刀塔2 寒霜雕像石永久吗

IceFrog微博发布6.83改动 寒冬地图即将来临
  12月16日10点,Icefrog在腾讯微博发布了一条关于DOTA2新版本的微博,引起了广大DOTA2玩家的关注。以下微博原文:  虽说对于IceFrog是不大的改动,但是诸多的改动还是让现在的版本更加的平衡。  游戏平衡性改动:详细改动正在翻译中:  新地图模型:寒冬地图  对应原来的经典地图,寒冬地图仅仅是给现在的地图加了一层外衣,配合圣诞节的气氛,雪白的地图还是别有一番风味。  梦幻联赛福利:梦幻刀塔之管传送特效  TP效果非常的酷炫,拥有Dream League第二赛季奖章的玩家可以获得!  刀塔商城更新:2个新的箱子以及寒霜英雄雕像石  一大波金钱正在丢失。
dota2重重宝藏的珍藏 dota2重重宝藏的珍藏有什么用 dota2珍藏兑换币
数据统计中!!Dota 2 - Shifting Snows Update
Shifting Snows
Gameplay Update 6.83
Dota 2's balance has shifted. This small gameplay update includes new tricks for old friends, and a handful of helpful adjustments to augment your strategies. Want to learn more? You'll find the changelog further down the page.
Winter Map
Winter's grip has tightened, causing the river to ice over as deepening snow settles upon the forest paths. Yet the battle rages on! Heroes must now brave the bitter cold of day, and the freezing dark of night. Each ice-tipped tower that shatters, every shivering creep that dies on the field, becomes another step toward victory.
Fantasy Dota Season 2 Champions' Teleport
Raise a cheer for the victors of Season 2 of Fantasy Dota. Those who placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in Season 2 of their Fantasy Dota league will find a new teleport effect and trophy to show off to their friends. Well played!
Treasure of theFrosted Flame
Keep your heroes warm this winter with new armor for Luna, Sniper, Legion Commander, Drow Ranger, and Shadow Shaman. Open a Treasure of the Frosted Flame, and you'll also have a chance to find a new set for Tiny, or a rare Hexgill the Lane Shark courier inside!
Treasure of theNested Cache
It's a treasure that contains treasures! Open a Treasure of the Nested Cache, and you'll receive a random treasure, and have a chance to earn a special gift. You might even find a Treasure Redemption Token inside, which can be redeemed for another treasure of your choosing. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Effigy Block of Frost
Create a frosty monument to your favorite heroes with a new material for Heroic Effigies! Available from the Dota Store, the Effigy Block of Frost can be used to design a frozen sculpture in your base for all to see. We're also enabling new animations for the creation of Effigies, which can be used with all materials.
Tis the Season of Givening! Purchase Gift Wrap from the Dota Store, then use it on any bundle, courier, or wearable item to create a present for your favorite fellow warrior. You can even add a note to your recipient. After the gift has been wrapped, you can use the gift to send it to anyone on your friends list, or give it to a friend by trading it through Steam. Gift Wrap will be available on the Dota Store until January 12th, 2015.
Ranked All Pick initial planning phase reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
First rune spawns are now both Bounty Runes that are twice as effective (50/50 gold/xp to 100/100)
All Illusions now deal 25% less damage to structures
Melee and Ranged Barracks bounty reduced from 352-370 to 100-150
Melee and Ranged Barracks now give 125 and 75 gold to each player, respectively
Ward location to the right of Roshan is now pathable
Fixed a ward location near the Dire ancients that could not be easily seen
Ancient Granite Golem health reduced from 2000 to 1700
Ancient Granite Golem now has an aura which grants 15% bonus health to its allies
Private Lobby games now use the Captain's Mode creep spawn timer when in All Pick
Maximum Attack Speed increased from 500 to 600 (the primary impact of this is on abilities like Windranger's Focus Fire and Ursa's Overpower)
The following abilities no longer have restrictions when cast on Spell Immune Allies: Kunkka's X Marks The Spot, Magnus's Empower, Treant Protector's Living Armor, and Warlock's Shadow Word
The tooltips for Vanguard, Stout Shield, Poor Man's Shield and Crimson Guard now reflect their internal proc chance instead of their legacy representation (no actual balance change)
Vision and Fog of War can now be any numerical value, rather than specific intervals (previously it was 0, 64, 192, 320, 448, 576, 704, 800, 832, 960, , , )
Previously if you had a vision between the fixed intervals, it would clamp to a fixed value.
