《分歧者 异类觉醒 电影》改编于哪本书

《分歧者》:青春小说改编潮最后的春天?_教育学习-牛bb文章网您的位置:&>&&>&《分歧者》:青春小说改编潮最后的春天?《分歧者》:青春小说改编潮最后的春天?(原作者:by Alexandra Alter)近年来,除了超级英雄漫画的改编电影大行其道,青少年科幻小说也正以风靡之势群起。俘虏青少年的小说文学说穿了离不开爱情、科幻或魔幻情节,而依照那些小说改编的电影,借着庞大的粉丝群和震撼的视觉效果似乎总能赚个盆满钵满。例如电影版的《哈利?波特》七部曲,其辉煌的票房成绩与口碑如今仍令其它类似的青少年文学改编影片难以攻破。而其后还有《暮光之城》,尽管相较于前者,后者的口碑褒贬不一,但还是无碍“粉丝”贡献出可观的票房。然而就在制片商一拥而上企图在这片青少年市场上分一杯羹时,人们却突然发现,在《暮光之城》之后,各种吸血鬼题材的影片却纷纷遇冷。于是各大电影公司不得不开始重新审视自己心目中“人傻钱多”的金主――青少年,开始思考到底青少年小说改编电影是否可以一再简单复制?反乌托邦的《分歧者》可以说是“饥饿游戏”时代无数借鉴者中的突围先锋,虽然那说到底也不过是又一部集合青春元素的励志言情小说。首部制作表现不俗,但是这次成功,对于这座看似挖不完的金矿――青少年改编电影,随着青少年题材的一再翻炒,会不会是这波风潮最后的春天呢?――MacIn the best-selling novel Divergent, Beatrice “Tris” Prior, the rebellious 16-year-old heroine, must fight a 1)totalitarian system to save society from civil war and mass murder.When the $85 million film adaptation opens March 21, Tris has an even bigger mission: to help rescue the sagging teen publishing and movie industries.Divergent, starring Shailene Woodley, Kate Winslet and Theo James, is under enormous pressure to deliver a hit. After a string of disappointing teen-fantasy adaptations last year, studio executives are looking to Divergent as a 2)gauge of the public’s appetite for yet another big blockbuster series. Many in the publishing industry are also hoping Divergent will help boost young-adult book sales, which fell last year after years of seemingly unstoppable growth.For now, 3)Lionsgate Entertainment is betting that Divergent has all the necessary ingredients to become a mega hit. The Divergent trilogy, by 25-year-old writer Veronica Roth, has sold more than 16 million copies since the first book was published in 2011. The story is set in Chicago in a distant future. Society is divided into factions based on moral virtues―bravery, kindness, honesty, selflessness and wisdom―and teenagers are required to take an 4)aptitude test to help them determine which faction they should join. Those who don’t fit into a single faction, like Tris, are labeled “divergent.”In Hollywood-ese, it’s The Hunger Games meets The Breakfast Club.Ticket presale tracking forecasts that the film will 5)pull in $50 to $60 million its opening weekend, putting it 6)in league with the first Twilight movie. Strong foreign sales for the book series―which is published in 44 languages―suggest that the movie could perform well abroad. And production on a sequel, Insurgent, is already scheduled for May.The latest crop of teen film adaptations have mostly been critical and commercial bombs. Apart from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, which grossed$424 million domestically last year, theatergoers seem to be growing weary of big 7)tent-pole fantasy franchises―even if their book sales were strong.(原作者:by Alexandra Alter)Richelle Mead’s hit series Vampire Academy, a supernatural romance set at a boarding school for vampires, has more than nine million copies in print. But the film made just $7.8 million at the box office. Other heavily 8)hyped adaptations of best sellers also 9)fizzled. The Host, based on Stephenie Meyer’s science-fiction novel about 10)parasitic aliens, brought in just $27 million. Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, about a demon-fighting teenage girl, sold $31 million in tickets, failing to recover production costs. Those films were unable to excite their core fan bases of teen readers, much less 11)lure adults to theaters.Erik Feig, motion picture group copresident at Lionsgate, the studio behind the Twilight and The Hunger Games films as well as Divergent, says the studio has grown wary of 12)formulaic teen fantasy-movie pitches ever since 2008’s Twilight.Mr. Feig said he initially 13)rolled his eyes when an executive pitched him Divergent, thinking it sounded just like Suzanne Collins’The Hunger Games. When he learned more about the story, especially the idea that society is divided into factions determined by personality 14)archetypes, he was intrigued. “That was an idea I had never really heard before,” he said.If the Divergent movie is a hit, it could help 15)jump-start teen book sales. Children’s books stood out as the fastest-growing publishing category in 2011 and 2012, 16)buoyed by a growing adult audience and a string of boxoffice hits that brought in tens of millions of new readers.But lately, the 17)meteoric growth has started to level off for the first time in years. Some book industry analysts say young-adult sales dipped because there wasn’t a single mega franchise dominating pop culture in 2013―a theory some industry experts call “The Hunger Games effect.”The sales bump from The Hunger Games movies was so strong in 2012 that it lifted the entire category.“The movie gave the books a huge boost and brought it to the phenomenon level,” says David Levithan, publisher and editorial director of Scholastic, which publishes The Hunger Games. “Suddenly we were seeing men in suits reading it on the subway. That’s what separates something from being a success in the YA range to being a phenomenon across all levels.” As the “Hunger Games” frenzy faded last year, sales sank.(原作者:by Alexandra Alter)In the case of Divergent, the movie has been 18)integral to the series’ success from the start. Ms. Roth was 21 and just about to graduate from Northwestern when she sold the series in the spring of 2010. She had no fan-following to speak of. Summit Entertainment, now owned by Lionsgate, 19)optioned the novel before it was published and used its marketing muscle to quickly turn an unknown debut author into a household name. They had a significant tool at their disposal: direct access to fans of Twilight and The Hunger Games. Lionsgate 20)plugged Divergent as a buzzy new romance on its Twilight Facebook page, which has 45 million fans. The studio also passed out free copies at the premieres for the final Twilight film and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.The book became an instant best seller, and Ms. Roth quickly produced two more, Insurgent and Allegiant. Allegiant, the final book in the series, broke first-day sales records at 21)HarperCollins last October, selling 455,000 copies the day it came out. That month, Amazon put out a news release saying that the Divergent trilogy was outselling The Hunger Games by five to one. Ms. Roth’s books now occupy four of the top 20 spots on Amazon’s best-seller list.With the 22)penultimate Hunger Games movie due out this fall, and several more big adaptations 23)in the pipeline, the fantasyfranchise trend shows no signs of grinding to an abrupt 24)halt. Studios have recently 25)snapped up hot teen titles like Sally Green’s novel about a conflicted teen witch, Half Bad, Rick Yancey’s alien invasion story, The 5th Wave, and An Ember in the Ashes, a debut fantasy novel by Sabaa Tahir.