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& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号the exploration of new countries and continents is often enhanced by the food eaten there, acting as a portal to the cultural complexities of that place. brooklyn-based photographer
and food stylist , motivated by a passion for travel, have created ‘food maps’, a playful cartography series of geographical locations made out of the iconic foods that best represent them. painstakingly crafted with real, unadulterated food, the silhouettes are packed with edible materials — corn in various forms fills the united states, vibrantly colored kiwis compose new zealand and biscuit bits build the united kingdom.
the project speaks to the universality of how food unites people, and shows how various ingredients have come to transform the cultural identity of a place. they say ‘these maps show how food has traveled the globe. while we know that tomatoes originally came form the andes in south america, italy has become the tomato king. who doesn’t know the saying ‘throwing some shrimp on the barbie’ and not think of australia? who goes to france without eating bread and cheese? and who makes a brazilian caipirinha without using fistful of limes‘?
1.“The Lolita”是PornBurger最新发布的汉堡,身材娇小,一口size,因此被大厨命名为Lolita。以顶上缀满薯片的泡芙代替面包,中间夹着香煎鹅肝和真材实料的草饲牛肉饼,最后以培根花生酱和葡萄酒洋葱酱调味,怎么可能会不满足?!
3.“My Bloody Valentine”的酱汁不错,用的是沙丁鱼蒜泥蛋黄酱,另外还用上了鲑鱼籽和生的鹌鹑蛋,口味一定很浓郁醇厚,不过中间那堆羊心鞑靼小编实在是不敢尝试…
4.原本以为“The Merman”是主打鱼肉的,结果仔细看配方才发觉和鱼没有半点关系。这款汉堡以鲜虾吐司代替面包,中间夹着香松牛肉饼、凉拌海草、水瓜柳、腌茴香和小萝卜,最后淋上牛油汁调味。相对以上几款几乎找不到蔬菜踪影的汉堡而言明显清新健康些。
5.不知道大家有没有看过《The Dirdy Birdy》这个贱贱的求爱动画。由于故事中脸皮极厚的主角是鸟,因此以此来命名的汉堡自然是以家禽做主打。芝麻面包中间夹着厚厚的一块油封鸭肉饼,再加上炸鸡心和鸡肝猪肉酱,卡路里不是一般高啊。
6.“Mac Daddy”(万人迷),是一款非常fancy的汉堡,因为中间夹着的可是龙虾剁成的肉饼哦!除了龙虾和烤培根之外,大厨还用上了紫甘蓝和番茄来衬托龙虾的鲜味。
7.“The Full Monty”(光猪六壮士)一看就是卡路里破表的重磅汉堡,烤洋葱圈+腌黄瓜片+黑蒜薯条+肋排肉饼+奶酪+浓稠的骨髓肉汁,绝对好吃,绝对大满足,不过绝对不适合正在减肥或三脂高人士。
8.接下来的这款“The Slumberjack”与“The Full Monty”的热量不相上下,草饲牛肉饼配上车打芝士、炸薯饼、煎蛋、车打酪乳饼和香肠肉汁,吃完整个,一星期的运动都报废了。
9.最后登场的这款汉堡虽然size不大,看起来料也不多,但各位可千万不要轻敌啊,“The Underberger”的油脂量实际上高得惊人。芝士泡芙、牛肉饼、车打芝士、一整块炸鸭油,再加上Underberg奶昔一杯,你敢挑战吗?
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摄影师Beth Galton为你带来了不同视野的食物摄影欣赏, 一个全新的角度, 他把我们日常食物切成了两半, 让你一窥盒子里的食物状态。我们看到一整只火鸡里面的样子,和分层的冰激凌,看起来太好吃了。
纪录片旅行摄影师Andrew Newey花了两个星期的时间,远征尼泊尔中部,在那里与当地古隆族人一起生活,以便记录古代蜂蜜狩猎。在这组照片中,摄影师亲身参与了这项传统工作。很少有人会做到这些,因为在拍摄过程中会经历很多风险,也很需要技巧。晃晃悠悠的绳梯,蜂蜜猎人都是冒着生命危险在采集。这些惊人的照片不仅展现出了古隆蜂蜜猎人独特的生活方式,也有助于记载这个古老传统的历史直至消逝。
Christopher Boffoli 是西雅图的一位摄影师,也是一位作家和记者、电影制片人等多个职业的艺术家,他从学生时期就开始了摄影生涯,这组在唯冠世界的人物摄影作品就是他最经典的摄影创作了。
一秒钟让你明白,什么才叫真正的大场面、大制作!手掌中的艺术,狂拽炫酷吊炸天的GIF闪图欣赏, 分分钟亮瞎你的双眼!
affordable housing for students on a budget is often hard to come by.
have proposed a 10 sqm student unit in response--accessible, environmentally friendly, and smart in its design and material choices. in developing the compact space, the swedish firm worked with members of its target group, university of lund students, to conceive a sleeping-loft, kitchen, bathroom and small garden with a patio within 10 sqm, reducing the current requirements of 25 sqm by 60% through legal consent, but is still comfortable for its inhabitants.
collaborating with
and real estate company , the 'smart student unit' is constructed from cross laminated locally sourced wood, and features an efficient layout within the tight quarters, reducing the typical average rent by 50%, as well as the ecological impact and carbon footprints of building it.联系电邮: (# 换成 @).


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