Borrowed Time duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6
Greevil's Greed base bonus gold increased from 4/6/8/10 to 6/8/10/12
Greevil's Greed extra bonus gold per stack from 1/2/3/4 to 3
Greevil's Greed max bonus gold from 30 to 12/20/28/36
Greevil's Greed recent kill window duration increased from 25 to 30
Battle Hunger duration from 10/12/14/16 to 10
Battle Hunger damage from 15/20/25/30 to 16/24/32/40
Total damage from 150/240/350/480 over 10/12/14/16 seconds to 160/240/320/400 over 10 seconds
Battle Hunger cast range from 900 to 750
Battle Hunger movement and slow from 10 to 12%
Battle Hunger mana cost from 75/85/95/105 to 75
Nightmare cooldown from 15 to 16/15/14/13
Call of the Wild now always provides a Hawk and a Boar at each level, and each now scales per level
Hawk health from 50/50/100/100 to 40/60/80/100
Hawk movement speed from 270/270/400/400 to 250/300/350/400
Hawk day sight from 500/500/ to 700/00
Hawk night sight from 500/500/ to 700/800/900/1000
Hawk kill bounty from 30/30/65/65 to 30/40/50/60
Boar health from 0/400/400/500 to 200/300/400/500
Boar base damage from 0/26/26/46 to 15/30/45/60
Boar base attack time from 0/1.5/1.5/1 to 1.25
Boar poison slow from 0/20/20/35% to 10/20/30/40%
Added to Captain's Mode
Will be enabled next week
Bloodrage no longer amplifies outgoing damage if the damage has the no-reflection flag
This is similar to how Blademail, Spiked Carapace, Fatal Bonds, etc work.
Track bonus gold for self increased from 150/200/250 to 200/275/350
Track cooldown reduced from 10/7/5 to 4
Base Armor reduced from 4 to 2
Thunder Clap hero slow duration from 4.25 to 4
Thunder Clap cooldown from 12 to 13
Quill Spray stack damage increased from 30 to 30/32/34/36
Spiderlings' day vision reduced from 1400 to 1100
Reality Rift damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 60/80/100/120
Reality Rift mana cost from 70 to 50
Phantasm illusion duration increased from 34 to 42
Test of Faith now teleports all of your units to you when cast on yourself
Has the same delay as when cast on allied heroes
Holy Persuasion max units increased from 1/1/2/3 to 1/2/3/4
Base attack range increased from 600 to 630
Battery Assault damage increased from 15/35/55/75 to 20/40/60/80
Crystal Nova attack speed slow from 20 to 30
Frostbite cooldown from 10 to 10/9/8/7
Freezing Field duration increased from 7 to 10 seconds
Freezing Field explosion spawn radius and slow radius increased by 150
Freezing Field explosion damage radius increased by 50
Base armor increased by 1
Vacuum pull duration increased from 0.4 to 0.5
Base attack range increased from 500 to 550
Strength growth reduced from 2.2 to 1.9
Glimpse mana cost rescaled from 160/130/100/70 to 100
Glimpse cooldown reduced from 65/50/35/20 to 60/46/32/18
Kinetic Field cooldown reduced from 14/13/12/11 to 13/12/11/10
Static Storm cooldown from 85 to 90/80/70
Elder Dragon Form level 3 now maintains the Corrosive Breath ability from levels 1 and 2
Illusions now benefit from the Marksmanship bonus
Illusions will still lose the bonus if an enemy is nearby
Rolling Boulder no longer reduces attack speed by 80 for 2 seconds
Rolling Boulder no longer does an additional 45 damage when used with a stone remnant
Rolling Boulder base damage increased from 90 to 100
Enchant Totem mana cost reduced from 50 to 20/30/40/50
Astral Spirit damage reduced from 60/100/140/180 to 60/90/120/150
Fixed a few cases where Elder Titan could move his Astral Spirit while casting Echo Stomp
Base movement speed increased from 315 to 335
Time Walk no longer slows attack speed
Chronosphere cooldown increased from 130/110/90 to 130/115/100
Ward unit types are no longer able to attack while inside the Chronosphere
Call Down area of effect increased from 450 to 600
Call Down missile one slow amount reduced from 50% to 30%
Call Down missile two slow amount increased from 20% to 60%
Force Staff can now be used on Homing Missile
