诡术妖姬连招 飞机 不祥之刃。哪个容易上手,且好用,那个是最好的,我自己手速挺快的

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我和一个朋友发生了点疑问,我玩的诡术妖姬,他玩的不详之刃。 按常理应该诡术中6级游走GANK,但他认为不详中比诡术中更好,对团队更有贡献。
欢迎来到多玩, *^_^*希望你在这玩得愉快~
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妖姬比卡特团队兼容性更大、、你的目标就是开打之前就变成5打4、而且妖姬的技能没有10s的真空期 10s是第二波爆发
卡特的话 比较吃队友 因为他很难gank到人 很难压制对线英雄 但是切入时机好伤害比妖姬要高
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支持 妖姬..
而且妖姬 是非常有缺略性的英雄.
至少我寧愿面對不詳之刃. 也不希望面對妖姬.
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妖姬 是 需要在前期打出优势,如果拿不到人头,妖姬整场基本都是在打酱油。因为推兵线的能力真心不是很强。团战就一波CD秒不了别人,就是被别人秒掉。
不详 前期可以被压,中期打团一旦拿了几个人头,装备稍微起来了。他AOE的伤害经常可以造成3 杀之类的。但是不详的弱点就是如果己方 没有大范围团控的话,大招很难放完。所以就限制了她的输出。
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不详跟诡秘抢中? 你朋友脑子废掉了? 他到6没装备和没到6没区别 你到6没装备也秒一个把...再说他前期也太容易被压制了。。中是为了速度6级去边路支援队友的啊..
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建议 LZ和他朋友都换人把,妖姬和卡特都是虐菜用的,练着没大意思
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英雄联盟 诡术妖姬(指点下连招.小技巧什么的)还是要相应的出点肉的 虽然伤害很可观 但要是碰上突进型的英雄抓着你打 就很痛苦了 我用阿卡利跟诡术对线过 6级之前猥琐然后直接出大腰带提血 团战的时候诡术打好了能秒掉一个 但想阿卡利这种突进的英雄有机会就直接抓死你 换掉也是OK的LOL诡术妖姬如何 怎么连招这个英雄如何:这个英雄是LOL十大秒杀者之首,近几个版本变动不大,玩的好的话比较OP,玩的不好的话就是脆皮送人头的了,弹道优秀,难度不适合新手。 连招: 如果对线消耗的话就是二连 1.处于劣势就W过去,瞬间Q,然后立即回来 2.优势就是先Q,...lol诡术妖姬技能怎么连招,谢谢很简单,QRWE,一套人家就没了,不过注意,这一套耗蓝很高,在线上最好别使用,最好是杀落单的人用,妖姬的Q是一个高伤害的单体技能,所以R大部分时都是用来模仿Q的。虽然我自己平时玩的是鳄鱼或虫子等上单半肉,但妖姬我还是略知一二的英雄联盟中诡术妖姬连招按键顺序是什么?一般玩这个主升Q,W一级(或者看个人喜好了),副升E,有大加大。连招变化很多~,但是还是基于Q的伤害加成,你觉得对面很好秒又很好追可以Q接R接W接个锁, 觉得他可能跑就Q接W接E接R,这样两个锁就可以锁死对面了。。 跑命或者追人的时候你可以W...英雄联盟诡术妖姬怎么连招秒人靠Q主动被动,Q过去放R触发被动接着W触发R的被动,或者Q过去R触发Q的被动接着e触发r的被动。。反正qr这两个必须连着。wqre可以。eqrw可以。qrwe可以。qr连着但是不能最后用,除非对面没血了你可以w过去qr弄死他,要不然qr必须要先用(放在最后触...
专题排行榜lollol h娑娜同人漫画......就是那个最猥琐的......你们懂得~
要新出的那个LOL九尾狐狼人 拉克丝 同人漫画~~~~~~ 你懂得 _百度知道
要新出的那个LOL九尾狐狼人 拉克丝 同人漫画~~~~~~ 你懂得
别发个半溜子汉化版的放那,,还有就是我要的是九尾狐和狼人的完整版的 ,不是汉化的都行,
//tieba,九尾,com/p/娑娜···,com/p/& target=&_blank&&http,//tieba,baidu,com/p/& target=&_blank&&http,&a href=&http,baidu,//tieba,//tieba,&a href=&http,baidu,com/p/悬赏我吧,baidu,
/thread--1.html 不知道是不是你想要找的
  Stampede!  将他们冲散!  You must follow  你必须跟着俺  I know the way  俺知道该怎么做。  To greener pastures  俺好像看见了&&更绿的牧场&&  You can't milk those!  战士的最高境界,就是不拿盾牌也能够开盾墙!  You must follow  你必须跟着俺  Now I'm angry!  俺很生气,后果很严重!  Nothing can hold me back!  没有什么可以击退我!  Mess with the bull, and you get the horns!  和公牛角力?你会尝到牛角的滋味
暗影之拳 - 阿卡丽()
&  As balance dictates&  奉均衡之命。&  Without question&  毫无疑问&  Whatever's necessary&  绝不手软&  Mark acquired.&  标记已做好。&  Another unworthy opponent.&  哼,又是一个不自量力的。&  For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this &sutra& you keep mentioning&&  我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎&  So many noobs& will matchmaking ever find true balance?&  菜鸟真多&&匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?&  Deftly, I travel.&  我随影而来,随影而去。&  Didn't we just run by this same tower?? Are you sure you don't want to want to ask for directions?&  刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么?&  Understood&  明白了&  Through twilights veil&  在暮光的帷幕下穿行?&  Tread lightly.&  动作要轻&  Agreed&  赞成&  Remain focused&  保持警惕&  Hesitation is the seed of defeat.&  不要错失良机。&  Symmetry in all things&  对称存乎万物之间。&  We travel the same path&  我们是一条道儿上的。&  I suggest you run, I want to savor this.&  你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。 蒸汽机器人布里兹()
&  Fired up and ready to serve.&  发动机已启动,随时可以出发!&  Metal is harder than flesh.&  金属比血肉更硬。&  Bone is a poor alternative.&  骨头,只是可怜的替代品。&  Look, you're leaking.&  看,你正在漏油。&  Your steam is escaping.&  你的蒸汽正在泄漏。&  Quake in fear, fleshling.&  在恐惧中颤抖吧,肉人。&  Does that hurt?&  刚才那一下疼吗?&  Exterminate! Exterminate!&  消灭!统统消灭!&  Malfunction& systems powering down&&  发生故障&&系统供电正在减弱&&(渐弱地)&  I put the &go& in &golem&.? That was humor.? Other golems find that to be appropriately funny.&  召唤师,我想变形&&&  Precisely.&  要精确。&  I remain focused.&  我还在听。&  The magic calls to me.&  魔法在呼唤着我。&  A rolling golem gathers no rust.&  多多活动,就不会生锈。&  As long as it takes.&  顺其自然。&  Magic and steam, guide me!&  魔法和蒸汽指引着我!&  I'm squeaking. Anybody got oil?&  我在嘎吱作响。有谁带润滑油了么?&  The time of man has come to an end.&  人类的时代该结束了!
