be worth too be troust forever

I Can Wait Forever - 林志炫 I can wait forever IfI Can Wait Forever - 林志炫I can wait foreverIf you say youll be there tooI can wait forever if you willI know its worth it all, to spend my life aloneI can wait foreverIf you say youll be there _作业帮
I Can Wait Forever - 林志炫 I can wait forever IfI Can Wait Forever - 林志炫I can wait foreverIf you say youll be there tooI can wait forever if you willI know its worth it all, to spend my life aloneI can wait foreverIf you say youll be there
I Can Wait Forever - 林志炫 I can wait forever IfI Can Wait Forever - 林志炫I can wait foreverIf you say youll be there tooI can wait forever if you willI know its worth it all, to spend my life aloneI can wait foreverIf you say youll be there tooI can wait forever if you willI can wait forever more,I can wait foreverIf you say youll be there tooI can wait forever if you willI can wait forever more,I can wait forever
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By Michael Snyder, on July 20th, 2013
It is so sad to watch one of America’s greatest cities die a horrible death.
Once upon a time, the city of Detroit was a teeming metropolis of 1.8 million people and it had the highest per capita income in the United States.
Now it is a rotting, decaying hellhole of about 700,000 people that the rest of the world makes jokes about.
On Thursday, we learned that the decision had been made for the city of Detroit to formally file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy.
It was going to be the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the United States by far, but on Friday it was stopped at least temporarily by an Ingham County judge.
She ruled that Detroit’s bankruptcy filing
because it would result in reduced pension payments for retired workers.
She also stated that Detroit’s bankruptcy filing was ““, and she ordered that a copy of her judgment be sent to Barack Obama.
How “honoring the president” has anything to do with the bankruptcy of Detroit is a bit of a mystery, but what that judge has done is ensured that there will be months of legal wrangling ahead over Detroit’s money woes.
It will be very interesting to see how all of this plays out.
But one thing is for sure – the city of Detroit is flat broke.
One of the greatest cities in the history of the world is just a shell of its former self.
The following are 25 facts about the fall of Detroit that will leave you shaking your head…
1) At this point, the city of Detroit owes money .
2) Detroit is facing
in debt and unfunded liabilities.
That breaks down to more than $25,000 per resident.
3) Back in 1960, the city of Detroit actually had the
in the entire nation.
4) In 1950, there were
manufacturing jobs in Detroit.
Today, there are .
5) Between , 48 percent of the manufacturing jobs in the state of Michigan were lost.
6) There are lots of houses available for sale in Detroit
for $500 or less.
7) At this point, there are approximately
in the city.
of Detroit’s 140 square miles is either vacant or derelict.
9) An astounding
of the residents of the city of Detroit are functionally illiterate.
of the residents of Detroit over the age of 16 are working at this point.
11) If you can believe it,
of all children in the city of Detroit are living in poverty.
12) Detroit was once the fourth-largest city in the United States, but over the past 60 years the population of Detroit has fallen by .
13) The city of Detroit is now very heavily dependent on the tax revenue it pulls in from the casinos in the city.
Right now, Detroit is bringing in
in tax revenue from the casinos.
14) There are
“Superfund” hazardous waste sites in Detroit.
of the street lights do not work.
of the ambulances are running.
17) Some ambulances in the city of Detroit have been used for so long that they have
of the parks in the city of Detroit have been permanently closed down since 2008.
19) The size of the police force in Detroit has been cut
over the past decade.
20) When you call the police in Detroit, it takes them an average of
to respond.
21) Due to budget cutbacks, most police stations in Detroit are now closed to the public .
22) The violent crime rate in Detroit is
than the national average.
23) The murder rate in Detroit is
than it is in New York City.
24) Today, police solve
of the crimes that are committed in Detroit.
25) Crime has gotten so bad in Detroit that even the police are telling people to ““.
It is easy to point fingers and mock Detroit, but the truth is that the rest of America is going down the exact same path that Detroit has gone down.
Detroit just got there first.
All over this country, there are hundreds of state and local governments …
“Everyone will say, ‘Oh well, it’s Detroit. I thought it was already in bankruptcy,’ ” said Michigan State University economist Eric Scorsone. “But Detroit is not unique. It’s the same in Chicago and New York and San Diego and San Jose. It’s a lot of major cities in this country. They may not be as extreme as Detroit, but a lot of them face the same problems.”
A while back, Meredith Whitney
for predicting that there would be a huge wave of municipal defaults in this country.
When it didn’t happen, the critics let her have it mercilessly.
But Meredith Whitney was not wrong.
She was just early.
Detroit is only just the beginning.
When , we are going to see a wave of municipal bankruptcies unlike anything we have ever seen before.
And of course the biggest debt problem of all in this country .
We are going to pay a great price for piling up nearly 17 trillion dollars of debt and over 200 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities.
All over the nation, our economic infrastructure is being gutted, debt levels are exploding and poverty is spreading.
We are consuming far more wealth than we are producing, and our share of global GDP has been declining dramatically.
We have been living way above our means for so long that we think it is “normal”, but an extremely painful “adjustment” is coming and most Americans are not going to know how to handle it.
So don’t laugh at Detroit.
The economic pain that Detroit is experiencing will be coming to your area of the country soon enough.
DVDs By MichaelVenice gondolier sun ( December 16, 2007 )


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