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基于Java ME无线网络移动端的俄罗斯方块游戏的实现有源程序代码.doc29页
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基于Java ME无线网络移动端的俄罗斯方块游戏的实现(有源程序代码)
关键词:无线网络移动端;Java ME;俄罗斯方块;游戏开发
Realization of the TETRIS Game Based On Mobile Platform of Java ME Wireless Network
Puzzle games are a pretty interesting type of game to create for Java ME. TETRIS is a great example of a mix of puzzle and action. TETRIS is one of the few games that achieve ultimate popularity. It is remarkably simple, yet remarkably difficult. The system is a TETRIS which is based on the platform of Java ME mobile wireless, applying Java ME Wireless Toolkit WTK to achieve using TETRIS in simulator. This article offers a brief introduction about the development of Java ME Wireless Toolkit. The design and the development are including three parts: TETRIS’s rules, the selecting of difficulty and the disposing of pieces. In the process of development and implementation, the article also interprets the TETRIS's rules and TETRIS’s characters to show all the process of the development and design.
Key words: wireless network UE; Java ME; TETRIS; game development
1.1 系统综述 1
1.2 Java ME游戏开发背景 1
1.3 无线网络移动端游戏发展现状 1
2 开发环境介绍 2
2.1 编程环境的选择 2
2.2 Java ME Wireless ToolkitWTK简介 4
2.3 Java ME Wireless ToolkitWTK开发环境的简介 5
3 游戏设计 7
3.1 俄罗斯方块游戏的背景 7
3.2 俄罗斯方块游戏的规则 7
3.3 俄罗斯方块游戏的特性 7
4 游戏系统分析设计 8
4.1 系统解决方案 8
4.2 系统总体结构 8
4.2.1 难度选择模块 9
4.2.2 方块处理模块 9
4.2.3 游戏规则模块 9
4.3 游戏中断处理流程 10
5 系统实现与测试 10
5.1 系统源文件结构 10
5.2 难度选择模块 11
5.2.1 难度选择模块结构 11
5.2.2 难度选择模块功能 12
5.3 游戏规则模块功能 14
5.3.1 游戏规则模块结
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