&  I thought you'd never pick me&  我还以为你从来都不会选我呢&&&  Okey...&  好吧&&&  Aaaargh&  啊!(愤怒地)&  Where are we going?&  我们这是要去哪?&  Hey! Come back!&  嘿!快回来!&  Let's find some friends!&  我们去找点儿朋友吧!&  Come play with me&  来和我玩吧&  Mummy? Daddy?&  妈妈?爸爸?&  Daddy? Mummy?&  爸爸?妈妈?&  Let's be friends forever!&  嘿,我知道一个能让我在走路的时候不被绷带绊倒的办法,你们想听么?&  Where are we going?&  我们这是要去哪?&  Come play with me&  来和我玩吧&  Let me give you a hug&  真可怜,让我抱抱你&&
&  On my wings&  冰凤展翅&  Keep cool&  保持冷静&  I bring the storm&  风暴与我同在&  In a flash&  机会转瞬即逝&  Only for you&  全听你的&  Understood&  明白了&  As you wish&  如你所愿&  Let's soar&  让我们展翅翱翔!&  Laying an egg isn't as easy as it looks&  我自己也很奇怪,为什么一团冰块能在天上飞呢?&  So young, so naive!&  很傻很天真吖
&  You wanna play too? It'll be fun!&  你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟!&  Take that!&  尝尝这个!&  You wanna play too? It'll be fun!&  你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟!&  Don't make me hurt you!&  再烦我就打你哟!&  You smell like... Burning!&  你闻起来像&&烧焦了一样!&  This way!&  这边儿&  Try to keep up!&  别掉队吖!&  Have you seen my bear Tibbers?&  那个&&你看见过我的小熊吗?&  Beaten by a little girl!&  你们好犀利,败给小萝莉,羞羞脸
&  Smart choice&  明智之选&  Freeze!&  结冰吧!&  Right between the eyes!&  正对眉心!&  My aim is steady&  我瞄得很稳。&  You want some of this?&  你要来几发么?&  We must press on!&  我们必须向前推进!&  Agreed&  同意&  Swiftly now!&  速度!&  My time has come&  该&&死&&&  No, really. Put that apple on your head.&  别怕,不就是把苹果放在你头上么?我又不会射偏!&  Take a good look. It's the last you're going to get.&  好好看着,可别到时不知道自己是怎么死的。
&  Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!&  (嚼东西的声音)诺姆诺姆诺姆&&&  Ah, the tangled webs we weave!&  啊,我们织的那张大网!&  Summoner, your darkness beckons!&  召唤师,你的心魔正在蠢蠢欲动!&  Afraid of the dark? Wise!&  怕黑么?英明!&  Your voices are scourge upon the world&  你的嗓音就是世界的祸害!&  I shall bring them terror!&  我该给他们带点儿恐惧!&  You are a scourge upon the world&  你就是世界的祸害之一!&  The daylight! It burns!&  日光!好烫!&  For the darkness&  黑暗万岁!&  Death is not the end for you. I've seen to it: for eternity you are mine!&  对你而言,死亡并不是终结。因为你将永远成为我的一部分!
英勇投弹手库奇()  (吐槽:不得不承认,被库奇嘲讽听着很伤自尊的)&
&  I'm up to snuff and gots me an ace machine&  王牌飞行员申请出战!&  Delta Sierra at twelve o'clock!&  12点钟方向发现敌人!&  Incoming!&  就来就来!&  It's a Charlie Foxtrot!&  都乱套了!&  I got a bogey on my tail!&  我的尾部有一名敌军!&  Bombs away!&  开始投弹!&  Consider yourself spanked nugget!&  等着被洒成蜂窝吧!傻瓜!&  Control, I'm making varsity play for the deck&  &&我即将进行&&谢幕演出&&&  Lima Oscar Lima&  大部分人都会打飞机!这对飞机来说很不公平!&  I'm on it black shoe&  我正在追尾!&  Bead of heat&  激情在燃烧!&  Another fine sortie&  打得漂亮!&  Now I'm all spooled up&  现在的我已经飙到极限了!!&  Ready to fly&  随时可以起飞!&  This is Major Tom to Ground Control&  上校呼叫地面控制&  That just goes to show you you're nothing but a Whiskey Delta&  那只能表明,你除了是个软蛋之外啥也不是!
&  Mundo!&  蒙多!&  Mundo smash!&  蒙多 砍!&  Mundo too strong for you!&  蒙多比你强壮得多!&  Aaargh&  啊啊啊!(愤怒地)&  Mundo will go where he pleases!&  蒙多想去哪就去哪&  Come to Mundo!&  来蒙多这儿!&  Mundo go this way!&  蒙多走这边!&  Mundo go boom!&  蒙多要爆炸了!&  Mundoooo!&  蒙多多多多多多!&  Mundo say his own name a lot, or else he forget. Has happened before!&  蒙多要整天说自己的名字,不然就会忘掉!以前就发生过!&  Mundo think you are big sissy!&  蒙多觉得你是个大娘们!
寡妇制造者伊芙琳()  (吐槽:恨这个家伙么,应该没有不恨她的吧)&
&  All too easy&  全都太简单了&  I can smell their fear&  我可以察觉到他们的恐惧。&  Misery loves company&  福无双至,祸不单行。&  I've got the touch&  我找到机会出手了。&  Ashes to ashes, dust to dust&  尘归尘&&土归土&&&  Time to feed&  开杀咯!&  I may be bad, but I feel good!&  我可能很坏,但我感觉很爽&  This way!&  这边!&  If I must&  如果我必须的话&  Shadows beckon&  暗影正在指示着我。&  From the darkness&  我来自黑暗&&&  Into the night&  融入黑夜之中&&&  The night is my veil&  黑夜,就是我的面纱&  It takes a lot of effort to move like this in heals&  穿高跟鞋走成这样得付出巨大的努力&  I like it when they scream&  他们尖叫什么的我最喜欢了。
海洋之灾普朗克()  (被船长一枪爆过1500,把蛋都打碎了的掩盖面飘过。)&
&  Prepare to be boarded&  准备登船!&  Swab that poop deck!&  刷船尾啦!&  Come 'ere, me beauty!&  来吧,美人!&  Look what crawled out of the bung hole!&  看看马桶里网到了什么?&  Nothing but a bilge rat!&  只不过是只舱鼠!&  I'll be using you for chum!&  我要收你做&好朋友&!&  I won't rest until I see a hanging from the yard arm!&  我非要把你吊死在桅杆上不可!&  Ramming speed&  全速前进中!&  Wanna know why me Roger is so jolly?&  想知道为啥我的海盗旗这么高兴么?&  Avast me hearties!&  别跑,我的心肝!&  Shiver me timbers&  吓老子一跳!&  Yohoho and a bottle of rum!&  哟呵呵!加上一瓶&&朗姆酒&  Ahoy! Ahoy!&  (啊霍依!打招呼的意思)&  Well, blow me down&  有种轰趴我!&  I ain't got me ground legs yet, land lubber&  我还没脚软呢,泥腿子!&  Enjoy your visit to the depths of the sea, land lubber!&  去深海玩得开心点吧,旱鸭子
&  In flight!&  正在飞行途中&  An honor to serve.&  乐意为您效劳。&  I will protect.&  我会保护大家的。&  On the approach&  正在接近中。&  Moving out.&  开始行动。&  Remain alert.&  保持警戒。&  By your command.&  谨遵您的指挥。&  Without fear&  毫不畏惧。&  I will not fail.&  我不会失败的!&  The spell is broken and we live again!&  咒语被破除了,我们再次活了下来!&  Assault from above!&  从上方发动攻击!&  The will of Demacia!&  德玛西亚的意志!&  Preemptive strike!&  先下手为强!&  With great force&  全力而战!&  Justice will be done.&  正义必胜!&  So be it&  但愿如此!&  It's clobberin time&  是时候舒缓下筋骨了!&  You should come back with more bad guys.&  你下次再来的时候应该多带点人!&  Two birds with one stone?? Have you met my parents?&  一石二鸟?你碰到过我的父母么?&  A guardian is always prepared.&  石像展翅!
末日使者费德提克()  (曾经在美服一起流传着一句话,得乌鸦者得天下)&
&  Your bidding, master&  听候您的吩咐,主人&  To our end&  朝着末日前进!&  Indeed!&  当然!&  The end is near&  末日就要来了!&  Yes, my master&  是,我的主人。&  Are you afraid?&  你怕了么?&  Fear me&  畏惧我吧!&  I feel your fear&  我知道你怕!&  I haven't got a brain, and soon neither will you!&  我没有大脑,但很快你也会没有!&  hahaha yes!&  哈哈哈!是的!&  Indeed!&  当然!&  I think I'll let you suffer for a while!&  我想,我该让你痛苦一会儿!
探险家伊泽瑞尔()  (吐槽:这朵帅气的男子,每次玩他我都欲罢不能哎)&
&  Time for a true display of skill&  是时候表演真正的技术了!&  It's all skill&  这全凭技术!&  I'll handle it&  我能行。&  No problem&  没问题。&  Time to strike!&  该出击了!&  Let's do it!&  我们上吧!&  Fortune and glory!&  财宝&&和荣耀&&&  Noxians& I hate those guys.&  在别的游戏里,像我这么帅的一般都是主角吖!&  Over here!&  在这儿!&  Let's go!&  出发吧!&  Know your environment.&  要了解你的处境。&  This way.&  这边儿!&  Careful&&  要小心!&  I'm on it!&  交给我了!&  Agreed&  同意&  No time to waste&  没有时间可以浪费了!&  Who needs a map?&  有谁需要地图么?&  We need to wrap this up, I have several treasures left to uncover.&  我们得快点结束,我还有一些宝藏没挖呢!披甲龙龟 - 拉莫斯
Let's make this fun一起找点儿乐子吧
Hey, did someone spike this?我最讨厌的生物,就是一只蓝色的刺猬!因为我跑不过他!
