plus riche et le plus intelligent de la
- Mais tu es seul sur ta plan&te!
- Fais-moi ce plaisir. Admire-moi quand m&me!
For to conceited men,all other men are admirers.
“And what should one do to make the hat come down?” he
But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never
hear anything but praise.
“Do you really admire me very much?” he demanded of the little
“What does that mean-- 'admire'?”
“To admire mean that you regard me as the handsomest, the
best-dressed, the richest and the most intelligent man on this
“But you are the only man on your planet!”
“Do me this kindness. Admire me just the same.”
est plus difficile de se juger soi-meme que de juger autrui/ It is
much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge
ce plaisir/ do me this
Chapter 12---2.1
- Pourquoi bois-tu? lui demanda le petit
- Pour oublier, r&pondit le buveur.
- Pour oublier quoi? s'enquit le petit prince qui d&j& le
- Pour oublier que j'ai honte, avoua le buveur en baissant
- Honte de quoi? s'informa le petit prince qui d&sirait le
- Honte de boire! acheva le buveur qui s'enferma
d&finitivement dans le silence.
“Why are you drinking?” demanded the little
“So that I may forget.” replied the tippler.
“Forget what?” inquired the little prince, who already was
sorry for him.
“Forget that I am ashamed.” the tippler confessed, hanging
“Ashamed of what?” insisted the little prince, who wanted
to help him.
“Ashamed of drinking!” The tippler brought his speech to
an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.
小王子来到第三个星球,遇到了酒鬼先生(le buveur/the
grande melancolie/ deep dejection),同时引发我的沉思。
Chapter 13---2.2
- Et & quoi cela te sert-il de poss&der les &toiles?
- &Ca me sert & &tre riche.
- Et & quoi cela te sert-il d'&tre riche?
- A acheter d'autres &toiles, si quelqu'un en trouve.
&Celui-l&, se dit en lui-m&me le petit prince, il raisonne un
peu comme mon ivrogne.&
- Moi, dit-il encore, je poss&de une fleur que j'arrose tous les
jours. Je poss&de trois volcans que je ramone toutes les semaines.
Car je ramone aussi celui qui est &teint. On ne sait jamais. C'est
utile & mes volcans, et c'est utile & ma fleur, que je les poss&de.
Mais tu n'es pas utile aux &toiles.
Le businessman ouvrit la bouche mais ne trouva rien & r&pondre,
et le petit prince s'en fut.
“And what good does it do you to own the stars?”
“It does me the good of making me rich.”
“And what good does it do you to be rich?”
“It makes it possible for me to buy more stars, if any are ever
“This man,” the little prince said to himself, “reasons a little
like my poor tippler...
“I myself own a flower,” he continued his conversation with the
businessman,” which I water every day. I own three volcanoes, which
I clean out every week (for I also clean out the one that is
one never knows). It is of some use to my volcanoes and it
is of some use to my flower that I own them. But you are of no use
to the stars...
小王子来到第四个星球,遇到了商人。商人专注于重要事(les choses serieuses/ matters of
quoi cela te sert-il de posseder les etoiles/ what good does it do
you to own the stars) “意味着什么呢?”(Qu’est-ce que ca veut dire/
whatever does that mean)。这样去伪存真,才会明了自己想要的究竟是什么。
Chapter 14---2.3
Cependant il se dit en lui-m&me: &Peut-&tre bien que cet
homme est absurde. Cependant il est moins absurde que le roi, que
le vaniteux, que le businessman et que le buveur. Au moins son
travail a-t-il un sens. Quand il allume son r&verb&re, c'est comme
s'il faisait na&tre une &toile de plus, ou une fleur. Quand il
&teint son r&verb&re, &a endort la fleur ou l'&toile. C'est une
occupation tr&s jolie. C'est v&ritablement utile puisque c'est
&Celui-l&, se dit le petit prince, tandis qu'il
poursuivait plus loin son voyage, celui-l& serait m&pris& par tous
les autres, par le roi, par le vaniteux, par le buveur, par le
businessman. Cependant, c'est le seul qui ne me paraisse pas
ridicule. C'est, peut-&tre, parce qu'il s'occupe d'autre chose que
de soi-m&me.&
It may well be that this man is absurd. But he is not so
absurd as the king, the conceited man
the businessman, and the tippler. For at least his work
has some meaning. When he lights his street lamp, it is as if he
brought one more star to life or one flower. When he puts out his
he sends the flower or the star to sleep. That is a
beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful
it is truly useful.
