求 diabloprogress orion2001

This feature lists your most prevalent gear bonuses. You may select a bonus to see which items provide that bonus.
Cost: 20 FuryCall forth a massive hammer to smash enemies directly in front of you for 535% weapon damage. Hammer of the Ancients has a 1% increased Critical Hit Chance for every 5 Fury that you have.
Unlocked at level 2
Smash for 640% weapon damage as Fire.
Unlocked at level 15
Generate: 15 FuryCooldown: 10 secondsLeap into the air, dealing 180% weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yards of your destination and slowing their movement speed by 60% for 3 seconds.
Unlocked at level 8
Land with such force that enemies have a 100% chance to be stunned for 3 seconds.
Unlocked at level 60
Cooldown: 12 secondsDeal 380% weapon damage to all enemies within 9 yards.Critical Hits have a chance to reduce the cooldown of Overpower by 1 second.
Unlocked at level 9
Your Critical Hit Chance is increased by 8% for 5 seconds.Overpower's damage turns into Lightning.
Unlocked at level 23
Cooldown: 30 secondsReduce all damage taken by 50% and gain Immunity to all control-impairing effects for 5 seconds.
Unlocked at level 22
While Ignore Pain is active, gain 5364 Life per Fury spent.
Unlocked at level 36
Cost: 20 FuryEnter a rage which increases your damage by 10% and Critical Hit Chance by 3%. Lasts 120 seconds.
Unlocked at level 22
Critical Hits cause an explosion of blood dealing 20% of the damage done to all other nearby enemies.
Unlocked at level 54
Cost: 25 FuryCooldown: 60 secondsShake the ground violently, dealing 4200% weapon damage as Fire over 8 seconds to all enemies within 18 yards.
Unlocked at level 19
Increase Earthquake's damage to 5100% weapon damage as Fire.
Unlocked at level 50
Strength: 6830 Primary attribute for Barbarians and Crusaders. Increases all damage for Barbarians and Crusaders by 6830.00%. Increases Armor by 6830.
Dexterity: 77 Primary attribute for Demon Hunters and Monks. Increases all damage for Demon Hunters and Monks by 77.00%. Increases Armor by 7.70%.
Intelligence: 77 Primary attribute for Witch Doctors and Wizards. Increases all damage for Witch Doctors and Wizards by 77.00%. Increases resistances by 7.7.
Vitality: 1530 Increases Life, allowing more damage to be taken before dying. Each point of Vitality increases Life by 80.
Armor: 13805 Reduces all damage from enemies of the same level as you by 0.00%.
The amount of damage per second you can deal. Damage is based on your weapons, attributes, attack speed, Critical Hit Chance,
Critical Hit Damage, passive skills, and dual-wielding attack speed increase.
Toughness: 1903390 The total amount of raw damage you can take. Toughness is based on your maximum Life, armor, dodge chance,
average resistances, and missile, melee, and elite damage reduction.
Healing: 7716 The amount of Life you can recover every second in combat. Healing is based on your Life per Hit, Life per Second, Life Steal,
Life per Fury/Spirit/Wrath Spent, Life per Kill, and Health Globe Healing Bonus.
Maximum Life: 180615 If you lose all your Life, you die.
Life can be increased by skills, items, and Vitality.
Fury 146/146Generated when the Barbarian uses Fury generating skillsor takes damage. Used for more powerful Barbarian attacks.
Cooldown: 18 secondsCharms an enemy to fight for you for 8 seconds.
Unlocked at level 15
Buffs you and the Enchantress, increasing Armor by 3% and slowing melee attackers by 60% for 1 seconds.
Unlocked at level 20
Powered Armor
Cooldown: 6 secondsCast a flash of light in an area, causing enemies to be disoriented for 2 seconds.
Unlocked at level 25
A 40 yard aura that increases attack speed for you and the Enchantress by 3%.
Unlocked at level 30
Focused Mind
Magic Find
Cooldown: 4 secondsRanged attack that deals 140% weapon damage and slows enemies hit by 80% for 4 seconds.
Requires Bow
Unlocked at level 5
Crippling Shot
Cooldown: 6 secondsBlinds nearby enemies in front of the Scoundrel for 2 seconds.
Unlocked at level 10
Dirty Fighting
Cooldown: 8 secondsRanged attack that explodes on impact, dealing 310% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies within 10 yards and has a 100% chance to Stun enemies for 2 seconds.
Requires Bow
Unlocked at level 15
Powered Shot
Increases Critical Hit Chance by 1.8% for you and the Scoundrel.
Unlocked at level 20
Magic Find
Cooldown: 30 secondsHeals you and the Templar for 193112 Life.
Unlocked at level 5
Enemies that hit or are hit by the Templar are slowed by 80% for 3 seconds.
Unlocked at level 10
Cooldown: 10 secondsCharges a target, dealing 280% weapon damage and stunning all enemies within 8 yards for 3 seconds.
Unlocked at level 15
Cooldown: 30 secondsRush to your aid, knocking back enemies within 15 yards and healing you for 182383 Life.
Unlocked at level 20
Magic Find
Blood and Gore
Partial Nudity
Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Launcher Update
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亲,在吗,你有DiABLO ORiON 2001 软件
暗黑破坏神3早就出来了, 去商店买就有,我已经买过一碟了。
中 文 名:暗黑破坏神3
英 文 名:(Diablo 3)
公布时间 :
游戏平台:Windows和Mac OS X
暗黑破坏神3(Diablo 3)是著名动作角色扮演游戏《暗黑破坏神2》的续作,于日在法国巴黎举行的2008Blizzard全球邀请赛中公布研发暗黑破坏神 III及播放游戏试玩画面,已经知道有野蛮人、巫医、魔法师三个职业角色。目前以Windows和Mac OS X为支援平台。发行日期尚未公布。
《暗黑破坏神3》将像前作一样是一款动作角色扮演游戏。虽然《暗黑破坏神3》会保留很多原版的游戏特点,但它将着重在合作和小组配合上。《暗黑破坏神3》的专有引擎将使用Havok物理引擎来显示,玩家可损坏游戏环境。开发小组计划支持多种不同的系统组合,而且不要求Windows Vista的DirectX 10。暴雪娱乐准备同时间出版Microsoft Windows和Mac OS X版本,目前不准备支持游戏机平台。


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