但丁于他的著作神曲是如何看待罪恶的?How dante serverthink of sins?最好能写出一篇

SimpleCD | 《但丁-【神曲】》(Dante The Divine Comedy)(重新补源)[MP3]
《但丁-【神曲】》(Dante The Divine Comedy)(重新补源)[MP3]
简介: 简介: 四卷版本,卷一为但丁生平介绍,其他三卷为《神曲》正文,绝对无删节版,绝对高清音质。关于《神曲》“神曲”的意大利原意是“神圣的喜剧”。《神曲》全长一万四千多行,分为《地狱篇》、《炼狱篇》、《天堂篇》三部分。每篇三十三歌,加上序曲,共一百歌。在我人生旅程的中途,我从一座幽暗的林中醒来,我在里面迷失了正确的道路。全诗以中世纪文学特有的幻游形式开始,叙述但丁在“人生的中途”所做的一个梦。在梦中,但丁在一个黑暗的森林中迷了路。黎明时分,他在阳光的沐浴下朝山顶攀登。突然,在他的面前出现了三头猛兽——豺、狮、狼。诗人惊慌呼救,这时出现了古罗马诗人维吉尔,他受但丁情人贝娅特丽齐的委托,前来搭救但丁。但丁在维吉尔的带领下游历了地狱和炼狱,地狱共九层,上宽下窄,像一个大漏斗。地狱阴森恐怖,凄惨万分,凡生前做过坏事的人的灵魂都被罚在地狱中受刑,并根据罪孽的大小安排在不同的层次,罪孽越重,越在下层,所受的刑也越重。例如,但丁把迫害过他的教皇安排在第八层地狱,让他头朝下地埋在地洞中。炼狱里的灵魂罪孽较轻。炼狱是一座浮在海上的山,也分为七层。生前犯有罪过、但可以得到宽恕的灵魂,在那里忏悔罪过,断除孽根后,他们可以升入天堂。在炼狱山顶上的地上乐园,维吉尔隐退,贝娅特丽齐来到诗人身边,引导他游历天堂。天堂庄严光辉,充满欢乐和爱,住着生前正直行善的人。天堂也分为九重。九重之上是上帝的天府,天府是上帝和天使们的住所,充满着光芒和爱,这里才是人类的理想境界。《神曲》虽然描写的是梦幻世界,却是现世的反映。一行行优美的诗句,无不带有诗人强烈的爱憎情感。地狱是现实的社会,披着宗教外衣的教皇、教士干着不可告人的卑鄙勾当,使世界陷入悲惨的境地。天国是人们争取实现的理想境地。炼狱是从地狱到天堂的必经之路,那里充满苦难,但有光明的未来。1321年,《神曲》的最后一篇《天堂篇》脱稿不久,但丁不幸染上疟疾,于同年9月14日逝世于拉韦纳。拉韦纳人民隆重地安葬了但丁。几百年以后,佛罗伦萨终于想起了自己的伟大诗人,佛罗伦萨人想把但丁的遗骨迁回去,但迁葬一事遭到了拉韦纳人民的坚决反对。他们认为但丁是属于他们的。拉韦纳人民毫不客气地对佛罗伦萨人说:“诗人活着的时候,你们拒之门外;诗人死了,你们却要迎回他的遗骨!”因此,诗人的遗骨至今仍然安葬在拉韦纳。Long narrative poem originally titled Commedia (about 1555 printed as La divina commedia) written about 1310-14 by Dante. The work is divided into three major sections--Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso--which trace the journey of a man from darkness and error to the revelation of the divine light, culminating in the beatific vision of God. It is usually held to be one of the world's greatest works of literature. The plot of The Divine Comedy is simple: a man is miraculously enabled to visit the souls in Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. He has two guides: Virgil, who leads him through the Inferno and Purgatorio, and Beatrice, who introduces him to Paradiso. Through these fictional encounters taking place from Good Friday evening in 1300 through Easter Sunday and slightly beyond, Dante the character learns of the exile that is awaiting him (an actual exile that had already occurred at the time of writing). This device allowed Dante not only to create a story out of his exile but also to explain how he came to cope with personal calamity and to offer suggestions for the resolution of Italy's troubles as well. Thus, Dante's story is historically specific as
his exile serves as a microcosm of the problems of a country, and it also becomes representative of the Fall of Man. The basic structural component of The Divine Comedy is the canto. The poem consists of 100 cantos, which are grouped into the three major sections, or canticles. Technically there are 33 cantos in each canticle and one additional canto, contained in the Inferno, that serves as an introduction to the entire poem. For the most part the cantos range from 136 to 151 lines. The poem's rhyme scheme is the terza rima (aba, bcb, cdc, etc.) Thus, the divine number three is present in every part of the work. Dante adopts the classical convention of a visit to the land of the dead, but he adapts it to a Christian worldview by beginning his journey there. The Inferno represents a false start during which Dante, the