
The Supreme Court&&The Highest Judicial Authority最高法院&&最高司法机关
The Supreme Court is comprised of nine justices who are appointed to the bench for life, or until voluntary retirement. They are appointed by the President and must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
A Case's Path to the Supreme Court
While the Supreme Court may choose to hear cases directly, it most often selects cases that have been decided in lower courts. Participants in cases decided in lower courts can appeal to their state's highest or Supreme Court. If all state venues are exhausted, litigants may appeal to the United States Supreme Court, the highest court in this country. Some cases may begin in federal courts at the start3 , and these can also end up here.
The nine justices choose which cases to take from those submitted to the Supreme Court. They can refuse to consider a case, accept a case for oral argument, or decide the case summarily without a hearing4. Each of these routes has an effect on the law. the decision not to hear a case allows a lower court's ruling to stand as precedent, or guiding law for other states. The court often decides that a case should be heard in circumstances in which two or more lower courts have decided differently. This &split& in the opinions of lower courts is common in highly charged issues. In this circumstance, the court acts as final arbiter on a difficult issue.
The Final Decision && The Majority Rules
The Supreme Court cases that are heard for oral argument are decided by a majority of the justices accepting one theory or opinion of the elements of the case. Basically, the side
that's why most cases have numbers like 7: 2 or 5: 4 that let us know how many judges voted for or against a particular case8. When there is no clear majority, the resulting decision is called a plurality opinion. It is the interpretation that receives more votes than any other opinion.
One justice usually writes the opinion for the majority, while others may write dissenting opinions collectively or on their own. Justices who sign on to either the majority or minority opinion may also add their own opinions, singularly and collectively, that augment the group opinion.
The 9 Justices
Today's Court is made up of justices nominated to the bench by Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bill Clinton. The youngest justice is 54; the oldest, 82. The current Court is closely divided between &conservative& and &liberal& elements.
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Latest NewsVOA慢速英语:美国食品药品管理局质疑抗菌香皂的安全性
FDA Questions Safety of Antibacterial Soaps
From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.
One of the best ways to avoid getting sick is washing your hands with soap and water. It has been shown effective in removing harmful germs and preventing their spread. Some companies have gone to great lengths to manufacture germ-killing products like antibacterial soaps.
In the United States, a federal agency recently called on the makers of such soaps to prove they are more effective than traditional soap and water.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said the widespread use of antibacterial soaps may be partly to blame for an increase in rising rates of drug-resistant bacteria, some evidence have suggested the products may even be harmful to your health.
The FDA has proposed that manufacturers be required to prove that antimicrobial soaps lower rates of disease more than other soaps. It would also require the companies to show how these cleanser do more good than harm.
FDA officials estimate there are about 2,000 antimicrobial soaps on the market. People may think such products do a better job protecting them from getting sick, however, some studies suggest long-term use of the products can affect hormone levels and may be linked to cancer.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has taken legal action against the FDA for letting companies use the chemicals triclosan and triclocarban in soaps.
Mae Wu is a lawyer with the group. &I think it's a great for start.& But soap industry representatives say they do not understand the FDA proposal.
吴美(Mae Wu)是该组织的一名律师。她说,&我认为这是一个伟大的开始。&但香皂行业代表称,他们不理解美国食品药品管理局的提案。
In a statement, the Personal Care Products Council says it has already given in-depth data to the government. It says the information shows that antibacterial soaps are more effective in killing germs when compared with non-antibacterial soap. It also says the soaps do not add to resistance of antibiotic drugs.
Sandra Kweder is the Deputy Director of the FDA. She says her agency's move is an attempt to learn the benefits of using antibacterial products and their possible risks.
桑德拉&奎德尔(Sandra Kweder)是美国食品药品管理局副局长。她说该机构的行动是为了了解使用抗菌产品的优点及其可能的风险。
If the proposed rule is approved, soap manufacturers would have to carry out studies showing their products are safe and more effective than plain soap.
If approved, Ms Kweder expects the rule would take effect in 2016.
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