Inner Vitality base health regen from 2/4/6/8 to 10
Inner Vitality regen bonus when hurt from 30/45/60/75% to 20/40/60/80%
No longer requires turning to perform any actions
Liquid Fire damage reduced from 15/20/25/30 to 12/16/20/24
Base agility increased from 20 to 26
Blade Dance critical strike chance rescaled from 15/20/25/35% to 20/25/30/35%
Chakra Magic mana cost from 25/45/65/85 to 25/35/45/55
Blinding Light blind duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6
X Marks the Spot enemy delay from 1/2/3/4 to 4, and allied delay from 2/4/6/8 to 8
X Marks the Spot cast range from 500/650/800/950 to 350/550/750/1000
X Marks the Spot cooldown from 14/13/12/11 to 19/16/13/10
X Marks the Spot Return mana cost reduced from 50 to 0
Diabolic Edict duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds
Lightning Storm slow duration increased from 0.5 to 0.75
Lightning Storm cast range increased from 700 to 800
Chain Frost cooldown from 145/115/60 to 120/90/60
Infest now allows you to control the unit you are in using a sub-ability
Attack projectile speed from 900 to 1000
Dragon Slave damage increased from 100/170/230/280 to 110/180/250/320
Dragon Slave mana cost increased from 90/105/125/140 to 100/115/130/145
Light Strike Array damage rescaled from 90/150/210/280 to 120/160/200/240
Light Strike Array mana cost increased from 90/100/110/125 to 100/110/120/130
Light Strike Array stun duration increased from 1.6/1.8/2/2.2 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5
Fiery Soul duration increased from 9 to 10
Base attack damage increased by 7
Mana Drain drain interval from 0.25 to 0.1
Kills illusions on the first tick
Removed the cast time on Spirit Bear's Return
Battle Cry cooldown increased from 30 to 60
Battle Cry duration reduced from 8 to 6
Battle Cry bonus damage increased from 20/40/60 to 50/75/100
Battle Cry bonus armor increased from 2/4/6 to 5/10/15
Moon Glaive level 4 bounces increased from 5 to 6
Eclipse beam count increased from 4/7/10 to 5/8/11 (Scepter increased from 4/8/12 to 6/10/14)
Divided We Stand respawn time reduction now 20% instead of 10/20/30%
Adaptive Strike stun max duration increased from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 to 1.25/2.25/3.25/4.25
Base attack damage increased by 4
Crippling Fear mana cost reduced from 90 to 50
Darkness now sets all enemy vision to a maximum of 675, instead of reducing it by 25%
This includes Wards, Buildings, etc
Darkness no longer pauses the day/night timer
Darkness duration from 40/60/80 to 50
Darkness cooldown reduced from 180/150/120 to 160/120/80
Fireblast damage reduced from 60/120/180/240 to 55/110/165/220
Fireblast cast range reduced from 600 to 475
Astral Imprisonment intelligence steal increased from 4/6/8/10 to 4/7/10/13
Astral Imprisonment intelligence steal duration reduced from 60 to 50
Coup de Grace critical strike damage from 250/350/450% to 230/340/450%
Supernova attacks required to destroy increased from 5/7/10 to 5/8/11
Fixed Stop Icarus Dive ability sometimes being interrupted by auto-attacks
Meat Hook range increased from 700/900/ to 00/1300
Decrepify movement slow on allies reduced from 50% to 25%
Netherward attacks required to destroy increased from 3 to 4
Blademail no longer reflects Nether Ward damage onto Pugna
Blink range increased from 700/850/ to 1300
Blink cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 15/12/9/6
Sonic Wave now does Pure Damage and affects Spell Immune
Sonic Wave damage reduced from 350/475/600 to 290/390/490 (Scepter reduced from 350/530/725 to 325/450/575)
Blink Strike max charges increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6
Blink Strike charge restore time increased from 30 to 35
Blink Strike bonus damage from 50/70/90 to 40/70/100
Fade Bolt mana cost from 150 to 120/130/140/150
Scepter Spell Steal cooldown reduced from 5 to 2
Shadowraze damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 100/175/250/325