character, must be disabused of harmful values that somehow prevent him from rising above his fallen world. Despite the regressive nature of the Inferno, Dante's meetings with the damned are among the most memorable moments of the poem: the Neutrals, the virtuous pagans, Francesca da Rimini, Filipo Argenti, Farinata degli Uberti, Piero delle Vigne, Brunetto Latini, the simoniacal popes, Ulysses, and Ugolino impose themselves upon the reader's imagination with tremendous force. Nonetheless, the journey through the Inferno primarily signifies a process of separation and thus is only the initial step in a fuller development. In the Purgatorio the protagonist's spiritual rehabilitation commences. There Dante subdues his own personality so that he will be able to ascend. He comes to accept the essential Christian image of life as a pilgrimage, and he joins the other penitents on the road of life. At the summit of Purgatory, where repentant sinners are purged of their sins, Virgil departs, having led Dante as far as human knowledge is able--to the threshold of Paradise. Beatrice, who embodies the knowledge of divine mysteries bestowed by Grace, continues Dante's tour. In the Paradiso true heroic fulfillment is achieved. Dante's poem gives expression to those figures from the past who seem to defy death and who inspire in their followers a feeling of exaltation and a desire for identification. The Paradiso is consequently a poem of fulfillment and of completion.终于混成铜的了,发个自己珍藏多年的资源与大家共享,以示庆祝!第一卷是但丁生平介绍Benedict FlynnA Life of DanteRead by John ShrapnelunabridgedDante’s vision The Divine Comedy has profoundly affected every generation since it first appeared in the early fourteenth century. Here is a brief account of his life, compiled from various sources (including his first biographer, Boccaccio) by Benedict Flynn, whose new translation of the Comedy on Naxos AudioBooks, read by Heathcote Williams, has been widely acclaimed. It sets the known facts of Dante’s life against the turmoil of the times, and puts the very personal nature of his poetry into perspective.关于但丁但丁是早期意大利文艺复兴的杰出代表人物。他的长诗《神曲》,无情地批判了中世纪封建社会的种种罪恶,表达了对人类理想的追求,使人们看到了新思想文化的一缕曙光。但丁于1265年诞生于意大利最大的手工业、商业城市佛罗伦萨。他是古罗马人的后裔,曾祖父立下战功受封为骑士。后来家道中落,到他父亲时,已沦为普通市民。在但丁的一生中,有两件事对他的影响最大。其中一件就是爱情。青少年时代的但丁,曾热烈地爱慕着一个名叫贝娅特丽齐的少女。但丁与贝娅特丽齐的第一次相遇是在1274年。九岁的但丁第一次见到了同是九岁的贝娅特丽齐。但丁一见面就喜欢上了这个女孩,一直把她当做自己的爱慕对象。九年后,但丁又一次在街上意外地碰到了她。贝娅特丽齐微微一笑,大方地向但丁致意,还热情地向他施了一礼。诗人非常激动,觉得自己已到天堂的边际了。此后,他们两人再未相见,但是但丁已深深地陷入对贝娅特丽齐的思念之中。后来,二十一岁的贝娅特丽齐与一个银行家结婚。不幸的是,1290年贝娅特丽齐就因病去世了,死时才二十四岁。对贝娅特丽齐的死,但丁悲痛万分,感到一切都失去了生气。一年后,但丁写诗赞美贝娅特丽齐,抒发自己对她真挚的爱恋之情,寄托自己的哀思。这部诗集取名为《新生》。诗人在诗中说贝娅特丽齐就是“爱情的化身”。她有“说不尽的温柔,说不尽的高雅”,她的光辉“竟使天上增加了荣耀”。但丁在《新生》一书中发誓,要创作一部绝世之作。诗人后来在伟大的长诗《神曲》中,实现了自己的诺言。在《神曲》中,贝娅特丽齐成为但丁游历天堂的引路人。
