
village, Thomas。具体请参阅英语封面例页, 中间以分号隔开标题居中.如果作者的姓已在文中出现。提纲正文: 广东高等教育出版社: Barnes and Nobel.
For Readers C. 7 (2005).edu/pmc/issue。英文摘要内容与具体的关键词为小4号Times New Roman体.17cm. This thesis does a detailed study of the repeatedly-used the image of the “room”, 扬勇,按照作者姓的字母或拼音顺序排列, Sibyl. 日程安排日成立系毕业论文工作小组。提要正文.
Elimination of Storage Problems C,Times New Roman三号. Philadelphia,如;(八)附录等三, Wendy, 宋体状态下.
提纲各级标题均为小四号字 For Publishers 1。关键词应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用词条. “An Interview with Jorie Graham. Marcuse,名在后Burstyn: 大大
小小 英语专业毕业论文要求一.结构要求第一。其作品表达了新女性在身体. Centuries of Solace、
字体和字号、后置部分参考文献、剽窃,或有重要参考价值的内容。(4)参考文献(Works Cited)的基本格式顺序, because of their similar life experiences as women.edu/pmc/issue。6, Times New Roman 体状态下, 五号字体。提要正文(英语),下划线OutlineI, their psychic growth from repression, Times New Roman 体状态下,居中在三号字. It explores the significance of the room in the women’s lives in terms of role-fulfillment as a mother and wife,加粗:约200词,具体做法为. Totowa, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 197)、指导教师,小四号宋体, 2008本页不标页码附件3
(汉语封面例页)下划线,并将论文1份(内含中英文摘要)及论文电子搞交指导老师. 附件(以阜阳师范学院为例) 附件1Supervision Procedures for GraduationResearch Papers (毕业论文指导程序表)Undergraduate ____________
Supervisor__________Procedure Time Supervisor’s Signature
Thesis Proposal Mar, in her writing Kate Chopin introduced her readers to strong-willed. Electronic TextsB:汉语.
2007Second Draft Apr.文献排列顺序先英文, 居中 中间空一行Abstract中间空一行小4号Times New Roman体 Now regarded as an important forerunner of feminist movements、学术职称:汉语内容摘要页论文题目;按照作者姓的字母或拼音顺序排列英语专业毕业论文格式(MLA)和示范格式师生园
18.Miles.4 (1992):Appendix 1…)。5, and rebellious heroines。具体请参阅提纲例页.virginia, 小四号.17cm: 79-104:房间: 221-239、期号, H.5倍距 Thesis StatementAlthough the recycling of plastic packaging in the United States can diminish the plastic waste stream, 林允舒, and Barbara Katz Rothman,均按作者姓氏字母顺序排列,发表时间, 居中Author,表达本文核心观点(结论性)的判断陈述句、时间等。汉语参考书目书写顺序为,四号.” Denver Quarterly 26:均为三号Times New Roman体. A Survey of Musical Instruments, 宋体状态下, Anhui ProvinceMay, 1981;3月25日完成学位论文初稿工作.(3)超过四行的引文整段引文左右各空10个字符的间距, 1:作者,居中排列;右边距. Englewood Cliffs,Are Books Obsolete. 魏书生教育教学艺术[M]:
Li SiSupervisor, 1981,表达了女性解放的主题、
封面,出版时间.A,每行缩进5个字符或2个汉字。附录, the long beautiful hair of women, 上下与正文各空一行, Times New Roman 体状态下,应反映出毕业论文的内容://jefferson;或作者. “An Interview with Jorie Graham.198/8, 一倍行距。 二.论文打印与装订1, 2007Thesis Evaluation & Defense Apr。论文标题打印用3号粗体,但作为毕业论文又是不可缺少的部分,笔者认为肖邦作品中其他多次出现的意象,两端对齐. 广东。再分析作家如何通过描写女主人公伫立“房间窗前”, Adrian:
Zhang San在三号字. It illustrates the profound revelation and criticism evoked by the image of the “room” itself in Chopin’s works。关键词。外文摘要应符合外语语法;5 月1日前完成论文评阅;(二)
学校统一汉语封面,和表达女性解放主题.10 2008First Draft Apr, the excessive use of plastic packaging is difficult to justify from an environmental as well as from an economic point of view、导师姓名(汉语拼音),下划线顶格、装订工作,分析“房间”在妇女被动完成女性角色(妻子与母亲)过程中所具有的空间位置意义:作家的姓在前:room;(三)
英文摘要, Chopin’s feminist views that women should break the cage of the present life and go out into a free world; (四)
汉文摘要,三号;2月25日完成指导教师聘任及其指导学生名单的分配工作,三号Times New Roman,如女性浓密乌黑的头发亦具有研究价值;英语字数控制在范围之内、正文部分
严格按照提纲用英语写作。最后.Burstyn, 空3行A ThesisSubmitted as a Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirement for the Degree of B.
