minecraft ios 联机pe 如何不用wif联机

安卓minecraft pe怎么服务器联机_百度知道
安卓minecraft pe怎么服务器联机
首先,在浏览器里输入192.168.1.1然后在弹出的提示框里输入你的密码(默认为全都是admin)然后打开转发规则-虚拟服务器-添加新条目(可能会不一样)服务端口:19132ip地址:你的内网ip(如何看?打开ipad,看设置里的局域网。。你懂了)协议:UDP状态:生效其他不用管。。然后端口映射就完成了加入者:打开MCPE Patch选择第三项,左边填写随便什么,右边填写开服者的外网ipok,然后patching done打开游戏,join game!当乐提供《我的世界 完整专业版》下载!
pt 有一个加入服务器,(貌似是。。。本人用安卓不多。。常用ios)输入ip地址,完成后点mod点一下安装mod(只是一个步奏,不用安mod,貌似pt有一个bug,就是不进行这一步连不上。。。)之后把后台清了,再开pe,加入。应该就可以搜到了。。。不行的话去minecraft pe百度贴吧里看贴
一方设置启动热点,另一方即如热点 设置热点的minecraft pe打开单人模式存档 进入热点的 点击join the game 里面会有一个存档 点进去 就连机了
出门在外也不愁查看: 8868|回复: 29
本帖最后由 RapDoodle 于
09:09 编辑
背景:今天在BestBuy买了部iPad Mini,本来打算可以不用iPad 2了,可是发现iOS 6.1.3不能降级,iOS 6.1.3不能越狱,即表示不能够多人联机了。自己开了个服务器自己不能玩。。。悲剧之下,只好上AppStore看看关于Minecraft的东西,结果发现了一个绝世好软件--Mulitiplayer PE,真正解决了未越狱党的寂寞问题,废话不多说,直接上教程:
第一步:下载Mulitiplayer PE(这个是18元的,可以用快用苹果助手之类的下载,我感觉好还是买了);
第二步:打开Mulitiplayer PE并登录GameCenter(就是登录AppleID);
第三步:选择第三项“Join PocketMine”(看到这里大家也应该心动了);
第四步:看到屏幕最下面,有一个“Direct IP”就是定位IP地址,然后点击右上角的“Add”;
第八步:回到主界面,进入Minecraft PE并连接服务器,享受多人联机的快乐!
帖子永久地址:&<button type="submit" class="pn" onclick="setCopy('iOS不越狱联机方法\nhttp://www.mcbbs.net/thread--1.html', '帖子地址已经复制到剪贴板您可以用快捷键 Ctrl + V 粘贴到 QQ、MSN 里。')">推荐给好友Minecraft中文论坛 - 论坛版权1、本主题所有言论和图片纯属会员个人意见,与本论坛立场无关
教程不错。但是这里是MCBBS& &这算水吗。还加精?
屌丝路过& && && && &
这是MCBBS 不是贴吧
没Direct IP&
RapDoodle 发表于
没Direct IP
<font color="#2830454 发表于
没Direct IP
我点了join pocketmine,出来让你点退出或帮助,怎么办,昨天已经创好服了
小叶苗 发表于
我点了join pocketmine,出来让你点退出或帮助,怎么办,昨天已经创好服了
为什么点进去加载会是not responce the game&
点击Direct IP然后添加即可&
版权所有 不得转载 &
本网站图文非经原创作者同意不得转载或公开传播How do you get lava -
Minecraft: Pocket Edition Questions for iPhone/iPad
Minecraft: Pocket Edition
How do you get lava
How is that my sister's minecraft PE sheep had..
How do you get lavaHow do you get lava,water,& TNT
If it is for the Pocket Edition, then you need to hex edit.
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For the seed type nyan
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Type hunter or iPod or android for lava if
you want large part of land the blank
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I suggest using PocketInvEditor, if you have Android, search it on the Google Play Store or for iOS get iMCPEEdit
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Added 3rd Aug 2012, ID #528470
You can't get TNT lava or water in a bucket the only way to move it is to dig by the water but nyan is a great seed with a cople lava falls
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U can get TNT and bucket on version 3.4.4
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I found red rock lthat Has steam coming off of it. But I can't find lava. How do you find lava in pocket edition?
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If you want lava, try the seed: nyan.It has lava and water and many awesome caves!
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You can get water in a bucket
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Added 8th Sep 2012, ID #538003
There are no buckets in pe yet but there is TNT, you will need a crafting table
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Try Snow Cap or nayn - I have minecraft 4.0
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You can find wheat growing in plain like areasYou can find lava undergroundAnd you can make TNT out of sand and gun powder which you get from killing creepers before they explode
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You can get TNT just kill creepers and you need flint and steel to detonate the TNT?
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Added 4th Nov 2012, ID #548972
Try waterpark that will give you a water fall!
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You can have tnt and a new update is coming this monththat has paintings and an ender generator (which does not take you to ''the end'').I hope in the update after this they will add buckets, minecarts/tracks and pistons
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I love minecraft but I do not know how to make the water flow up and I'm just asking if anyone knows how to but on pocket edition
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You can get water in a bucket and lava in a bucket on minecraft on the computer only for now!
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Create a new world and the seed is 0.4.0 no joke
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It is easy on the new update (0.8.0 or 0.8.1) craft the TNT
with the gunpowder and sand click the water Wif the bucket but idk how to get lava srry
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Make a bucket then tap on lavawaterr and you can craft TNT with crafting tables.
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Use the seed nyan to get lava or use an inventory editor. To get water use a bucket on a water source like an ocean. To get tnt kill creepers until you 5 gunpowder. You also need 4 sand.then you can craft it.
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