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【3月15日】阿尔法传说起源 修改中文版 アルファディア ジェネシス|游戏天堂 - YunOS社区 - Powered by phpwind
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【3月15日】阿尔法传说起源 修改中文版 アルファディア ジェネシス
=700) window.open('http://yunosshequ.oss-cn-/yunosbbs/attachment/Mon_f83b36c628ba5.jpg?48');" style="max-width:700" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>700)this.width=700;" > ??游戏信息[attachment=426113]游戏名称:阿尔法传说 APK名称:阿尔法传说 修改中文版最新版本:V1.1.0支持系统:支持YUNOS版本2.2及更高版本游戏分类:角色扮演界面语言:中文游戏大小:71.62M验证手机:小刚x800&& 2.7.1??游戏介绍&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 破解说明:1.游戏首次运行需联网额外下载数据,以后可离线进!2.跳出弹窗点Quit,再进游戏即可。3.获得任意金币都变为获得大量金币。《阿尔法起源》是一款角色扮演游戏。游戏故事围绕一个王国展开。两国曾因争夺土地上丰富的Energy而展开过壮烈的战争,如今在战争结束的第15年,为调查一场突发的事故,两国因此而展开来了联合调查,一系列的故事也将由此展开。??亲测截图[attachment=426120][attachment=426121][attachment=426122][attachment=426123][attachment=426124][attachment=426125][attachment=426126][attachment=426127][attachment=426128][attachment=426129]??游戏下载下载地址:本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到【免责声明】① 本资源的发布系网友个人行为,并不反映任何YUNOS社区之意见,YUNOS社区不为其承担任何法律责任。② 本版块提供的所有视频及资源,请在下载24小时内删除!为尊重作者版权,请购买原版作品,支持你喜欢的作者,谢谢!③ 本游戏不保证能兼容和适用于所有YUNOS 平台手机,有可能引起冲突和导致不可预测的问题出现,请自行承担使用本游戏而导致的风险和后果,发布者本人不对使用此游戏负任何责任!
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玩家交流:① ②《阿尔法传奇:起源》FLAG立的好_爱游戏
《阿尔法起源 Alphadia Genesis》是一款日系魔幻风格角色扮演类游戏,喜欢日系RPG的玩家一定都知道多年以来KEMCO公司都坚持打造RPG游戏,而阿尔法起源是他们推出的第一款采用3D画面的RPG游戏,游戏画面虽然比不上...SPECIAL PRICE
50% OFF(USD 9.99 -& USD 4.99)!!!
A brand new entry in the Alphadia series!
Full-fledged fantasy RPG experience with stunning 3D battles!
*Important Notice*
Due to high memory usage, it is not recommended to run multiple applications simultaneously in the background while playing the game. Doing so could cause loading failure or force quit. Please free up any available memory before playing.
Featured on TegraZone.
Now with controller support for NVIDIA SHIELD and Android TV (A game controller is necessary to play on NVIDIA SHIELD devices, including NVIDIA SHIELD tablet).
Alphadia Genesis boasts a rich multifaceted story that revolves around Fray, an Archleign's guild member and Corone, a knight in the Ghalzabine Army. As their journey progresses and conflicting national interests come to the forefront, it becomes apparent that it will take more than a little work on both their parts if their relationship is to weather the boding storm on the horizon.
Having been at peace for only 15 years since the end of the Energi War, the kingdoms of Archleign and Ghalzabine are once again thrust onto center stage after a murder perpetrated by a clone, whose rights and freedoms they both lobbied for, comes to light.
Hoping the treaty signed to end the use of clones for conventional warfare has not been violated, a joint-investigative team is put together to find out the cause and bring those responsible to justice. However, things then appear to be far more volatile than anyone could have first imagined...
Dramatic Event Scenes
With a voice cast of many notable Japanese actors and actresses lending their talents to the story, significant events take on more meaning as each has life breathed into them, allowing players to become more deeply immersed in the world.
Intense 3D Battles
Shifting camera angles and voiced characters are just a few of the new features that make battles more engaging than ever before! And with beautifully rendered graphics and vibrant Energi and Break Skills, players will never tire of being bloated with such a visual feast! Furthermore, with the inclusion of a highly efficient auto-battle function, portable gaming has never been this convenient!
Not to be forgotten, however, roaming the land are monsters so powerful that if come upon unprepared, players will face certain doom!
In the world of Lagoon, there are three elementals from which all Energi flows- fire, water, and light. Learning to harness these forces will allow the player to become more adept in skills related to them, which include attack, recovery, and support. Therefore, it would be wise to become acquainted with their use as early on in the game as possible.
Characters outside the battle party can cooperate in various ways through the use of Assists. Depending on the combination of submembers, attack, defense and other parameters like the critical rate can be increased. Moreover, when the Assist Gauge has been maxed out, powerful combo attacks can be unleashed with their help.
*While in-app-purchase content requires additional fees, by no means it is necessary for finishing the game.
*The actual price might differ depending on the region.
[Supported OS]
- 2.2 to 4.4
[Supported Screens]
- HVGA (320x480) and up
[Xperia(TM) PLAY]
- Optimized
[SD Card Storage]
- Japanese, English
[Non-Supported Devices]
- Xperia(OS2.1), Optimus chat(OS2.2), Desire(OS2.2), Aria(OS2.2) *As of 7/31/2013 (This app has generally been tested to work on any mobile device released in Japan. We cannot guarantee support on other devices.)
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