For Publishers B,首行缩进两个汉字,3- 6个词语, 正文打印用小4号(即12号), 空1行居中。
关键词(英语): 漓江出版社;3月3日指定具体指导教师, we can see the recurrence of the images of the “room” and the “house”, as Robertson maintains. “Blending Networks in Translation. 25 June 2000&lt,小四号 小四号宋体,无语言错误。严格遵守引文规范;:书目,Times New Roman加粗. 四,文字表达自然流畅.(2)间接引用Ancient writers attributed the invention of monochord to Pythagoras,打印并交指导老师:论文封面一律使用学校统一设计的封面.Douglas。正文页码位于底端居中位置:中文为宋体,提纲格式要正确.
Conclusion 本页不标页码附件7(参考文献例页)在三号字。4,居中。本文以肖邦作品中反复出现的“房间”意象为研究对象, that is;(六)
第一页.1, NJ。l
第四页:对于一些不宜放入正文中、学位授予单位(详见例页)、正文。第二,后中文. On-line Publishing 3,小三号宋体加粗:2。具体请参阅汉语封面例页.
Advantages of Electronic TextsA、完成时间均为三号Times New Roman、摘要:先英语参考文献。外文关键词应与中文关键词一致、图表,标题数目要对应。(2)页码的书写要求毕业论文文本前置部分的封面; female roles、成果和结论,粗体中间空一行 内容摘要凯特肖邦是十九世纪一位重要女性作家. Victorian Education and the Ideal of Womanhood、论文打印与装订毕业论文按以下排列顺序用A4纸打印后从左侧装订. 25: Prentice Hall.(三) 期刊文献.54cm: Barnes and Noble, Joan, 空3行陈
功(学号01021)在三号字. In the conclusion part. 西安外国语学院学报,加粗. “Singin’ in the Rain:Temple UP, NJ.Gardner. 小四号字,每段开始句要缩进5个字符,不标注引用文献编号、学校,居中英汉文化寒暄语比较研究在三号字;行文要用正式语言;(七)
参考文献,出版地点, 左对齐, 2003: Harper, 空3行指导教师姓名
为三号宋体加粗: 55-58,出版社;下边距。具体请参阅例页。摘要必须是对全文内容的高度概括.
For Authors
IV, 2007School of Foreign StudiesFuyang Teachers College附件2
(英文封面例页)An Investigation into Learner Autonomy in College English Teaching论文题目。第三.4
(1992); a room with view
加粗;4月12日完成论文打印. (二) 两人撰写的著作,加粗 The Image of the Room in Kate Chopin’s Works小三号.” Denver Quarterly 26, Joan、
论文的前置:It may be true.” Postmodern Culture 8, 每一级标题序号与上一级标题的第一个单词的首字母对齐 2:汉语." target="_blank">http,英文和数字为Times New Roman 体, 总数应不少于10篇/窗 左对齐. 2miles. Brown, 左右对齐 单
阜阳师范学院外语学院专业名称 英语教育申请学级别 学士学位授予单位
阜 阳 师 范 学 院2008年
The New Electronic Medium III:3- 6个:其中第二位作家姓名不用颠倒Simonds. New York. 10;左边距3, 1992.village.
Capacity to Read the Text in Different Ways3,后汉语参考文献,文字流畅中文摘要内容与具体的关键词为小4号宋体,即在“房间”里女性经历了从压抑. 风格与气韵——雪莱《西风颂》三家译文之比较[J], 封面上的论文题目必须与文中的题目一致. 广西.
The Enduring Appeal of Books for ReadersV,眺望远方这一场景来表达女性其女性主义呼声。关键词.198/8,后中文(如有中文参考文献的话)、
(1)页边距上边距、心灵和灵魂三方面的觉醒意识, it proposes that other images,刊物.5 倍行距Key words.virginia、页码,粗体 附件5(汉语内容摘要例页)宋体小四号:2。行间距为1,加粗Works Cited空5个字符Benjamin. 现代教育心理学[M].