Glaives of Wisdom intelligence into damage bonus from 30/48/66/84% to 30/50/70/90%
Last Word cooldown reduced from 36/28/20/12 to 30/24/18/12
Scepter Global Silence no longer increases duration by 1 second
Base agility reduced from 18 to 13
Sprint duration reduced from 20 to 16
Sprint cooldown reduced from 28 to 23
Amplify Damage cooldown reduced from 10 to 5
Pounce damage reduced from 60/120/180/240 to 55/110/165/220
Shrapnel no longer does damage to buildings
Shrapnel now has 3 charges with a 40 second replenish time
Shrapnel's slow and damage does not stack with itself
Shrapnel mana cost reduced from 120 to 50
Shrapnel duration increased from 9 to 10
Empowering Haste cooldown from 20 to 16
Turn Rate improved from 0.6 to 0.8
Warcry duration increased from 7 to 8 seconds
Scepter God's Strength ally bonus damage from 40/60/80% to 50/75/100%
Added to Captain's Mode
Will be enabled next week
Land Mines damage increased from 225/300/375/450 to 300/375/450/525
Reflection cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.3
Sunder minimum HP from 25/20/15% to 20%
Base movement speed reduced by 5
Ravage damage reduced from 200/325/450 to 200/290/380
Heat-Seeking Missile damage increased from 100/175/250/325 to 125/200/275/350
Toss duration increased from 1 to 1.3 seconds
Grow move speed bonus rescaled from 20/40/60 to 40/50/60
Eyes In The Forest's Overgrowth damage increased from 135 to 175 per second
Eyes In The Forest cooldown reduced from 55 to 25
Fixed Fervor stack count being 1 stack too slow
Ice Shards projectile speed from 900 to 1100
Ice Shards shard duration from 5 to 7 seconds
Walrus PUNCH! is now an enemy target ability, and is auto-castable
Walrus PUNCH! cooldown reduced from 25/20/15 to 20/16/12
Soul Rip max units from 5/10/15/20 to 10/12/14/16
Soul Rip damage/heal per unit from 25 to 18/22/26/30
Tombstone armor increased by 1
Flesh Golem max slow increased from 15 to 20%
Wave of Terror cooldown increased from 15 to 20
Gravekeeper's Cloak recovery time from 12/10/8/6 to 6
Fatal Bonds cast range increased from 800 to 900
Fatal Bonds radius increased from 575 to 700
Powershot travel range increased from 1825 to 2600
Powershot max damage is now dealt after 1 second channel instead of 0.7
It always channeled to 1.0 previously
Powershot cast point improved from 0.3 to 0
Reduced the area of the lingering vision at the end of Powershot from 800 to 400
Focus Fire attack speed bonus increased from 400 to 500
Cost reduced from 150 to 120
Recipe cost reduced from 600 to 500
Blink is no longer disabled if you take no damage (e.g. Spiked Carapace, Refraction, etc)
A courier carrying a non-full bottle will always be slowed
Instead of only slowing when carrying an empty bottle
Replaced Talisman of Evasion with Broadsword in the Side Shop
Cost reduced from 185 to 165 (Null Talisman, Wraith Band, and Bracer Recipe costs increased by 20)
Mana restore increased from 135 to 150
Guard duration increased from 9 to 10
Diffusal Blade is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
Multiple Manabreak type abilities do not stack
Endurance charges increased from 5 to 6
Recipe cost increased from 500 to 650
Cost reduced from 115 to 110
Dominated unit bonus health increased from 250 to 500
Max charges increased from 15 to 17
Recipe cost increased from 200 to 325
Valor can now be cast on allies to give them armor
Passive armor and exchange armor increased from 6 to 7
Recipe cost reduced from 900 to 800
Barrier duration increased from 10 to 12
Cooldown increased from 185 to 195
Cost reduced from 1600 to 1400
Your movement is now only interrupted when the invisibility starts rather than when you cast it
When spectating a game with a team's Fog of War selected, you now only see what they can see in-world and on the minimap.
This applies to player perspective as well
Improved server stability under UDP packet flood attack by moving packet processing off of the game thread and onto worker threads.