“That man,” said the little prince to himself, as he
continued farther on his journey, “that man would be scorned by all
the others: by the king, by the conceited man, by the tippler, by
the businessman. Nevertheless he is the only one of them all who
does not seem to me ridiculous. Perhaps that is because he is
thinking of something else besides himself.”
le matin et j’allumais le soir/ I put the lamp out in the morning
and in the evening I lighted it again)的命令(consigne/order),所以在他所在的小行星一分钟就自转一次的情况下,还是要不停的点灯,熄灯,完全没有了娱乐休息的空闲(je
n’ai plus une seconde de repos/ I no longer have a single second
for repose)。
mon ami/ make my friends with)。
que j’aime dans la vie, c’est dormer/ the one thing I love in life
is to sleep)。纵使对于他这样一个日夜辛劳的人来讲,想长时间的休息是可以谅解的。但他被动接受自己不幸的态度(ce
n’est pas de chance/ I am unlucky),却是他麻木无趣的表现。
Chapter 16---3.3
Vu d'un peu loin &a faisait un effet splendide. Les mouvements
de cette arm&e &taient r&gl&s comme ceux d'un ballet d'op&ra.
D'abord venait le tour des allumeurs de r&verb&res de
Nouvelle-Z&lande et d'Australie. Puis ceux-ci, ayant allum& leurs
lampions, s'en allaient dormir. Alors entraient & leur tour dans la
danse les allumeurs de r&verb&res de Chine et de Sib&rie. Puis eux
aussi s'escamotaient dans les coulisses. Alors venait le tour des
allumeurs de r&verb&res de Russie et des Indes. Puis de ceux
d'Afrique et d'Europe. Puis de ceux d'Am&rique du Sud. Puis de ceux
d'Am&rique du Nord. Et jamais ils ne se trompaient dans leur ordre
d'entr&e en sc&ne. C'&tait grandiose.
Seen from a slight distance, that would make a splendid
spectacle. The movements of this army would be regulated like those
of the ballet in the opera. First would come the turn of the
lamplighters of New Zealand and Australia. Having set their lamps
alight these would go off to sleep. Next the lamplighters of China
and Siberia would enter for their steps in the dance and then they
too would be waved back into the wings. After that would come the
turn of the lamplighters of Russia and the Indies, then those of
Africa and Europe, then those of South America, then those of North
America. And never would they make a mistake in the order of their
entry upon the stage. It would be magnificent.
Chapter 17---3.3
Les grandes personnes, bien s&r, ne vous croiront pas. Elles
s'imaginent tenir beaucoup de place. Elles se voient importantes
comme des baobabs.
- Celui que je touche, je le rends & la terre dont il est sorti,
dit-il encore. Mais tu es pur et tu viens d'une &toile...
Le petit prince ne r&pondit rien.
- Tu me fais piti&, toi si faible, sur cette Terre de granit. Je
puis t'aider un jour si tu regrettes trop ta plan&te. Je
- Oh! j'ai tr&s bien compris, fit le petit prince, mais pourquoi
parles-tu toujours par &nigmes?
- Je les r&sous toutes, dit le serpent.
Et ils se turent.
The grown-ups, to be sure, will not believe you when you tell
them that. They imagine that they fill a great deal of space. They
fancy themselves as important as the baobabs.
“Whomever I touch,I send back to the earth from whence he came.”
The snake spoke again. “But you are innocent and true and you come
from a star...”
The little prince made no reply.
“You move me to pity-- you are so weak on this Earth made of
granite,” the snake said. "I can help you some day if you grow too
homesick for your own planet. I can--"
“Oh! I understand you very well,” said the little prince. "But
why do you always speak in riddles?"