Out of my way别挡道
If you say so...如你所言&&
How about a back rub?来次背部按摩怎么样?流浪法师 - 瑞兹
Let's go, let's go!我们走,我们走!
Come on already!已经在加油了!
Don't hold me up别催我!
They'll never take me alive!想活捉我?哼!没门!
I got these tattoes in rune prison这些纹身是在我不小心把自己关起来的时候弄的。
Come on already!已经在加油了!
Can you handle this?你能应付这个么?
Right back at you!彼此彼此!
Don't hold me up!别催我!
Take this scroll and stick it... Somewhere safe.帮我背下卷轴,说不定我就放过你们了。恶魔小丑 - 萨科
How about a magic trick?来次魔术戏法,咋样?
Look behind you!瞧瞧你的背后~
This will be fun!这很好玩吖!
The joke's on you!恶作剧的对象,是你哟!
Here we go!我们上吧!
March, march, march, march!走吖走吖走吖走!
Now you see me... Now you don't!神出鬼没,指的就是我~
Just a little bit closer再靠近一点儿。
For my next trick, I'll make you disappear!听我说,召唤师。我并没有兄弟,也不认识特斯拉!我的瞬移以及分身靠的都是魔法!
Why so serious?何必这么认真呢?暮光之眼 - 慎
A demonstration of superior judgement您果然深思熟虑,召唤师
It must be done看我的吧!
Enforce equilibrium执行均衡之令。
I find them unworthy我发现他们不值一提。
Target marked目标已被标记。
With honor非常荣幸。
Shen has to regulate慎得调控全局
If light travels so fast, how come it never caught a ninja?如果光有那么快,为什么照不到忍者呢?
With balanced steps步伐要平衡。
Silent, but deadly沉默,但致命。
Our wills align我们意念合一。
Press on再加把劲。
From the shadows利用好阴影。
So I go那我出发了。
Tread carefully要步步为营。
Without a sound别发出声音。
There is no dispute没得商量。
You're already dead& you just haven't caught up yet.你已经死了&&只是你还没发觉而已。炼金术士 - 辛吉德
How about a drink?要来一杯么?
This may hurt这个也许有点痛
Mix, mix, swirl, mix摇,摇,晃,摇
It's nearly time差不多是时候了
To shake or not to shake...是摇,还是不摇,这是一个问题
I hear you我听到你了
On my way...正在路上
I... There's the rum我&&只是醉倒了&&
Shaken, not stirred饮用之前摇一摇&&
I hear you我听到你了
It's nearly time差不多是时候了
How'd that taste?尝到失败的滋味了么?我想你会习惯的&&
亡灵勇士 - 塞恩
I do it!交给我吧!
Get on my choppa吃我一记重击!
Now I'm dead serious严格来说,我已经死了。
Who is your summoner and what does he do?谁是你的召唤师?他是做什么的?
I'll be back!我会&&回来的&&
Hand bone, connected to the hand bone, connected to your... Face bone!你说看到我的骨头了?不,这些都是你的幻觉!
Stop being a bonehead!别再犯2了!
Lead me to battle!带我去打仗!
What is best than death? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear their lamentation of noobs死后能做的最棒的事情是什么?就是碾碎你的敌人,看着他们先你一步而去,并聆听他们怯懦的哭喊。战争女神 - 希维尔
To battle战斗吧!
On the double倍速前进中!
Move out!行动吧!
Goodbye, my sisters!姐妹们,我先走一步&&
You may call me mistress, but only from your knees他们就是见不得女人当战神!&&咋样,有明星范儿么?(淘气)
For the honour of all为荣誉而战!
The hunt begins狩猎开始!
Enjoy that breath. It will be your last好好享受你的最后一次呼吸吧琴瑟仙女 - 娑娜
From my mind to yours.我用意念传达给您。
Adagio, summoner.这首是慢板曲,召唤师。
With perfect tempo.完美的节拍。
A sublime duet.精彩的二重唱
Quarter time! Quarter time!中场休息时间!中场休息时间!
Accurate, like a metronome.像节拍器一样准确无误。
Accelerated movement, I concur.加速运动,我赞成。
If you want it, then you've got it... but don't ask me to bust any sort of move&&如果你想要,就拿去吧&&但别要求我终止任何形式的动作&&&
Order through music.请通过音乐来下命令
Brioso, brioso充满活力,朝气蓬勃!
Shall we resolve this dissonance?我们能解决这个不和谐的音调么?
The fanfare ascends号角已经响起!
A symphony of justice正义的交响乐!
The sopranos I know don't &whack& anyone.我所知道的女高音从来不会对任何人造成打击。
I am the conductor of your funeral dirge.我就是在你葬礼上演奏哀乐的乐队指挥。
They will be BAROQUE-n! (laughs) &它们将会是&巴洛克(重读)恩(轻读)&风格!(笑)
Maybe it is better that I am mute.也许我哑了反倒会显得更淑女一点。
Only you can hear me, summoner. What masterpiece shall we play today?只有你可以听到我的话,召唤师。今天我们演奏哪首曲子?众星之子 - 索拉卡
Let me guide you让我来引领您走向胜利。
For peace of mind为了内心的安宁。
My path is clear我的道路,清澈无比。
Let me guide you让我来引领您走向胜利。
I return to the stars...众星啊&&我&&回来&&了&&
No, I'm not happy to see you. Yes, that is a horn growing out of my head别拿这种眼神看我,我可不是什么尼莱德女牧师。
By the power of the stars我的力量来自星辰
I head their call我引领着星光的降临。
Do you always fight so poorly?你们打架的时候总是这么不给力么?策士统领 - 斯维因
A Noxian does not dawdle.诺克萨斯人从来不会闲逛。
My destination is absolute.我的目标很纯粹。
I'll give the orders我会下达命令。
Victory awaits.胜利在望。
I'm five steps ahead of you.我比你高5个级别。
If you insist如果你坚持的话
My thoughts exactly.和我原先的想法分毫不差。
How obvious多么明显啊
Efficient strategy.策略要有效率。
Less clicking please, you're wearing out my cane.请少点儿点击,你在磨损我的手杖知道么?
A calculated risk.可以接受的冒险。
My bird is hungry我的鸟饿了
Impeccable decision.无懈可击的决定。
They dare oppose Noxus?他们敢与诺克萨斯作对?
My pleasure我很乐意
Dispatch these worms消灭这些蠕虫!
I could destroy you with one leg tied behind my back.我只用一条腿就可以轻而易举地摧毁你。
Another opponent, another disappointment.敌人越多,失望也就越多。
If we approach strategically from the flank- oh who am I kidding, let's just morph and eat them.如果我们战略性地从侧翼插上-噢我在忽悠谁呢?我们赶紧变身,然后吃掉他们吧!
The early bird guts the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
I bet you taste like chicken我敢打赌,你的味道和鸡肉差不多。
You're seriously asking a giant demon bird for a joke?要一只巨大的恶魔鸟给你讲笑话?你没犯2吧?
Seriously, again? Just drop it.再问一遍,你真的没犯二么?放弃吧!
Think logically for one seCAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW!从理论上设想一下,一个人哇!哇!哇!哇!哇!宝石骑士 - 塔里克
Functional and stylish既时髦又实用。
I think I'll let you suffer for a while!我想我会让你难受一阵子的!
You shall be crushed你将被碾碎!
I will wheep for you我会悼念你的。
Magic has ruined this land魔法,已经毁了这块大陆。
Gems hold their edge宝石们显露着它们的锋芒。
You face unblemished power你所面对的,是纯净无暇的力量!
From coals to diamonds璀璨钻石,始于煤炭!
My resonance joins Runeterra这是&&大地的回响&&
Gems.... Gems are truly outrageous. They are truly, truly, truly outrageous呼&&这身璀璨的盔甲&&有时连我自己的眼睛都会被它晃花!
