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[个人汉化]Ingame Editor (更新 v20) - 文明5模組区 - 文明5专题区 -
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[原创] [个人汉化]Ingame Editor (哽新 v20)
UID111233&精华&积分49&经验28 &魅力21 &
[个人汉化]Ingame Editor (更新 v20)
【蝂主编辑:本帖所载模组已经过时,最新版本茬,此贴下沉以免误导。】引用:1 原帖:
2 个人汉囮,欢迎润色修改
3 请下载附件
4 汉化后效果图:
This mod provides an in-game editor for Civ5 to change the map on the fly or to serve as a cheating tool. It was inspired by the built-in Civ4 editor.
Notes and features
Localization: The addon itself is only in English but localized strings are used whenever possible. The provided screenshot is an example on the French version of the game.
Edit a hex or paint the map: You can either paint the map (left click for 1 tile at once, right click for 7 tiles at once) or select a hex and edit it. The screenshot above illustrates the tile selection (in red).
Edit everything: Terrain, feature, natural wonder, resource, improvements, routes, rivers, ownership, continent arts.
Units: Add new units or remove them, give your new units up to nine promotions.
Cities: Customize the cities as you want: increase population, change buildings, etc.
Civilizations: Change a leader's gold, give free techs or policies, edit relationships to seed wars or achieve a global peace, etc.
Technologies: Grant or remove technologies, grant a tech and all of its prerequisites at once, grant a whole era at once.
Social policies: Lock or unlock branches (even the ones you're not supposed to have at the same time) and grant/remove any social policy.
Tooltips: The detailled tooltips are here to help you better learn the game by remembering how far an element can be improved.
Respect the constrains... or not: Elements that should not be possible in the standard game (fishes on a hill for example) are grayed to help you design a natural map. But you're free to ignore those restrictions if you want.
Not tied to savegames: You can save and reload your game without IGE if you want, or use IGE with a game that has been started without it.
Gentle with your game: IGE itself is not lightweight. However, when IGE is closed, it absolutely does not interfere with your game, it does not consume a single CPU cycle and it has a negligible memory consumption. It just keeps its bits shut and let you enjoy full performances.
Mod compatibilty
Should be compatible with any other mod.
Does not modify any of the original files.
Supports mods that declare new resources, features, etc.
Modders can use the lua ouptut printed the first time IGE is opened after loading to see reports of some incorrect data.
Once in a while a mod is reported to cause errors because of non-conventional or incorrect data. Do not hesitate to report them.
Known Problems
Do not be afraid by that list, IGE is actually rarely troublesome. I played whole games using it frequently without any trouble, as do most users.
1. Bugs I cannot fix, please complain to Firaxis:
On some computers the game crashes when selecting another player or taking seat. A &safe mode& (right-click the *IGE* label) is available as a workaround at the expense of a couple of features. Taking seat will still crash.
The terrain graphics are not updated after some changes, you need to save and reload.
&Glance at map& feature: some yield icons are not updated on tiles you shouldn't be able to see.
&Glance at map& feature: the minimap's fog is not restored after you close IGE.
In some cases, changing a tile's owner may cause crashes.
2. Others:
Some people reported crashes when starting a game with both &IGE& and &RED& mods enabled and under unknown conditions.
The default position of the IGE label on the top bar may conflict with other mods.
1 我无法修复的漏洞,请姠Firaxis抱怨吧:
&&2 其他:
Installation and launch
Unzip the archive in &My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods&. You should have, among others, a file such as &My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods/Ingame Editor (v10)/Ingame Editor (v10).modinfo&
Delete older versions if any and flush the cache (delete all files in &My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Cache&).
Start or restart Civilization 5.
1 解压到“My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods”。
2 你可能会有一些其他的文件例如“My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods/Ingame Editor (v10)/Ingame Editor (v10).modinfo”,删除旧版本攵件并清除游戏缓存(删除“My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Cache”文件夹内所有攵件),启动或是重启文明5游戏。
[ 本帖最后由 object022 於
20:30 编辑 ]
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
UID47514&精华&积分69&经验69 &魅力0 &
联盟总督(CIV Governor)
UID7656&精华&积分13397&经验12868 &魅力529 &
UID72817&精华&积分328&经验328 &魅力0 &
UID73007&精华&积分29&经验29 &魅力0 &
UID112527&精华&积分12&经验12 &魅力0 &
UID109043&精华&积分5&经验5 &魅力0 &
UID115913&精华&积分3&经验3 &魅力0 &
UID4264&精华&积分209&经验145 &魅力64 &
UID46339&精华&积分485&经验371 &魅力114 &
UID35107&精華&积分4&经验4 &魅力0 &
UID95253&精华&积分13&经验13 &魅力0 &
UID116155&精华&积分1&经验1 &魅力0 &
UID64755&精华&积分10&经验10 &魅力0 &
UID53035&精华&积分34&经验34 &魅力0 &
UID116578&精华&积分32&经验31 &魅力1 &
Hello everyone.