“Everyone is hopeful, because so many books have been optioned,” says Ben Schrank, president and publisher of Razorbill, a youngadult imprint of Penguin Random House.“These new movies need to work, and then there will still be teen movies next year.”在畅销小说《分歧者》里面,十六岁的叛逆女主角比阿特丽斯?“特丽丝”?普莱尔必须与专制政权对抗,以拯救社会免遭内战和大屠杀的危难。这部投资达到8500万美元的小说改编电影于3月21日上映,从那时起,特丽丝便肩负起一项更为艰巨的任务:帮忙拯救没落的青少年读物出版及电影工业。为了成功突围,《分歧者》的主演谢琳?伍德蕾、凯特?温丝莱特以及提奥?詹姆斯背负沉重的压力。经过了去年一系列让人失望的青少年科幻改编电影后,制片厂高层指望《分歧者》能成为一个风向标,试探公众的口味,从而开发下一个系列大片。许多出版业人士同样希望《分歧者》能有助刺激青少年书籍大卖――经过了多年似乎不可阻挡的增长趋势后,其销情在去年却有所回落。而当下,狮门电影公司在《分歧者》上压了赌注,认为其拥有成为票房大片所需的全部元素。《分歧者》三部曲是由25岁的作家维罗尼卡?罗斯所创作,自从2011年第一部面世以来,销量已超过1600万册。故事背景架设在遥远未来的芝加哥。社会以道德伦理分为不同派系――无畏、友好、诚实、无私以及博学,每一个青少年都要参加能力测试来决定他们的所属派系。那些不能被归类到任何一个派系的人,例如特丽丝,就被烙上“分歧者”的标签。在好莱坞电影类别里,这是《饥饿游戏》与《坏学生俱乐部》的综合体。(原作者:by Alexandra Alter)票房预售跟踪调查预估电影在上映第一周能有五到六千万美元的票房进账,与首部《暮光之城》电影旗鼓相当。鉴于该系列小说被翻译成44种语言出版,强势的海外销售情况预示这部电影在国外也将表现不俗。而其续集《叛乱者》也准备好在五月开拍。最近的青少年改编电影大多数都口碑不佳,并成为票房毒药。除了去年的《饥饿游戏之星火燎原》在国内票房达到4.24亿美元外,观众似乎对于大型的圈钱科幻系列电影日趋厌倦――尽管原著小说的销售势头强劲。蕾切尔?米德的畅销系列小说《吸血鬼学院》,是以一所吸血鬼寄宿学校为背景的超现实爱情小说,销量已超过了900万册。但是改编电影的票房才只有780万美元。其他大肆炒作的畅销小说改编电影也表现低迷。《宿主》――改编自斯蒂芬妮?迈耶关于寄生外星人的科幻小说,票房仅仅270万美元。卡珊卓拉?克莱尔的《天使圣物:致命契约》,讲的是一个降魔少女的故事,电影票房仅有310万美元,连制作成本也赚不回来。那些电影连原著的核心“粉丝群”――青少年读者――都吸引不来,更遑论让成年观众买账了。狮门电影公司制作了《暮光之城》、《饥饿游戏》以及《分歧者》,作为其电影部联合总裁的埃里克?费格说,公司其实自2008年的《暮光之城》起,就对格式化的青少年科幻电影题材心生厌倦了。费格先生说刚开始在一位主管向他推荐《分歧者》的时候,自己对其嗤之以鼻,认为那不过是又一部苏珊?柯林斯的《饥饿游戏》罢了。当他对故事有了更深入的了解,特别是基于性格原型把社会分类的那个想法,他就被吸引住了。“这样的想法我之前真的从没听过。”他说。如果《分歧者》的电影能大卖,这样能够有助于刺激青少年读物的销量。儿童类书籍在2011年和2012年异军突起,成为了出版业中增长最快的版块,推动力在于成年读者的增加以及一系列票房大卖的热片带来的数以千万计的新读者。但是最近,那昙花一现般的涨势开始首次出现下滑。一些图书业的分析人士说青少年读物销量下滑是因为2013年没有一部巨著能够在流行文化中取得统治地位――一些行业专家称这样的理论为“‘饥饿游戏’效应”。《饥饿游戏》电影所带来的收益在2012年相当可观,带动了整个青少年读物版块销量的整体提升。“电影能给书籍极大的推力,将其带到畅销大热的地位,”大卫?利维森说道,他是学者出版社的出版人以及编辑总监,该出版社负责出版《饥饿游戏》。“忽然间我们看到了穿西装的人在地铁里面读这本书。这就是某种标志,用以区分是仅仅在青少年圈子里取得成功,还是在全民范围内广受欢迎。” 而随着去年的“饥饿游戏”热潮消退,销售额下降。对于《分歧者》来说,这部电影从一开始就为后面续集电影的成功打下了基础。罗斯小姐当时才21岁,在2010年春天推出这个系列的时候,她才刚准备从西北大学毕业。对于她来说,根本没有“粉丝”可言。顶峰娱乐,现在隶属于狮门电影公司,在此书出版前就买下了版权,运用其市场助力,迅速地把这位不知名的新手作家捧成了家喻户晓的名人。他们有一样重要武器任其支配:与《暮光之城》以及《饥饿游戏》的“粉丝”直接接触。狮门电影公司在其《暮光之城》的脸谱网页上大肆宣传《分歧者》,为这个全新的浪漫故事制造话题――这个网页是450万“粉丝”的基地。电影公司还把《分歧者》拿到《暮光之城》最后一部以及《饥饿游戏之星火燎原》的首映上,向观众免费赠书。这本书立马就登上了畅销书榜,而罗斯小姐迅速地推出了另外两部:《叛乱者》与《赤诚者》。《赤诚者》――这个系列的最后一部,打破了去年十月哈伯柯林斯的首天销售记录,推出当天就卖了45.5万册。当月,亚马逊推出了一则新闻,说《分歧者》三部曲的销量高于《饥饿游戏》,比例是5:1。罗斯小姐的书现在占据了亚马逊畅销书榜前二十名的四个位置。随着电影《饥饿游戏》的倒数第二部在这个秋天上映,其他几部大制作改编电影正在拍摄当中,这股科幻电影风潮并未展现出任何想要戛然而止的迹象。制片厂最近争相抢购热门的青少年小说版权,例如莎莉?格林的《了了》――关于一个矛盾的年轻女巫的故事,里克?燕西有关外星人入侵的《第五浪潮》,以及沙巴?塔希尔的首部魔幻小说《灰烬余火》。“每个人都希望满满,因为那么多书都被买断版权,”本?斯科兰说道,他是海雀出版社的总裁以及出版人,海雀是企鹅兰登书屋图书集团负责青少年读物的出版商。“这些新电影必须取得成功,明年才会继续有青春电影上映。”欢迎您转载分享:热门教育学习好评教育学习分歧者MV《Beating Heart》
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&&&&&&& 《分歧者:异类觉醒》(以下简称《分歧者》)本日发布了一款“文身”片花,女主角“翠丝”跟男主角“老四”激吻的镜头首次爆光,戏份之火爆让人肾上腺素飙升。据悉,《分歧者》改编自热销2000万册的畅销书,由火速蹿红的谢琳·伍德蕾和提奥·詹姆斯、奥斯卡影后凯特·温丝莱特、“尼基塔”Maggie Q共同主演。截至目前,《分歧者》全球票房已经突破2.67亿美元,成为狮门继《饥饿游戏》《暮光之城》后最赚钱的系列电影。该片有看于近期引进内地。
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