Emmerald for insight祖母绿象征着洞察。
Opal for harmony猫眼石象征着和谐。
With clarity清楚明了。
Ruby for vigor红宝石象征着活力。
Zaphire for divinity蓝宝石象征着神性。
For a good time, call Amber要象征美好时光,请找琥珀。
You are nothing more than glass, waiting to be smashed你们只是玻璃制品,一碰就碎。迅捷斥候 - 提莫
Captain Teemo on duty提莫队长正在待命!
Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四&&
Yes, sir!是,长官!
I'll scout ahead我去前面探探路
Armed and ready!整装待发!
That's gotta sting!有情况!
Reporting in正在报告!
I salute you向您致敬!
Size doesn't mean everything体型并不能说明一切。
Hut! Two, three four...一!二!三!四&&
Never underestimate the power of the Scouts' code绝对不要低估斥候密码的威力。麦林炮手 - 崔丝塔娜
I wanna shoot something! (我感觉是LOL最邪恶的。。。。)我好想射点儿什么!!
wanna see the fireworks?想看焰火吗?
Let's get in range!我们再靠近点儿吧!
I see... Fireworks!我看到了&&焰火!
Is that a rocket in your pocket?小小炮娘,很少烦恼~眼望四周焰火飘~
Ready, aim, fire!预备,瞄准,射吖!
Did you fall down and go boom?你们跌倒了没?崩溃了么? 蛮族之王 - 泰达米尔
This'll be a slaughter这将会是场屠杀/我的大刀早已饥渴难耐了!
Now they die!现在他们可以死了!
I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩梦
As you wish如你所愿
Into battle开战吧!
Follow my blade随心而动,随刃而行!
My destiny awaits我的命运在等待!
My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm!召唤师,你的光辉时刻是什么时候?是WCG吗?&&而我的光辉时刻,就是&&开大招的时候了!
I am your worst nightmare我是你最可怕的噩梦
You never stood a chance你是没有机会赢我的。卡牌大师 - 崔斯特
Lady Luck is smiling幸运女神在微笑
Pick a card.选牌吧!
Doin it!正做着呢!
It's my lucky day.今天是我的幸运日!
I reckon...我算算&&
It's all in the cards一切尽在卡牌之中。
Just the luck of the draw...纯看手气了&&
A twist of... Fate命运&&被扭曲了&&
Only two Jokers in the deck and I get dealt you什么?找我算命?别开玩笑了!我可不会什么塔罗牌!
The house always wins顺我者昌,逆我者亡!此乃天意!瘟疫之源 - 图奇
Oh, what do you want?噢,你想要什么?
Taste of my disease尝尝我的疾病吧!
Oh yes, yes!哦好的,好的!
I strike from the shadows我从暗处偷袭。
This will do!包在我身上了!
I'll be right there我会在那儿的。
Do you smell that?你闻到了么?
Back to the sewer下水道&&我回来了&&
Oh, what's that smell? Oh, it's me!为什么我就碰不到4个海龟来拜师呢?
I'll be right there我会在那儿的。
You smell terrible!你们的气味恶臭难闻!野兽之灵 - 乌迪尔
Do not deny your instincts, summoner不要否认你的本能,召唤师
That is our path那就是我们的路
Our will is one我们心意相通
We will not pity the defenseless我们不会怜悯没有防备的对手
Our instincts are razor sharp我们的本能如同剃刀般锋利!
Our rage remains focused我们的狂怒仍在继续
You think it's easy having four animal spirits inside you? Imagine the smell&&你认为,在体内安放4个野兽的灵魂是件容易的事么?(捂鼻)想想那气味吧&&&
Their fear is wise他们的恐惧是明智的。
Weapons are for the weak武器,是为弱者准备的
Feral instinct guides our fist野性的本能,指引着我们的拳头。
We will make use of their pelts他们的死亡只会增长我们的狂怒
Their death will only feed our rage他们的死亡只会增长我们的狂怒
Without hesitation毫不犹豫!
Alright... we might have anger management issues好吧&&我们可能在怒气的分配上遇到难题了。
We do not know pity, even for for you.我们不知道何为怜悯,即使对象是你!
If PETA asks, this fur is fake如果善待动物协会问起来的话,我们就说这些皮毛是仿制的。
Our rage is beyond your control我们的狂怒,你驾驭不住
&whimpers like a dying puppy&&像垂死的小狗一样悲鸣&首领之傲 - 厄加特
最让我无解的英雄。。和他对线基本除了吸血鬼没赢过。。邪恶小法师 - 维迦
Know that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy如果我俩角色互换,我会让你看看什么叫残忍!
I will swallow your soul!我会吞掉你的灵魂!
Even death trembles in my presence!即使是死亡,也会因为我的出场而颤抖不已!
Give up now!放弃吧!
Even now your loved ones suffer!你的亲友们正在饱受折磨!
I can see the fear in your heart!我能看见你内心的恐惧!
Your soul will come to serve me!你的灵魂将会供我驱使!
I am evil! Stop laughing!我是魔鬼!不许笑!
I will rise again, more powerful than you can ever imagine我&&还会&以你无法想象&&的强大姿态&再次苏醒的&&
What's black and blue and is about to show you the definition of pain?看清楚了!我可不是《最终梦想》里的黑魔导士!
I smell death我闻到死亡的气息了!
Yes! Hahahaha是啊!哈哈哈哈哈!
Stuck in prey again?又在祈祷了么?
Suffering awaits!苦难与折磨在等着你呢!
The magic! It calls to me!魔法!它在召唤我!
Your commands tire me你的命令让我厌倦!!
It's only a short way and it's not a short joke捷径只有一条,我不是在说笑!
You deny the darkness in your soul, you deny your power!在你否定了灵魂中的黑暗面的同时,你的力量也被一起否定了!猩红收割者 - 弗拉基米尔
My cup is half empty.我的杯子已经空了一半。
The clot thickens.血块变厚了。
Please, let it all out.请让它们(鲜血)都流出来吧!
Let's pool our efforts.让我们合伙干吧!
I'm absolutely livid.我的肤色确实很苍白。
Trickling progress.血液正在慢慢滴落。
A vital decision一次重大的抉择。
A harvest moon, so aptly named.收获之月,多美妙的名字啊。
I've got you&under my skin.我觉得&&你让我很不爽。
I'd love a pint.我非常乐意来那么一品脱血
Hmm, something is leaking.恩恩,有些东西正在流出来。
Deliciously vein.可口的静脉。
I'm a universal recipient.每一种血型我都可以接受。
Care to make a donation?愿意送我点血吗?
A draining exercise.一次吮吸练习。
I love a warrior with heart, never a stale moment.我喜欢有心脏的勇士,并且绝对不会让他们过期。
You look like someone who's got a lot going on beneath the surface.你看上去血量充沛,要当心哟。
Go ahead, B negative, you'll be just my type.很多人都说我是吸血鬼,但你看,其实我并不讨厌阳光,相反,我还经常在白天打架呢!
The rivers will run red.血流成河!嗜血猎手 - 沃里克
记得选择狼人时候那句:这局胜负已定么?This ends now这局胜负已定。
I hunger我饿了。
It's only fun if they run他们逃跑了,我才有乐子。
It's time to hunt狩猎的时候到了。
I'll feast on their bones我会尽情享受他们的骨头的。
I smell their stench我闻到他们的臭味了。
I almost feel... Human我觉得我&&变回人类了&&
All the better to eat you with, my dear&我真不认识什么阿鲁高!我可是土生土长的鲁因特纳(Runeterra)人!&
Mmmhh... Delicious!恩&&你们的肉非常可口。德邦总管 - 赵信
个人最喜欢他的配音。一点寒芒先到...随后枪出如龙!To the arena!长枪依然在!/铁甲依然在!
Fate has made its choice.命运已做出了它的选择!
Do not bore me请不要烦我!
Press the assault!陷阵之志,有死无生!
Justice is at hand!正义在我手中。
Perish with honor.荣耀与毁灭同在。
Their lives are forfeit.他们的生命已被依法剥夺。
Here&s a tip&and a spear behind it.一点寒芒先到...随后枪出如龙!
Find me an immovable object, and I'll put this question to rest.没有人能够突破我的枪围!!
My King commands.奉吾王之命!
Ask not what Demacia can do for you, but what it will do if you're in the way.在问德玛西亚能给你什么好处之前,请先关心一下你挡路的下场。
It shall be done.交给我了!
To triumph!即将凯旋!
The warrior's spirit is never broken.勇士之魂,从未破灭。
A Demacian does not retreat.德玛西亚人从不退缩!
Victory calls!胜利在呼唤!