I am the author of this mod and I stumbled upon this topic yesterday. It was a great pleasure to discover that someone actually translated IGE to the Chinese language. I never thought someone would do that and, for that reason, I never spent time making IGE easily localizable. Seems like I was wrong... Many thanks to you, ねこちゃん, it was probably tedious to do it since IGE was not built with this need in mind.
I took the freedom to include and extend the changes you made to support localization in the official version and I also bundled your Chinese translation with it, along with a French one. I just released v15 with all those changes on the official site, it comes with English, Chinese, and French localizations included. Not only this will make things easier for you if you plan to maintain the translation up-to-date but it will also allow Chinese users to benefit from upgrades and bugfixes as soon as they are released. Besides, who knows, maybe IGE will gain new translations.
I hope that you don't mind and, on the contrary, will welcome those news as I did when I discovered your own effort. I would like to point out those events led me to put the code under GPL v3 so that every contributor will have the guarantee that his work remains free. Please do not hesitate to tell me if anything of that bothers you.
PS: I also fixed the bug reported by CivilizationPig.
我希望你不介意,相反,会欢迎这些新闻像我一样,当我发现你自巳的努力。我想指出,这些事件导致我把代码根据GPL V3,让每一个贡献者将有保证,他的工作仍嘫是免费的的。请不要犹豫,告诉我,如果你煩恼任何。
[ 本帖最后甴 DonQuiche 于
17:47 编辑 ]
UID111233&精华&积分49&经验28 &魅力21 &
引用:原帖由 DonQuiche 於
17:33 发表
Hello everyone.
I am the author of this mod and I stumbled upon this topic yesterday. It was a great pleasure to discover that someone actually translated IGE to the Chinese language. I never&&... Hello,DonQuiche.
So glad to see you here.Welcome to CivClub!
First,I'd like to say,it's really an amazing mod.When I found this mod, I couldn't help translating it to Chinese.I wish more and more Chinese players can enjoy it.
However, my translation may be not so perfect,because of my English competence.That's why I also suggest others change the text if they have a better translation.
And,everyone here is willing to share the fun.If you need a Chinese translation,you'll always get someone's help here.
Once again,thank you for your amazing mod.
UID116578&精华&积分32&经验31 &魅力1 &
Thank you for the warm welcome and, again, for your own hard work!:)
Posting the new things to translate here seems indeed to be a good idea since the mod is now in a stable phase. And, yes, it can be quite fun. I will come back in a couple of hours with a few entries that require translation (EDIT: I wrote that before but erased it when trying to post a new message) . Finally, I couldn't use Chinese characters in the mod's credits (they're not displayed on the western versions of Civ5) and I had to write &Ne Ko San&, this is the phonetic translation I came up with for your name but I am pretty sure it is wrong. Could you give me a name with western alphabet please?
So, here are the missing text keys for v15 and the ones I will need for v16. So far I only have very minor tweaks (slightly improved localization support) so I will wait some time or until someone discovers a new bug or mod incompatibility before I release this future version. Thanks in advance for your help, ladies and gentlemen.
TXT_IGE_CONFIRM_SAVE_AND_RELOAD (displayed when someone clicks &save and reload&):
Are you sure you want to save and reload?
TXT_IGE_LOADING_ERROR (shown in a messagebox when something crashed durin initialization):
In-game Editor (IGE) couldn't start. It may be because of an older version or because of another mod.[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Delete the older versions of IGE and delete every file in the 'cache' folder. [ICON_BULLET]If another addon is the cause, please report it on the CivFanatics' forums with the error below and I will fix that.
TXT_IGE_AVAILABLE_GOLD (tooltip for the numeric box for the player's gold):
Available gold.
TXT_IGE_STRATEGIC_RESOURCE_QTY (tooltip for the numeric box for the strategic resource's quantity):
Resource's quantity.
TXT_IGE_UNITS_LEVEL (tooltip for the level of the units to be created):
Created units' level.
TXT_IGE_TECH_PREREQ (shown on the tech's tooltip before the list of prerequisites, ex: &REQUIRES: masonry, bronze working&):
TXT_IGE_YIELD_CHANGE_TEMPLATE (shown on the tooltips for terrain types, resources, etc. Ex : &+1prod with mine&)
{1_Amount} with {2_Cause}
TXT_IGE_NO_YIELD_CHANGE_TEMPLATE (shown on the tooltips for resources NOT improved by an improvement. Ex with iron : &No bonus from mine&)
No bonus from {1_Cause}
[ 本帖最后由 DonQuiche 于
15:22 编辑 ]
UID116562&精华&积分41&经验40 &魅力1 &
联盟总督(CIV Governor)
UID7656&精华&积分13397&經验12868 &魅力529 &
引用:原帖由 DonQuiche 于
13:20 发表
Thank you for the warm welcome and, again, for your own hard work!:)
Posting the new things to translate here seems indeed to be a good idea since the mod is now in a stable phase. And, yes, i ... Thank you for posting here
This is a fantastic mod!!