Added a sound effect that plays when Sange and Sange & Yasha's maim procs on an attack
Alt-Clicking now works on Passive and Unlearned abilities
You can now Alt-Click your own, and your enemies', health and mana bars to announce the current health and mana
If you Alt-Click an item or ability but do not have enough mana, the amount of mana needed will be shared
You can now Alt-Click buffs and debuffs on your hero to announce them to your team
Alt-Clicking now works for items without activation (such as Aegis of the Immortal)
Alt-Clicked abilities that are ready now also include the level of the ability
Alt-Clicking on a dead enemy's icon in the top bar will announce that they are dead, and when they will respawn
Alt-Clicking your respawn timer announces your respawn time to your team
Alt-Clicking on the Glyph button will announce its status, and Ctrl-Alt-Clicking the button will suggest not using the Glyph yet
Alt-Clicking an enemy's bottle now shows what rune is inside of it
Fixes for several effects being erroneously visible through the Fog of War
Fixed a case where users had very large control group settings files, which was causing long delays after selecting their hero (some users in this situation have had their control groups reset)
Fixed not being able to taunt sometimes after using a prediction charm
Fixed Death Effects not playing
Fixed not being able to edit .pcf particle files when launching Dota 2 with "-tools -nop4"12月18日DOTA2更新改动:6.83版本强势降临_17173 DOTA2专区
& 12月18日DOTA2更新改动:6.83版本强势降临
文 章摘 要
  今天官方博客发布了 雪无止境 更新的预告 包括一些新宝箱 新地图 新物品 还有6.83的改动,下面开始正题  首先是 6.83的预告  6.83版本游戏平衡性更新  Dota 2的平衡性永无止境。这次的小规模改动内含老朋友的新花招,还有不少有助于强化战术的调整。想要了解更多吗?在页面下方就能看见完整的更新日志。  DOTA2 TEST也已经开始更新 大小是322.7MB  然后这次更新 也将有新地图 寒冬地图  梦幻刀塔之冠传送特效  所以如果你在梦幻联盟第二季获得前三名的话 将会获得一个特殊的 传送特效物品 还有一个奖杯  商城也将会有2个新的珍藏(宝箱)加入  这次商店也将可以直接购买寒霜雕像石制作英雄雕像  寒霜英雄雕像石  使用全新雕像材料为喜爱的英雄打造一座寒霜丰碑!刀塔商城现已推出,寒霜英雄雕像石可以用于打造基地内的寒霜雕塑,所有人都能看见。同时,英雄雕像的打造过程中将加入更多可选动作哦。  这次也有包装礼品加入商店 可以用来赠送好友 有人包装金肉山送我吗  包装礼品  这是给予的季节!对任意捆绑包,信使或者饰品使用“礼品包装”即可封装为战士伙伴的礼物。而且还能附上赠言。礼物包好后,使用礼物即可发送给好友列表中的任何好友,或者通过交易功能赠予好友。  基本改动  天梯的AP全阵容选择最开始的那个商讨阵容的时间从40秒改成30秒。  第一个刷新的符变成两个符都是赏金符,并且所有效果是原来的两倍。