
Christmas customs and celebrations Westerners with red,green,white and three colors for the Christmas colors,Christmas comes each household must be used to decorate the Christmas colors.Red with Christmas flowers and Christmas candles.Green is the Christmas tree.It is the main Christmas ornaments,with cut to the cedar,cypress was a kind of evergreen tree decorated pyramid formed.Colorful lanterns hanging above,gifts and paper flowers,but also lit the Christmas candles.Exist side by side is the red and white Santa Claus,he is the most popular Christmas activity characters.Western children go to bed on Christmas Eve prior to the fireplace or put a pillow next to the socks,waiting for Santa Claus to fall asleep after they put on the socks in a gift.In the West,to play Santa Claus is also a custom.The large number of Christmas customs,including the secular,religious,national,Christmas-related,vary widely between countries.Most people are familiar with Christmas symbols and activities,such as Christmas trees,Christmas ham,Christmas wood,holly,mistletoe,as well as gift-giving,all Christian missionaries from the early Asatru pagan winter solstice holiday Yule absorbed from inside.As early as the winter solstice celebration of the arrival of Christianity in Northern Europe,where before they were widely today,the word Christmas in Scandinavia where the phrase is still pagan jul (or yule).Christmas trees are considered first appeared in Germany.Pope Gregory I did not try to ban the popular pagan festival,but rather allow Christian missionaries to give them the meaning of the Christian re-interpretation,he allowed most of the custom to continue,only slightly revised,and even intact 2 .Religious and government authorities and to celebrate Christmas between the transaction so that to continue.In the Christian theocracy prosperous areas,such as under the rule of Cromwell in England and early New England colonies,the celebrations are prohibited 3.After the Russian Revolution,Christmas celebrations have been the Soviet Communist regime in the Soviet Union banned 75 years.Even in today where a number of Christian denominations,such as the Jehovah's Witnesses,a number-based organizations to send and Protestants,still to no Bible recognized Christmas as a pagan holiday,and refused to celebrate.
Christmas custom and celebrationWestern people with red, green, white three colors for Christmas color, Christmas comes the all familieses all want to decorate with the Christmas color.The having...
真正的基督徒都不庆祝圣诞节,因为不是耶稣出生的日期。请参考圣经/ > 生活资讯
  一年一度的“圣诞狂欢节”即将到来,虽然是西方的节日,但在中国也过得非常隆重,丝毫不亚于中国人最重视的春节。几乎人人都对这个西方节日格外重视,又是出于何种原因呢?小编整理了以下几点,供大家参考。不但各大商家会借机打折促销,就连卖场、办公楼等公共场所圣诞装饰都丝毫不逊色于外国,嫣然一副年末该狂欢了的氛围,当然也有不少“狂热分子”会借机参加各种“圣诞趴”,来度过这个愉快的狂欢节。  小编在此为大家推荐几个圣诞装饰攻略,希望大家能够度过一个欢乐的圣诞节。  浪漫圣诞家装温暖寒冷冬日  圣诞节家庭装饰,必不可少的当然是圣诞树,网淘一颗小树,挂上彩带、雪花等圣诞小装饰,小价钱也能营造出温暖的圣诞氛围。圣诞节围坐在圣诞树旁,与家人聊聊一年的感触,看着孩子坐在地上拆着自己精心准备的小礼物,在家过一个暖心圣诞,也是不错的选择。    圣诞节家装圣诞树  惊艳圣诞妆容耀眼狂欢趴  对喜欢热闹的“派对狂欢族”来说,圣诞节当然也要借机狂欢一番。除了能够艳压全场的衣着外,惊艳妆容当然也是必不可少。化妆成一只惊艳全场的“魅力麋鹿”,说不定会又是另一番感觉。    圣诞节麋鹿妆  眼睛也要过圣诞浏览器也要圣诞起来  既然衣着家装都已经有着浓浓的圣诞味了,那对于我们每天目光停留久的地方――电脑当然也要“圣诞一番”。桌面换上了圣诞背景却总觉得还缺了点什么,使用最频繁的浏览器当然也要换。百度浏览器7.0推出了“变色龙”特效界面,可通过即时读取浏览器背后的桌面颜色,将其实时投射到主界面上,营造出梦幻般的朦胧效果,让浏览器保持和桌面色调一致。只需桌面换上圣诞背景,百度浏览器无需更改,便可随着桌面一起“圣诞起来”。  只需点击百度浏览器7.0界面上右上角的皮肤按钮,选择变色龙功能,系统便会自动依据桌面背景色进行调整。简单的一步操作,即可打造个性化只属于你的浏览器皮肤界面。    百度浏览器7.0变色龙功能操作界面    百度浏览器7.0使用变色龙后,所呈现出的特效界面  据悉,此次7.0版本做了重大突破,除了浏览器首创“变色龙”特效界面外,还有六重加速体系以及强大的抢票功能。值得一提的是,7.0六重加速中“海外加速”功能,可在用户浏览国外购物网站时,整体提速,让用户更加稳定快速得畅游外国购物网站。喜欢海淘的网友们,也不妨用百度浏览器海淘几个圣诞礼物送给家人朋友。全副武装的圣诞节,你还不快乐起来?
(来源:中华网财经 选稿:顾天娇 )


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