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In music, standard tuning refers to the typical
of a . This notion is contrary to that of , i.e. an alternate tuning designated to modify either the
or technical capabilities of the desired instrument.
The most popular bowed strings used now together with their respective standard tunings, they are:
– G3 D4 A4 E5 (ascending , starting from G below middle C)
– C3 G3 D4 A4 (a perfect fifth below a violin's standard tuning)
– C2 G2 D3 A3 (an octave lower than the viola)
– E1 A1 D2 G2 (ascending , where the highest sounding open string coincides with the G on a cello).
Double bass with a low C extension – C1 E1 A1 D2 G2 (the same, except for low C, which is a
below the low E on a standard 4-string double bass)
5-stringed double bass – B0 E1 A1 D2 G2 (a low B is added, so the tuning remains in perfect fourths)
The double bass is properly the contrabass member of the . Its smaller members are tuned in ascending fourths, with a major third in the middle, as follows:
– D3 G3 C4 E4 A4 D5 (ascending perfect fourths with the exception of a major third between strings 3 and 4)
– G2 C3 F3 A3 D4 G4 (a perfect fifth below the treble viol)
– D2 G2 C3 E3 A3 D4 (an octave lower than the treble viol)
– A1 D2 G2 C3 E3 A3 D4 (an extra low A is added)
A more recent family is the , which also features a standardized tuning system ().
Guitar standard tuning.
Standard tunings in plucked string instruments cover many different instruments which are plucked either by the fingers or with a .
have more standard tunings, depending on the number of strings an instrument has:
6-stringed guitar (most popular) – E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4 (ascending perfect fourths, with an exception between G and B, which is a . Low E falls a major third above the C on a standard tuned cello.
Guitar notation is an octave above the actual note, so
(C4) in guitar notation is the third space on the treble clef, whereas the note written as one line below the treble clef is C3.
Drop-D – D2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4 (commonly used by classical guitarists for certain pieces, and identical to standard guitar tuning, except for the low D, lowered one tone from the standard low E string, making a perfect fifth between 5th and 6th rather than a perfect fourth)
Renaissance lute – E2 A2 D3 F?3 B3 E4 (commonly used by classical guitarists for certain pieces, and identical to standard guitar tuning, except for the F?, lowered one semitone from the standard G string, making a perfect fourth between 2nd and 3rd rather than 3rd and 4th strings)
7-stringed guitar – B1 E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4 (identical, except for the low B, which is a perfect fourth below the low E on a 6-stringed guitar)
7-stringed guitar (George Van Eps) – A1 E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4 (more commonly used by jazz players, with a low A below the low E)
7-stringed guitar (Lenny Breau) – E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4 A4 (used rarely but famously, with a high A a fourth above the high E)
8-stringed guitar – F?1 B1 E2 A2 D3 G3 B3 E4 (identical to the 7-stringed guitar, with the addition of a low F? string a perfect fourth below the low B)
4-stringed bass guitar (most popular) – E1 A1 D2 G2 (its standard tuning coincides with that of a 4-stringed double bass)
5-stringed bass – B0 E1 A1 D2 G2 (identical to 4-stringed bass with the addition of a low B string a perfect fourth below the E).
6-stringed bass – B0 E1 A1 D2 G2 C3 (identical to 5-stringed bass with the addition of a high C string a perfect fourth above the G).
Baritone (older use) / 6 string bass (older use) such as the
– E1 A1 D2 G2 B2 E3 (like a standard guitar but an octave lower, and often played like a standard guitar rather than a bass guitar.
Baritone guitar (contemporary versions) – B1 E2 A2 D3 F?3 B3 a fourth below standard tuning, although A1 to A3; a fifth lower is also used.
12-string guitar E3 E2 A3 A2 D4 D3 G4 G3 B3 B3 E4 E4 where pairs are played 'as one string'
Guitars are thus normally tuned in fourths, with the exception of a major third between the 2nd and 3rd strings. This is done to simplify fingering. A few guitarists, mostly those using , play without this interval, instead t thus on a six-string guitar the top two strings become C and F instead of B and E. Other unusual tunings include all major thirds, all minor thirds, and various other choices.
In standard notation, the guitar sounds one octave lower than it is written. This is to avoid switching between treble and bass clef, or using ledger lines or 8vb, since it is very common to play past the 12th fret on the E string (E5) and drop down to lower open string notes. This is also more practical for the whole playing range of E2–C?6 (on a 21-fret guitar), as it can fit easily into the treble clef when written as E3–C?7.
Other plucked string instruments and their respective standard tunings include:
: G4 D3 G3 B3 D4 old time and folk banjoists use this and a wide variety of other tunings
: C3 G3 D4 A4 (same as standard viola tuning)
: G3 D4 A4 E5 (same as standard violin tuning)
: A2 D3 E3 A3 (most common and used in C several other tunings exist)
: E4 E4 A5 (the two identical Es are on strings of different gauges)
: C3 D3 G3 C4 (G string tuned the same as a guitar's)
: G4 C4 E4 A4 (C6) and A4 D4 F?4 B4
Oprea, Gheorghe (2002). Folclor muzical rom?nesc. : Editura Muzical?. pp. 102–105.  .  .
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澳大利亚-Tommy Emmanuel:吉他大师
Tommy独到的演奏风格–他个人只简单称为”手指技法(finger style)”–相当于是钢琴家在弹钢琴时来弹吉他.
吉他传奇人物Chet Aktins是第一个鼓舞他学习这个乐器的人.几十年过去了,Atkins本人也变成了Emmanuel最重量级的乐迷.Chet和Tommy在1996年共同完成了录音”The Day the Finger Pickers Took Over the World”,本专辑荣获葛莱美奖提名.不幸的是这成为Chet在2001年去世前的最后录音.
1999年,Chet以极为难得的头衔”被认证的吉他手”(Certified Guitar Player)来称誉Tommy Emmanuel,为表彰他终生对figerstyle吉他的贡献,这样的荣誉在世界上只被另外两个人共享(Jerry Reed和 John Knowles)
在Emmanuel的传奇生涯里,他已经创造了一个尚未被人打破的销售纪录,曾与数以百计的传奇乐人合作,包括像Chet Aktins , Eric Clapton , Sir George Martin ,Hank Marvin , Joe Walsh , Stevie Wonder ,Nokie Edwards ,Les Paul , Keith Urban ,Lexington交响乐团,Dortmund交响乐团,与西澳大利亚管弦乐团.
Tommy Emmanuel不只是一个非常成熟的吉他手,同时能打鼓(能在鼓与吉他上打击)及歌唱.这位厉害的音乐人曾被澳洲滚石杂志连两年被推举为”最受欢迎的吉他手”,创下过四张白金与金唱片.
在1966年他父亲死后不久,Emmanuel一家便跟着澳洲乡村音乐明星Buddy Williams旅行,直到他们被澳洲儿童福利部门阻挡下来.Emmanuel一家的小孩随即被送往正规学校。
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