(原来是50金钱50经验,现在是100金钱100经验)  所有的幻象现在减少25%对建筑的伤害(我理解的意思就是原来打出100伤害现在只能造成75伤害)  近战兵营和远程兵营打掉后给的金钱数从352-370减少到100-150  近战和远程兵营现在给各给每个人发125和75金钱  肉山右侧的眼位现在是可以走过去的  修改了一个夜魇古迹旁边曾经不太容易看到的眼位  远古石头人的血量从2000减少到1700  远古石头人现在给附近友方一个血量回复增加15%的光环  私人房间里的AP全阵营模式现在用队长模式的小兵出兵时间  最高攻击速度由500变为600(首要受到影响的像风行的大招和拍拍的技能)  以下的技能不会再对技能免疫友军释放是受到限制:昆卡的X,马格纳斯的授予力量,大树的树甲还有术士的暗言术  英雄改动  亚巴顿  大招持续时间从345变成456  炼金术士  炼金的贪婪的基本金钱从4/6/8/10变成6/8/10/12  贪婪的额外金钱从1/2/3/4变为恒定的3  贪婪的最大金钱从30变为12/20/29/36  贪婪的最近击杀空隙时间从25变为30  斧王  斧王的战斗饥渴持续时间从10/12/14/16变成10  战斗饥渴的伤害从15/20/25/30变为16/24/32/40  战斗饥渴的施法距离从900变为750  战斗饥渴的减速从10%变为12%  战斗饥渴的魔耗由75/85/95/105变为75  祸乱之源  噩梦的cd从15变为16/15/14/13  兽王  兽王的野性召唤每级都会召唤出鹰和猪,每级血量什么的都不一样  鹰血量从50/50/100/100变为40/60/80/100  移动速度从270/270/400/400变为250/300/350/400  鹰白天视野从500/500/ 到700/00  鹰晚上视野从500/500/ 到700/800/900/1000  击杀鹰获得奖励30/30/65/65 to 30/40/50/60  猪的血量0/400/400/500 to 200/300/400/500  猪基础攻击 0/26/26/46 to 15/30/45/60  猪的攻击间隔0/1.5/1.5/1 to 1.25  猪的毒性减速 0/20/20/35% to 10/20/30/40%  嗜血狂魔  血魔加入了队长模式CD模式  血魔的血之狂暴,如果伤害有无反应的标示那么不再放大发出的伤害。(这个没看懂,问号的解释是与刃甲,小强的刺,致命连接什么的原理一样)  赏金猎人  追踪术给自己的赏金从150/200/250变为250/275/350  追踪术的cd(冷却)变为4  酒仙  基础护甲从4变为2  雷霆之震减速英雄的时间从4.25变为4  雷霆之震的cd从12变为13  钢背兽  钢背的毛儿的叠加伤害从30变为30/32/34/36  育母蜘蛛  白天视野从1400减为1000  混沌骑士  实相裂隙(拉)的伤害从25/50/75/100变为60/80/100/120  拉的耗魔从70变到50  大招的持续时间从34变为31  陈  陈现在忠诚考验可以在作用自己身上的时候可以把自己的所有单位传过来(跟作用在队友身上的延迟一样)  神圣劝化单位数从1/1/2/3变为1/2/3/4  克林克兹  基础攻击范围从600变为630  发条技师  弹幕冲击伤害从15/35/55/75变为20/40/60/80  水晶室女  冰霜新星的减攻速从20变为30  冰箱的Cd从10变为10/9/8/7  大招的持续时间从7变成10  大招的冰爆重生半径和减速半径增加150  大招的冰爆伤害半径增加50  黑暗贤者  黑贤基础护甲加一  真空拉的持续时间从0.4变为0.5  戴泽  戴泽攻击距离从500变为550  死亡先知  力量成长从2.2变为1.9  干扰者  邪念瞥视魔耗从160/130/100/70平衡为100  邪念瞥视(拉)cd从65/50/35/20减少到60/46/32/18  动力场的cd从14/13/12/11减少到13/12/11/10  静态电场的cd从86变为90/80/70  龙骑士  真龙形态3级现在保持1级和2级的腐蚀气息  卓尔游侠  幻象也可以继承本体大招  大地之灵  滚石现在不再减两秒80的攻速  滚石不再在用残岩是提供45额外伤害  巨石翻滚基础伤害从90变为100  撼地者  强化图腾魔耗从50减少为20/30/40/50  上古巨神  魂的伤害从60/100/140/180减少为60/90/120/150  修改了在上古巨神用回音践踏时混能移动的bug  魅惑魔女  基础移动速度从315变为335  虚空假面  时间漫游不再减攻速了  大招cd从130/110/90增加为130/115/100  守卫单位不能在大招内攻击了(如巫医大招)  矮人直升机  大招导弹范围从450变为600  大招导弹第一发减速从减速50%减为减速40%  第二发大招子弹从减速20%增加为减速60%  推推现在可以用在追踪导弹上  哈斯卡  哈斯卡活血术回复从2/4/6/8变为10  