Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regioinner join是什么意思思

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Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
<font color="#03-04-02 12:58
Brief Introduction To Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
&&& Brief Introduction: Situated on China's
northern frontier, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region shares a 4,220 km
borderline with Mongolia and Sibera. It covers an area of 1.183 million sq km
inhabited by 22.32 million people of the Mongol, Han, Duar, Ewenki, Hui, Manchu
and other ethnic groups. The regional capital is Hohhot, a railway hub in the
central part of the autonomous region.&& Climate:
Inner Mongolia, with a temperate continental monsoon climate, has a
cold, long winter with frequent blizzards and a warm, short summer. Except for
the relatively humid Greater Hinggan Mountain area, the greater part of Inner
Mongolia is, from west to east, arid, semi-arid and semi-humid.&&
Topography: Inner Mongolia forms the greater part of the Inner
Mongolia Plateau, with the Greater Hinggan and Yinshan ranges stretching from
northeast to southwest. It may be divided into six zones according to
The Mausoleum of Genghis
Khanits terrain. 1) The northeastern part
is made up of the Greater Hinggan range, with an elevation of 1,000-2,000 meters
and dense forests. 2)The Hulun Buir Plateau west of the Greater Hinggan range,
about 1,000 meters above sea level, has vast grasslands well suited for grazing.
3) The Northern Inner Mongolia Plateau, also 1,000 meters above sea level,
comprises vast excellent natural pasturelands. There are many deserts on the
plateau, especially in its west. 4) The Songliao Plain east of the Greater
Hinggan range adjoins the Northeast Plain. 5) The Hetao Plain, Known as the
"granary along the Great Wall", between the Yinshan Mountains and the Yellow
River is crisscrossed by streams and fields. 6) The Ordos Plateau stands south
of the Yellow River at a height of 1,200 meters.&&
Agriculture: Inner Mongolia is a major stockbreeding center
known for its Sanhe Horses, Sanhe Oxen and fine wool sheep. Apart from wheat,
oat, millet, sorghum, maize, potato and rice, a wide range of cash crops are
grown, including soy beans, linseed, rapeseed, castor-oil plants and
sugar-beets. The Greater Hinggan range makes up one-sixth of the country's total
timber reserves.&& The region has large deposits of iron,
chromium, copper, lead, zinc, gold, mica salt and mirabilite. Founded in many
parts of Inner Mongolia is coal, the reserves of which total 198.2 billion tons
-- second largest in China those of Shanxi Province.&Coal is mined in four
large open-cut mines and other collieries. Huge quantities of it are turned into
electric current at thermal power plants and carried by high-voltage
transmission lines to North and Northeast China.
&&& Tourism: Inner Mongolia is rich in tourist
attractions: Colorful ethnic culture, grassland scenery, the virgin forests in
the Greater Hinggan Mountains, grand views along the Yellow River, the majestic
Xiangsha Gulf, rivers and lakes, and springs. Inner Mongolia is home to the
Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, the Zhaojun Tomb, ancient Great Wall, Wudang
Monastery at the bottom of the Yinshan Mountains, Wuta Monastery, Bailing
Temple, and tomb murals dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220).内蒙古自治区(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region)
&&& 内蒙古简称“蒙”,省会呼和浩特,全区阵势较高,均匀海拔高度1000米阁下,,高原型的地貌区,属于闻名的亚洲中部蒙古高原的东南部及其周沿地带,,统称内蒙古高原,是中国四大高原中的第二大高原。内蒙古位于中国北部边疆,北与蒙古国、俄罗斯交界,面积118.3万平方公里,在世界各省、市、自治区中名列第三位;由蒙古、汉、满、回、达斡尔、鄂温克、鄂伦春、朝鲜等49个民族构成。制止2012年底,全区总生齿为2489.85万人。
  内蒙古境内京通、京包、包兰、集通、临策铁路横贯对象,是毗连东北、华北、西北的纽带。满洲里和二连浩特是两个大型陆运港口,毗连着俄罗斯和蒙古,并可直达欧洲诸国。制止2012年底,总里程到达163763公里 ,个中高速达3110公里。内蒙古辖区正式运营的机场为13个,通用机场1个。2012年,内蒙古地域游客吞吐量到达人次,货邮吞吐量到达60281吨。
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