
案例环境: & 启动一台数据库服务器(Windows Server 2003)的Reporting Service(SQL Server 2008 R2)服务时,出现如下错误信息:
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot start service ReportServer on computer 'xxx'. ---& ponentModel.Win32Exception: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.Start(String[] args)
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.Start()
at ReportServicesConfigUI.Panels.ServerInformationPanel.StartStopServiceTask(Boolean start)从网上搜索了一些资料后发现:出现这个错误是因为安装了MS12-070 security patch (/kb/2716429) 导致:因为安装了这个安全补丁后,当.NET应用程序启动时, .NET Framework就会尝试去验证Microsoft程序集是否正确并且没有被修改过。.NET Framework是通过连接到公布在互联网的服务器来验证的。当.NET Framework框架试图连接到互联网上的服务器去验证时超时或时间比较长,这就会使得其他超时设置比较短的.NET 应用程序(如 SSIS 或 SSRS)启动失败,出现下面错误信息。 &&& "The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion." 英文原文如下所: When a .NET application startup the .NET Framework it tries to check if the Microsoft assemblies are right and have not been modified, this is done connecting to a server that has a revocation list in internet. When the framework tries to connect to the server to check if it has access to internet with an elevated timeout, this makes that any other .NET application that has less timeout setting fails (as SSIS or SSRS) with the error message you are getting. The error message you are getting when you try to start SSRS: "The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion." Means that the SSRS timeout is lower than the timeout of the connection to the revoke list server. Some recent windows updates have introduced this issue after you installed SP2 of SSRS 2008 R2. We are& aware of this problem and we have already provided several workarounds. This issue affects to all applications that runs on .NET framework 2.0 and there are several workarounds for this problem & & 解决方法: & 第一种解决方案:&&& 1: 点击开始(Start)菜单,点击运行(Run),输入regedit命令 &&& 2: 找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control. &&& 3: 找到ServicesPipeTimeout选项,单击右键选项“编辑”选项,选择“Decimal"选项,输入60000. 有可能你找不到ServicesPipeTimeout选项,这时你就需要新建该选项。然后如上所述设置其值。
&&& 4:设置完成后,需要重启服务器才能生效。 我按上面方案就讲问题解决了,博客Reporting Services service doesn't start after the installation of MS12-070 security patch中介绍,如果第一种方案没有解决问题,可以通过下面第二种方案、第三种方案解决问题 第二种解决方案: &&& 如果第一种方案没有解决问题,你可以通过通过设置ReportingServicesService.exe.config配置文件禁用认证检查。ReportingServicesService.exe.config通常位于C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\&RS Instance&\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin 。其中我这台服务器的路径为C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin ,在ReportingServicesService.exe.config 添加"&generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/&" 英文原文如下:2nd workaround:&If the first action plan didn't work, try disabled the certificate checking in the ReportingServicesService.exe.config file:&Edit the ReportingServicesService.exe.config file usually located in this folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\&RS Instance&\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin&Add the "&generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/&" within the &Runtime& tag&Patch the server with the KB.&If you want to distribute this workaround to many users you can créate a script in PowerShell&第三种解决方案:&&& 在控制面板里面找到”Internet Option“,在高级设置里面找到”Check for publisher's certificate revocation" 选项,去掉勾选即可。如果 SSRS服务是以Network Service账号启动,那么修改“Internet Option”选项并不会使之生效。如果是这样,你可以为SSRS服务账号修改下面一些配置,修改注册表 HKEY_USERS\&SID&\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WinTrust\TrustProviders\Software 下State值 从原先的0x00023c00改为0x00023e00