活血术的额外回复线从30/45/60/75%变为20/40/60/80%  艾欧  小精灵所有动作不再有转身(尼玛……,360度……)  杰奇洛  液态火攻击降低到12/16/20/24  主宰  基础敏捷从20变为26  暴击的概率从15/20/25/35%变为20/25/30/35%  光之守卫  查克拉魔法的魔耗从25/45/65/85变为25/35/45/55  致盲之光的持续时间从3/4/5变为4/5/6  昆卡  船长的X恒定为叉对面4秒,叉自己人8秒  X的施放距离从500/650/800/950变为350/550/750/1000  X的cd变为19/16/13/10  手动X的魔耗从50变为0  拉席克  电磁脉冲持续时间从8秒变成10秒  闪电链的减速持续从0.5变为0.75  闪电链的施法距离从700变为800  巫妖  连环霜冻cd从145/115/60变为120/90/60  噬魂鬼  感染的单位现在可以由你自己控制了……  莉娜  攻击的弹道速度从900变为1000  龙破斩的伤害从100/170/230/280到110/  龙破斩的魔耗从90/105/125/140增加到100/115/130/145  光击阵的伤害从90/150/210/180变为120/160/200/240  光击阵的魔耗从90/100/110/125变为100/110/120/130  光击阵的晕眩时间从1.6/1.8/2/2.2变为1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5  炽魂的持续时间从9变为10  莱恩  基础攻击增加了7  抽蓝的抽蓝间隔从0.25变为0.1(瞬秒幻象)  德鲁伊  移除了召回熊的吟唱  战吼的CD从30变为60  战吼的持续时间从8变为6  战吼的额外伤害从20/40/60变为50/75/100  战吼的额外护甲从2/4/6变为5/10/15  露娜  月刃第四级的弹射从5变为6  月蚀的光从4/7/10变为5/8/11(A杖的从4/8/12变为6/10/14)  米波  分则能成的重生时间减少为20%(原来是10/20/30%)  变体精灵  变体攻击晕眩最大时间从0.75/1.5/2.25/3变为1.25/2.25/3.25/4.25  暗夜魔王  基础攻击增加4  伤残恐惧(F)魔耗从90变为50  黑暗时间(大招)现在把地方所有视野变为恒定675而不是减少25%。(特么的这里面包括了眼和塔的视野)  大招不再暂停计时器(就头顶上计分板中间那玩意)  大招持续时间从40/60/80变为50  大招cd从180/150/120变为160/120/80  食人魔魔法师  火焰轰爆的伤害从60/120/180/240减到55/110/165/220(终于不用担心被暴死了)  火焰轰爆的施法范围从600减到475  殁境神蚀者  星体禁锢的偷智力从4/6/8/10变为4/7/10/13  星体禁锢的偷智力持续时间从60变为50  幻影刺客  恩赐解脱(大招)的暴击伤害从250/350/450%减少到230/340/450%  凤凰  超级新星打击至死需要攻击数从5/7/10增加到5/8/11  修复了火焰飞行有时会被自动攻击打断的bug  帕吉  屠夫的钩范围从700/900/增加到00/1300  帕格纳  衰老的减队友移动速度从减50%变为减20%  摧毁幽冥守卫需要的攻击数从3变为4  刃甲受到守卫攻击时不再反弹到帕格纳身上  痛苦女王  跳的距离从700/850/100/1150变为1300(大家好我叫小敌法)  跳的cd从12/10/8/6变为15/12/9/6  超声波现在是纯粹伤害并且影响魔法免疫  超声波伤害从350/475/600变为290/390/490(A杖从350/530/725减少到325/450/575)  力丸  闪烁突袭最大的充能数从3/4/5变为4/5/6  闪烁突袭的充能时间从30变为35  闪烁突袭的额外伤害从50/70/90变为40/70/100  拉比克  弱化能流魔耗从150减少到120/130/140/150  A杖的大招偷技能cd从5变为2  影魔  毁灭阴影(zxc)伤害从57/150/225/300增加到100/175/250/325  沉默术士  智慧之刃的智力产生的额外伤害从30/48/66/84%变为30/50/70/90%  遗言的cd从36/28/20/12变为30/24/18/12  A杖的大招全领域沉默的持续时间不再增加1秒  天怒法师  基础敏捷从18减为13  斯拉达  冲刺持续时间从20减到16  冲刺的cd从28减到23  伤害增加(大招)的cd从10变为5  斯拉克  突袭的伤害从60/120/180/240减少到55/110/165/220  狙击手  散弹不再对建筑造成伤害  散弹现在有40秒充能时间的3个充能(问号解释说,他自己的伤害和减速不叠加,那意思就是跟隐刺大招和火猫大招一样要充能那种)  散弹的耗魔从120变为50  