
I read Snow White yesterday.It is an interesting story.Snow White is an lovely girl.She isvery kind to people.But her mom died.Her new mom is a bad woman.She thinks Show White is more beautiful than her .So she wants to kill her.But she was saved by seven short boys.And they live a happy life together.From this story ,we can learn that kind people can be very lucky.The god may pray for them.But bad people must be killed by themselves.So we should learn from Snow White .We should be a kind person and help each other.
Today, I read "Snow White." Major topics of a queen to give birth to a snow-white skin, red lips, a daughter and she gave birth to a daughter, as she wished the Princess's skin white as snow, lips red...
&One day morning&BOSSY:Whiskey!Give me whiskey!DAISY:No more whiskey.You’ve drunk too much.Now go to bed to have a rest.BOSSY:Just wine is enough… OK!If you don’t take it,I’ll get it myself!&Go to the cellaret&DAISY:No way!You mustn’t do that.&Daisy throws the bottle out of the window&BOSSY:You old witch!&Bossy is so angry that he begins to hit Daisy&DAISY (cry):Help!&Daisy then runs out of the room.Bossy runs after her,but when he runs to the cellaret,he stops and take out a bottle&&On the way home&NOISY:Shall we go to the park?LAZY:Good idea!CRAZY:That sounds really good.But you see,we are not sure if your father will let us go out,so you’d better ask him first.LAZY:Yes,you’re right.Let’s go to ask him.&Enter the room&LAZY:Daddy?BOSSY:………LAZY:You look so handsome today…&Bossy seems to be a little happy then&LAZY:…and very kind.And I think if you let us go to the park.You’ll be the best father in the world.BOSSY:Really?OK.Go ahead.&Instead of saying goodbye,they run to the door as fast as they can.But when they open the door,Daisy comes in&DAISY:Stop!…Both of you can go,no problem,but Noisy must stay here.NOISY:Well.I just want to go with them and then do my housework.DAISY:Yes,you mustn’t go anywhere until all the work is finishes.LAZY:But I want her to go with me!You see,if I go there without her,then I won’t enjoy myself!CRAZY:Why?That sounds really strange!You said you cannot leave her,why is that?She is only a maid!LAZY:Shut up!You don’t understand at all.She is,she is my GF!CRAZY:What!I…BOSSY:You are only ten!How can you have two GF?Yes,when you declared that Crazy is yours,I have no attitude &Speak in lower voice& —— That is because her family is a rich one——DAISY:Then we saw you buy chocolate for her,take her to the cinema.BOSSY:And I’ve already fed up.&Turn to Noisy&You had been fired.This is the wage for today,now go to take your package and go away.NOISY:&Cry&……Peacock flies to southeast.And there is a wander once five miles.LAZY:You cannot do that Dad!You cannot…CRAZY:Shut up!&Crazy run out of the room&&Bossy looked even more angry,he turns to Noisy&BOSSY:Go,can’t you hear?Go to the devil!LAZY:OK,Dad,if you determined to drive Noisy away,I’ll go with her.&Turn to Noisy&Don’t be afraid.Let’s go together.&Lazy and Noisy both leave the house to build up their new life.But Lazy’s parents were very sad,they don’t know what to do &DAISY:&in despair& Oh dear,what shall we do then?BOSSY:Whiskey!Give me whiskey!不可忘却的记忆三月二十九号之前!小标题式,600字以内,也别太短,重谢!是三个小标题,就是三个小片段,大概每个片段是100字左右._百度作业帮
您可能关注的推广《骆驼祥子》《 格列佛游记》《汤姆索亚历险记》的大概内容是什么 一句话完事就行 别太罗嗦一本名著一句话 还有 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 《呐喊》 《爱的教育》 《海底两万里》的大概内容 记住 是一本名著用_百度作业帮
《骆驼祥子》《 格列佛游记》《汤姆索亚历险记》的大概内容是什么 一句话完事就行 别太罗嗦一本名著一句话 还有 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 《呐喊》 《爱的教育》 《海底两万里》的大概内容 记住 是一本名著用
一本名著一句话 还有 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 《呐喊》 《爱的教育》 《海底两万里》的大概内容 记住 是一本名著用一句话概括哦
这么多啊...骆驼祥子:写祥子从一个老实忠厚的人,演变成一个吃喝嫖赌的行尸走肉的全过程.汤姆索亚历险记:写汤姆索亚历险的全过程.钢铁是怎样炼成的:保尔的生活经历为线索,展现了从年前后苏俄广阔的历史画面和人们的坚苦卓绝的斗争画面.呐喊:描绘了从辛亥革命到五四时期的社会生活,揭示了种种深层次的社会矛盾,对中国旧有制度及陈腐的传统观念进行了深刻的剖析和比较彻底的否定.海底两万里:叙述法国博物学家阿龙纳斯教授在海洋深处旅行的故事.爱的教育:讲述了从三年级10月份开学的第一天到第二年7月份在校内外的所见、所闻和所感.三国演义第33回内容概括,别太长。最好把本章回分成几个部分,每部分用小标题概括。 急!!!!谢啦_百度知道
三国演义第33回内容概括,别太长。最好把本章回分成几个部分,每部分用小标题概括。 急!!!!谢啦
曹丕趁乱纳甄氏 郭嘉遗计定辽东曹丕纳袁熙之妻甄氏为妻。自此北方地区都成了曹操的势力范围,打下了曹魏的基业,攻下冀州、袁氏自相残杀),被许诸杀死。袁谭投降曹操后,一直有谋反之心,却反被公孙康斩杀(郭嘉遗书献妙计。曹操平定冀州后,尽免河北居民一年租赋。操又从郭嘉计,得柳城。袁谭被曹洪杀死。曹操乘机离间袁氏弟兄,长子袁谭与幼子袁尚自相残杀,得崔琰(yǎn),平定河北。操从荀攸诈降计破并州,令厚葬许攸,不得已又投奔辽东太守公孙康,远征沙漠。袁熙。【定四州】袁绍一再战败,操称其“忠臣”,从而使公孙康。又访冀贤士。幽军马降操,在壶关大破袁绍外甥高干,灭尽袁氏,乘胜追击袁尚和袁熙、袁尚投奔乌桓不成,深入乌桓和辽东,立即起兵讨伐袁谭第三十三回,“安抚百姓”,曹操得南皮后、并三州、幽,自领冀州牧,忧愤而死,分兵击破青,告诫曹操切不可加兵于辽东。许攸傲激大将许褚。王修哭袁谭。曹操深责许禇。操哭袁绍


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