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> 模拟人生之自由行动 5.7.0模拟人生之自由行动 5.7.0模拟人生之自由行动 5.7.0介绍EA大作模拟人生之自由行动The Sims? FreePlay已登录Android,你可在游戏中满足多大达16位市民的突发奇想。这款游戏包含了你在PC版《模拟人生 The Sims FreePlay》游戏中可找到的大多数内容,包括为你的市民设计及建造房屋,种植花草,喂养宠物等。游戏特点:为你的市民设计梦想的家或者提供设施完备的房子;照顾宠物,种植花草,烘焙蛋糕;给你的市民分配职业,让他们赚取模拟货币来改善自身的状况;完成任务目标获得Lifestyle点数,然后用它们换取漂亮的物品;与你的市民们一起共享真实的时间(不论你身处白天或是夜晚,你的模拟市民们也处于相同的时间);你的市民们会成为朋友还是敌人?通过掌击,以手合掌高举头顶(或者发出一些“呜呼”声)来形成人际关系。让你的城镇到处都是宠物商店,汽车经销店以及超市。当你有了更多的市民时,扩张你的城市。你需要连接到互联网才能玩《模拟人生 The Sims FreePlay》。你可以定制你的模拟市民,比如你想要他们看起来像什么,你获得更多的市民,你的城市就能发展得更大。1.3.3版本更新日志:为你的模拟市民的婴儿购买生日蛋糕其他新功能包括:扮靓胸部、婚礼服、儿童商店、狗加强兼容性。1.5.5版本更新日志:优化游戏操作v1.7.7版本更新日志: * *包括关键补丁来解决稳定性和帧速率的问题* *猎鬼:收集所有12个鬼,十一月十二日开启限量版的鬼屋建立一个服装店在你的模拟市民镇购买幽灵服装建立竞争中心和获得奖励赢得空手道,芭蕾舞,和猎鬼。增加了从宝石迷阵不错过“鱼”的猫和从植物大战僵尸“蠢人”装备
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For the Sims 3 game of the similar same name, see .
The Sims 2: Seasons is the fifth
for . It was developed by , released on March 1, 2007 in North America, and was followed by the European release on March 2, 2007. Aspyr released a
port of the game in June 2007.
The Sims 2: Seasons enhances gameplay by adding seasons and weather mechanics. Each season lasts around five sim days and brings with it new challenges and gameplay options. A new type of sim known as a plant-sim is also added. They operate using different mechanics to normal sims. The expansion pack introduced a new neighbourhood called Riverblossom Hills. Like previous games, it has a storyline but no linear gameplay.
A PlantSim toddler.
The Sims 2 Seasons expansion pack introduces two new game play concepts to
and . Each season lasts for approximately five Sim days and players have the option to alter their order of progression.
Sims are able to
during the , rake fallen leaves in , jump in
and occasionally experience heat stroke in . Besides being a visually interactive addition, each season enhances Sim's attributes in certain ways.
There is weather within each season, including , ,
(there is another type of weather called the rain of fire due to the malfunction of the new aspiration reward object, which is a weather control machine). Although weather was originally planned for release in the original Sims 2 base game, a 3D rendering error prevented this from being possible: rain would fall into enclosed housing areas, and other graphical rendering problems would occur[]. Weather may also adversely affect Sims. New to The Sims 2 is a thermometer that shows how hot or cold a Sim is. The thermometer goes red when a Sim is too hot or has sunburn and goes cold when a Sim has been playing in the snow for too long. However, this does present disadvantages. An example is a Sim getting a cold or getting too hot after too many showers. For example, heat in summer may cause a Sim to experience heatstroke or receive a sunburn. Sims who are outside during the winter may feel cold, though they can be warmed in various ways. Sims can die due to heatstroke and they can also freeze to death. Other Sims have the option of a "thaw" interaction, provided their relationship is high enough. Children who are allowed to get too cold or too hot do not die, but are instead taken away by social services. Rarely, Sims who go outside during a rainstorm can be struck by lightning, but this more commonly happens to trees or other objects. A Sim who survives gets blackened hair and skin that do not come off until the Sim's next shower or bath. Also, if a Sim stays out in a hailstorm for too long they will die.
Plant Sims are the new creatures that comes with The Sims 2: Seasons. Plant Sims have green skin with vine-like tattoos, special leaf or flower made hair and yellow eyes, and will obtain a gold gardening badge when they become a plant sim, if they didn't already have one. In order to become a Plant Sim, a Sim must spray their orchard trees or plants in excess. However, baby through college age sims do not use excess pesticides. The plant Sim condition can be cured by calling a garden club member or gypsy and buying a potion.
Plant Sims only age within three life stages: ,
and . Besides aging differences, they have three needs: sunlight, water and love. Plant Sims also gain a prank interaction (pollen cloud), the ability to release spores of happiness, and the ability to reproduce. Spawned offspring begin life as toddlers and have a gold gardening badge and the same skills and personality as their parent. However, their facial genes are a combination of the parent and a hidden
named Ideal Plantsim.
With a high enough gardening skill Sims can talk to plants and turn a hum-drum orange tree, vegetable or fruit plant grow to vibrant status thereby increasing the harvest yield. There is a new object, the "Juicer" which will allow Sims to create custom juices from their own harvest.
Features from the existing expansion packs such as the influence system, turn ons/turn offs, lifetime wants, pranks, fury, Mrs. Crumplebottom and talent badges are available. Although the talent badges included in Open For Business are not available in the Seasons expansion pack, talent badges can be earned for activities such as fishing and gardening without Open for Business installed.
System requirements
The Sims 2: Seasons was officially announced in an EA press release on December 12, 2006. In it, Rod Humble, Vice President and Studio Head of The Sims division said "The Sims 2 Seasons really delivers what the players have been asking for—a unique gaming experience offering new seasonal, outdoor activities that players can engage in. And because each season unfolds differently, winter, spring, summer and fall will look different from the year before, guaranteeing a fresh experience each season," Although the official announcement occurred on December 12, the expansion had been announced on the website six days before, and flyers found in The Sims 2: Pets had also advertised it.
Weather was originally planned to be an element in The Sims 2. The Sims 2 preview at E3 2003 demonstrated rain and lightning effects. However, it suffered from technical glitches. Rain would fall inside sim's homes and Maxis was unable to remove it. Hacks did exist to make rain possible in the game but these too were glitchy and were not supported by Maxis.
On December 1, 2006, several major fansites were invited to Redwood Shores to take a look at the game. The build shown at the event was still in a pre-alpha stage. Final decisions regarding content and gameplay had not been made.
The expansion pack received several new graphical features. The snow effects were created using a technique called procedural generation. The developers also went to great lengths to ensure that snow would appear on custom-created objects. Pools were also updated with effects such as reflective-water and real-time shadows. The flooring and walls of pools were also made customisable.
For this expansion pack,
versions of songs from popular artists were recorded:
"Mr. High And Mighty" -
"Blue Jeans Pizza" -
"N" - The Breadbox Band
"The Next One" - The Chris McCarty Band
"Close Your Eyes" -
The Sims Seasons received generally favorable reviews.
from The Sims 2 website
from The Sims 2 website
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