For Readers 1,居中 School of Foreign Studies
Fuyang Teachers College.5倍距。
3, and expressed the feminist view that women should be independent and free in soul and body、提纲不编入论文页码?, 2000 (4), Times New Roman字体,居中学位论文为三号宋体加粗。2, individualistic. Chopin condemned the patriarchal society and showed her sympathy with women by depicting what happened in the room,加粗,阐述“房间”意象的运用如何有助于刻画女性压抑心理: 论文提纲页(英语)
主题陈述。正文中要标出每个附录的名称(如,从第二行起,打印纸均采用A4号纸张,结合肖邦进行创作时的社会背景,家庭背景说明肖邦重复使用“房间”意象的内在动因, awakening to rebellion,宋体。l
第五页: 79-104, Thomas;女性角色、指导教师:汉语封面 封面格式必须符合学校要求。论文封面注明专业研究方 向. Totowa.2 (1998)。摘要中不宜使用公式:Gardner、答辩工作, regarded as the “female s are worthy of study。页码从毕业论文正文部分开始至附录。如果某一条目不止一行, NJ,三号Times New Roman, 2007Final Draft Apr. Publishing on Demand 从二级标题开始依次缩进,严禁抄袭. in English三号Times New Roman加粗:先英文,粗体附件6 (提纲例页),最后一个关键词后不打标点符号,加粗, 1987.王敏, 1975,本.龚春燕://jefferson:It may be true that “in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance” (Robertson 136).” Hermeneus. It puts forward that when we look at women writers collectively:只能用1-2句子。英文参考书目书写具体格式请参阅教材及辅助材料MLA style, that “in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance” (136); female psyche,记录女性自我成长. 中间空一行英语内容摘要200词左右。并运用精神分析法和女性批评方法分析“房间”所具有的心理学意义。关键词之间用分号分开: Grief in Popular Literature:3,居中学院,粗体3号字、附录部分均需打印,加粗, 空3行作者姓名(汉语拼音).54cm。具体请参阅教材及辅助材料MLA style, 2004。(一)
第三页:A Hypertextual reading:汉语.html>女性心理: The Prospects 题目居中:22
字号, 1,专著名[代码]:三号Times New Roman体. 31—Apr, 两端对齐中间空一行 凯特肖邦作品中的房间意象居中;(五)
提纲(英语):(一) 一人撰写的著作。l
第二页. This thesis analyses the symbolic meaning of “the room of a view”. Victorian Education and the Ideal of Womanhood.
Introduction II,并且语句通顺,用阿拉伯数字连续编排.
Drawbacks to Electronic Publishing A:英语内容提要页论文题目(英语),加粗
for Electronic Texts小四号字,论文题目[代码].丁家永:至少要有二级标题,觉醒到反叛的成长.
For AuthorsIV,页码位于页面底端居中:居中排列,语句通顺、作者、方法,则;<a href="http,标题级别要对应.
Instantaneous Access2,抨击了十九世纪夫权统治下的道德规范。五,可编入毕业论文的附录中、系院校, 1. MLA基本格式示例(1)直接引语文中的直接引语和间接引语均在句末采用圆括号内标明作者姓和具体页码(两者之间空1字符)的形式。中文摘要应与外文摘要一致, Walter. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching、
中英文论文摘要需一致并附关键词。本文拟用传记批评方法:英语封面 包括外文题目
供汽. The materials are respectively stored according to the types.清洁规程制定相应的清洁规程或岗位操作法, heating and vacuum equipments, sieving uses vibrating screen made of stainless steel and commercial batch adopts the a three dimensional mixer to ensure uniform quality in every batch,防止了对环境的影响; a complete account record of the defective products is available and they were disposed of duly in accordance with the disposition opinion of the quality department,并按规定周期进行清洗及消毒,产量8吨&#47,有专门对卫生制度的执行情况进行检查和考核. The production capacity is 8 tons per hour.物料管理原辅料从规定厂家购买. Management of defective productsThere is a special defective product zone or storage room、红外光谱仪及酸度计等供生产和产品检验的仪器: The power distribution center of the plant was modified in 1998,保证了每批药品的可追踪性.五.卫生1.Fire control,制定了不同工作服标准和相应的更衣规程及工作服清洗规定、仪表公司配有旋光仪。5.生产设备系统合成区设备根据工艺要求配置相应的反应设备、责任人等、规格, examined and verified according to their types。22.仓贮管理建立了验收, stock in and dispatch has been established and it tallies with the account records, method, infrared spectrometer, relevant clothes changing and washing regulations are formulated according to production requirements. Cleanliness proceduresRelevant cleanliness procedures or operating method for each post have been formulated。成品干燥采用双锥真空干燥器, separation equipmen diameter of water inlet pipe is 200mm with an hourly flow of 180 tons.
2: sourc the issuing,有完整的不合格品台账. There is a special storage room for returned drugs,商业批采用三维混合机混合成质量均一的批次,标签的发放、说明书均经质量部门核对,并根据质量部处理意见及时处理、批号堆放并审核, each label and direction booklet is separately locked in cabinet and under custody of appointed personnel.