Always forward!勇往直前!
Sound the march!击鼓,进军!
Only actions truly speak.只有行动才能说明一切。
I may be outnumbered, but not even the odds can stand against me.即使敌众我寡,末将亦能万军丛中取敌将首级!时光守护者 - 基兰
I knew you would do that就知道你会选我
Already there已经就位
Make haste加把劲
Time is wasting时间正在流逝
All in good time时机刚刚好~
The way is always the same万变不离其宗
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like banana知道我刚在时空旅行的时候见到谁了么?多拉B梦!
The way is always the same万变不离其宗
Already there已经就位
I've seen your death. It was painful!我曾看见过你的死亡。当时的你死得惨不忍睹!扭曲树精 - 茂凯
This power& I cannot control.这股力量&&我无法控制
Torment me no longer.别再折磨我了!
To rest, if only I could.如果我能休息就好了。
This life was not meant to be.这条命早已偏离了命运的轨迹。
You should not defy nature.你无法忤逆自然!There is no escape.没有地方可以安生!
I once had peace.我也曾拥有过安宁。
Return me to the forest.把我放回森林里去!
I would end this burden, but it always returns.我也试图终结过这困扰,但它总会卷土重来。
I hate being uprooted.我讨厌拔根而起的感觉。
Begone, vile magicks!这些讨厌的魔法,给我滚开!
I will punish their imprudence.我要惩罚他们的轻率之举
Reckless mages!可恶的法师们!
I must end the misuse of magic.我必须终结魔法的滥用。
They will know my remorse.他们会尝到我的悔恨的!
Do you want to see Twisted?!你想见识下什么是扭曲?!
I dated a sugar pine once, just to spruce things up. She turned out to be a birch, nice ash though.我曾经为了打扮,和一棵糖松约会过。结果她是一棵桦树,好在它的灰烬还算不错!
Is this what they call &getting stomped?& 这就是人们所说的&被蹂躏&么?
Nature can be a real mother&自然才是真正的母亲..
Nature is the truest form of balance. Eat and avoid being eaten.自然,才是平衡最真实的形态。一边吃,一边避免被吃掉。
Animals are lazy, we plants produce our own food.动物们都是懒货!我们植物都是自己生产食物的。
I do your bidding, for now.我将暂时服从你的吩咐。诅咒巨魔 - 川德尔
一个冷门而又强力的英雄。It never stops.它停不下来。
I'm on it.俺这就去。
The tribe is waiting.部族在等俺呢
Let's smash something!咱们去打破点儿什么吧!
For Ruhgosk&拉古斯特&部族万岁!
If the club doesn't get em the smell will如果棒子不能搞定他们,就用气味吧。
I'm not heartless, I love beating!俺并不无情,敲打是俺的最爱!
Ow! Splinter!噢!裂成碎片儿了!
Let's show em my ugly side!让敌人瞧瞧俺丑陋的一面吧!
Missing out on beauty sleep here&俺正在失去睡美容觉的机会&&
Share the agony享用俺的痛苦吧!
Time to troll魔的无脑时刻到
Suffer as I do像俺一样挣扎吧!
Smash through the pain将痛苦统统打碎!
This is about to get ugly这家伙就要变丑了。
The worst part of hideous flesh-eating diseases is trying to get an even tan.丑恶的食肉陋习最糟糕的地方,就在于它总会让俺变得更黑
If you want me to hit you less, die sooner!如果你们想让俺敲轻点儿的话,就快点儿死!
Defeat trundle, are you trolling?想打败俺?你们有脑子吗?
How much ya wanna bet I can whack ya from one fountain to the other?俺可以和你打赌,俺能一棒子把你从俺们温泉这儿打到敌人温泉那儿!
Don't hate the player, hate the club that's smashing your face.别憎恨选手,要恨就恨那根打你脸的棒子吧!
Ready for a hurtin'?准备敲人了么?德邦之威 - 嘉文四世
德玛西亚。。。。Protect the faithful!保护忠良!
For my father, the king!为了父王!
No quarter for the wicked!攘除奸邪!
Find me greater foes!给我找些更强的敌人!
Who dares defy my will?!谁敢违抗我的意志?
Stand with me, brothers and sisters!兄弟姐妹们,和我并肩作战吧!
Demacia - now and forever!德玛西亚,永世长存!
Today is a good day to die!视死如归,就在今天!
We shall rest when we are dead!战斗之心,至死方休!
The only way I could be more epic is if I was purple.唯一能让我变得更加传奇的方式,就只有登基为王了。
I love a challenge!我喜欢挑战!
Purge the unjust!消除不公!
Topple their forces!击垮敌军!
Righteous retribution!正义的惩罚!
Ours is but to do and die! 我们的使命,就是力战而亡!
This is Demacian justice!这就是德玛西亚的正义!
I don't need to hide in brush! No offense Garen...我不需要躲在草丛里!呃,我不是在贬低盖伦&&
Fetch the rest of your team, I'll wait. Demacia, get some! 把你们队的其他人都找来吧,我会在这儿等你们的。
You like my weapon? Come on over for a closer inspection! 喜欢我的武器?那就过来好好看看吧!
Demacia, get some! 德玛西亚,无可匹敌!
Sunder any army! Crumble any mountain! Leap the greatest - OWW, my toe-sies! 阻断军队!粉碎山峰!跨过最长的-噢&&,我的脚趾头!
Awareness is the key to victory! Be sure you never let your guard dow - OWIEEE! 洞察力是取胜的关键!一定不要让你的警觉松懈.......
By my will - this shall be finished.犯我德邦者,虽远必诛!刀锋意志 - 艾瑞莉雅
This way!走这边!
Justice guides us正义指引着我们。
I will not falter.我绝不会动摇。
With precision.出手要准
Forge onward稳步前进!
Ionia shall not fall.艾欧尼亚不会灭亡。
I stand resolute我的立场非常坚定。
Stay sharp.要保持敏锐。
True will cannot be defeated.真正的意志是不会被击败的!
Why does everyone ask if I cut my own hair?为什么每个人都在问我&会不会削到自己的头发&呢?
There's no turning back.没有退路了!
Cut them down!恶必斩!
My blade never wavers我的剑刃从不颤抖。
It ends here.到此结束吧。
This battle will be won.这场战斗必将获胜。
They will not prevail.他们的胜利必将成为奢望!
This is what happens when you feed stray blades.这就是我收养那些流浪剑刃的结果。
You rely on your weapons too much, try letting go.你们太过依赖自己的武器了,要试着放手~
Balance in ALL things平衡,存乎万物之间。
My blade is not only precise, but totally gnarly.我的剑刃不但准,而且狠!
My blade is at your service.我的剑刃愿为您效劳。
Fearful full gasp then big pain as stabbed by her own blade 可怕的喘息,就像被她自己的剑刺入一样痛苦。皮城女警 - 凯特琳
Hot on the trail...脚印还很新鲜。
I love a good chase.我超爱追杀的。
Don't be caught flatfoot-ing.别被**抓住哟。
I have the tools for the job.这份工作所需的工具我都有。
Want to see a hat trick?想看帽子戏法么?
Let's investigate.我们去查案吧。
Time for a shakedown.现在是大搜查时间~
Me? Miss? Not by a longshot.我?打空?别指望了。
I smell a rat...possibly other than Twitch.小心,有老鼠&&别误会,这个老鼠可不单指图奇哟。
Got them in my sights!见一个,灭一个!
Meet the long gun of the law.见识下法律的大枪吧!
Boom! Headshot.崩!爆头~
So many bad guys, so little time.坏人总是太多,时间却又太少。
Who doesn't like being under the gun?有谁不喜欢被枪指着吖?
Up for a showdown?打算摊牌了么?
Sorry boys, I keep the fuzzy cuffs at home.真抱歉,少年们,我把皮手铐忘在家里了。
Want another shot? I wouldn't want to leave things up in the air.想要再来一发么?我可不会留下任何悬念。
Would you prefer the good cop? Or the bad cop?你们喜欢好**呢?还是坏**呢?
A sniper&s greatest tool is precision (gun breaks)...and good equipment.一个狙击手最重要的工具就是精准(枪坏了)&&还有一把好武器
The whole is greater than the sum of its (gun breaks) ...parts&一个整体总是要强过它的(枪坏了)&&零件&&
I'm on the case!随时准备破案!荒漠屠夫 - 雷克顿
There is no retreat. 没有退路了。
Welcome the havoc! 迎接浩劫吧!