nick2004.vc推荐的资源中文名: 但丁-【神曲】英文名: Dante The Divine Comedy资源格式: MP3版本: (重新补源)发行时间: 2006年地区: 英国语言: 英语简介: 四卷版本,卷一为但丁生平介绍,其他三卷为《神曲》正文,绝对无删节版,绝对高清音质。关于《神曲》“神曲”的意大利原意是“神圣的喜剧”。《神曲》全长一万四千多行,分为《地狱篇》、《炼狱篇》、《天堂篇》三部分。每篇三十三歌,加上序曲,共一百歌。在我人生旅程的中途,我从一座幽暗的林中醒来,我在里面迷失了正确的道路。全诗以中世纪文学特有的幻游形式开始,叙述但丁在“人生的中途”所做的一个梦。在梦中,但丁在一个黑暗的森林中迷了路。黎明时分,他在阳光的沐浴下朝山顶攀登。突然,在他的面前出现了三头猛兽——豺、狮、狼。诗人惊慌呼救,这时出现了古罗马诗人维吉尔,他受但丁情人贝娅特丽齐的委托,前来搭救但丁。但丁在维吉尔的带领下游历了地狱和炼狱,地狱共九层,上宽下窄,像一个大漏斗。地狱阴森恐怖,凄惨万分,凡生前做过坏事的人的灵魂都被罚在地狱中受刑,并根据罪孽的大小安排在不同的层次,罪孽越重,越在下层,所受的刑也越重。例如,但丁把迫害过他的教皇安排在第八层地狱,让他头朝下地埋在地洞中。炼狱里的灵魂罪孽较轻。炼狱是一座浮在海上的山,也分为七层。生前犯有罪过、但可以得到宽恕的灵魂,在那里忏悔罪过,断除孽根后,他们可以升入天堂。在炼狱山顶上的地上乐园,维吉尔隐退,贝娅特丽齐来到诗人身边,引导他游历天堂。天堂庄严光辉,充满欢乐和爱,住着生前正直行善的人。天堂也分为九重。九重之上是上帝的天府,天府是上帝和天使们的住所,充满着光芒和爱,这里才是人类的理想境界。《神曲》虽然描写的是梦幻世界,却是现世的反映。一行行优美的诗句,无不带有诗人强烈的爱憎情感。地狱是现实的社会,披着宗教外衣的教皇、教士干着不可告人的卑鄙勾当,使世界陷入悲惨的境地。天国是人们争取实现的理想境地。炼狱是从地狱到天堂的必经之路,那里充满苦难,但有光明的未来。1321年,《神曲》的最后一篇《天堂篇》脱稿不久,但丁不幸染上疟疾,于同年9月14日逝世于拉韦纳。拉韦纳人民隆重地安葬了但丁。几百年以后,佛罗伦萨终于想起了自己的伟大诗人,佛罗伦萨人想把但丁的遗骨迁回去,但迁葬一事遭到了拉韦纳人民的坚决反对。他们认为但丁是属于他们的。拉韦纳人民毫不客气地对佛罗伦萨人说:“诗人活着的时候,你们拒之门外;诗人死了,你们却要迎回他的遗骨!”因此,诗人的遗骨至今仍然安葬在拉韦纳。Long narrative poem originally titled Commedia (about 1555 printed as La divina commedia) written about 1310-14 by Dante. The work is divided into three major sections--Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso--which trace the journey of a man from darkness and error to the revelation of the divine light, culminating in the beatific vision of God. It is usually held to be one of the world's greatest works of literature. The plot of The Divine Comedy is simple: a man is miraculously enabled to visit the souls in Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. He has two guides: Virgil, who leads him through the Inferno and Purgatorio, and Beatrice, who introduces him to Paradiso. Through these fictional encounters taking place from Good Friday evening in 1300 through Easter Sunday and slightly beyond, Dante the character learns of the exile that is awaiting him (an actual exile that had already occurred at the time of writing). This device allowed Dante not only to create a story out of his exile but also to explain how he came to cope with personal calamity and to offer suggestions for the resolution of Italy's troubles as well. Thus, Dante's story is historically specific as
his exile serves as a microcosm of the problems of a country, and it also becomes representative of the Fall of Man. The basic structural component of The Divine Comedy is the canto. The poem consists of 100 cantos, which are grouped into the three major sections, or canticles. Technically there are 33 cantos in each canticle and one additional canto, contained in the Inferno, that serves as an introduction to the entire poem. For the most part the cantos range from 136 to 151 lines. The poem's rhyme scheme is the terza rima (aba, bcb, cdc, etc.) Thus, the divine number three is present in every part of the work. Dante adopts the classical convention of a visit to the land of the dead, but he adapts it to a Christian worldview by beginning his journey there. The Inferno represents a false start during which Dante, the character, must be disabused of harmful values that somehow prevent him from rising above his fallen world. Despite the regressive nature of the Inferno, Dante's meetings with the damned are among the most memorable moments of the poem: the Neutrals, the virtuous pagans, Francesca da Rimini, Filipo Argenti, Farinata degli Uberti, Piero delle Vigne, Brunetto Latini, the simoniacal popes, Ulysses, and Ugolino impose themselves upon the reader's imagination with tremendous force. Nonetheless, the journey through the