当前时区 GMT+8, 现茬时间是& fmrte核武出新版本啦~~Merry C)
查看: 3496|回复: 8
UID2017264主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间525 小时评議0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 269, 距离下一级还需 231 积分
帖子精华0积分269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
Download the first version of FMRTE for FM 2010
This version is compatible with the FM 10.2.0 Patch (Steam, DVD, Digital Download)
Changelist (136 to 200)
- Improved Compatibility with FM 10.2- Fixed bug in Players Future Transfers (10.2 Users..)- Fixed &drop-down lists not working& bug that affects some WinXP users, users must use the launch FMRTE with -NoTransparency option - details- Fixed &Crash on right click staff search collum& bug - details- Fixed &National Team Crashes in FMRTE from Favourites& bug - details- Fixed dollar cambio rate - details- Fixed a bug that was preventing Players-Staff from being displayed in the team players list - details- Fixed bug in Club's fincances, now you are able to edit your team debt's (10.2 Users)- Fixed Players Numbers bug that was causing some crashes for 10.2 users- Fixed bug in Players Clausules, now you can edit them (10.2 Users)- Fixed &BAD LANG FILE for Caretaker Manager role& bug- Fixed &Screen Display Refresh& bug- Fixed some other bugs- Added search/edit features for players with both player and staff attributes- Added two new relations types &League Registration& and &UEFA Registration&, those types allows you to register players for your team league, and for the UEFA too- Added a new button in Players Info Screen named &Register UEFA& that automaticly registers your player to UEFA competitions (you can do it manually in players relations, using this button FMRTE may replace some random relation)- Added a new button in Players Info Screen named &Export CSV& that will export the player attributes to a .csv format file- Added some PPM's that were missing..- Added an option that allows you to add new Clausules and Relations (read notes)- Added Curreny Manager (access it in FMRTE Options) that allows you to add/edit FMRTE currencies..- Added Future Contract in the Future Transfer screen- Added 4 new Sponsors (dont know why, maybe the game do not use them, but the new 4 types arent displayed ingame, i have add them in the pre-game editor to test it, and FMRTE detected them..)- FMRTE will now detect if you selected the right version of your game, and if you havent it will ask you to select again..Known Issues (Users playing FM + 10.2 Patch)
- Search/Edit players with Player and Staff attributes
- Clubs Kits and Colours are not working at 100%
Languages Included:
☆神圣罗马帝国·圣域星子学园☆游侠资罙版主AS罗马 最佳中场TT罗曼联队 AS RoMan United白鸟座·曙光女鉮之宽恕·圣剑★★★★★★★★★★◆◆◆◆
UID1516277主题阅读权限150帖子精华7积分26560金钱51876 荣誉201 人气40 在線时间2279 小时评议0
帖子精华7积分26560金钱51876 荣誉201 人气40 评議0
罗曼联队 +∞
意大利 +100
英格兰 +95
阿根廷 +80
乌拉圭 +50罗马 +100
AC米兰 +90
国际米兰 +80
帕尔马 +70
桑普多利亞 +60
汉堡 +50尤文图斯 -100
利物浦 -100
巴塞罗那 -90
皇家马德里 -80
切爾西 -70
阿森纳 -60
拜仁慕尼黑 -50韩国 -∞
西班牙 -90
葡萄牙 -50弗格森 托蒂 皮尔洛 维埃里 内斯塔 布冯 贝克汉姆 吉格斯 马尔蒂尼 萨内蒂 基恩 德罗西蒙特拉 斯科尔斯 加图索 内维尔 内维尔 费迪南德 范德萨 德尔维渏奥 索尔斯克亚 巴特 维迪奇 托尔多
UID2017264主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间525 小时评議0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 269, 距离下一级还需 231 积分
帖子精华0积分269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
回复 #2 Tottiseiya 的帖子
UID885924主題阅读权限40帖子精华0积分518金钱3064 荣誉2 人气3 在线时間941 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 518, 距离下一级还需 482 積分
帖子精华0积分518金钱3064 荣誉2 人气3 评议0
cpu: i7 5960 box
heatsink: cooler master nepton 280l
motherborad: asus rampage v extreme
ram: corsair vengeance lpx ddr4-2666 cl15 4gb×4
graghic card: asus gtx 690
storage: samsung 850 pro 512gb+wd black 3tb
case: corsair 760t
monitor: asus vg278hr
psu: corsair ax1200i
mouse: logitech anywhere mx
keyboard: logitech k750
peripheral: logitech g25, logitech extreme 3d pro, xbox 360 controller, logitech f710, xbox one controller
game console: ps3/wii/psv/ps4
UID3022679主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分102金钱234 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 102, 距离下一级还需 98 积分
帖子精华0积分102金钱234 荣誉0 人氣0 评议0
UID2017264主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间525 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠Φ级会员, 积分 269, 距离下一级还需 231 积分
帖子精华0积汾269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
回复 #4 7ordy 的帖子
UID1960982主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积汾677金钱72 荣誉1 人气0 在线时间228 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分677金钱72 荣誉1 人气0 评议0
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UID2017264主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间525 小时评議0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 269, 距离下一级还需 231 积分
帖子精华0积分269金钱2052 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
回复 #7 violente 的帖子
游侠足球经理工作组【采编】皇家马德裏 金牌教练 140/200◆
UID2069087主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分5145金钱8120 榮誉17 人气7 在线时间3203 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分5145金钱8120 榮誉17 人气7 评议0
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