Destruction approaches 毁灭来临了!
Lavish brutality! 挥霍残忍吧!
Bleed them dry! 放干他们的血!
Chaos will follow 混乱将随后而至。
Who's next on the chopping block? 谁是砧板上的下一块肉?
Nothing will stop me! 没有什么可以阻止我了!
Nasus cannot escape me forever. 内瑟斯【英雄名】不会永远地从我的手心里逃脱的。
Crikey, look at the size of me! 额滴神啊,瞧瞧我的尺寸!
Cut them down 砍翻他们!
Embrace the jaws of death. 拥抱死亡的血盆大口吧!
I'll leave them in pieces. 我会把他们碎尸万段。
Carnage, carnage! 屠杀,屠杀!
Bask in their blood! 沐浴他们的血液吧!
Light meat, dark meat, it's all the same. 白肉,黑肉,都是好肉。
I'm on a shredded meat diet. I can even help you shave a couple pounds. 我现在只吃碎肉。或许我还可以帮你减个几斤呢。
Come back when you've collected all the bits of yourself. 你们还是把自己身上的碎肉找齐之后再来吧!
What? Do I have someone in my teeth? 啥?有人挂在我的牙齿上么?
As I live, all will die. 我的生存,将给所有人带去死亡。
魔蛇之拥 - 卡西奥佩娅
You found me beautful once... 你也曾见过我的美&&
As you wish. 如你所愿
Say please... 要说&请&&&
Don't make me beg... 别让我求你嘛&&
Of course... 当然&&
Don't be coy... 别害羞&&
Tell me everything. 告诉我一切,
I'm listening. 我在听。
You're no fun... 你真无趣。
Aren't I a snake in the grass? 我是不是草丛里的一条蛇呀?
Surrender to me! 拜倒于我吧!
Feel my embrace! 感受我的拥抱吧!
Succumb! 屈服吧!
I strike! 我打!
No mercy! 杀无赦!
I'll take care of everything... 我会好好地解决一切的&&
How cold blooded. 多冷血吖
Eventually, they all come crawling back 到头来,他们还是全部爬回去了嘛。
You think I'm a freak? Let me get on your level 你们觉得我是怪胎?看我不把你们打回原形!
Let me help shuffle off your mortal coil 世界上最大的痛苦,莫过于知道自己很美,却不敢照镜子。
They say the key to beauty lies in grace and poise, what do you think? 如意如意,随我心意,快快显灵!&&恩?我刚才好像念了一些奇怪的咒语
Don't you find me beautiful? 你是否觉得我很漂亮?德玛西亚之力 - 盖伦
The scoundrels will pay!恶人终有恶报!
Don't bleed on my shiny armor!别把脏血溅到我光鲜的铠甲上!
Summon me, and you'll like the way you look, I Garen-tee it! Get it? 召唤师,你们所说的&脸滚键盘&是什么意思?
Let's end this quickly, I need to use the little soldier's room.快点儿结束吧,我头有点儿转晕了&&
Forge onward!勇往直前!
For Demacia!德玛西亚万岁!
In the king's name!国王万岁!
I bring justice!正义与我同在!
Without delay!刻不容缓!
At your service!愿意为您效劳!
Fear not, I'm coming!别怕,我来了!
To protect our land!保家卫国!
I stand ready!我准备好了!
Come forth, you will find honor in death!放马过来吧,你会死的很光荣的!酒桶 - 古拉加斯
If you're buyin', I'm in.你埋单,我就来!
Last call!打烊前的最后一杯!
Have a drink!来一杯吧!
Dodge THIS!尝尝这个!
Happy Hour - incoming!欢乐时光 - 就要开始了!
Fight time!斗殴时间到了!
Time to roll out the barrel!是时候碾平酒桶了!
The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it. HAR HAR!&我喝酒时唯一遇到过的问题,就是不小心把酒给弄洒了。哈哈!&
I'll drink you under the table, scrub.我会让你喝翻到桌子底下去,烂人。大发明家 - 黑默丁格
Indeed - a wise choice!确实是个明智的选择!
For great science!为了伟大的科学!
I theorize& your defeat!经过我的推导&&结果只有一个,那就是:你会输!
Back, you dirty ape, back!回来,你这只肮脏的猿猴,快回来!
Force = mass * speed.力等于质量乘以速度。
You are poorly designed for this.你生来就不是干这个的料。
If you attach the proto-flobulator to the maxi-wamulinating coils, you get&如果将原始弗罗布雷特附在特大号瓦姆理内汀圈上,你会得到&&
Why do chemists call heium, curium, and barium the medical elements? Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!只要将溶液A倒入溶液B,就会&&BOOM&&该死,又出事故了。
Why walk when you can fly?你能飞的时候干嘛还要走路呢?
The cosine of your route, divided by&你路线的余弦,再除以&&
Hmm& very interesting&恩恩&&非常有趣&&
I could help you do that better.我可以帮你把它做得更好
Order. Entropy. A never-ending cycle.顺序。熵值。无限循环的数列。
I concur!我和你意见相同!
Yes, yes. Hurry. I have important work to get back to!是的是的,赶快!我回头还有更重要的事情要做。
And what did you expect from such a substandard intelligence?你们的智商如此之低,还有什么好指望的?风暴女神 - 迦娜
The power of the wind is at your command风之化身听候您的差遣。
The wrath of the sky is upon you天空的愤怒将你笼罩!
The storm approaches风暴就要来临了!
Their winds unleashed它们的风儿已经发动了!
Say hello to the winds of change向变革之风问声好吧!
I can smell your demise我可以闻到你身上的死亡气息。
Your forecast is not good你的预测并不怎么准嘛!
Stop staring at me like that别用那种眼光盯着我看!
The power of the wind is at your command风之化身听候您的差遣。
Scatter my ashes in the wind让我的骨灰随风飘荡&&
My time has come大限&&已至&&
Yes, it's true. For only 2.95 a minute, I'll leave you breathless&是的,只要998,就能让你爽到不能呼吸哟。&
As you wish如你所愿。
Let the winds take me风呀,带我一程吧!
I float on wings of truth真理之翼与我同在。
The forecast is clear预测的结果非常清楚。
Upon the winds I go我将随风而行。
Yes, I know I take your breath away没错,我知道我让你无法呼吸。
And you thought it was just a harmless breeze!你还以为它只是一阵无害的微风么?武器大师 - 贾克斯
Let's do this!开打开打!
Who's next?还有谁?
Now it's my turn!现在该我了!
Bring it on!出招吧!
It's on!看招!
Surprise! I'm back!没想到吧?我又回来了!
Let me add'em把他们也算上!
Ready for battle!严阵以待!
No! It can't be!不!这不可能!
Imagine if I had a real weapon!你们知道最强的武器是什么?没错,就是补丁!
Surprise! I'm back!没想到吧?我又回来了!
Ready for battle!严阵以待!
Who wants a piece of the champ?哼,一个能打的都没有!死亡颂唱者 - 卡尔萨斯
Do you feel a chill?你在&&打冷颤么?
Share my curse享用我的诅咒吧!
Their pain is my pleasure他们的痛苦,就是我的快乐!
I obey遵命&&
Float on正在往那飘呢&&
Your wish...如您所愿&&
For the unliving赞美死亡吧!
I cannot use your skull. You have a misshapen head你的头太畸形了,我都无法使用你的头骨!
I'll put you in my book!我会把你夹在我的书里的!虚空行者 - 卡萨丁
Your magic is powerless against me你的魔法对我无效
Justice will be served正义将会得到伸张
Balance above all else 平衡重于一切
You are null and void 你微不足道,一无用处
As you wish 如你所愿
The balance of power must be preserved 必须维持力量的均衡!
Into the void 遁入虚空!
I tried to silence my mother once. Boy, do I regret that! 有一次,我试着沉默我妈。天啊,再也没有比这更糟糕的事儿了!
Try that again 再试一次不祥之刃 - 卡特琳娜
Violence solves everything 暴力可以解决一切。
My pleasure 我很乐意。
Let the bloodshed begin 开始大杀特杀吧!
Brutality, my favorite& 野蛮行径,我的最爱&&
Blood for Noxus 诺克萨斯万岁!
Without mercy 不要心存怜悯!
Is that fear I smell? 我闻到的是恐惧么?