英文原文如下:3rd workaround: Another option would be disabling the global checking of the certificated in the machine following the steps below:o&& Start -& Control panel&&& o&& Internet Options&&& o&& Advanced&&& o&& Uncheck "Check for publisher’s certificate revocation"If the services are running under the Network Service account the change to the revocation in internet options is not working for them. In that case, you can perform the following changes for the SSRS service account: Modify the following setting in the registry: HKEY_USERS\&SID&\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WinTrust\TrustProviders\Software Where the default value for State key is 0x00023c00 And you will need to change it to 0x00023e00 (More information in: /kb/2715304) In order to get the Windows SID for this user and be able to find out the previous registry key, please follow the below instructions. Download SPGETSID tool from /en-us/sysinternals/bb897417.aspx Once it is installed and save to a local file, open a cmd window (with administrator privileges ) and navigate through the cmd to the folder where this spgetsid.exe is located. Then type the following command line:&&& spgetsid domain\user&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (where the domain\user is your SSRS service account)& Once get the SID please go to the previous registry key for this user and apply the change.S-1-5-20 is the SID for Network Service, and for other SIDs: /kb/243330 SID: S-1-5-18 Name: Local System Description: A service account that is used by the operating system.SID: S-1-5-19 Name: NT Authority Description: Local ServiceSID: S-1-5-20 Name: NT Authority Description: Network Service参考资料: /b/mariae/archive//reporting-services-service-doesn-t-start-after-the-installation-of-ms12-070-security-patch.aspx http://social./Forums/systemcenter/en-US/bd613e3a-3c77-4a85-ad02-c81de5a21287/i-cannot-start-the-sql-server-reporting-services-sce-service?forum=systemcenter http://social./Forums/sqlserver/en-US/c1-4f82-880b-6c/reportserver-service-suddenly-will-not-start-at-all?forum=sqlreportingservices
Reporting Service 办事启动时报错The service did not respond ...Reporting Service 办事启动时报错The service did not respond to the start or cAdmin 日 案例景象: 启动一台数据库办事器(Windows Server 2003...数据库技术(MS SQL) - 随笔分类 - 潇湘隐者 - 博客园Reporting Service 服务启动时报错The service did not respond to the start or ... 今天开发同事找我,说为什么Reporting Services服务器的报表管理的订阅选项里面只有...蓝屏代码:0x000077_百度知道6个回答 - 提问时间: 日36 0x0024 开启的分享文件数量太多。 38 0x0026 到达文件结尾。 39 0x0027 ...D The service did not respond to the start or control request ...安装SQL2005时出错:安装程序在正在设置reporting service 和share...安装SQL2005时出错:安装程序在正在设置reporting service 和share point 排除路径期 安装sql server2005的时候遇到如标题所示错误,哪位大侠指点一下啊,急 ...前端Nginx,后端Apache获取用户真实IP | 系统运维 | _数据库_... Reporting Service 服务启动时报错The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion 电商在什么情况下选择外包仓储配送? 别眼红...电脑故障维修判断指导大全(联想内部文件)-w853319-ChinaUnix博客C. 检查操作系统是否安装了合适的系统补丁(对于Winnt可在启动时观察service pack的版本,推荐使用SP6;Win2k和Winxp可以在系统属性中查看,Win2k推荐使用SP3,Winxp推荐...【十】启动 Integration Service 服务时报错[AUTHEN_10000] The Service Manager failed to authenticate user [ADMIN...注意:修改密码后先要重启repository service ,然后再启动 Integration ...RAC11.完整安装笔记与一些故障解决 - wonder_2012的专栏 -... 已成功创建并启动 ASM。 已成功创建磁盘组CRSDATA... Did not succssfully configure and start ASM at ... De-configuring Local Service Names ...Silent Installation静默安装11gR2 DB SERVER单机并手动建库步骤 ...that service, use the SERVICE_NAME parameter with... We did expdp on AIX server with mutliple files...start crs后,node1的上资源服务启动是正常的*(有...