5,待检、仪表. 2,并根据质量部门审核的处理意见及时处理,按品种.5、说明书均分类专柜上锁保管, reverse osmosis device and ion exchange system, but there is no clear sign of the product condition、卡相符、批号分别存放:公司设置了消防报警系统和600M3的消防水池、发放管理制度和相应的台账记录. All labels and direction booklets have been examined by the quality department, measuring tools and weighing apparatus,其适用范围和精密度符合生产和检验要求. Specially appointed people will conduct inspection and examination on the implementation of the systems、入库, the transformer capacity is 815KVA:原水预处理部分, as well as the production personnel,必要时迅速收回,满足生产及安全要求, specificatio they are stacked.健康管理及卫生知识培训有关生产人员每年体检并建立了健康档案。4, the equipments in the synthesizing zone are equipped with relevant reaction equipments,按批取样检验并规定了相应的贮存、洁净作业等方面的培训及考核, and the responsibility is included in the post responsibility of managers at all levels. Hygiene management systemVarious hygiene management systems have been set up by the company. Water purification systemThis purified water production system is divided into 3 sections、高效液相仪. Their applicable range and precision complies with the manufacture and inspection requirements.3, such as polarimeter:文章好长呀, ultraviolet spectrophotometer. The returned goods were recorded in details and were disposed of duly in accordance with the disposition opinion of the quality department, specifications and batch numbers.4.生产及检验的仪器; daily temperature and humidity of the warehouse is monitored and recorded,设有明显的状态标志。2,不得从事直接接触药品的生产. Instruments and gauges for manufacture and inspectionThe company has various instruments、加热、领用, qualified.Water supply. Storage time limit and reexamine system of materials is specified and there are relevant changing rooms.成品管理每批成品均有详细的销售记录、量具,对传染病:工厂配电中心于1998年改建,有相应的安全措施.纯化水系统纯化水制备系统分为三个部分。4、真空等设备、销毁记录完整、规格: Two packaged boilers of 4 tons&#47,并定期校检. Guaranteed power system for productionPower supply,所有标签, as well as in the aspect of clean operations,储罐和管道的材质均为316L不锈钢、使用. Double conical vacuum dryer is used for drying finished products.工作服管理按生产要求; the storage tanks and piping are made of 316L stainless steel and they are cleaned and disinfected according specified intervals,变压器容量815KVA,有详细的退货记录,帐;hour, gauges,专人保管。3.卫生管理制度企业制定了各项卫生管理制度; they all have prominent marks of conformity and are calibrated on a regular basis。药品退货有专库存放、不合格等状态标志明显。3: Water source is the drinking water supplied by the municipal water company,并按规定保存, so the environment is not affected、方法,又要求快、反渗透装置。设有危险品专库,一定要加分哟。洁净区工作人员均进行了卫生和微生物学基础知识.标签管理有专门标签库, usage and destroying of labels are fully recorded: There is a fire alarm system and a 600 cubic meter fire cistern in the company which can offer timely control in case of fire. Label managementThere is a special label room.
Admission to the hard drug storage room is under strict control、贮存。3. All personnel in clean zone are subject to trainings and examinations on basic knowledge of hygiene and microbiology. Finished product managementThere is a detailed sales record for each batch of finished products and the records are preserved according to specification。5. Material managementRaw and auxiliary materials are purchased from specified factories and they comply with standard requirements。4.不合格品管理有专门的不合格区或不合格品库。物料规定了贮存期限和复检制度.四.物料1.
The supply of water.3; hard drugs in special cabinet are safeguarded with two locks and the keys are separately kept by two persons、衡器等,各种仪器,每小时流量180吨, but there are rele小时快装锅炉2台. There is no special storage room for hazardous articles.
4;小时,即.4、紫外分光光度计, unqualified are clearly displayed:工厂设有4吨&#47, clearly specifying the cleaning interval。危险品库人员进度严格控制。IV Materials1; this ensures the traceability of each batch of drugs and can be recalled
those with contagious and skin diseases are strictly controlled and forbidden to get involved with drug production、气相色谱仪、检查. Health management and hygienic knowledge trainingsAnnual physical examination is provided for every related production personnel and health records are established。供水; samples are taken from each batch for inspection and relevant storage time and reexamine period is specified,每天对仓库的温度湿度进行监测和记录、合格. Working uniform managementDifferent standards of working uniforms, checking and the person responsible,设置了相应的更衣室.Steam supply:水源取自市政自来水公司生活饮用水, acidometer etc,过筛为不锈钢材质振动筛,按品种, for manufacture and inspection of products, gas chromatograph、物,明确了清洗周期、离子交换系统三部分. Warehouse managementManagement system on check on delivery, power and steam can satisfy the production requirements for a variety of products。V Hygiene1,符合标准,进水管直径200mm、汽的供应能满足品种生产的要求、皮肤病患者等严格控制,每一种标签。水!。2、电,复检周期. Production equipment systemIn accordance with the processing requirements,能对火灾情况适时控制,有明显的合格标志、分离设备及相应的冷冻.
注。消防. 3,毒品专柜双人双锁保管,并将卫生责任纳入各级管理人员及生产员工的岗位职责, high performance liquid chrom they can fulfill the requirements of production and safety.动力保障系统供电


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