Knives are a girl's best friend 匕首是一个女孩最好的朋友。
Ready for trouble? 准备好应付麻烦了么?
Your choices please me, for now 到目前为止,你的选择都让我十分满意。
Intriguing 非常迷人&&
Don't test your luck, summoner 不要测试你的运气,召唤师!Fine 好吧
If you insist 如果你坚持的话
Mother always said, &Don't shunpo with knives...& 妈妈常说:&瞬步的时候不要带着匕首&&&
Please, make me hurt you 拜托了,让我扁你们一顿吧。审判天使 - 凯尔
。。。。。。凯尔他一个女孩子- -,这个图片,蛋疼。。
Lead me to battle! 迎接审判吧!
Into the fray! 若想解决纷争,必先陷入纷争!
Who's next? 下一个是谁?
I go to be judged 我将被审判&&
Are you sure you're not in the wrong league? 咦?谁把我的炉石给拿走了?
An eye for an eye! 以眼还眼,以牙还牙!
Your time has come! 你们的时辰到了!
Come here! I'll teach you all about the afterlife. 快过来吧!我会告诉你们有关来世的一切。狂暴之心 - 凯南
The eyes never lie& 眼睛从来不会说谎。
Hiiiii-yah! 嗨&&呀!
A silent death& 悄无声息的死亡!
Time to strike! 该出击了!
Their final moments approach. 他们的最后时刻要来临了!
For Ionia! 艾欧尼亚万岁!
From the shadows... 要利用好暗影。
I'm aiming for the kneecaps! 我正在瞄准他们的膝盖骨!
Yes, they make shurikens this small. 哦天啊,他们把手里剑做得这么小!
Ready! 准备!
Let's do it! 我们上吧!
Yes. Yes! YES! 是!是!是!
I am the wind. 我是风~咻&&咻&&
Balance in all things. 均衡存乎万物之间。
Steady& 稳住&&
They'll well, maybe if they look down& 他们绝对不会发觉我的到来;好吧,假如他们不往下面看的话&&
Big targets are the best - there's more to aim at! 大型目标什么的最好了 - 因为瞄准起来超容易的耶!
深渊巨口 - 克格'莫
Time to feast! 用餐时间到了!
Mmmm&food. 恩恩&&吃的!
Hunger never sleep 饥饿感永远不会休眠!
Smell soft flesh. 闻到嫩肉的气味了!
Obey void 谨遵虚空号令!
Leave no scraps! 片甲不留!
Chew food, not swallow whole, be gentleman. 用嚼的,别用吞的,要有绅士风度。
Trumpets army bugle song 从前有个怪物,他一直在吃东西,却怎么也吃不饱。所以到最后,他把他自己也吃掉了!
Every meal happy meal 每一餐都是开心的一餐。
We go 我们走吧!
No rest! 别休息!
Getting hungry& 我越来越饿了&&
Want meat! 想吃肉!
Oblivion come 湮灭来袭!
Maw so empty. 我的胃空空如也!
Feeding time! 该喂食了!
Keep coming, not full! 再来吖,我还没吃饱呢!
Terror coming... daddy coming! 恐怖就要来了&&老爸就要来了!
诡术妖姬 - 乐芙兰
Where next?下一个在哪儿呢?
It's all smoke and mirrors.只不过是镜花水月而已。
Patience, summoner.要耐心,召唤师
Tricky, aren't you?你很狡猾,不是么?
Are you certain?你有把握么?
Trust me&相信我&&
Classic misdirection经典的误导。
Looks can be deceiving.外表可是具有欺骗性的。
Would I lie?我会骗你么?
Would a Black Rose by any other name smell as sweet?如果&黑玫瑰&叫别的名字,闻起来还会这么香么?
Time to make an appearance.该现身了。
There's no escape.谁都别想逃。
Watch closely&看仔细了!
What a treat可真难得吖!
Right where I want them正合我意。
Surprised to see me?看到我很意外么?
Don't you know you're in the Danger Zone?你正处在&危险地带&,难道你不知道么?
Oh thank goodness, for a moment I thought I&d broken a sweat谢天谢地,我还以为会汗流浃背呢!
For my next trick, I'll make their life bar disappear接下来我要表演的是:将他们的血条弄消失~
Lying is like, 95% of what I do.我好像95%的时候都在说谎。
The Black Rose shall bloom once more.&黑玫瑰&将会再次绽放!
光辉女郎 - 拉克丝
I'll look into it.我会调查的。
Covert Ops deployed秘密行动已经部署
I love it when a plan comes together作战计划什么的,最喜欢了!
So intense!我好紧张!
Lighting the way.照亮前进的道路!
We can do this!我们能够做到!
Keep positive.保持乐观!
Bright decision聪明的决定!
Light mage? I'm just an ordinary mage&光明法师?我只是个普通的法师而已
Illuminate the enemy!照亮所有敌人!
Banish the shadows驱逐所有暗影!
Light 'em up!点亮他们
Focus on the battle.注意战场形势!
With superior tactics.我们的战术更加优秀!
I never think about losing!我从来没想过失败!
Shh...I'm charging my laser&嘘&&我在为我的激光充能&&
With your power level& I suggest you forfeit instead.你们这种战斗力&&我建议你们还是投降算了。
In the name of Demacia I will punish you!我要替德玛西亚行道,消灭你们!
Double Rainbow? What does it mean? 双重彩虹?那是什么意思?
Well... A double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining onto droplets of moisture in the atmosphere& Does that explain it?好的&&双重彩虹,指的是阳光在透过大气层的湿气时因为折射和反射而出现两道不同彩虹的现象&&各位听懂了么?
Tactical decision summoner真是个深思熟虑的选择,召唤师。熔岩巨兽 - 墨菲特
Rock solid.坚如磐石!
Stay down!趴下!
That's what you get for fighting a rock!这就是和石头战斗的代价!
Caught between a rock and a hard place.我也是从石头里蹦出来的,为什么我不是猴子呢?
Got it.收到
I'm moving as fast as I can!我已经是全速前进了!
You will lose.你们会输的。虚空先知 - 玛尔扎哈
我最喜欢的英雄之一哦。。Oblivion awaits湮灭在等待&&
It is done完成了
Mortality is weakness凡人就是软弱。
We demand sacrifice我们要求献祭!
Their time is short他们时日无多了。
For the Void虚空万岁!
Please do not look directly into the void if you have epilepsy, a history of back problems orare pregnant&如果你有癫痫病,请不要直接观察虚空,否则有可能导致妊娠反应。
I think a voidling just came out.哦?你指的是这把我从来不用的小刀么?我是找达斯坦借的,他还老大不愿意呢。
Icathia beckons艾卡西亚在召唤!
I foresee Armageddon, followed by a grand resurgence of parachute pants我预见了末日浩劫,紧随其后的是降落伞裤的伟大复兴&&
As was foreseen就和曾今预见的一样。
In due course用最合适的手法。
Second sight ordains it冥冥之中自有天意。
It is in motion正在运转。
At once马上。
We are timeless我们不受岁月左右。
Do not challenge fate's will不要挑战命运的意愿。
Without question毫无疑问。
Come mortal, witness your demise!来吧,凡人,见证你的死亡吧!
Bow to the void or be consumed by it要么向虚空鞠躬!要么被虚空吞噬!无极剑圣 - 易
My blade is yours我的剑就是你的剑。
We strike now我们上吧!
Do not fear the unknown不要害怕未知的事物。
Wuju style无极之道。
Follow my lead跟我来。
I will show you the path我来为你带路。
I shall return stronger next time下次归来我应该能变得更强!
Wuju... Pass me that potion?眼睛多,看东西才会更加清楚。
I will show you the path我来为你带路。
A wise decision明智的决定。
Your skills are inferior!你们的技术太烂了!
赏金猎人 - 厄运小姐
Step to正在加速。
I'll get it done.交给我吧!
Not a problem.没问题。
I know what I'm doing.我知道我在做什么!
Set sail!扬帆!起航!
Sure you can handle me, summoner?你确定能把到我么,召唤师?
You've got dangerous eyes. I like that.你有一双摄人心魄的眼睛。我非常喜欢。
Don't get cocky.别太自满。
I've got a good feeling about this.这样做的感觉真好吖。
Keep your eyes off my larboard side, deary请看好我的左舷,宝贝儿。
The fun begins.有乐子了!