电脑故障维修判断指导大全_爱老虎U_新浪博客每天下班关了电脑为什么早上电脑是开着的而且是蓝屏?真..._百度知道1个回答 - 提问时间: 日谁能告诉我原因003EE 储存该档案的外部媒体发出警告,表示该已开启档案已经无效。 1007...0041D The service did not respond to the start or control request...为什么我的电脑总是蓝屏_百度知道3个回答 - 提问时间: 日电脑一开机就蓝屏 开不机0041D The service did not respond to the start or control request...某个非常重要的系统服务启动失败造成. 重新安装操作系统,并安装正确的各设备驱动...田加国 | ??? | GUOGUO | 从一到正无穷 | Page 2Oracle EBS R12经验谈(二) - yy5512的专栏-Oracle ERP 经验累计 -...Put your cursor on parameter 'Reporting Level'Use...Consult the OPP service log for details.+---...$ORACLE_HOME/forms/doc(启动EBS应用用户的$ORACLE_HOME...电脑紧急求助_百度知道2个回答 - 提问时间: 日 WIN98下出现蓝屏是经常事,而这个时候我们做的多是重新启动以恢复操作,但蓝屏...D The service did not respond to the start or control request ...开机后蓝屏,无法进入,安全模式也进不了,怎样用GHOST恢..._百度知道2个回答 - 提问时间: 日D The service did not respond to the start or control request ...C 从属服务或群组无法启动。 D 因为登入失败,所以没有启动...0xc0000409 位于 0x 报错_百度知道1个回答 - 提问时间: 日EE 储存该档案的外部媒体发出警告,表示该已开启档案已经无效。 1007 ...The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely ...Oracle OS Watcher 工具 使用详解 - David Dai -- Focus on ...对于SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 的累积更新包 4Eclipse启动时报错:A Java RunTime Environment (JRE) or..._博客园此问题起于我在Ubuntu1004上装了两个版本的eclipse:Galieo+卸载前者后出现启动不了eclipse的问题;在上找了下,可以按如下过程进行解决: Eclipse 3.6 在 ...启动tomcat6.0时报错Unableto open the Service ‘tomc..._百度知道1个回答 - 提问时间: 日环境配置了么?还有你是不是已经在桌面开启tomcat服务了?为什么我一关闭计算机就会蓝屏,我的是XP系统._百度知道3个回答 - 提问时间: 日每次一关机或者重起都会蓝屏,是怎么了?4 0× 系统无法开启档案。5 0× 拒绝存取。6 0× 无...00041D The service did not respond to the start or control ...您可能无法访问报告服务,在创建本地系统帐户下运行一个应用程序池后 Service Pack下载 Direct X 下载 驱动程序下载中心 安全性 病毒和安全性解决方案支持中心 安全中心首页 Microsoft Update 下载Security Essentials 恶意软件删除工具 ...2012年11月存档 - Paul's Notes - 博客频道 - CSDN 启动Oracle EBS,弹出错误窗口,并且EBS无法启动错误内容:您的安全设置已组织自... 基于Oracle EBS R12,开发了一个Webservice用于返回某项主数据,当请求的数据量...用户:Pchw - WordPress 中文文档 端口:113 服务:Authentication Service 说明:这是一...The service did not respond to the start or ...检查BIOS中的设置,如:启动顺序、启动磁盘的设备参数...我的电脑一玩游戏几分钟就蓝屏错误代码_百度知道7个回答 - 提问时间: 日4 0x 系统无法开启档案。 5 0x 拒绝存取。 6 0x 无效...0041D The service did not respond to the start or control request......Windows 64 位版本的计算机上安装 SQL Server 2005 报告服务的... Microsoft Update: Service packs & fixes Drivers (sound, printer, USB others) Microsoft Hardware drivers Store Microsoft Store Visit the Microsoft Store ...REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT, 2010山东省商务厅门户站respond more powerfully to the global ...We launched major public health service ...accelerate the development of the service ...电脑怎么突然变蓝屏的了?_百度知道4个回答 - 提问时间: 日D The service did not respond to the start or control request ...B5 无法开启络联机设定文件。 B6 络联机设定文件坏掉。 ...电脑蓝屏怎么解决_百度知道6个回答 - 提问时间: 日知道达人: djl617003EE 储存该档案的外部媒体发出警告,表示该已开启档案已经无效。1007 ...0041D The service did not respond to the start or control r...系统中心操作管理器 2007 R2 的累积更新 6 不可用 Microsoft Update: Service packs & fixes Drivers (sound, printer, USB others) Microsoft Hardware drivers Store Microsoft Store Visit the Microsoft Store ...FIX: A 脚本任务或脚本组件可能不能正确运行时在 SQL Server 2005... Microsoft Update: Service packs & fixes Drivers (sound, printer, USB others) Microsoft Hardware drivers Store Microsoft Store Visit the Microsoft Store ...博客- 玉龙的技术博客 - 开源中国社区 def _service(self, request): assert isinstance(...I think the UTF-8 decoder should do the same ... See also the KVM wiki page on reporting bugs...


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