“I solve them all.” said the snake.
And they were both silent.
这段对话非常的玄妙,被毒蛇碰到就会回归(celui que je touche, je le rends & la terre
dont il est sorti /whoever I touch, I send him back to the earth
from where he
Chapter 15---3.5
- J'ai aussi une fleur.
- Nous ne notons pas les fleurs, dit le g&ographe.
- Pourquoi &a! c'est le plus joli!
- Parce que les fleurs sont &ph&m&res.
- Qu'est-ce que signifie &&ph&m&re&?
- Les g&ographies, dit le g&ographe, sont les livres les plus
pr&cieux de tous les livres. Elles ne se d&modent jamais. Il est
tr&s rare qu'une montagne change de place. Il est tr&s rare qu'un
oc&an se vide de son eau. Nous &crivons des choses &ternelles.
- Mais qu'est-ce que signifie &&ph&m&re&? r&p&ta le petit prince
qui, de sa vie, n'avait renonc& & une question, une fois qu'il
l'avait pos&e.
- &Ca signifie &qui est menac& de disparition prochaine&.
- Ma fleur est menac&e de disparition prochaine?
- Bien s&r.
&Ma fleur est &ph&m&re, se dit le petit prince, et elle n'a que
quatre &pines pour se d&fendre contre le monde! Et je l'ai laiss&e
toute seule chez moi!
“I have also a flower.”
“We do not record flowers,” said the geographer.
“Why is that? The flower is the most beautiful thing on my
“We do not record them,” said the geographer, “because they are
“What does that mean-- 'ephemeral'?”
“Geographies,” said the geographer, “are the books which of all
books are most concerned with matters of consequence. They never
become old-fashioned. It is very rarely that a mountain changes its
position. It is very rarely that an ocean empties itself of its
waters. We write of eternal things.
“But what does that mean-- 'ephemeral'?” repeated the little
prince, who never in his life had let go of a question once he had
“It means 'which is in danger of speedy disappearance.'”
“Is my flower in danger of speedy disappearance?”
“Certainly it is.”
“My flower is ephemeral,” the little prince said to himself,
“and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world.
And I have left her on my planet all alone!”
Chapter 18-19
&Quelle dr&le de plan&te! pensa-t-il alors. Elle est toute
s&che, et toute pointue et toute sal&e. Et les hommes manquent
d'imagination. Ils r&p&tent ce qu'on leur dit... Chez moi j'avais
une fleur: elle parlait toujours la premi&re...&
“What a queer planet!”he thought. "It is altogether dry and
altogether pointed and altogether harsh and forbidding. And the
people have no imagination. They repeat whatever one says to
them... On my planet I she always was the first to
小王子离开了18章出现的一朵只有三个花瓣(une fleur a trois
/echo)。现实的世界并不是只有人云亦云(r&p&tent ce qu’on leur dit/repeat whatever
one says to
Et il se sentit tr&s
malheureux. Sa fleur lui avait racont& qu'elle &tait seule de son
esp&ce dans l'univers. Et voici qu'il en &tait cinq mille, toutes
semblables, dans un seul jardin!
Puis il se dit encore:
&Je me croyais riche d'une fleur unique, et je ne poss&de qu'une
rose ordinaire. &Ca et mes trois volcans qui m'arrivent au genou, et
dont l'un, peut-&tre, est &teint pour toujours, &a ne fait pas de
moi un bien grand prince...& Et, couch& dans l'herbe, il
And he was overcome with sadness. His flower had told him
that she was the only one of her kind in all the universe. And here
were five thousand of them all alike in one single
Then he went on with his reflections: "I thought that I
was rich with a flower that was uni and all I
had was a common rose. A common rose and three volcanoes that come
up to my knees-- and one of them perhaps extinct forever... that
doesn't make me a very great prince..."
And he lay down in the grass and cried.
spent at pursuing godliness and unfailing love will never be
boring, but neither will it be effortless.


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