Nothin' but powder monkies除了火药猴以外,什么也没有。
I always shoot first.我总是先射。
No prey no pay!没有猎物,就没有报酬!
Guns blazing.枪口喷着火焰!
Boom! Legshot! Hmm.. That doesn&t sound right.嘣!射腿!恩&&听起来不太对劲
Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself respawning at home.管好你的嘴,小鬼,否则你会发现自己正躺在基地等重生。
How do you like my guns 'shock' and 'ahhhhh'这是我的两把枪,一把叫&射!&,另一把叫&啊!&。怎么样,喜欢么?
Fortune doesn't favor fools.好运不会眷顾傻瓜。金属大师 - 莫德凯撒
I shall bring great suffering!我将带来巨大的痛苦!
Time to shred.是时候切碎他们了。
How delightfully painful!多么令人愉悦的痛苦啊~
No pain, no drain&没有痛苦,就吸不到能量。
Your sickness sustains me.你们的疾病支撑着我。
Affliction forever!痛苦恒久远!
This whole living thing is highly overrated.这些活着的东西都被过分地高估了!
I shall have my revenge yet!现在我可以复仇了!
I like my weapons how I like my music - heavy and metal.我爱我的武器,因为它和我所爱的音乐一样,都是重金属。
Misery loves company.福无双至,祸不单行。
If I must.如果我必须的话。
For great torment.为了巨大的折磨!
We shall see&我们到时就知道了&&
Desolation is coming.目的就快达到了&&
So be it& summoner. (mocking twinge on &summoner&)但愿如此&&(嘲讽地语气:)召唤师
You only need to click once, fool!只需要点一下就够了,蠢货。
Death would be too good for the likes of you.对于和你差不多的人来说,死亡真是太美好了。堕落天使 - 莫甘娜
We'll bring them pain我们会叫他们好受的!
I'll have my revenge我要报仇!
They will suffer他们将会痛苦不堪!
Without mercy绝不手软!
Share my torment享用我的折磨吧!
Do not dally请不要闲逛!
Feel my pain感受我的痛苦吧!
I must have my revenge!我必须去报仇了!
Not all angels are good有人说他们上辈子都是折翼的天使&&但我上辈子是什么呢?
You too will be judged你们也会被审判的!沙漠死神 - 内瑟斯
The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.生与死,轮回不止。我们生,而他们死。
Anthropomancy. Divination by entrails.死亡祭祀就要开始。你的内脏将用来占卜。
I bring death.死亡与我同在。
Soon, there will be nothing.很快,这儿就什么都不会剩下了。
Life is part of a cycle. Yours is over.生,是轮回的一部分。而你的这部分,已然结束了。
Your soul will be measured.你们的灵魂将会被女神称量。
Death is a harsh mistress.死亡,是一位严厉的女神。
Ain't nothing but a G-thang, dawg!其实我是只黑道犬,汪!
It is but a doorway. I shall return.这只不过是另一扇门而已。我会回来的。
Who let the dogs out! &woof woof woof woof&你们觉得我像阿努比斯?拜托,他的皮肤可是黑色的!
There, for grace, I go.为了恩赐,我愿意前往。
Where angels fear to tread.这儿连天使都不敢踏足。
It is never-ending.这事儿永远都不会停息。
Their death awaits.他们的死亡就要降临了。
If it is your wish.如果你想要的话。
Yes, Summoner.遵命,召唤师。
Do not try my patience.不要考验我的耐心。
Your legacy shall drift away, blown into eternity like the sands of the desert.你的遗体将慢慢消散,化为永恒,就像沙漠中的沙砾那样狂野女猎手 - 奈德丽
They will fear the wild狂野,将使他们感到畏惧!
Claw or spear, your end's the same不管是用爪还是用矛,你的结局都是一样的。
Mmm& the taste of coward恩恩&&懦夫的味道。
&a series of growls and spits&&一系列的低吼,以及猫科动物的呼噜声&
We'll prey on the civilized我们会有文明地捕食的。
I'll show these housecats real claws我要让这些家猫们见识下什么才是真正的爪子。
The untamed know no fear野生生物从来不知道什么是害怕。
Don't be nervous.别紧张。
Did I mention it's mating season?我有提到过现在是繁殖季节么?
I will guide you我将指引您通往胜利。
Let me show you the way让我为您指路。
On the prowl正在觅食。
You call this civilized?你把这个称作有教养?
You cannot cage me, Summoner.你关不住我的,召唤师。
Instinct guides my steps本能引领着我的脚步。
I'm all natural我可是纯天然的。
Here mousy, mousy, mousy&这儿的鼠辈可真多啊&&雪人骑士 - 努努
配音感觉很卡哇伊。450的配音这么好。EZ唉。独自叹息啊Here we go!该我们了!
Swallowed you whole将你整个儿生吞了!
The Yeti knows the way雪人知道该怎么做。
Let's make tracks!我们来露两手吧!
I'm on it!我正在努力!
It's cold out there!那边真冷!
Don't make the Yeti angry. You won't like him when he's angry别把雪人给惹恼了!否则你遭不住的。
Can't catch me!抓不着我!
I feel so... Cold!好&&好冷&&(哆嗦着)
Speak softly, and ride a big yeti我有一只小雪人我一直都在骑&&
Can't catch me!抓不着我!
The Yeti knows the way雪人知道该怎么做。
狂战士 - 奥拉夫
Leave nothing behind!所到之处,寸草不生!
Faster to battle!快点参战!
Chop chop!我砍!我再砍!
My axe is thirsty.我的大斧早已饥渴难耐了!
Finally, some fun!终于有点乐子了!
Death by steel!吃我一斧!
Cut them down to size!把他们统统砍翻!
The worth of a man can be measured by the length of his beard and the girth of his...beltbuckle.一个男人的价值,可以从他胡子的长度,以及&&皮带的长度上看出来
The might of Lockfar approaches.洛克法的力量接近了!
I prefer traveling by water.我更愿意走水路。
To plunder!掠夺吧!
To action!行动吧!
I'm going.我正要去!
Urge to kill rising&杀戮的欲望正在高涨!
Seeing RED!我要发狂了!
Come on, I won't hurt you, I promise&来吧,我不会伤害你的,我保证&&战争之王 - 潘森
They are privileged to die at my feet能死在我的脚下,是上天给予他们的恩赐。
Their fate is sealed他们的命运被封印了。
They will not enjoy this他们不会觉得爽的。
They disgrace the art of war他们侮辱了战争的艺术!
With pleasure我很乐意
Consider it done举手之劳
Without pause不要停下!
I live only for war and videos of cute kittens我只为战争而生!哦对了,还有可爱的猫咪视频。
My profession? You know& now that I think of it, I've always wanted to be a baker&我的职业?你知道的,现在想来,我是一直想当个面包师的。
Yes& a baker&是的&&面包师。
With pride!我很自豪!
They said to dress business casual, this IS business casual where I'm from他们说要穿职业休闲装,但这身装扮就是我们那里的职业休闲装。
Let us press on我们再加把劲!
Do not provoke me不要挑衅我!
My spear is restless我的长矛无法平静下来!
Honor compels me荣誉驱使着我。
They will know war他们将会知道什么是战争!
I know my path我知道我要走的路。
Getting kicked into a well is the least of your worries你最不需要担心的,就是被踢到井里去!钢铁大使 - 波比
明明游戏里那么好看。。可是 - -
There will be peace这里会和平的。
Fighting is serious business!战斗是非常严肃的事情。
I'll settle this issue!我会解决这个问题的!
Their defeat is non-negotiable!他们的失败是不容置疑的!
Let me demonstrate hammer diplomacy!让我来示范一下,什么叫做铁锤外交!
They'll beg for peace!他们会乞求和平的!
If it is necessary.如果必要的话。
Where words fail, my hammer will prevail!如果语言劝说没有用的话,我的铁锤就会继续劝说!
I cannot leave the world without peace&他们会乞求和平的!
Jokes? I don&t know any jokes.笑话?我真的不会讲笑话&&
If it will bring peace.如果它能带来和平。
Valoran will know harmony瓦罗然将会知道什么是和谐
We are in accord, summoner.我们想法一致,召唤师。
My convictions will not falter我的信仰从来不会动摇!
Slow down, it takes me twice as many steps!慢点儿!我得迈两步才能追得上你的一步!
Why don't you just lay down your weapons now?你们干嘛不直接缴械投降呢?
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