Inferno primarily signifies a process of separation and thus is only the initial step in a fuller development. In the Purgatorio the protagonist's spiritual rehabilitation commences. There Dante subdues his own personality so that he will be able to ascend. He comes to accept the essential Christian image of life as a pilgrimage, and he joins the other penitents on the road of life. At the summit of Purgatory, where repentant sinners are purged of their sins, Virgil departs, having led Dante as far as human knowledge is able--to the threshold of Paradise. Beatrice, who embodies the knowledge of divine mysteries bestowed by Grace, continues Dante's tour. In the Paradiso true heroic fulfillment is achieved. Dante's poem gives expression to those figures from the past who seem to defy death and who inspire in their followers a feeling of exaltation and a desire for identification. The Paradiso is consequently a poem of fulfillment and of completion.终于混成铜的了,发个自己珍藏多年的资源与大家共享,以示庆祝!第一卷是但丁生平介绍Benedict FlynnA Life of DanteRead by John ShrapnelunabridgedDante’s vision The Divine Comedy has profoundly affected every generation since it first appeared in the early fourteenth century. Here is a brief account of his life, compiled from various sources (including his first biographer, Boccaccio) by Benedict Flynn, whose new translation of the Comedy on Naxos AudioBooks, read by Heathcote Williams, has been widely acclaimed. It sets the known facts of Dante’s life against the turmoil of the times, and puts the very personal nature of his poetry into perspective.关于但丁但丁是早期意大利文艺复兴的杰出代表人物。他的长诗《神曲》,无情地批判了中世纪封建社会的种种罪恶,表达了对人类理想的追求,使人们看到了新思想文化的一缕曙光。但丁于1265年诞生于意大利最大的手工业、商业城市佛罗伦萨。他是古罗马人的后裔,曾祖父立下战功受封为骑士。后来家道中落,到他父亲时,已沦为普通市民。在但丁的一生中,有两件事对他的影响最大。其中一件就是爱情。青少年时代的但丁,曾热烈地爱慕着一个名叫贝娅特丽齐的少女。但丁与贝娅特丽齐的第一次相遇是在1274年。九岁的但丁第一次见到了同是九岁的贝娅特丽齐。但丁一见面就喜欢上了这个女孩,一直把她当做自己的爱慕对象。九年后,但丁又一次在街上意外地碰到了她。贝娅特丽齐微微一笑,大方地向但丁致意,还热情地向他施了一礼。诗人非常激动,觉得自己已到天堂的边际了。此后,他们两人再未相见,但是但丁已深深地陷入对贝娅特丽齐的思念之中。后来,二十一岁的贝娅特丽齐与一个银行家结婚。不幸的是,1290年贝娅特丽齐就因病去世了,死时才二十四岁。对贝娅特丽齐的死,但丁悲痛万分,感到一切都失去了生气。一年后,但丁写诗赞美贝娅特丽齐,抒发自己对她真挚的爱恋之情,寄托自己的哀思。这部诗集取名为《新生》。诗人在诗中说贝娅特丽齐就是“爱情的化身”。她有“说不尽的温柔,说不尽的高雅”,她的光辉“竟使天上增加了荣耀”。但丁在《新生》一书中发誓,要创作一部绝世之作。诗人后来在伟大的长诗《神曲》中,实现了自己的诺言。在《神曲》中,贝娅特丽齐成为但丁游历天堂的引路人。打开微信扫一扫
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The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri PARADISO 但丁的神曲 (意大利文、英文对照)
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri PARADISO 但丁的神曲 (意大利文、英文对照)(图1)
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri PARADISO 但丁的神曲 (意大利文、英文对照)(图2)
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri PARADISO 但丁的神曲 (意大利文、英文对照)(图3)
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How does Dante think of sins?
How does Dante think of sins?为什么但丁认为罪?
七宗罪:撒旦的七个恶魔的形象代表七种罪恶(七宗罪,the seven deadly sins):傲慢
of justice perverted to revenge and spite")
六)妒忌-因对方所拥有的资产比自己丰富而心怀怨怒。(但丁说:‘Love of one's own good perverted to
a desire to deprive other men of theirs’)
七)骄傲-期望他人注视自己或过度爱好自己。(因拥有而感到比其他人优越)(holding self out of proper
position toward G Dante's definition was "love of
self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's


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