散弹的持续时间从9变为10  裂魂人  神行太保的冷却时间从20减少为16  风暴之灵  转身时间从0.6变为0.8  斯温  战吼持续时间从7变为8  A杖大招(增加力量)的友军额外增加伤害从40/60/80%变为50/75/100%  工程师  加入队长模式  地雷伤害从225/300/375/450增加到300/375/450/525  恐怖利刃  施法时间从0.5降至0.3  换血后下从限25/20/15% 变为 20%  潮汐猎人  移速减少5  毁灭伤害从200/325/450减少到 200/290/380  修补匠  热导飞弹伤害从100/175/250/325变为125/200/275/350  小小  投掷时间从1变为1.3(T)  长大移速加成从20/40 /60平衡为40/50/60  树精卫士  树林之眼的疯狂生长伤害从135增加到175  树眼的cd从55减少到25  巨魔战将  修复了巨魔被动数量加一层太慢的bug  巨牙海民  寒冰碎片弹道速度从900提升至1100  寒冰碎片持续时间从5变为7  大招现在是自动释放而且是敌方单位为目标的自动释放  大招的cd从25/20/15减少到20/16/12  不朽尸王  噬魂最大单位从5/10/15/20到10/12/14/16  噬魂伤害/治疗从25变为18/22/26/30每单位  墓碑的护甲加一  血肉傀儡的最大减速从15变为20%  复仇之魂  恐怖波动(吼)cd从15变为20  维萨吉  斗篷回复时间从12/10/8/6变为6  术士  致命连接施法距离从800变为900  链接的半径从575变为700  风行者  风行的强力击的距离从1825变为2600(我操)  强力击的最大伤害吟唱现在是1秒而不是0.7秒  强力击的施法动作从0.3变为0  在强力击末端的视野从800减为400  集中火力的攻击速度从400变为500  动物信使  价格从150降低到120  莫尔迪基安的臂章  卷轴价格从600降低到500  闪烁匕首  如果你实际没受到伤害那么闪烁匕首不会被打断(比如尖刺外壳,折光等)  魔瓶  只要信使上的魔瓶不是满的,那么信使就会被减速[?]  阔剑  在边路商店中替换了闪避护符的位置  圆环  价格从185降低到165(空灵挂件,怨灵系带和护腕的卷轴价格提高20)  净化药水  魔法恢复总量从135提高到150  赤红甲  坚盾的持续时间从9延长到10  净魂之刃  净魂之刃不再是攻击特效  多个法力毁损效果无法叠加  韧鼓  坚韧的可用次数从5增加到6  Eul的神圣法杖  卷轴的价格从500增加到650  治疗药膏  价格从115降低到110  支配头盔  被支配的单位的额外生命值加成从250提高到500  魔杖  最大充能次数从15提高到17  勇气勋章  卷轴价格从200提高到325  孤注一掷可以对队友施放以提高他们的护甲  被动护甲加成以及主动效果中自身/敌方的护甲降低从6增加到7  洞察烟斗  卷轴价格从900降低到800  法术护盾的持续时间从10增加到12  刷新球  冷却时间从185增加到195  暗影护符  价格从1600降低到1400  现在英雄的动作会在隐身后才中止,而不是之前的使用暗影护符就被中止  其他改动  游戏性  现在观战时选择开启某一方战争迷雾后,将与他们在大地图和小地图看到的完全相同。这在选择玩家视角时同样有效  提升服务器在UDP洪水型攻击下的稳定性,数据包处理从游戏线程转移至工作线程。  散华和散夜对剑的攻击残废效果加入了全新音效  ALT键功能  按住Alt键点击被动和未学习技能同样有效果  按住Alt键点击自己、敌人的血条和蓝条将会发送当前生命值和魔法值的聊天信息  现在按住Alt键点击物品或技能却没有足够魔法时,聊天信息中将会显示需要多少魔法  现在按住Alt键点击英雄血条上方正面和负面状态效果的图标可以将其状态告知队友  现在按住Alt键点击没有主动效果的物品(如不朽之守护)也会有相应的聊天信息  现在按住Alt键点击准备就绪的技能也会显示技能的当前等级  现在按住Alt键点击顶部敌方阵亡英雄的图标可以告诉队友他们已经死亡,并在何时复活  现在按住Alt键点击自己的复活倒计时可以告诉队友自己的复活时间  现在按住Alt键点击防御符文的图标可以告诉队友当前的状态,同时按住Ctrl键和Alt键点击图标则会建议他们现在不要使用防御符文  现在按住Alt键点击敌方英雄身上的魔瓶可以告知队友其中装了哪种神符  问题修复  修正了若干之前会在战争迷雾中显示的物品、技能效果  修复用户的控制编队设置文件过大的问题,这曾导致他们在选择英雄后进行游戏需要很长时间(部分用户是由于重设了控制编队)  修复有时在使用了预测护符后无法嘲讽的问题  修复死亡特效不会显示的问题  创意工坊  修复使用“-tools -nop4”启动游戏后无法编辑.pcf粒子特效文件的问题


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